
Indenture between Amias Chichester and Amias Carder et al.

Grant of the Reversion of the lease of Burssehill, Arlington Down,
from Amias Chichester, William Moore and John Poynes to Amias Carder and his wife Alice,
17 February 1609

Transcribed from digital images of the damaged original in NDRO (ref.50/11/4/19) by Desmond Painter with advice from Tim Wormleighton June 2007:
lacunae and some conjectural text are indicated by square brackets; abbreviations have not been expanded

This Indenture made the Seaventeenth daye of ffebruarye in the yere of the Raigne of or most gracious and souaigne lorde James by the grace of god Kinge of Englande ffraunce & Irelande the sixthe of Scotlande the twoo & fortieth defender of the faith &c Between Amias Chichester of Alrington in the Countie of Devon esquier William Moore of Sherwill in the said countie gentleman and John Poynes of Allwyngton in the said countye gentleman of thone ptye And Amias Carder the sonne of William Carder of Alrington aforesaid and Alce his wief of thother ptye Witnesseth That the aforenamed William Carder and Emmott his wief nowe have & holde for terme of their lyves, & euie of them longest livinge, All that Tenement wth thapptenenances called and comonly knowen by the name of Burssehill wthall meadowes pastures feildes closes of lande & comon of pasture to the same belongynge or appteyninge vppon Arlington Downe situate lyinge & beinge in the pyshe of Alrington aforesaid, The Reucion of the Inheritaunce of all & singuler the pmisses wth thappurtenances vnto thaforesaid Amias Chichester his heires & assignes nowe of right expectante belonginge or appertayninge Wherevppon this Indenture nowe further witnesseth that they the said Amias Chichester William Moore & John Poynes [ ] in consideracion of the some of ffowerscore poundes of good & lawfull money of England to them the said Amias Chichester William Moore & John Jeynes by the said Amias Carder and Alce his wief at & [before] thensealinge heareof well & trulye contented satisfied & paied, or assured Have demised graunted & to ferme letten, And by these presentes doe demisegraunte & to ferme lett vnto the said Amias C[arder & A]lce his wief Aswell the Reucion of all & singuler thaforesaid Tenement & other the pmisses wth thappurtenances As alsoe all & singuler the same pmisses wth thappurtenances , Savinge & alwaies exceptinge [to ethe said] Amias Chichester his heires & assignes the rentes heriottes & services of the said William Carder & Emmott his wief duringe [th]eir lives, and the liefs of the longest liver of them To have & to [holde] the said Reuercion of all & singuler the said Tenement & other the pmisses (Except before excepted) wth thapptenances vnto the s[aid Amias] Carder & Alce his wief, for & duringe the terme of their lives[& the lives] of them longest livinge Yeldinge & payinge therefore yerely after the deceasases of the said William Carder & Emmott h[is wi]ef vnto the said Amias Chichester his heires & assignes Thirteen[e shillin]ges & fower pence of lawfull money of Englande, At the feastes of St michaell tharchangell, the birthe of or lorde god Thannuntiacion of or blessed lady marye the virgen, and the nativitie of St John [baptiste] by even porcions to be paide during the said terme, And alsoe then yeldinge & payinge vnto the said Amias Chichester his heires & assignes yerely twoe Capones at the feaste of St michaell thar[change]ll duringe the said terme, And further to yelde & paye after the deathes of suche of the said Amias & Alce dyinge after the beginninge of the said terme his or her best beaste, or fortie five shill[inges] & eighte pence of lawfull money of Englande for the same at the election & choyse of the said Amias Chichester his heires or assignes in the name of a heriott or farliue Prouided alwaies that livinge the said Amias Carder, noe thinge to be yelded or paied for or in the name of an heriott or farliue by or after the death or decease of the said Alce And moreover after the deceasses of the said William Carder & Emmott his wief, they the said Amias & Alce or one of them shall doe suite yerely aswell to all the courtes of thaforesaid Amias Chichester his heires or assignes at the mannour of