CLOSE this window when you are done. Contributed by: Michael Edgoose Use your browser FIND function to search for surnames. ------------------------------------- This is an index of 'Crime and Criminals in Victorian Lincolnshire' by Adrian Bray and published by Paul Watkins at Stamford in 1993. It is in the format Surname, First Name, Page Number, and where applicable, *. A * indicates that the person named was in trouble with the law but not necessarily found guilty. The date range appears to be: 1830 - 1896. I have contacted the publishers to ascertain whether it is still in print. It is. They have authorised me to say that it can be purchased for the sum of Five Pounds Ninety Five Pence post-free by contacting them at: According to Adrian Gray his book was based on many sources but principally the following: Lincolnshire Chronicle Stamford Mercury The Times Illustrated London News Thieves' Books for various parts of the County Quarter Sessions records for the parts of Lincolnshire He was assisted by the following: Lincolnshire Archives Lincoln City Library Local Studies Collection Lincolnshire Police Headquarters Museum of Lincolnshire Life ------------------------------------- Alford, Mr. 31 Alford, Mrs. 31 Allbones, Sergeant 30 Allen, Mary 31 Alman, Richard 53 * Almond, 89 * Anderson, James 16 * Andrew, Maria 71 * Appleby, Jonathan 68 * Appleby, Mrs. 68 * Apthorp, Reverend 99 Ashton, Inspector 68 Ashton, PC Thomas 1 Aslin, Thomas 49 Atkin, Charles 35 * Atkin, PC 90 Atkinson, 32 Atkinson, Henry 46 * Atkinson, Mary 25 * Audas, Mary 20, 21 * Austin, Thomas 23 * Bacon, Ann 13 Bacon, Mrs. (junior) 11 * Bacon, Nathaniel 13 Bacon, Thomas 11, 12 * Baines, 109 * Baines, John 87 * Barker, Henry 48 Barnard, George 32 * Barnett, 89 * Barnsdale, William 38 * Barr, Louisa 8 Bartrop, John 53 Bass, Mr. 42 * Beales, George 23 * Beckett, Thomas, Sir 53 Beckworth, Constable 87 Beech, Excise Officer 41 Beecham, Elizabeth 39 * Bell, Edward 16 * Benson, Martha 84 * Bett, Thomas 84 * Betts, 38 Bicknell, Philip, Chief Constable 104 Biggadyke, Priscilla 12, 16 * Biggadyke, Richard 12 Bingley, James 23 * Birch, 33 * Bird, Ann 23 Bird, William 46 * Blackbarrat, William 98 Blanchard, Peter 16 * Blenkhorn, Eleanora 78 Blow, Henry 18 Blumenfeld, William 49 * Bogg, Susan 10 Booth, Ben 28 * Booth, Charlotte 60 Booth, William 4 Bottle, Mr. 2 Bowdidge, Mr. & Mrs. 14 Bowles, James 41 * Bowser, Joseph 16 * Bowser, Joseph 28 Boyne, Edward 30 * Bradley, William 90 * Brailsford, George 28 * Bray, John 49 * Brogden, Alderman 95 Brogden, Mr. 93 * Brogden, Mr., the younger 96 Brooks, John 27 * Brown, 34 Brown, James 79 * Brown, John 24 * Brown, Superintendent 55, 56 Brown, William 45, 46 * Brownlow, Samuel 45 * Bruce, John 1, 2, Brusey, William 42 * Bullamore, Henry 97 * Burdett, Ann 23 Burdett, William 23 * Burk, 56 * Burn, Gerald 22 * Burns, 14 Caborn, James 27 * Cain, PC John 19 Calcraft, 10, 16, Calcraft, 74 Cammack, 29 Careby, 99 Carey, Henry 16 * Carruthers, John 80 * Casburn, Arthur 37 