
Index to

A History of Holne


the Villagers of Holne

64 pages with card covers, photographs and maps

Publishers : St Nicholas Books, The Barbican, Plymouth

Written in the year of the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

Index prepared by Terry Partridge, <terrypar[at]dircon.co[dot]uk>

          Name           Place              Date    Event                   Page
Adam        Brother     Buckfast Abbey              bee keeper              22
Adam        Dr Bob                          1977                            56
Adam        Edna                            1977    wife of Dr Bob Adams    56
Adams       Peter                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Andrews     Eleanor                         1904    wife of Uriah Andrews,  10, 16      
Andrews     John        Sparrow Hall                bootmaker               10
Andrews     Uriah       Sparrow Hall                bootmaker               10
Arthurs     Jeremy                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Arthurs     Simon                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Audleys                                             former lord of the 
                                                        manor of Holne      15
Axford      Chris                                   bell ringing            58
Axford      George      Great Combe                 large families          36, 43, 58 
Axford      James       Staddicombe Farm            school governor         10, 13,  
Axford      Jim         Staddicombe Farm            Squire's funeral        18, 43, 48, 58 
Baines      William                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Ball        Alison                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Ball        Carolyn                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Ball        Christine                               daughter of 
                                                        Milner Bayley       58
Ball        Clinton                                 son in law of 
                                                        Milner Bayley       58
Ball        Craig                                   photograph              60, 61, 63 
Bamsey      Karen                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bamsey      Tina                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Barnes      Florrie                         1926    concert                 45
Barnet      Harry                                   football team           45
Barter      Ernest                                  beating the bounds      21
Barter      Ernie                                   bell ringing            43
Barter      George                                  bell ringing            43
Barter      Luke                            19th c  farming                 22, 23 
Barters                 Middle Stoke                farming                 22
Bartlett    Bill        Shuttaford Farm             son of George Bartlett  33
Bartlett    George      Shuttaford Farm     1916                            33, 36 
Bartlett    Lucy        Ingletts Farm               wife of 
                                                        Wilfred Bartlett    25, 33 
Bartlett    Wilfred     Ingletts Farm               son of George Bartlett  25, 33 
Baston      John                            1916        Roll of Honour      35
Bauzan      Stephanus   Holna               1257    land ownership          31
Bayley      Mamie       Old Forge Tea Rooms         mother of 
                                                        Marjorie Choat      58
Bayley      Milner      Old Forge Tea Rooms         father of 
                                                    Marjorie Choat          58
Beard       Tom         Combe                       vicars gardener         50
Bickle      Rodney                          1942    German pilot            48
Born        John                            1977    to marry Clare Gould    58
Bosum                                               land ownership          31
Bosun                   South Holne                 land ownership          31
Bourchier Wrey                                      ancient family          15
Bourchiers                                          former lord of the 
                                                        manor of Holne      15
Bowden      Reg                                     football team           45
Brace       Eleanor                         1893    photograph              8, 15, 16 
Brace       Eleanor Mary                    1977    confirmation service    54
Brace       George                                  gamekeeper at 
                                                        Holne Park          15, 38, 43 
Brace       Mrs                                     wife of George Brace    15
Bray        Caroline                        1907    school headmistress     12
Bray        Mrs                                     schoolmistress          58
Brenton     farmer      Holne Park Farm             buying tractor          43
Brockman    Rev Drake   Berry Pomeroy               bell ringing            44
Bromage     Alice                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bromage     Amanda                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bromage     Claire                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bromage     Hugh                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bromage     Kenneth     Holne Chase House   1977                            58
Bromage     Mary        Holne Chase House   1977                            58
Brown       Arthur      Staddicombe Farm    1962    Reeve of the Court 
                                                        Baron of Holne      21, 61 
Brown       Henry       Mount Bradstone     1951    photograph              60, 61 
Bryant      Arthur                                  newspaper article       50
Buckwell    Frank                                   football team           45
Bustin      Anita                           1977    Jubilee Day             3
Bustin      David                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Bustin      Ruane                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Butchers    Rebecca                                 working at Church 
                                                        House Inn           33
Butchers    Rebecca     Michelcombe Farm            photograph              34
Butland     Annie       Play Cross          1907    village shop            7, 64 
Butland     Bessie                                  daughter of James 
                        Butland                                             7
Butland     Frank       Play Cross                  photograph              49
Butland     Gilbert                                 son of Frank Buttland   7
Butland     Jack        Scoriton                    cousin of James Butland 7,9 
Butland     James       Play Cross                  village shop            7, 64 
Butland     John        Scoriton                    father                  7
Butland     Lizzie      Play Cross                  photograph              49
Butland     Lucy        born 1893                   daughter of James 
                                                        Butland             7
Butland     Mrs                                                             44
Butland     Ned         Scoriton                    cousin of James Butland 7, 9, 25 
Butland     Ralph                           1915    son of Jack Butland     37
Butland     William                         1961    Supt.Venford Reservoir  25, 26 
Butland     Frank                                   son of James Butland    7
Butland     Bros                                                            43
Calvert     Nicholas                        1977    Jubilee Day             63
Carter      Edward      Mill Leat Farm      1882    killed in horse fall    28
Carter      Emma        Mill Leat Farm              daughter of Edward 
                                                        Carter              28
Carter      Hannah      Mill Leat Farm              wife of Edward Carter   28
Choat       Jeffery     Holne Park                  husband of Marjorie 
                                                        Choat               58
Choat       Jeffrey                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Choat       Marjorie    Holne Park          1977    Parish Council          58
Church      Abigail                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Church      Elizabeth                               choir                   56
Church      Rev Howard  Court's Close               retirement              56, 61 
Church      Sam                             1977    Jubilee Day             63
Coaker      Emily                                   photograph              36, 37 
Coaker      George      The Mount                   tin mines               20, 37 
Coaker      John                            1916    Roll of Honour          35, 36 
Coaker      Mrs         The Mount                   fire in cottage         24
Coaker      Tom                                     gamekeeper              37
Coaker      Will                                    football team           45
Codd                    Scoriton                    butcher                 43
Coleridge   Jessica                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Coleridge   Sara                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Colwell     Bobbie      Littlecombe                 daughter of   Old Park  44
Colwell     Cyril       Littlecombe                                         44
Cooke-Hurle Alice       Holne Court         1924    wife of Major John 
                                                        Cooke-Hurle         45, 46, 48, 61 
Cooke-Hurle Daphne      Holne Court                 daughter of Major John 
                                                        Cooke-Hurle         45, 48 
Cooke-Hurle family                                  bell ringing            58
Cooke-Hurle Josy                                    daughter of Major John 
                                                        Cooke-Hurle         45, 47 
Cooke-Hurle Major John  Holne Court         1924    living at Holne Court   45
Cooke-Hurle Major John                              photograph              46
Cooke-Hurle Mrs                                     photograph              46
Cornish     Nanny       Langaford                                           56
Crocker     Elizabeth Mary                          daughter of Fred 
                                                        Crocker             25
Crocker     Emily                           1977    death                   54
Crocker     Fred                                                            54
Crocker     John                                    son of Fred Crocker     54
Crocker     Margaret                                    choir               56
Davey       Commander Charlie                       brother of Mrs 
                                                        Cooke-Hurle         47
Davies      Christopher                     1977    Jubilee Day             63
Davies      Elizabeth                       1977    Jubilee Day             63
Dawson      Dick                            1914    son of Richard Dawson   18
Dawson      Jane Emily                      1932    wife of Richard Dawson  9, 12, 16, 18, 33 
Dawson      Jane Emily                              photograph              19
Dawson      Molly                                   daughter of Richard 
                                                        Dawson              18
