
Abstract Number 10763

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1667 richard heath sandon fee hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv com 10763
will, inventory and commision of richard povee
1) will dated april 22 1667
richard povee husbandman of sanden fee
to son richard
to son john
to wife mary, to administer john's bequest and to be executrix
refers to lease bought from thomas curr of sanden fee
(deceased?) for my life, mary my wife's life and richard my son's life
overseers: william povee of newtown, shalborne my brother, william hambling, brother in law of inkpen
witnesses: phillip (X) heath,
william (x) buckens
2) inventory
taken 11 may 19chas2
by john forty, phillip heath and thomas sare (x)
sum total: £82-00-00 (including £45-00-00 debts and bonds owing)
exhibited 30 december 1667
3) commision
oath taken by mary povee
13 december 1667 before william hinwood

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]