Cawkwell, Thomas 60, 61 * Chambers, Ann 76 Chambers, George 76 * Chaplin, Colonel 95 Chapman, William 25, 48 Charles, John 46 * Clark, Joseph 41 * Clark, William 55, 56 * Clarke, 32 Clarke, Arthur 50 * Clarke, Eliza 83 * Clarke, Martha 62 * Clarke, William 16 * Clarke, William 37 * Clayton, Maria 73 Clayton, Mr. 96 Cliffe, Maria 23 * Clow, Thomas 23 * Collett 93, 94 Comins, Robert 92 * Coney, PC 68 Cook, Robert 43 Cooke, George 91 * Cooling, Richard 60 * Copeman, Charles 23 Copeman, Charles 9, 10, Cordiner, William 79 * Corthorne, 84 * Cottingham, William 21 * Cowling, Benjamin 79 * Cox, George 43 * Cox, John 45 Cox, Mr 38 Crawford, 80 * Crawford, Henry 37 Crawford, Superintendent 88 Cunningham, 20 * Cunningham, Alex 66 * Cunningham, Thomas 20 * Cunnington, Edwin 76 * Cunnington, Susan 76 Cupit, Edward 73 Cupit, Mrs. 73 Curtis, 90 Curtois, Myra 28 Curtois, P., Reverend 29 Danby, Sergeant 98 Davis, William 25 * Davison, William 18 Davy, Edmund 61 Dawkins, William 47 Dawson, Thomas 23 Day, Parish Constable 103,104 * Denman, Lord Thomas, 23 Dennis, Charles 76 * Dickens, Charles 1 Dickenson, David xi * Dickett, (or Pickett) 16 * Digby, Sarah 19 * Dixon, Catherine 21 Dixon, Mrs. 20, 21 Dixon, William 39 Dolby, Thomas 53 * Doubikin, John 29 Dowman, Maria 73 * Dowse, Isaac 55 * Drayton, Maria 51 * Ducking, William 47 Duffield, Gervais 101 * Dunston, George 43 * Durant, Samuel 77 * Dymoke, John 58 Dyson, Thomas 47 East, Messrs. 90, 91 * Ellison, Major 104 Ellison, Richard 23 Elvidge, * English, Mary 82 * Evans, Coastguard 44 Evans, Sarah 72, 73 * Evinson, Elizabeth 8, 9 Fairweather, Ann 8, 9 Farrall 89 Faulkner, Henry 21 Fell, William 23 * Ferriby, William 90 * Fielding, Henry 30 * Fieldsen, Mr. 91 * Fish, John 25 * Fisher, John 48 * Fletcher, Mrs. 55 Fletcher, William 55, 56 * Ford, John 102 Franklin, Keziah 45 * Frayne, Edward 50 * Freeman, 60 * Freer, 48 Gainsley, Jacob 34, 35 Gamble, Francis 24 Gambles, Herbert 51 * Garner, Elizabeth 23 * Garner, George 55, 56 * Garry, Thomas 16 * Gaven, James 25 * Gentle, Joseph 23 Gibson, John 77 Gilbert, 54 Gilbert, PC 22 Giles, Mary 88 * Gilroy, Thomas 23 Goddard, Charles 50 * Godwin, Meshach 89 * Goodlad, James 23 Goose, Mr. 38 * Gorman, Thomas 29 * Graham, William 25 * Grantham, Peter 23 Gray, 56 * Green, PC 67 Green, Robert 88 * Gringham, John 29 Hack, Mr. 46 Hall, Joshua 100 * Hamilton, Mrs. 46 Hancock, Maria, 20 Handsley, Dr. 35 Harding, William 29, 30 * Hardy, Mrs. 66 Hardy, Thomas 75 Hare, Mary 47, 48 Harley, William 23 * Harlick, James 23 Harrison, 30 Harrison, Fanny 8 Hatfield, 97 Hawley, Henry, Sir 58 Hawsley, John 68 * Heneage, 94 Heneage, Mr. 94 Henson, Sergeant 89 Hett, 48 Hett, John 61 Hewitt, 7 Hewitt, Bill 7 * Hibbert, Thomas 91 * Hicks, Mr. 49 Hicks, William 2 Hill, Edward 91 * Hill, Elizabeth 77 * Hill, John 42 Hobson, Sarah 30 Holland, Lucretia 74 Hollands, John 82 * Holmes, Arhur 81 * Holmes, Mr. 51 Holmes, Sergeant 28 Hood, Mr. 32 Hopkin, 94 Hopkinson, Thomas 83 Horry, William 16 * Horton, James 27 * Houghton, Berry 