
Taunton St Mary's - Marriages 1728-1812

Shortcut for not defined in the taxonomy term.


Surname Forenames Spouse Marriage Date
Geant Susanna Christopher Cridland 09 Jul 1776
Gee Arthur Sarah Thompson 19 Sep 1791
Gellet William Patience Turner 20 Aug 1760
Gelly Margaret William Hall 26 Nov 1733
Gent Elizabeth Edward Jennings 22 Sep 1743
Gent Elizabeth John Smith 04 Apr 1747
Gent Esther David Owens, 46th Reg. Foot 01 Feb 1810
Gent Mary Robert Tiley 31 May 1749
Gent Sarah Robert James 05 Sep 1771
Gent William Mary Bond 12 Jul 1765
George Charles Henrietta Anderson 16 Jan 1806
George John Elizabeth Dungey 20 Sep 1793
George Robert Mary Rowsell 23 Jul 1800
German Betty Matthew Row 12 Apr 1736
German Mary Daniel Mole 24 Jun 1729
German Sarah John Taylor 14 Apr 1736
Gerrard Anthony Mary Betty 24 Dec 1804
Gerrish Jeremiah Martha Bunter 06 Oct 1741
Gibbins Sarah John Scrivin 16 Nov 1752
Gibbons Elizabeth Samuel Atlee 21 May 1731
Gibbons James Sarah Newton 29 Dec 1790
Gibbs Charles Sarah Slocombe 24 Dec 1742
Gibbs Eve William Somerhays 19 Dec 1802
Gibbs Hannah Edward Miller 10 Dec 1767
Gibbs Hannah John Hurley 22 Jan 1783
Gibbs Henry Sarah Hayes 10 Jul 1731
Gibbs John Susanna Oliver 05 Jun 1776
Gibbs John Elizabeth Mockridge 03 Jul 1796
Gibbs Joseph Mary Southwood 03 Jun 1744
Gibbs Richard Mary Reeves 08 May 1797
Gibbs Sarah John Harvey 26 Oct 1732
Gibbs Sarah John Toose 08 Mar 1750
Gibson John Harriett Jennings 26 Aug 1811
Gifford Mary Thomas Old 07 Apr 1760
Gifford William Grace Less 08 Sep 1738
Gilbert Dorothy Joseph Mier 18 Nov 1741
Gilbert James Sarah Beavis 20 Oct 1735
Giles Ann Robert Kidner 02 Jan 1745
Giles Elizabeth Roger Thorne 10 Oct 1769
Giles Jonas Betty Austin 29 Jul 1807
Giles Mary George Witch 26 Dec 1805
Giles Thomas Mary Comer 17 Feb 1747
Giles William Esther Birt 05 Feb 1731
Giles William Susannah Cooper 31 May 1789
Gill Ann Jonathan Pole 15 Feb 1763
Gill Ann Laurence Gulby 23 Dec 1801
Gill Elizabeth Thomas Palmer 02 Apr 1733
Gill Elizabeth Joseph Cares[or d ?]eley 22 Dec 1736
Gill Elizabeth William Parkhouse 25 Feb 1739
Gill Elizabeth William Edwards, Pitminster 02 May 1754
Gill Elizabeth Joseph Turell 14 Nov 1757
Gill Elizabeth William Dwelly 05 Jan 1773
Gill Elizabeth William Parkhouse 03 Mar 1794
Gill Henry Mary Coles 07 Jul 1749
Gill Henry Mary Ham 22 May 1768
Gill James Betty Escott 22 Nov 1798
Gill Joan Henry Baker 13 Feb 1740
Gill John Elizabeth Totterdill 26 Apr 1736
Gill John Sarah Short 24 Nov 1772
Gill John Saran Irelin 12 May 1780
Gill Mary John Barns 29 Nov 1736
Gill Mary John Flint 16 Oct 1738
Gill Mary John Stower 29 Sep 1774
Gill Rachel Joseph Goodridge 09 Jul 1771
Gill Richard Hannah Maynard 17 Jan 1763
Gill Thomas Catharine Warren 29 Dec 1728
Gill Thomas Mary Lugg 31 Aug 1747
Gill Thomas Mary Parsons 12 Feb 1755
Gill Valentine Amy Jenkins 24 Jun 1742
Gill William Mary Webb 20 Jan 1745
Gillard Ann Robert Day, b. 30 Sep 1799
Gillard Elizabeth William Sellect 31 Oct 1741
Gillard Mary James Pattemor 08 Feb 1812
