
Bramham Park, Yorkshire, England. Further historical information.



BRAMHAM PARK, the seat of George Lane Fox, Esq. in the parish of Bramham, wapentake of Barkston-Ash, liberty of St. Peter;

This noble residence was built in the reign of Queen Anne, by Robert, Lord Bingley, who employed for that purpose an Italian artist. It is designed upon a scale of much grandeur, consisting of a large centre, in which are the grand apartments and wings, for the domestic offices, connected by corridors of the doric order: the whole fronting a spacious court, elevated 5 feet above. Amongst a collection of excellent Portraits in this magnificent Mansion, is "a fine original portrait of Queen Anne, presented by her Majesty to Lord Bingley, as an acknowledgement of the attention of his Lordship during a visit to this seat." It stands in a fine sporting country, and his present Majesty once spent two nights at this venerable Mansion, and partook of the delights of the chase. This estate was a grant from the crown in the reign of William and Mary, and was the first enclosure on Bramham Moor. It was cultivated and planted by the father of the first Lord Bingley, who afterwards erected the present noble edifice. --Neale's Views.

In the Chapel adjoining the house as the effigies of the ancestors of the family.
[Description(s) edited from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson © 2013]