Dawson      Norah                           1942    daughter of Richard 
                                                        Dawson              12,16, 18 
Dawson      Richard                         1914    Roll of Honour          35
Dawson      Richard     Holne Park          1885    purchase of the   
            Maitland W.                                 manor of Holne      15, 16, 18, 24, 25, 27, 31, 36 
Dawson      Squire      Holne               1911    squire                  7, 9 
de Audeley  Sir Thomas  Holne Court         1381    licence to celebrate 
                                                        mass                27
de Audeley              Holne Court         1066                            27, 31 
de Audley                                                                   59
de Falaise  William     Estocha 
                            (Stoke)         1066    land ownership          5, 15, 31 
de Haccombe Stephnus    Holne               16th c  writing                 6
de la Yea   Nicholas    Holne               16th c  writing                 6
de Nonant                                           land ownership          31
de Rivers   Baldwin                         1066    land ownership          5, 15, 31 
Derges      Bertha      Stares Nest                 daughter of Edward 
                                                        Derges              38
Derges      Edward      Stares Nest         1918    Roll of Honour,         35, 38 
Derges      John        Holne Church                sexton                  16
Derges      John        Stares Nest                 son of Edward Derges    38
Dodd        Frank                                   football team           45
Dodd        Paul                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Drake                                       16th c  writing                 5
Duke        Hugh                                    son of Rev Victor Duke, 
                                                        photo               48, 50, 51 
Duke        Rev Victor                      1937    Vicar of Holne          48
Dunn        John                            1916    Roll of Honour          35, 38 
Easterbrook Frank       Church House Inn            son of Mr Easterbrook   33
Easterbrook Mr & Mrs    Church House Inn                                    33
Eberle      Admiral                                 photograph              60
Eberle      Admiral Jim Village Farm        1974    own                     61
Eberle      Anne                                    wife of Admiral Jim 
                                                        Eberle              61
Edbrooke    Kathleen                                choir                   56
Eddulf      Hone                            1066    Domesday Book           5
Eden        Dick                                    stolen pony             22
Edwards     Dr Peter    Buckfastleigh               son of Daphne 
                                                        Cooke-Hurle         45
Elliott     Shaun                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Elliott     Tracey                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Ellis       Brixham                                 fishmonger              43
Emmett      Lizzie                          1878    married Frank Butland   7
Evans       Rev         Broadhempston               bell ringing            44
Farley      Jack        Shuttaford Farm     1908    son of Gertrude Perkins 27, 28, 43, 44 
Foster      Alice                                   widowed sister of Jack 
                                                        Butland             9
French      Alex                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
French      Anne        Dodbrooke Farm      1876    wife of William French  31
French      Bill                                    choir supper            44
French      Emmie       Ingletts Farm               wife of Ernie French    33, 58 
French      Ernie       Mount Bradstone     1951    photograph              60
French      Ernie       Ingletts Farm               son of William John 
                                                        French              33, 58 
French      Gillian                                 daughter of Ernie 
                                                        French              33
French      Henry       Michelcombe Farm            son of William John 
                                                        French              33
French      Henry       Michelcombe Farm            photograph              32
French      John                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
French      John        Michelcombe                 son of Ernie French     33
French      Lorna                                   daughter of Ernie 
                                                        French              33
French      Michael                                 son of Ernie French     33
French      W J                             1914    school heating          12, 22 
French      William     Dodbrooke Farm      1876    tenancy                 31, 43 
French      William 
                John    Dodbrooke Farm      1876    son of William French   31
Frost       Len W                           1927    Reeve of the Court 
                                                        Baron of Holne      22, 25 
Furneaux    Ernie                           1977    Jubilee Day             58, 63 
Furneaux    Tom                                     bell ringing            48, 58 
Gibson      Bertie      Holne Court                 owner                   27, 28, 58, 59, 63, 64 
Gibson      Kit                                                             58, 63 
Gill        John                            1827    Vicar of Holne          10, 12, 13 
Gill        John                                    photograph              14
