From Linda Sokalofsky ------------------------------------------- Thomas PLOWRIGHT's account (as he wrote it) of his work experience as a lad in Wrangle before he came to Canada at age 16 in 1882: "I started to work when I was 6 years old for I wanted to Earn something so the first job I did was spud thistles and mind Crows off the Peas and Beans and the Linnetts off the Mustard which was a tiresome job as the Crows & Linnetts would just fly from one End of the Field to the other and tire me out and the wages I got was 2 Pence a day or 4 Cents in Canadian Money. And as the years went on and I got 6 Pence a day I thought I was a Man in the Year. I was 13, I hired out and received 15 Dollars for the year which was in English Money 3 Pounds and had to take my Washing home at that..." ---------------------------------------------- Added 6-December-2013