
Harthill census information for 1811 to 1841


Harthill census information for 1811 to 1841

        The population of Harthill-cum-Woodall, taken the 27th May 1811.
Inhabited houses : 117
By how many families occupied : 117
Houses now building : 0
Other houses uninhabited : 1
Families chiefly employed
In Agriculture : 90
Families chiefly employed in
Trade manufactures, etc. : 21
All other families not comprised
In the two preceding
Classes : 6

                                                 Males     Females     Total
Population of Harthill, May 27th 1811 305 336 641
Population of Harthill, May 27th 1821 324 326 650

        The Population of the Parish of Harthill taken in 1831
Number of Inhabited Houses 129
Number of Male Persons 315 632 Total
Number of Females 317

        The Population taken in June 14th 1841
Number of Inhabited Houses 139
Number of Male Person 348 709 Total
Number of Females 361

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
from original material transcribed by
Wath and Mexborough Archives.
This transcription has not been checked.
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription please use
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