Gill        Mrs                                     wife of John Gill       14
Goodchild   James       Scoriton                                            54
Goodchild   Joyce       Scoriton                    wife of James Goodchild 54
Goodchild   Linda       Scoriton            1977    daughter of James 
                                                        Goodchild           54
Gould       A Leslie
                Pearce                      1918    Roll of Honour          35, 38 
Gould       Ann Pearce                      1977    wife of John Pearce 
                                                        Gould               58
Gould       Clare                                   daughter of John Pearce 
                                                        Gould               58
Gould       Dorothy                                 building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24
Gould       Dorothy                                 dau of Sir Alfred 
                                                        Pearce Gould        40
Gould       Dorothy 
                Pearce                      1926    concert                 45
Gould       Evelyn                                  dau of Sir Alfred 
                                                        Pearce Gould        40
Gould       John Pearce                                                     58
Gould       Lady Pearce Holne Cott                  building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24
Gould       Sir Alfred  Holne Cott                  building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24, 58 
Gould       Harriet                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Harrison    Simon                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Hawkins                                     16th c  writing                 5
Hawkins Mark                                1977    Jubilee Day             63
Hawkins Shane                               1977    Jubilee Day             63
Hawkins & 
    Best                Teignmouth          1901    building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24
Hext        Alfred      Lodge at Holne Cott         brother of William Hext 9       
Hext        Doris                                                           56
Hext        Elizabeth 
                Jane                        1890    1st wife of William 
                                                        Hext                9
Hext        Francis                         1917    Roll of Honour          9, 35 
Hext        Garnet                                  son of Victor Orlando 
                                                        Hext                9, 25, 44, 56, 58 
Hext        miller                                  bell ringing            43, 58 
Hext        Mrs                             1914    school heating          12
Hext        Sophie      Village Farm        1852    2nd wife of William 
                                                        Hext                9, 10, 56 
Hext        Victor                                                          58
Hext        Victor Orlando                          son of William Hext     9, 10 
Hext        William     Holne               1840    miller                  9,10, 56 
Hodge       Charity                         1975    wife of Rev Stanley 
                                                        Hodge               54, 56 
Hodge       Rev Stanley                     1975    Priest in Charge, Holne 54, 56 
Hodge       Rev Stanley                     1977    photograph              55
Hodge       Rev Stanley Kingsteignton               Vicar                   54
Hooper      Bessie                          1916    school headmistress     12
Hutchinson  Victor Hely                             composer                16
Irish       Marjorie    Michelcombe                 daughter of William 
                                                        Henry French        33
Jones       Amy         Asburton                    organist                56
Jones       Harold                                                          56
Juste       Julian Orlando                  1977    baptism                 56
Juste       Leyton                                  husband of Margaret 
                                                        Juste               56
Juste       Margaret                                daughter of Garnet Hext 56
Kingsley    Charles     Vicarage            1819    father of George 
                                                        Kingsley            23, 43 
Kingsley    George                                  Reverend                22, 23 
Knowling    Alison                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Knowling    Clare                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Lane        Albert                          1913    nephew of Wilfred 
                                                        Bartlett            23, 25, 26, 33, 54, 56, 63 
Lane        Elizabeth   Venford                     daughter of Fred 
                                                        Crocker             54
Lane-Joynt  Marcia      Tumbly                      wartime experiences     51, 58, 63 
Lane-Joynt  Philip      Tumbly                      wartime experiences     51, 58 
Leaman      Jack                                    woodman at Holne Park   16
Leaman      Louie                           1883    wife of Jack Leaman     16
    Barett  Mr F                                    MP for constituency     25
MacOwen Mr                                  1938    building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24, 25 
Marsh       Mrs                             1977    shop at Play Cross      16
Marshall    David                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Mason       Mr                                      broadcast               44
McCullough  Liam                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
McCullough  Mark                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Meathrell   Annie                                   daughter of Walter 
                                                        Meathrell           28, 30 
Meathrell   Ernest                                  son of Walter Meathrell 28
Meathrell   Henry                                   son of Walter Meathrell 28
Meathrell   Herbert                                 son of Walter Meathrell 28
Meathrell   Walter      Mill Leat Farm      1914    school governor         10, 28, 36 
Meathrell   William                         1917    Roll of Honour          28, 35 
Michelmore  Charlie                                 thatcher                10
Michelmore  Dick                                    carpenter               38
Michelmore  Vinny                                   wife of Dick Michelmore 38
Michelmore  Lily                            1926    concert                 45
Michelmore  Sally                                   writing this history    56
Morgan      Ivy         Sparrow Hill        1929    married Lew Perkins     28
Morgan      Ron                                     brother of Ivy Morgan   28
Morris      Elizabeth                               sister of George Brace  38
Morris      William                         1916    Roll of Honour          35, 38 
Mortimore   Ann         Play Cross                                          58
Mortimore   Anne                                    wife of George 
                                                        Mortimore           54, 58 
Mortimore   Derek                           1977    confirmation,           54, 63 
Mortimore   George                                  confirmation            54, 58, 59, 63 
Mortimore   Sally                           1977    confirmation,           54
Needham     Bobbie                                 daughter of Parson 
                                                        Needham             28
Needham     Mrs                             1932    wife of Rev Needham     45
Needham     Parson                                  Vicar of Holne between 
                                                        the wars            22, 28 
Needham     Rev Montagu                     1922    Vicar of Holne          43
Needham     Sylvia                                  daughter of Parson 
                                                        Needham             28
Norrish     Farge       Seal's Stoke Farm   1950    Reeve of the Court 
                                                        Baron of Holne      21, 61 
Northcote   William                         1915    Roll of Honour          35, 36 
Osborne     George                                  Roll of Honour          35
Othelin     Holne                           1068    Domesday Book           5
Owen        Brian                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Owen        John                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Owen        Michael                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Oxenham     Blanche                                 wife of Eveloe Oxenham  15
Oxenham     Eveloe                                  Squire's chauffeur      10, 15, 16 
Oxenham     Mrs                                     mother of Eveloe 
                                                        Oxenham             10
Pearse      Ada                                     daughter of Alfred 
                                                        Pearse              7,20 
Pearse      Alfred                                  blacksmith              7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 36, 58 
Pearse      Alfred                                  photograph              8
Pearse      Alice                                   wife of Alfred Pearse   10, 36, 58 
Pearse      Arthur                          1918    Roll of Honour          7, 35 
Pearse      Bessie      Play Cross                                          47
Pearse      Charlie                                 son of Alfred Pearse 
                                                        (1st marriage)      7,9, 20 
Pearse      Claude                                  son of Alfred Pearse 
                                                        (1st marriage)      7, 20 
Pearse      Eli                                     father of Alfred Pearse, 
                                                        photograph          8
Pearse      Fred                                    son of Alfred Pearse 
                                                        (1st marriage)      7, 45 
Pearse      Fred                                    photograph              42, 43 
Pearse      Gertie      Holne Court                                         43, 45, 48, 56 
Pearse      Gertie                                  photograph              49
Pearse      Gertrude                                daughter of Alfred 
                                                        Pearse              7
Pearse      Harry                           1928    married Gertie Perkins  7, 9, 45, 58 
Pearse      Herbert                                 son of Alfred Pearse    7
Pearse      Jack                                    son of Alfred Pearse    7,9 
Pearse      Luke                            1743    recasting of bells      7
Pearse      Milly                                   daughter of Alfred 
                                                        Pearse              7
Pearse      Percy                           1901    son of Alfred Pearse    9, 16 
Pearses                 Village Cottage             living there at one 
                                                        time                9
Perigal     Sheila                          1977    Parish Council Clerk    58