33 * Houghton, William, PC 90 Housham, George 22, 24 * Howsham, Charles 62 Hudson, 33 * Hudson, PC Edward 55 Huntsman, 61 Husband, Joseph 47 * Insole, Richard 16 * Jacklin, Charles 37 * Jackson, Dorothy 78 Jackson, Edward 37 * Jackson, John 45, 76 * Jackson, Thomas 81 * Jevitt, Joseph 58 * Jickels, Hannah 3,4,5 Jickels, Sarah 4 Johnson, Edward 96 * Johnson, George 79 * Johnson, Joseph 61 Johnson, Peter 33 Johnson, Thomas 9,16,23, * Jordan, Joseph 67 * Joyce, Eliza 16 * Joyce, Eliza 74 * Kelly, Eleanor 25 * Kemp, Charles 65 * Kemshall, PC 97 Kenyon, John 58 * Kershaw, Charles 24 * Killelay, Mary 51 Kirk, Sergeant 88 Kirkby, Samuel 1,2 * Knight, John 67 * Knight, Richard 62 Laming, George 63 * Large, George 89 Laughton, Charles 67 * Laverack, Joseph 39 * Laxton, George 80 * Leary, R.E. 4, 23 Lee, David 19, 20 * Lee, J. S. 82 * Lee, Robert 46 Lefley, Mary 16 * Lester, Mary 77, 78 Lilburn, Mrs. 72 Lilburn, Mrs. (junior) 11 Lilburn, William 10, 11 * Linton, Thomas 23 Loughland, Mr. 7 Lowe, Ann 23 Lowe, Dr. 91 Lowe, Elizabeth 21 * Lowe, Philip 23 * Mackerell, 4 Markham, William 35 * Marsh, Sarah 31 * Marshall, Fanny 47 Marshall, George 47, 48 * Marshall, James 24 * Marshall, John 98, 99 * Marston, William 39 * Marwood, Wm. 16,17 Mason, 18 Massey, 56 * Matthews, John 25 * Mawer, Thomas 99 * Mayhew, William 47 * McCann, Ed 82 * McGlen, 89 * Meggitt, Robert 6, 7 * Mellors, John 77 * Melson, James 65 * Miller, Jonathan 31 * Millner, Mr. 4 Milner, Mary 2, 3 Milner, Mary Ann 16 * Milner, Mary Ann 2,3,4,5 * Minute, 78 * MItchell, Ann 87, 88 * Moffat, Jane 29 Mole, George 99 * Mooney, John 42 * Morley, Susannah 44 * Morritt, PC 44 Mottashed, William 23 * Mottley, Thomas 60 * Moxon, James Burdett 4, 5 Neal, William 27 * Neave, Campbell 22 Nelson, PC 105 Newman, Eliza 82 Newton, George 87 * Newton, Henry 7, 8 * Newton, J. 16 Nicholson, James 91 * North, William 33 Northings, Henry 53 Noyce, George 100 * Odling, Mr. 95, 96 O'Donnell, James 42 * Otter, Tom x, xi * Pacy, Mary 83 * Paddison, Frederick 82 * Paddison, James 55 * Pallander, Harriet 74, 75 * Parker, 8 Parker, William 42 Patterson, 4 Patterson, John, Sir 23 Pearman, J. W. 42 * Pearson, Henry 88 * Peck, Christopher 25 Peel, Sir Robert x, 103 Pell, Elijah 98 * Pepper, Thomas 99 * Percival, William 3, 4 Peto, 38 Phillips, Henry 100 * Pickett, William (or Dickett) 16 * Pickford, Mary 31 * Pickworth, Mary 96 * Pinning, Fanny 27 Pirotte, Charles 25 Plowright, 46, 47 Poole, Richard 28 * Poole, William 87 * Pooles, James 26 Popple, Miss 78 Procter, 12 Proctor, 76 Proctor, William 83, 84 Pyewipe, 56, 57 * Quickfall, William 54 * Quincey, Susan 1 Radford, William 41 * Ralph, Joseph 109 * Ramshaw, 56 * Ranson, Joseph 83 Raven, Elizabeth 1 Rawdon, T. 106 Reynolds, John 24 * Richards, The Reverend 72 Richardson, Edward 18 * Richardson, George 35 * Richardson, Thomas 18 Richardson, William 90 * Robertson, William 62 Robinson, 82 * Robinson, John 38 * Robinson, Jonathan 62 * Robinson, Robert 60 Robinson, Thomas 62 * Robinson, William 84 * Ross, 56 * Ross, C., Reverend 22 * Roughlican, Martin 34 Roughton, Samuel 99 * Rowett, Rebecca 26 Rudgard, Alderman 94 Rudgard, Edward 66 * Rumbell, Henry 13, 14, * Rumbell, Henry 16 * Rushby, Harriet 13, 14 Rushby, Harriett 16 Russell, Lord William 1 Rylatt, John 36 * Sandall, 99 Sanderson, John 20 * Sandow, Herr 49 Saville, Martha 74 * Sawyer, Samuel 75 * Scarborough, John 48 Scholey, John 23 Scoley, John 25 * Seagrave, George 22 * Seely 94 Sewards, Robert 31 * Sharpe, George 20 * Sharpe, Thomas 90, 91 Shipton, John 78, 79 * Sibthorp, Colonel 93, 94 Sibthorp, Mr. 103 Silvester, Mr. 65 Sindall, PC 104 Sindall, Thomas 81 * Sinderson, George 6 Sizer, Lucy 80, 81 Slenderman, 55, 56 * Slight, Mr. 60 Smith, 94 Smith, Ann 23, 84 * Smith, Eliza 31 * Smith, George 32 * Smith, H. 23 Smith, Mary 10, 19 Smith, Mary 23 Smith, Nathaniel 27 * Smith, William 43 * Spafforth, John 79 * Spencer, Arthur 16 * Spencer, Mary 7 Spicer, Frederick 108 * Spikins, Mrs. 99 * Springthorpe, William 25 * Squire, Mary 25 St. Vincent, Viscount 55 Stainfield, Henry 101 * Stainfield, Jane 101 * Stamper, Ada 80 Stead, Mary 76 Stephenson, John, Mr. 61 Stevenson, J. 90 * Stones, Edith 79 Strawson, Samuel 50 Styles, Mr. 89 Swing, Captain 60 * Tasker, Maria 72 * Taylor, Charles 77 Taylor, Kate 6 Taylor, Ruth 77 * Tester, Harriet 30 * Thacker, Sarah 72 * Theaker, Police Constable 89 Thickpenny, 62 Thompson, Edward 23 Thompson, Elizabeth 4, 5 Thornton, Mary 23 Thurston, Emma 83 * Timms, John 88 * Titley, Charles 32 Todd, E. 21 Todd, Mr. 59 Tollieday, Thomas 62 * Tomlinson, Mr. 8 Tomlinson, William 77, 78 * Tooms, PC 107 Townsend, Mary 32 * Travis, Joseph 9,10, 23 * Trotter, Alexander 30 Tupps, PC 19 Turner, George 22, 24 * Tutty, Emma 31 * Twells, John 91 * Usher, James 30 Usher, Richard 25 * Vamplew, Elizabeth 5, 6 * Veal, William 23 * Waddington, PC John 54 Waghorn, Mr., Superintendent 105 Wain, Thomas 19 * Walker, 56 * Walker, Henry 55 Walker, Thomas 74 * Wallhead, Spencer 25 * Ward, John 10, 16 * Ward, Mr. 33 Ward, PC 91 Warner, Ann 73 * Wass, John 26 * Watson, Elizabeth 82 * Watson, G. 4 Watson, George 27 * Watson, John 30 * Welch, William 27 Wells, William 53, 54 * Welsch, John 62 * Weselby, William 35 * West, Caroline 25 * West, George 49 * Western, 56 * White, 81 * White, Charles 23 White, Frederick 18 * Whittle, John 37 * Whitwell, Miss 26, 27 Whyman, Edward 23 Widall, Ann 14 Wightman, Thomas 23 * Wilcox, John 27 * Wiles, 56 * Wilkins, George 84 * Wilkinson, Emma 73 * Willerton, Mr. 31 Willey, John 88 * Williams, 56 * Williamson, Mrs. 42 Willis, 56 * Wilson, Enoch 38 * Wilson, Hannah 79 Wimpress, Edward 99 * Winn, Thomas 26 Winter, Elizabeth 4 Winter, Mary 3,4,5 Winter, Mrs. 5 Winter, William 4 Wiseman, 101 Wood, Walter 47 * Woodhead, Benjamin 30 Woodhouse, Edward 23, 27 Woods, George 66 * Worrill, David 45 * Wright, Hannah 73 * Wright, Police Inspector 87 Wyndham, Arthur 46 * Yarborough, Earl of 58 York, William 26 * ------------------------------------- *** Last revised: 15-April-2004 ***