Gillard William Elizabeth Grinslade 23 Jan 1792
Gillet Ann Robert Parsons 22 May 1729
Gillet John Sarah Dryer 02 Oct 1755
Gillet Sarah James Doble 18 Apr 1769
Gillet William Mary Keen 16 Aug 1731
Gillet William Ann Collard 23 Jul 1761
Gillett Betty Edward Whatcombe 18 Aug 1785
Gillett John Sarah Gundry 02 Jan 1803
Gillett Samuel Elizabeth David 04 Jul 1737
Gillingham Mary John Fox 29 Jul 1748
Gint Elizabeth John Clatworthy 22 Jul 1753
Gint Sarah John White, Wilton 15 May 1750
Girdler Elizabeth Robert Osler, Churstanton, Devon 02 Jan 1806
Girdler William Penelope Southey 24 Mar 1788
Giver Jane Thomas Dodderidge 21 Dec 1771
Glanvill John Grace Lane 20 Dec 1809
Glyde Elizabeth Patrick Bucken 06 Aug 1733
Glynn Mary Ephralm Perham, 15th Regt. Light Dragoons 05 Jun 1801
Goading Elizabeth Thomas Wellment 08 Jul 1789
Godard Eleanor Joseph Wood 02 Apr 1787
Godding Hugh Joan Darke 06 Jul 1729
Godding William Susanna Ellis 30 Mar 1731
Godeard Edward Ann Brewer 19 Mar 1798
Godfrey Elizabeth George Newton 19 Aug 1764
Godfrey James Sarah Cornish 22 Jan 1743
Godfrey John Sarah Edwards 10 Jan 1736
Godfrey John Sarah Spark 28 Apr 1795
Godfrey Mary William Brayley 27 Nov 1766
Godfrey Philip Ann Dunman 30 Aug 1781
Godfrey Rachael George Hilyar, 1st Batt. 40th Reg.Foot 11 Aug 1812
Godfrey William Mary Warring 03 Dec 1750
Godfrey William Mary Lewis 23 Dec 1805
Godsell Boughton Sarah Spiller 07 Sep 1736
Godsell Rachel Nicholas Marshal 06 Sep 1737
Godwyn Thomas Christian Sherratt 13 Feb 1772
Gold Thomas Ann Yendle 08 Oct 1790
Goldsworthy Elizabeth John Scriven 02 Feb 1730
Goldsworthy Hannah Samuel Sholl 23 Feb 1775
Goldsworthy John Sarah Pitt 13 Jun 1756
Goldsworthy Susanna John Wyatt 10 Oct 1785
Goldsworthy William Ruth North 14 Sep 1795
Goldworth Hannah John Twose 10 Oct 1731
Goldworthy John Betty Syndercombe 18 Dec 1733
Golsworthy Grace William Lenden 21 Feb 1803
Goodden Sarah William Warbutton, North Curry, w. 21 May 1807
Goodenough Elizabeth Thomas Watts, Blandford, Dorset 10 Dec 1778
Goodfellow Elizabeth Philip Legg 15 Feb 1733
Goodin Mary Francis Skinner 09 May 1762
Gooding Betty William Dibble 12 May 1743
Gooding Elizabeth Thomas Richards 28 Apr 1736
Gooding James May Capon 03 Nov 1789
Gooding Joan Christopher Melten 22 Oct 1733
Gooding Joan Henry Brice 19 Apr 1745
Gooding John Mary Kidner 06 Aug 1732
Gooding Simon Elizabeth Dunn 27 Jul 1747
Goodland Ann John Higgins 09 Apr 1744
Goodland Henry Joan Lemon 08 Jan 1753
Goodland Margaret John Mann 11 Jul 1796
Goodman Andrew Mary Broom 16 Sep 1802
Goodman Ann Thomas Ridge 03 Dec 1792
Goodman Elizabeth James Jarvis 06 Jul 1775
Goodman Elizabeth James Taylor 05 Jun 1791
Goodman Grace John Turner 04 Jun 1770
Goodman James Jane Burston 11 Jun 1788
Goodman Jenny Benjamin Tucker 18 Feb 1782
Goodman John Jenny Paul 18 Aug 1801
Goodman Mary William Hardiman, a minor, with consent Susanna Rutter, mother 16 Nov 1809
Goodman Matthew Elizabeth Garland 20 Nov 1763
Goodman Philip Hannah Virgin 10 Apr 1791