Perkins     Andrew                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Perkins     Andrew      Shuttaford                  son of Rodney Perkins   27, 63 
Perkins     Andrew                                  photograph              29
Perkins     Farmer      Holne Court                 father of Gertie 
                                                        Perkins             9
Perkins     George      Shuttaford Farm     1908    son of John Perkins     27, 45 
Perkins     Gertie      Shuttaford Farm     1908    daughter of John 
                                                        Perkins             27, 45 
Perkins     Gertie      Court Farm          1928    married Harry Pearse    9, 13, 16 
Perkins     Gertie      Holne Court                 photograph              29
Perkins     Gertrude    Shuttaford Farm     1908    wife of John Perkins    27, 28 
Perkins     Gertrude    Holne Court                 photograph              29
Perkins     Gillian                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Perkins     Ivy         Play Cross                  wife of Lew Perkins, 
                                                        photograph          29
Perkins     Janet       Shuttaford Farm     1977    wife of Rodney Perkins  54, 63 
Perkins     Jillian     Shuttaford                  daughter of Rodney 
                                                        Perkins             27, 54 , 59
Perkins     John        Shuttaford Farm     1908    moving in               27, 28 
Perkins     John        Holne Court                 photograph              29
Perkins     Lew                                     bell ringing            10, 12, 21, 28, 43, 47, 48 
Perkins     Lew         Play Cross                  photograph              29
Perkins     Lew                                     photograph              29
Perkins     Lewis       Shuttaford Farm     1908    son of John Perkins     27
Perkins     Michael                                 son of Lew Perkins      28
Perkins     Richard     Shuttaford                  son of Rodney Perkins   27, 63 
Perkins     Rodney      Langaford           1936    son of George Perkins   27, 54, 63 
Perkins     Rodney                                  photograph              29
Perkins     Rosemary    Shuttaford                  daughter of Rodney 
                                                        Perkins             27, 54, 56, 58, 61, 63 
Perkins     Rosemary                                bell ringing            58
Perryman    Charles     Mill Leat Farm      1942    taking over tenancy     30
Perryman    Frank       Mill Leat Farm              son of Charles Perryman 30
Perryman    Heidi                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Perryman    Hilda                                   wife of Norman Perryman 56
Perryman    Norman      West Stoke Farm             snowed in               26
Perryman    Norman      Mill Leat Farm              son of Charles Perryman 30, 56, 61 
Perryman    Norman                                  photograph              60
Perryman    Rev John                        1977    nephew of Frank 
                                                        Perryman            58
Perryman    Sandra      Stoke Farm          1977    marriage to Gordon 
                                                        Smith               56
Perryman    Tracey                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Petre       William                         1539    land ownership          31
Powell      David       Holne Court         1977    confirmation            54, 59, 63 
Powell      Jim                                     child of David Powell   59, 63 
Powell      Katie                                   child of David Powell   59, 63 
Powell      Margie      Holne Court         1977    wife of David Powell    54
Powell      Marjorie                                                        59
Powell      Matthew     Holne Court         1977    confirmation, son of 
                                                        David Powell        54, 59, 63 
Powell      Tim                                                             62
Powell      Tom                                     child of David Powell   59
Prigge      Roger                           1240    witness to charter      5
Ridgeway    Clare                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Ridgeway    Paul                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Royce       Rev Harvey                      1919    Vicar of Holne          43
Salmon      Alex                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Salmon      Mark                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Saunders    Mr                                                              44
Saunders    Mrs                                                             44
Sheehan     Duncan                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Sheehan     Matthew                         1977    Jubilee Day             63
Sheehan     Simon                           1977    Jubilee Day             63
Shoreland   Tina                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Simmons     Harold      Scoriton                    Tradesmans Arms         21
Simpson     Stephen                                 land ownership          30
Simpson family                                      Own Holne Park and 
                                                        Holne Chase         58
Smallwood   Harry                           1931    photograph              57
Smallwood   Harry       Corbin              1977    churchwarden            56
Smallwood   Nancy                           1931    photograph              57
Smallwood   Nancy       Corbin              1977    wife of Harry Smallwood 56, 59 
