
Abstract Number 10748

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1667 thomas nash hidden hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv 10748
will and inventory: thomas nash yeoman of hungerford
probate 29th april 1667 to joana nash et cathorine ball
1) will
i thomas nash of hidden, 13 april 1667
to isaac ball my kinsman
mary kemp of hidden
widdow gardyner of chipping lamborne
thomas oram of hidden
40s to poor of hungerfrod and hidden
remainder to well beloved wife
joane and kinswoman catherine ball
joint executrices
overseers: well beloved friends
thomas lampard and thomas denis both of hidden
thomas (x) nash
edward (x) lovelocke, thomas lampard, isaac (x) ball
2) inventory
taken 27 april 1667 by thomas denis, john challis and richard sare (all sign)
sum total £26-10s-60
exhibited april 1667

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