
District 25 - Northumberland/Westmorland



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 - District 25 - Northumberland/Westmorland       Page
    Dodd           Jane                 Alston [21]       25   1
    Edgar          Nicholas             Alston            25   1
    Graham         Mary                 Alston            25   1
    Nattrass       Joseph               Alston            25   1
    Currah         John                 Alston            25   3
    Shield         Hannah               Alston            25   3
    Cousins        Caleb                Alston            25   5
    Craig          John                 Alston            25   5
    Erwin          Mary Ann             Alston            25   5
    Wailes         Mary                 Alston            25   5
    Emerson        Ralph                Alston            25   7
    Wallace        Mary                 Alston            25   7
    Alexander      Isabella             Berwick           25   9
    Herkes         Robert               Berwick           25   9
    Dagleish       Thomas               Berwick           25  11
    Guthrie        Charlotte            Berwick           25  11
    Hutton         Joseph               Berwick           25  11
    Jones          Thomas               Berwick           25  11
    McKay          Jane                 Berwick           25  11
    Oliver         Elizabeth            Berwick           25  11
    Shanks         David ---orter       Berwick           25  11
    Whitelaw       Elizabeth            Berwick           25  11
    Elsdon         Margaret             Berwick           25  13
    Robson         Richard              Berwick           25  13
    Aitcheson      Elizabeth            Berwick           25  15
    Atcheson       Elizabeth            Berwick           25  15
    Johnston       George               Berwick           25  15
    Johnston       Mary Jane            Berwick           25  15
    Wright         Thomas               Berwick           25  15
    Conolly        Eliza                Berwick           25  17
    Gallagher      Martin               Berwick           25  17
    Gilchrist      Margaret             Berwick           25  17
    Jordan         Mary                 Berwick           25  17
    Malley         Mary                 Berwick           25  17
    McKenzie       John                 Berwick           25  17
    McLarkey       Patrick              Berwick           25  17
    Whitaker       Rodger               Berwick           25  17
    Andrews        Sophia               Berwick           25  18
    Farrell        Bernard              Berwick           25  18
    Kelly          Mary                 Berwick           25  18
    Lindsay        Mary                 Berwick           25  18
    McGuire        Peter                Berwick           25  18
    McGuire        Hugh                 Berwick           25  18
    Morran         Ellen                Berwick           25  18
    Spalman        Robert               Berwick           25  18
    Darling        Margaret             Berwick           25  19
    Landreth       Thomas               Berwick           25  19
    McNab          John                 Berwick           25  19
    Pearson        David                Berwick           25  19
    Titilat?       Margaret             Berwick           25  19
    Whillis        Agnes                Berwick           25  19
    Dean           Nancey               Berwick           25  21
    OMalley        James                Berwick           25  21
    Case           James                Bootle            25  23
    Eglbech?       Richd (sic)          Bootle            25  23
    Farren         Elizabeth            Bootle            25  23
    Steele         Agnes                Bootle            25  23
    Lamb           William              Bootle            25  25
    Parker         Elizabeth            Bootle            25  25
    Hodgson        Ann                  Bootle            25  27
    Read           Richard              Bootle            25  27
    Jackson        Joseph               Bootle            25  29
    Myers          Hannah               Bootle            25  29
    Fox            Miles                Bootle            25  31
    Newby          Ann                  Bootle            25  31
    Bell           Jane                 Brampton          25  33
    Kent           Joseph               Brampton          25  33
    Little         John                 Brampton          25  33
    Rutherford     Mary                 Brampton          25  33
    Sinclair       Isabella             Brampton          25  33
    Todd           William              Brampton          25  33
    Little         Mary                 Brampton          25  35
    Waugh          George               Brampton          25  35
    Irving         Robert               Brampton          25  37
    Reay           Eleanor              Brampton          25  37
    Reay           Mellener             Brampton          25  37
    Martin         Sarah                Brampton          25  39
    Noble          Thomas               Brampton          25  39
    Armstrong      Barbara              Brampton          25  41
    Armstrong      Thomas               Brampton          25  41
    Blaylock       Ann                  Brampton          25  41
    Heslop         John                 Brampton          25  41
    Douthwaite     Thomas               Carlisle          25  43
    Irving         Mary                 Carlisle          25  43
    Clark          Rosetta              Carlisle          25  45
    Davidson       Robert               Carlisle          25  45
    McCartney      William              Carlisle          25  45
    Mullender      Jane                 Carlisle          25  45
    Reay           Sarah Ann            Carlisle          25  45
    Relph          Mary                 Carlisle          25  45
    Sabin          George               Carlisle          25  45
    Wells          Robert               Carlisle          25  45
    Armstrong      John                 Carlisle          25  46
    Baillie        Cecilia?             Carlisle          25  46
    Blenkinsop     Jane                 Carlisle          25  46
    Dobson         Hiram                Carlisle          25  46
    Jackson        Sarah                Carlisle          25  46
    Reed           James                Carlisle          25  46
    Simpson        John                 Carlisle          25  46
    Stubbs         Dorothy              Carlisle          25  46
    Allen          Charlotte            Carlisle          25  47
    Cape           Isabella             Carlisle          25  47
    Donaldson      Jane                 Carlisle          25  47
    Gleeson        Thomas               Carlisle          25  47
    Handsom        Sarah                Carlisle          25  47
    Johnston       Thomas               Carlisle          25  47
    Mattinson      John                 Carlisle          25  47
    Todd           William              Carlisle          25  47
    Brown          Elizabeth            Carlisle          25  48
    Fairlie        William Jordan       Carlisle          25  48
    Frame          Joseph               Carlisle          25  48
    Harrison       William              Carlisle          25  48
    Hodgson        Mary                 Carlisle          25  48
    Hodgson        Mary                 Carlisle          25  48
    Smith          Ann                  Carlisle          25  48
    Tennant        William              Carlisle          25  48
    Anderson       Ann                  Carlisle          25  49
    Armstrong      John                 Carlisle          25  49
    Bird           John                 Carlisle          25  49
    Dobinson       William              Carlisle          25  49
    Graham         Sarah                Carlisle          25  49
    Levin          Catharine            Carlisle          25  49
    Robinson       James                Carlisle          25  49
    Witherington   Mary                 Carlisle          25  49
    Carruthers     Margaret             Carlisle          25  50
    Grisenthwaite  John                 Carlisle          25  50
    Hewson         Mary                 Carlisle          25  50
    Hogg           John                 Carlisle          25  50
    Johnston       Isabella             Carlisle          25  50
    Pocknell       Henry                Carlisle          25  50
    Thomlinson     Edward               Carlisle          25  50
    Thompson       Tamer                Carlisle          25  50
    Thompson       Tamar                Carlisle          25  50
    Benson         William              Carlisle          25  51
    Dalton         Jonathan             Carlisle          25  51
    Dixon          Margaret             Carlisle          25  51
    Jackson        Margaret             Carlisle          25  51
    Sayers         Philip               Carlisle          25  51
    Simpson        Elizabeth            Carlisle          25  51
    Solman         Mary                 Carlisle          25  51
    Taylor         James                Carlisle          25  51
    Beatty         Margaret             Carlisle          25  53
    Carlile        Edward               Carlisle          25  53
    Jefferson      John                 Carlisle          25  53
    Martindale     Mary                 Carlisle          25  53
    Baty           Margaret             Carlisle          25  55
    Halton         James                Carlisle          25  55
    Wiseman        Jane                 Carlisle          25  55
    Barton         Robert               Carlisle          25  57
    Mattinson      Mary                 Carlisle          25  57
    Murray         Jane                 Carlisle          25  57
    Wood           Joseph               Carlisle          25  57
