
Abstract Number 10958

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1686 william curtis woodlands lambourn brk dean of sarum will inv 10958
Estate of william curtice of lamborne woodlands
1) will of william curtice of lamborne woodlands
sick in body
to my wife katharine curtice all my goods and chattels [etc]
to my sisters daughter deborah £5 at the disposal of my wife or her executors
dated 22 july 1686
[testator makes distinctive mark]
witnesses: joan thatcher (x) her mark
leah (x) pitfall
probate 7 september 1686
2) inventory
taken by thomas cowls, henry thesher
4 august 1686
total £48-8-2
[including desparate debts £19-0-0]

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]