
Abstract Number 10600

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1662 william checker shaw brk bishop of salisbury will inv bond 10600
nuncupative will, inventory and bond: william checker
probate 12 september 1662
1) nuncupative will
declared 14th october 1661 in sir thomas dolmans house in shaw
to the 2 youngest children of his brother lawrence money of shaw
to john checker his son residue to be paid at age of 28 years
overseers: sir thomas dolman, john checker his brother, mr peirse the minister
2) inventory - thomas dolman aprayser
moneys on bond
from simon peeke
from lawrence money
from william parker
from william green
from amy cooke
from robert norrice
owing to him from his master £3-9-2 upon ballancing all amounts
from mr cantrill for hay 6s-8d
from james bore
from farmer awbery for hay
sum total £74-7-6
exhibited 12 sept 1662
3) bond mr thomas dolman of shaw & richard grant, gent [both sign] dated 22 sept 1662

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