Goodman Richard Mary Buncombe 29 Jan 1771
Goodman Sarah John Grinslade 19 Sep 1786
Goodridge Ann John Phippen 07 Nov 1791
Goodridge Elizabeth Francis Sherbrook 23 Aug 1802
Goodridge John Ann Westover 30 Aug 1803
Goodridge Joseph Rachel Gill 09 Jul 1771
Goodridge Joseph Catherine Gapper 09 Nov 1802
Goodridge Milena William Whetcombe 14 Apr 1794
Goodridge Sarah Henry Cornish 20 Jan 1768
Goodwin Mary Thomas Fry 30 Sep 1744
Goodwyn Frances James Sutton, b. 21 Jan 1798
Gordan Ann Philip Doddington 08 Jan 1744
Gore Elizabeth John Jean 22 Jan 1804
Gore Mary John Reeves 25 May 1786
Gore Mary Joseph Wilkey 17 Feb 1795
Gouge Mary James Bazzet 12 Dec 1780
Gould Catharine James Upharn 26 Oct 1733
Gould George Mary Rossiter 01 Sep 1730
Gould Joan John Norris 13 Apr 1732
Gould Joseph Elizabeth Bradford 08 Sep 1794
Gouldsworthy Martha Napthaly Herne 13 Aug 1739
Gouldsworthy Sarah Samuel Rattenbury 26 Jan 1729
Gove William Mary Burridge 01 Oct 1809
Goveir Francis Joan Hayes 15 Apr 1729
Gover Daniel Martha Shalor 26 Mar 1787
Gover Mary George Handel 01 Feb 1795
Govett Elizabeth Samuel Stephens 26 Sep 1748
Govier Ann Thomas Hett, Ilminster 24 Aug 1794
Govier Betty George Wiche 31 May 1764
Govier Betty William Smith, T. St. James 25 Mar 1781
Govier Jane Matthew Kidner, Bromfield 23 Aug 1794
Govier Mary Benjamin Hulgrove 04 Nov 1736
Govier Samuel Joan Harman 07 Sep 1747
Govier Sarah William Whetcombe 19 Oct 1769
Goviet Dolly James Cuace 30 Dec 1747
Govyer Elizabeth Peter Pope 01 Aug 1743
Gower Mary George Swaine 26 Dec 1743
Graddon Jane Samuel Ash 13 Jun 1809
Graham John Elizabeth Payne 07 Feb 1745
Graham William Thomasin Place 15 May 1769
Grandon Ann Thomas Parsons 02 Feb 1739
Granfield Hugh Elizabeth Davis 09 Jul 1744
Granger Benjamin Mary Symons 27 Jul 1807
Granger Betty Alexander Monday 05 Oct 1766
Granger Betty William Clarke 15 Feb 1770
Granger Elizabeth Robert Blundel 13 Oct 1744
Granger George Mary Richards 24 Oct 1782
Granger George Betty Virgin 02 Feb 1795
Granger John Mary Bidgood 01 Oct 1738
Granger Mary Thomas Salway 17 Aug 1794
Granger Samuel Ann Rogers 05 May 1763
Granger William Sarah Burge 13 Oct 1772
Granger William Jane May 31 Aug 1800
Grant Elexander Eleanor Armstrong 22 May 1747
Grant Elizabeth Jonathan Green 04 Jul 1749
Grant John Elizabeth Allen 27 Sep 1802
Grant Robert Elizabeth Saunders 25 Oct 1742
Grant Robert Jane Hutchins 25 Dec 1742
Grant Sarah Henry Hallet 13 Jul 1729
Grant William Mary Winter 25 Jan 1757
Graunt Catherine Joseph Way 03 Apr 1740
Grave Sarah John Johns 04 Apr 1744
Gray Ann William Tayler 25 Sep 1752
Gray Charles Sarah Phippen 16 Mar 1807
Gray Dinah Anthony Hawker, St. Botolph, Aldgate, the City of London 16 Nov 1809
Gray Elizabeth William Dryer 16 Dec 1753
Gray Elizabeth John Murrey 23 Aug 1809
Gray Ezekiel Ann Chappel 09 Nov 1740
Gray Ezekiel Mary Slade 04 Jun 1772
Gray Fanny Meshic Cook 15 Mar 1789
Gray Jane Robert Coale, St. Catherine Cree, London 10 Oct 1774
Gray John Sarah Henton 29 Sep 1748
Gray John Hatinah Chapple 22 Dec 1751