    Johnson        Mary                 Carlisle          25  59
    Little         Andrew               Carlisle          25  59
    Graham         John                 Carlisle          25  61
    Grieve         Ann                  Carlisle          25  61
    Hetherington   William              Carlisle          25  61
    Hodgson        Jane                 Carlisle          25  61
    Lawson         George               Carlisle          25  61
    Mather         Mark                 Carlisle          25  61
    Peascod        Margaret             Carlisle          25  61
    Richardson     Margaret             Carlisle          25  61
    Dixon          Henrietta            Carlisle          25  62
    Dyer           Margaret             Carlisle          25  62
    Fairtlough     James                Carlisle          25  62
    Gurney         George Bernard       Carlisle          25  62
    Jackson        Thomas               Carlisle          25  62
    Leslie         Elizabeth            Carlisle          25  62
    Reed           Harriet              Carlisle          25  62
    Reed           George               Carlisle          25  62
    Carruthers     Jefferay             Carlisle          25  63
    Hamilton       Frances              Carlisle          25  63
    Noble          George               Carlisle          25  63
    Slater         Mary                 Carlisle          25  63
    Johnston       Thomas               Carlisle          25  65
    Noble          Jane Ann             Carlisle          25  65
    Bulman         Mary                 Carlisle          25  67
    Cassidy        Margaret             Carlisle          25  67
    Eagan          Michael              Carlisle          25  67
    Elliott        Richard              Carlisle          25  67
    McQuire        Susan                Carlisle          25  67
    Monaghan       James                Carlisle          25  67
    Murray         Hugh                 Carlisle          25  67
    Wallace        Mary Ann             Carlisle          25  67
    Hamilton       Mary                 Carlisle          25  68
    Mitchell       Elizabeth            Carlisle          25  68
    Oswald         Dixon                Carlisle          25  68
    Patterson      John                 Carlisle          25  68
    Armstrong      John                 Carlisle          25  69
    Bell           Mary                 Carlisle          25  69
    Bell           David                Carlisle          25  69
    Greves         Sarah                Carlisle          25  69
    Hutchinson     Elleanor             Carlisle          25  69
    Richardson     David                Carlisle          25  69
    Steel          Mary                 Carlisle          25  69
    Thwaites       John                 Carlisle          25  69
    Bagnall        Joseph               Carlisle          25  70
    Coulthard      Joseph               Carlisle          25  70
    Cowen          Sarah                Carlisle          25  70
    Johnston       Benjamin             Carlisle          25  70
    Nicholson      Isabella             Carlisle          25  70
    Sinclair       Jane                 Carlisle          25  70
    Turner         John                 Carlisle          25  70
    Young          Ann                  Carlisle          25  70
    McSween        John                 Cockermouth       25  71
    Pearson        Grace                Cockermouth       25  71
    Fleming        Daniel               Cockermouth       25  73
    McKune         Mary                 Cockermouth       25  73
    Bewsher        Robert               Cockermouth       25  75
    Harrison       John                 Cockermouth       25  75
    Newton         Joseph               Cockermouth       25  75
    Thompson       Sarah                Cockermouth       25  75
    Watson         Hannah               Cockermouth       25  75
    Wilson         Sarah                Cockermouth       25  75
    Patterson      Frances              Cockermouth       25  77
    Sandielands    Thomas               Cockermouth       25  77
    Roome          Margaret             Cockermouth       25  79
    Studholme      Joseph               Cockermouth       25  79
    Ostle          Frances              Cockermouth       25  80
    Bigrigg        Jonathan             Cockermouth       25  81
    Burnett        Rebecca              Cockermouth       25  81
    Hetherington   George               Cockermouth       25  81
    Hodgson        John                 Cockermouth       25  81
    Holliday       Betty                Cockermouth       25  81
    Penrice        Joseph               Cockermouth       25  81
    Robinson       Mary                 Cockermouth       25  81
    Sherlock       Sarah                Cockermouth       25  81
    Barron         Sarah                Cockermouth       25  83
    Kirkbride      Jane                 Cockermouth       25  83
