
Abstract Number 10295

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1605 robert marshall hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv 10295
will and inventory of robert marshall of hungerford
1) will of robert marshall of hungerford, weaver, dated 13 november 1602
to be buried in hungerford churchyard
to edmond my son
to margery my daughter and to her eldest daughter
to alice my daughter and to adrian her sonne
to nicholas and henry my sons and to mary my daughter 4s each to be paid out of my rent due from tobye pollerne by reason of a demise unto him.
the residue to nicholas, henry and mary who are joint executers.
to alice my wife my goods etc during her life (if she does not marry)
witnesses: tobye pollerne, robte hatt
2) inventory taken by robert lovegrove, benjamin whitaker and richard feelde 8 october 3jas1 1605
household goods, a hedging bill etc
items of husbandry
sum £8-13s-11d
probate 1605 [from index]

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]