
E - Buckinghamshire Vocabulary

The following list of words are quoted from three articles published in the "Records of Buckinghamshire" by Alfred Heneage Cocks, M.A, between 1897 and 1909 (some editing has been used to produce a unified list). See the introduction for further details..

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y

ECHE, TO (?spelling), to hive bees. Halliwell mentions the word, as to add to, to increase (A.-S.). See Eetch out, infra.
EEND, end. Wishing to remove the stump of a tree which had grown so close in the angle of two walls that it was impossible to get at it properly to grub out, and having done what we could, I engaged a horse from the neighbourhood, accustomed to "haggle-carting," and which, therefore, understood standing pulls, to finish the extraction. After several ineffectual attempts its owner explained: "Don't you see, if we could make t' one eend wag, den t' horse could make t' tudder eend wag, but" (his voice gradually rising almost to a falsetto) " we can't make ne'er a eend wag!" The abbreviated form of "the," written "t," is meant to be pronounced something like "ter" without the "r." EEN', common form of End among the older men. "Sturrup's Een'" for Startop's End. ODDS and EENS, for odds and ends.
EES, for yes. See also Ah.
EET, for yet.
EETCH OUT, TO. To make anything go as far as possible, for eke out. To plan out: "Eetch out your work." See Eche. supra.
EFFETT, a Newt (Triton etc.); LAND-EFFETT, a Lizard (Lacerta, etc.); all species firmly believed to bite with fatal consequences.
EFT, another form of EFFET, and is the usual form. AS Efete. See Effett.
ELDERN, made of elder; e.g., "Eldern wine."
EMMET, used for all species of ant. AS ämet, aemete.
EMPT', TO, for to empty. So carr'.
ENDER, for yonder.
ENOW, for enough. See Anew.
ERN-SHAW, a heron (Ardea cinerea).
EUPS, the disease called gapes in fowls, caused by worms in the trachea.
EVER, sometimes misplaces as, "I don't know as ever I see one." In the sense of at all, as, "I ar'n't got ever a one." (See also Never). EVER, in the sense of at all, is perhaps often pronounced e'er. This is the usual pronunciation: "Got e'er a chaw of 'bacca?"
EWLIT, for owlet.
EYESLIP, one of the many species of Orchis that grow on the chalk hills. The leaves are considered a good remedy for bleeding, and are gathered and dried for this purpose.
EYOT (pronounced like the number eight), contacted to AIT, an island on the river. Ey is Teutonic for an island; Anglo-Saxon ea; Norse ö. Eyot is the diminutive. [Taylor's "Words and Places," p.330.] Skeat says it is "from M.E. ei, an island, Stratmann, p.147; with the dimin. suffix. -et, which is properly of F. origin."