Gray John Rebecca Hathaway 21 May 1771
Gray John Elizabeth Mico 30 Nov 1783
Gray Mary John Cure 02 Sep 1777
Gray Moses Elizabeth Arthur 22 Feb 1732
Gray Rebecca Joseph Lewis, Dodington, this county 11 Aug 1780
Gray Richard Elizabeth Greenfield 01 Oct 1759
Gray Richard Elizabeth Harris 14 Aug 1768
Gray Robert Sarah Wood 30 Dec 1764
Gray Samuel Joan Wheddon 19 Feb 1751
Gray Samuel Martha Vicory 22 Jan 1788
Gray Sarah Thomas Pierce 14 Feb 1745
Gray Thomas Elizabeth Willy 01 Jul 1792
Gray Thomas Hannah Trott 06 Sep 1803
Gray Thomas Mary Hammett 09 May 1808
Gray Tryphena Josias Whetcombe 27 Feb 1764
Gray William Annis Hutchings 19 Apr 1802
Greaves John Jacquet Low 03 Aug 1730
Gredy Grace Thomas Babbidge 18 Nov 1734
Gredy Mary Richard White 01 Oct 1744
Greed John Mary Barber 01 Feb 1803
Greedy Sarah John Mackanna 20 Jul 1784
Green Ann John Chard, St. Vedest, Foster Lane, London 05 Jul 1782
Green Ann James Weaver 23 Jan 1793
Green Charles Elizabeth Ball 04 Mar 1802
Green Elizabeth John Symes 13 Jan 1748
Green John Ann Clark 16 Aug 1812
Green Jonathan Elizabeth Grant 04 Jul 1749
Green Robert Lucy Smetham 07 Nov 1805
Green Robert Sarah Beadon 09 Nov 1812
Green Thomas Mary Milton 10 Apr 1785
Greenfield Abraham Elizabeth Whetcombe 31 Aug 1795
Greenfield Elizabeth Richard Gray 01 Oct 1759
Greenfield Elizabeth Joseph Turle 22 May 1787
Greenslade Catherine Henry Gawler 15 Jan 1747
Greenwood Anna Silas Sparks 11 Nov 1811
Gregory James Betty Shepton 13 Feb 1761
Gregory Richard Joan Baker 09 Jun 1738
Gregory Roger Elizabeth Passmore 12 Feb 1741
Gregory Sarah William Taber 12 Jan 1742
Gregory Temperance Titus Buckley 14 Nov 1764
Grenslade Mary John Oatway 07 Jun 1747
Grenslade Thomas Sarah Quarry 01 Jan 1746
Grey Ann Thomas Hammett 27 Sep 1768
Grey Hannah Samuel Porter 26 Dec 1763
Grey James Susanna Combe 03 Nov 1730
Grey James Sarah Dunscombe 09 Feb 1734
Grey James Mary Cannicot 26 May 1736
Grey James Sarah Lee 11 Jan 1743
Grey James Anna Curry 01 Jan 1765
Grey Jonathan Grace Rottenbury 06 Jun 1731
Grey Joseph Joan Stone 04 Feb 1733
Grey Lawrence Sarah Draper 25 Jun 1730
Grey Mary Samuel Dinman 27 Feb 1756
Gridley Elizabeth Jacob. Vickery 14 Feb 1760
Griffin Ann John Lockier 31 Dec 1730
Griffin Mary James Follet 30 Dec 1737
Griffiths Ann Thomas Evans 23 Dec 1793
Griffiths Henry Ann Herring 05 Apr 1794
Grimsteed Mary John Paine 21 May 1771
Grinslade Elizabeth William Gillard 23 Jan 1792
Grinslade Joan Thomas Burgess 01 Jan 1746
Grinslade Joane Charles Acreman 15 Dec 1743
Grinslade John Jane Sowton 12 Dec 1733
Grinslade John Sarah Goodman 19 Sep 1786
Grinslade Richard Mary Wood 23 Apr 1743
Grinslade Thomas Mary Allen 03 Feb 1745
Gronow Elizabeth William Watkins 24 Aug 1748
Grove Edward Sarah Upton 04 May 1732
Grove Elizabeth Henry Keddel 13 Jun 1748
Grove Thomas Mary Smith 18 Sep 1746
Groves Elizabeth John Budge 28 May 1743
Groves John Mary Wetherall 12 Nov 1761
Grundell Rachael John Moore 13 Nov 1797

Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk