
Brayton, Memorial Plaque transcription


Brayton parish:


Brayton, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The War Memorial Plaque of St. Wilfrid's Church, Brayton.

This tablet was erected to the Glory of God and in memory of

Adams Ernest  Livsey Herbert
Bedford Alfred Newby Henry
Blenkinsop Evan James Palframan Cyril
Blenkinsop Gordon Lionel Palframan George
Blenkinson John David Squires George
Brown William Gomersal Squires James
Cawthray Albert Steels Arthur
Clark Arthur Steward Robert Edward
Clark George William Taylor Stanley
Clarke William Vause Arthur
Cook Bryan Walker Frederick George
Foster Frederick George Wright Frank
Harrison Frederick Wright George
Howden John Edward  
Who were connected with this church and parish and fell in the Great War 1914-1918
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends'

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson