
Kirkby Overblow, Benefactions transcription


Kirkby Overblow parish:


Kirkby Overblow, Benefactions transcription:

The various donations for St. Helen's Church, Kirkby Overblow.

MEMORANDA Respecting the Parish Church of Kirkby Overblow.
This Church was repaired in the Year 1780.
Hugh Barrett, Peter Harland   } Churchwardens
James Barough, William Tate }
William Myers, Chapelwarden.

The Tower of this Church was rebuilt by Voluntary Subscription in the Year of our Lord 1781.

Earl of Egremont£50.0.0Francis Fawkes Esqr.£50.0.0.
Revd. D.R.Cooper 50.0.0.Duke of Devonshire 21.0.0.
Christr. Bethell Esqre. 20.0.0.Sir Walter Vavasour Bt. 10.10.0.
Edwin Lascelles Esqre. 10.10.0.John Simpson Esqr. Newcastle 10.10.0.
Daniel Lascelles Esqre. 5.5.0.Thos. Wilson Esqr. 5.5.0.
Revd. Dr. Pollock 5.5.0.Revd. Mr. Lamplough Copgrove 2.2.0.
Revd. Mr. Preston 2.2.0.Mr. Peter Harland 2.2.0.
Revd. Dr. Dickens Durham 2.2.0.Rev. Mr. Weatherhead 2.2.0.
Mr. Joshua Wait 2.2.0.Mr. Hodgson a great part of the Stone
Mr. John Muschamp was the Builder
Pro Salute restaurata post febrem periculosam Deo Omnipotenti
Gratias agens cancellum hujusce Ecclesiae refecit atque ornavit.

C.C.S.T.P. A.D. 1799.
The South Front of this Church was raised and Beautified,
and a New Porch built by C. Cooper D.D. Rector 1802.

The Piece of Ground allotted for the New Churchyard, was given by the Revd. Henry Blunt, Rector, by permission of the Patron of the Living, and was consecrated, October 1849, The expences were defrayed by the Parishioners.
James Swale, James Wilkinson }
George Lewis, Joseph Hannam } Churchwardens.

The incorporated Society for promoting the Building and repairing of Churches, granted thirty five Pounds, towards reseating and restoring this Church, by which one-hundred-and-forty additional sittings have been obtained, The entire area, will accommodate three-hundred- and twenty-one at the least, The sittings were all free, and subject to assignment by the Churchwardens, suitable provision being made for the poorer inhabitants, The total cost of the work has exceeded one-thousand Pounds, The Church was reopened for the worship of Almighty God. January 30th. 1872.
Walter Haxworth, Mattw. Brearcliffe } Churchwardens
Charles Hogg, James Wilkinson }

Poor of Kirkby Overblow.

A.D. 1700.
Mr Joshua Waite of Swindon
left 120 £. Which purchased
200 £. 3 per cent, Consols: The
Dividends to be distributed at
Candlemas annually in Corn,
Viz, Half to the Poor of
Kirkby Overblow, The other
Half to the Poor of Rigton, and
by direction of the L.S.D.
Rector and Church- 6.0.0.

The Revd. C. Cooper D.D.
late Rector of this Parish
left by will 6 £. to be
laid out annually in
Clothes for six poor
Girls to go to Church in
on Sundays, The
principal is in 3 L.S.D.
per cent Consols: 6.0.0.
The Rector is the

Five Pounds are chargeable
on Mr. Stables Estate,
of Scaleboards, L.S.D.
at 5 per cent 0.5.0.

The Rector gives three
loads of wheat annually,
on St. Thomas Day.

Data transcribed by
Lin Duke © 2015.
from photography by Colin Hinson