
Clovelly - Returns of Pauper Lunatics

Devon R.O. QS/115/1/112

A true list of all Lunatics and dangerous Idiots within the parish or precinct of Clovelly in the County of Devon, specifying the name, sex, and age of each Lunatic and Idiot, and whether such Lunatics be dangerous or otherwise, and for what length of time such Lunatics have been disordered in their senses, and where confined, or how otherwise disposed of.

NamesAgeSexWhether Lunatic or IdiotWhether dangerous or otherwiseFor what length of time disordered in his or her sensesWhere confined and since what timeAt what expense
Catherine LyleAbout 80WomanLunaticnot dangerousbetween 40 & 50 yearsConfined to her bed at a farmers house by old age for the last yearat fifteen shillings per month
Elizabeth Lane36WomanIdiotnot dangerous36 yearsElizth Lane Idiot Kept at farmers houseAt 6s 6d per month
Mary DeanAbove 80WomanLunaticnot dangerous40 yearsConfined to her bed by old age at George Crokers, Clovelly Townat fifteen shillings per month

Sworn by Richard Prince, Overseer of the Poor of the said parish of Clovelly before me Peter Glubb, Clerk, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said county at Buckland Brewer, the first day of October 1828.

Accompanied by:
a request to the Overseers of the Poor of Clovelly for such information, signed by Peter Glubb, and James Burke, Justices of the Peace, and: a note from Henry Ellis Heard, Surgeon at Clovelly, Devon, certifying that persons named are not dangerous.

Brian Randell, 17 Jun 2002