
Abstract Number 10400

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1630 thomas savage edington hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv 10400
will and inventory of thomas savidge
1) will of thomas savidge of edington in hungerford, husbandman 12 november 1629
to my grandchild thomas savidge son of my son osmunde savidge 2 beasts and 2 sheep and my bed, cupboard etc
to elizabeth the daughter of my son osmunde savidge 1 sheepe, 1 brass kettle etc
the residue to my son osmunde savidge who is sole executor
overseers john woolridge and thomas bonner
[mark of testator]
witnesses: john woolridge and thomas bonner (not signatures)
2) inventory taken 29 march 1630 by john woolridge, anthony goddard, roger parker and thomas bonner total £5-10-2

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