
Ganton, Monumental Inscriptions transcription


Ganton parish:


Ganton, Monumental Inscriptions transcription:

The Monumental Inscription for William Wilson in St. Nicholas's Church, Ganton.

Near here, rest the remains of a man who adorned the
garden of the family to whom this place belongs, for
three generations.
He was an example of honesty, industry
& sobriety. He dropped down and expired at the age
of 86, as he was returning from work, and is gone to
receive the reward of a long life well spent.
This stone is erected by the gratitude of a master to
a faithful servant. Reader go and imitate the virtues of
William Wilson 1792

Deare Souls                        Romae

Data transcribed by
Pauline Hinson.
from photography by Colin Hinson