Alrington aforesaid yerelye to be holden or kept and there to doe & be ordred & iustified from time to time as other the tenantes of the said mannour there doe or haue accustomed to doe vppon reasonable warninge thereof before hand, As alsoe to the mille of the said Amias Chichester his heires & assignes situate & being wthin the mannour of Alrington aforesaid, wth all the corne & greiste of the said Amias & Alce & of the su[ruiu]or of them wch shalbe occupied or spent in or vppon the pmisses before by theise psentes demised, And alsoe shall then & from thenceffourth duringe the said terme Doe & geve yerely vnto the said Amias Chichester his heires and assignes vppon reasonable warninge or request, Aswell One Airinge daye wth a ploughe farnished in time of ploughinge, As also one reapinge daye in time of harvest vppon suche landes wthin the mannour of Alrington aforesaid as thaforesaid Amias Chichester his heires or assignes shall from time to time Lymitte or appointe during the said [terme ] said William Carder [& Emmott his wife] at their or one of their owne proper costes & charge well & sufficientlie repaier vpholde sustaine & maintaine all & singuler the houses hedges diches & fences in & vppon the pmisses being duringe the said terme. And towardes the repacion thereof, they, & either of them shall or maie haue & take sufficient housebote in & vppon the said pmisses growinge, if the same maye be there fownde, when & as oughten as neede shalbe, by the deliuye, vewe, or appointment of the said Amias Chichester his heires or assinges or his or their baylief for the time beinge, And hayebote & firebote in & vppon the same pmisses growinge ffreelye to be taken, wthout anie suche deliuye at all time, & times, when & as oughten as neede shall requier makinge noe wast thereof And if if happen the said yerelie rent of therteene shillinges & fower pence to be behinde vnpaied in parte or in all by the space of one moneth next after anie feaste of the feastes aforesaid wherein the same ought to be paied if it be lawfullie demanded, & not paied, and noe sufficient distresse in or vppon the foresaid pmisses can or maie be fownde, whereby thsaid Rent soe beinge behinde maye be levied & paied Or if the said Amias Carder & Alce his wife or one of them at the leaste after the Deceases of the said William Carder & Emmott hi[s w]ief doe not contynuallye dwell & inhabite in & vppon the pmisses, Or if the said Amias Carder & Alce his wief or either of them after the Deceasses of the said William Carder & Emmott [his wief] shall doe, cause, pocure or suffer to be donne anie waste or distruction in or vppon the said demised pmisses or anie pcell thereof to the value of ffortye shillinges or aboue, And the same not [ ref]ourmed, or amended wthin sixe monethes next after suche waste donne, Or if they or either of them after the deceasses of the said William Carder & Emmott his wief shall sett or lett th[e said pmiss]es or anie pte or pcell thereof, to anie pson or psones otherwise then from yere to yere, and that onelye to pasture, & not to tyllinge wthout the speciall licence of the said Amias Chiches[ter his he]ires or assignes firste hadd & obtained in writinge to the contrary, That then & from thensfourth it shall and ma[ie be law]full vnto & for the aforesaid Amias Chichester William Moor[e & John Poyn]es & the heires & assignes of the said Amias Chichester into all & singuler the pmisses before by these [psentes demised & gr]aunted wth thappuertanances to reenter & the same to haue[& to hold ]e, as in their or anie of their former estate or estates, This Indenture or anie thinge herein conteyne[d to the] contrarye in anie wise not wth standinge And thaforesaid Amia[s Chichest]er & his heires the Revercion aforesaid & all and singuler the pmisses beforehand by theise psentes demised leased & graunted to the foresaid Amias Carder & Alce his wief for [th]e the said terme in mann & fourme aforesaid againste all people shall & will warrante acquiette & defende by theise psentes In witness whereof the pties aforesaid to theise psent Indentiures in[terchan]geablie haue sett their seales Dated the daie & yere firste aboue writen

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