Smith       Robin       Wootton             1977    marriage to Linda 
                                                        Goodchild           54
Smith       Gordon                          1977    marriage to Sandra 
                                                        Perryman            58
Stacey      Fred        Langaford Cottage           tin mines               20
Stafford    Bishop                          1415    Holne Bridge washed 
                                                        away                15
Stranger    John                            1743    church bells recast     31
Stranger    Mary        Langaford           1778    married Thomas Hamlyn   30, 31 
Tidey       Fred                                    married Lucy Butland    7
Tidey       Lucy                            1977    Jubilee Day             63, 64 
Tidey       Lucy                                    photograph              36, 37 
Townsend    Anthony                                 award of MC, photograph 52, 53 
Townsend    Bill                                    football team           45
Townsend    Charlie                                                         53
Townsend    Florie                                  choir                   56
Townsend    Florrie                                 daughter-in-law of 
                                                        James Townsend      16, 48 
Townsend    Fred                            1929    married Florrie Barnes  45
Townsend    Harriet     Wellpritton Farm            photograph              8, 53
Townsend    James       Wellpritton Farm                                    8, 16, 36, 53 
Townsend    James                                                           59
Townsend    Lily                                    daughter-in-law of 
                                                        James Townsend      16, 38, 56, 63 
Townsend    Neil        Wellpritton Farm    1977    Jubilee Day             63
Townsend    Tina                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Townsend    Will                            1928    married Lilly 
                                                        Michelmore          45
Townsend    Fred                                    football team           45
Tranter     Charlotte                       1977    Jubilee Day             63
Tranter     Rachel                          1926    concert                 45
Turner      Fred                                    son of Sam Turner       15, 43, 45 
Turner      Mrs Sam                                 football                45
Turner      Frederick W Paignton            1898    building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24, 25 
Vanstone    Gertrude    The Shanty                  daughter of Frederick 
                                                        W Vanstone          25
Vanstone    Stanley                         1915    building Venford 
                                                        Reservoir           24, 25, 35 
Vonier      Dom Anscar                              Abbot of Buckfast       18
Warren      Ada         The Mount                   wife of Ernest Warren   20, 24 
Warren      Claude                                  grandson of Alfred 
                                                        Pearse              12
Warren      Claude      The Mount                   son of Ernest Warren    20, 21, 22, 24, 43, 45 
Warren      Ernest      The Mount                   Henroost tin miner      20, 44 
Watson      Guy                             1977    Jubilee Day             63
Watson      Joe                             1977    Jubilee Day             63
Westcote    Thomas                                  16th c  writing         5,6 
White       Florence                        1873    marriage to William 
                                                        John French         31
Williams    Dick        West Stoke Farm             father of Edith 
                                                        Williams            9, 16, 18, 22 
Williams    Edith       West Stoke Farm             daughter of Dick 
                                                        Williams            9, 16 
Williams    Tom                                     woodman at Holne Park   16
Winter      Karen       Church House Inn    1977    confirmation            4, 63 
Winter      Margaret    Church House Inn    1977    wife of Steve Winter    54
Winter      Nichola     Church House Inn    1977    confirmation,           54, 63 
Winter      Steve       Church House Inn    1977    confirmation            54, 58 
Winter      Alison                          1977    Jubilee Day             63
Wrayford    Ada         Michelcombe Farm            daughter of William 
                                                        Henry French        33
Wrayford    Ada         Michelcombe Farm            photograph              32
Wrey        Sir B-P, Bart                   1850    lord of the manor of 
                                                        Holne               15
Wright      Bessie      Play Cross                  daughter of James 
                                                        Butland             9
Wright      Jode                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Wright      John                            1977    worker for David 
                                                        Powell              59
Wright      Ross                            1977    Jubilee Day             63
Yeo                     Holne                       16th c  writing             6
            Bobbie                                  daughter of   Old Park      44
            Johnny                                  vicarage donkey, photo      33, 34 
            Park                                    gardener at the Vicarage        44
            Sylvia                                  daughter of   Old Park      44