
Abstract Number 10576

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1674 william boulden donnington shaw brk bishop of salisbury will inv bond comm 10576
will and inv of william boulden donington
1) inventory
taken by william field
richard wallen
9 july 1674
sum total £22-6s-6d
2) nuncupative will - 5 july 1674
william boulden of donnington, husbandman, servant to richard ballard of the same
witnesses: richard ballard, daniel edmonds of newbury and alice sandy wife of richard sandy of newbury
all to my brother in law edward sandy and his wife except to frances boulden widow, of hungerford, my sister in law
bondsman: edward sandy, agricolem of newbury
hugo kettle, cheicothiana'
daniel edmunds, cheicothiana'

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]