    Nicholson      Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  83
    Nicholson      John                 Cockermouth       25  83
    Pharaoh        William              Cockermouth       25  83
    Smith          George               Cockermouth       25  83
    Uren           Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  83
    Watson         Matthew              Cockermouth       25  83
    Wren           Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  83
    Bates          Jane                 Cockermouth       25  84
    Coward         Sarah                Cockermouth       25  84
    Hardy          Henry                Cockermouth       25  84
    Hodgson        John                 Cockermouth       25  84
    Jenkinson      Birkett              Cockermouth       25  84
    Stables        Mary                 Cockermouth       25  84
    Wilkinson      Mary                 Cockermouth       25  84
    Wilson         Joseph               Cockermouth       25  84
    Atkinson       George               Cockermouth       25  85
    Benson         Sarah                Cockermouth       25  85
    Coates         John                 Cockermouth       25  85
    Fleming        William              Cockermouth       25  85
    Harrington     Jane                 Cockermouth       25  85
    Litt           Joseph               Cockermouth       25  85
    Matthews       Dinah                Cockermouth       25  85
    Weightman      Ann                  Cockermouth       25  85
    Abbot          Rachel               Cockermouth       25  87
    Daniel         Joseph               Cockermouth       25  87
    Irving         Joseph               Cockermouth       25  87
    Kirkbride      Mary                 Cockermouth       25  87
    Massey         George               Cockermouth       25  87
    Rodham         Frances              Cockermouth       25  87
    Roney          Patrick              Cockermouth       25  87
    Dawson         William              Cockermouth       25  88
    Scott          George               Cockermouth       25  88
    Wedgwood       Jane                 Cockermouth       25  88
    Armstrong      Mary                 Cockermouth       25  89
    Briggs         Ann                  Cockermouth       25  89
    Hewitt         Joseph               Cockermouth       25  89
    Mounsey        John                 Cockermouth       25  89
    Scott          Thomas               Cockermouth       25  89
    Steel          Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  89
    Wilkinson      Rebecca              Cockermouth       25  89
    Martin         Mary                 Cockermouth a     25  90
    Ostler         Henry                Cockermouth       25  90
    Bolton         Frances              Cockermouth       25  91
    Cooper         Skelton              Cockermouth       25  91
    Cartmel        Richard              Cockermouth       25  93
    Fowler         William              Cockermouth       25  93
    Gaskarth?      John                 Cockermouth       25  93
    Musgrave       Jane                 Cockermouth       25  93
    Satterthwaite  Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  93
    Wise           Mary                 Cockermouth       25  93
    Cowman         John                 Cockermouth       25  95
    Lightfoot      Jane                 Cockermouth       25  95
    Robinson       Sarah                Cockermouth       25  97
    Spedding       James                Cockermouth       25  97
    Barnes         William              Cockermouth       25  99
    Jackson        Nancy                Cockermouth       25  99
    Kennedy        Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25  99
    Sanderson      John                 Cockermouth       25  99
    Lindsay        Sarah                Cockermouth       25 101
    Osborne        Henry                Cockermouth       25 101
    Bell           John                 Cockermouth       25 103
    Brown          Elizabeth            Cockermouth       25 103
    Buchanan       Mary                 Cockermouth       25 103
    Devine         William              Cockermouth       25 103
    Mason          Daniel               Cockermouth       25 103
    Smith          Sarah                Cockermouth       25 103
    Turner         John                 Cockermouth       25 103
    Younghusband   Mary                 Cockermouth       25 103
    Bragg          John                 Cockermouth       25 104
    Elbech         Dorothy              Cockermouth       25 104
    Bell           Isaac                Cockermouth       25 105
    Branthwaite    William              Cockermouth       25 105
    Campbell       John Carter          Cockermouth       25 105
    Dixon          Matilda              Cockermouth       25 105
    Eglbech?       George               Cockermouth       25 105
    Gibson         Margaret             Cockermouth       25 105
    Kay            Sarah                Cockermouth       25 105
    Scurr          Hannah               Cockermouth       25 105
    Blaylock       Thomas               Cockermouth       25 107
    Bowness        Ann                  Cockermouth       25 107
    Fair           Adam                 Cockermouth       25 107
    Hodgson        Mary                 Cockermouth       25 107
    Scott          Jonathan             Cockermouth       25 107
    Sealby         Ann                  Cockermouth       25 107
    Todhunter      William              Cockermouth       25 107
    Wilson         Mary                 Cockermouth       25 107
    Allison        Hannah               Cockermouth       25 108
    Bolton         James                Cockermouth       25 108
    Cass           Margaret             Cockermouth       25 108
    Lightfoot      Parkin               Cockermouth       25 108
    Galston        James                Cockermouth       25 109
    Hughes         Ann                  Cockermouth       25 109
    Jordan         Jane                 Cockermouth       25 109
    McMullin       Sarah                Cockermouth       25 109
    Parkin         John                 Cockermouth       25 109
    Tamons         James                Cockermouth       25 109
    Adam           Annis                Cockermouth       25 111
    Hartas         Thomas               Cockermouth       25 111
    Byars          Robert               Longtown          25 113
    Liddell        Francis Burdett      Longtown          25 113
    Little         Jane                 Longtown          25 113
    Nichol         John                 Longtown          25 113
    Nicholson      Mary                 Longtown          25 113
    Somerville     Mary                 Longtown          25 113
    Calvert        George               Longtown          25 115
    Reid           Elizabeth            Longtown          25 115
    Hetherington   Jane                 Longtown          25 117
    Nixon          Mary                 Longtown          25 117
    Sproat         James                Longtown          25 117
    Watson         James                Longtown          25 117
    Forster        Elizabeth            Longtown          25 119
    Underwood      Thomas               Longtown          25 119
    Mandell        Joseph               Penrith           25 121
    Relph          Sarah                Penrith           25 121
    Green          Joseph               Penrith           25 123
    Hogarth        Mary Anne            Penrith           25 123
    Lowthian       Rebecca              Penrith           25 123
    Nicholson      James Holme          Penrith           25 123
    Rucastle       John                 Penrith           25 123
    Todhunter      Jane                 Penrith           25 123
    Turner         Isaac                Penrith           25 123
    Wilson         Jane                 Penrith           25 123
    Chapman        Jonathan             Penrith           25 124
    Wilson         Mary                 Penrith           25 124
    James          Thomas               Penrith           25 125
    Slack          Mary                 Penrith           25 125
    Grisdale       Thomas               Penrith           25 127
    Martin         Sarah                Penrith           25 127
    Grisdale       Mary                 Penrith           25 129
    Leck           James                Penrith           25 129
    Carruthers     Isabella             Penrith           25 131
    Hetherington   Thomas               Penrith           25 131
    Langhorn       Betsy                Penrith           25 131
    Longhorn       Betsy                Penrith           25 131
    Mason          Joseph               Penrith           25 131
    Nicholson      Isabella             Penrith           25 131
    Nicholson      Isabella             Penrith           25 131
    Oreherton      Alexander            Penrith           25 131
    Turner         Joseph               Penrith           25 131
    Carr           Margaret             Penrith           25 133
    Monkhouse      Elizabeth            Penrith           25 133
    Moor           John                 Penrith           25 133
    Pearson        George               Penrith           25 133
    Richardson     Ann                  Penrith           25 133
    Robinson       Elizabeth            Penrith           25 133
    Scott          Joseph               Penrith           25 133
    Thompson       Thomas               Penrith           25 133
    Brown          Ann                  Penrith           25 134
    Byers          Henry                Penrith           25 134
    Dent           Jane                 Penrith           25 134
    Holliday       Thomas               Penrith           25 134
    Dixon          Ann                  Whaven            25 135
    Wilson         William Stitt        Whaven            25 135
    Graham         Sarah                Whaven            25 137
    Hartley        Stephen              Whaven            25 137
    Johnston       David                Whaven            25 137
    Kelly          Richard              Whaven            25 137
    Mossop         Mary                 Whaven            25 137
    Patty          Margaret             Whaven            25 137
    Anderson       John                 Whaven            25 139
    Cameron        Mary                 Whaven            25 139
    Chapelhow      Richard              Whaven            25 139
    Chapelhow      Elizabeth            Whaven            25 139
    Glaister       Mary                 Whaven            25 139
    Parkinson      John                 Whaven            25 139
    Shackley       Thomas               Whaven            25 139
    Williamson     Mary                 Whaven            25 139
    Wilson         Ann                  Whaven            25 139
    Buchanan       Isabella             Whaven            25 141
    Buchannan      Isabella             Whaven            25 141
    Crosthwaite    Coulthard            Whaven            25 141
    ONeil          John                 Whaven            25 143
    Walker         Robert               Whaven            25 143
    Burrow         Margaret             Whaven            25 145
    Clark          Catherine            Whaven            25 145
    Lindale        Joseph               Whaven            25 145
    McCormick      Michael              Whaven            25 145
    Frears         Mary                 Whaven            25 147
    McMillon       John                 Whaven            25 147
    Sharp          Joseph               Whaven            25 149
    Westray        Margaret             Whaven            25 149
    Crosthwaite    William              Whaven            25 151
    Jackson        Ann                  Whaven            25 151
    Lancaster      James                Whaven            25 151
    Russell        Mary                 Whaven            25 151
    Haig           Hannah               Whaven            25 153
    Hodgson        Thomas               Whaven            25 153
    Howdon         George Suffolk       Whaven            25 153
    Linton         Eleanor              Whaven            25 153
    Sands          John                 Whaven            25 153
    Scott          Ann                  Whaven            25 153
    Simon          Peter                Whaven            25 153
    Stephenson     Betsy                Whaven            25 153
    Badly          John                 Whaven            25 155
    Latterthwaite  Catherine            Whaven            25 155
    Little         William              Whaven            25 155
    McKee          Margaret             Whaven            25 155
    McKie          Margaret             Whaven            25 155
    McNally        Alexander            Whaven            25 155
    Peine          Stephen              Whaven            25 155
    Satterthwaite  Catherine            Whaven            25 155
    Sinclair       Isabella             Whaven            25 155
    Stephenson     Rachel               Whaven            25 155
    Carruthers     Dinah                Whaven            25 157
    Daley          Dinah                Whaven            25 157
    Hodgson        Kendall              Whaven            25 157
    Rodgers        Thomas               Whaven            25 157
    Spence         Elizabeth            Whaven            25 157
    Thornton       Francis              Whaven            25 157
    Deham          Peter                Whaven            25 159
    Griffin        Robert               Whaven            25 159
    Hodgson        Eleanor              Whaven            25 159
    Kinrade        Isabella             Whaven            25 159
    Thompson       Mary                 Whaven            25 159
    Walsh          John                 Whaven            25 159
    Cain           Mary Ann             Whaven            25 161
    Dryden         Joseph               Whaven            25 161
    Hoskins        Elizabeth            Whaven            25 161
    McCabe         Alexander            Whaven            25 161
    McCatten       Jane                 Whaven            25 161
    McNichol       Bernard              Whaven            25 161
    Park           John                 Whaven            25 161
    Tidyman        Catherine            Whaven            25 161
    Brockbank      Thomas               Whaven            25 162
    Burnell        Timothy              Whaven            25 162
    Gibson         Jane                 Whaven            25 162
    Gunnion        Isabella             Whaven            25 162
    Mahone         Margaret             Whaven            25 162
    Sloan          Edward               Whaven            25 162
    Wear           Daniel               Whaven            25 162
    Young          Elizabeth            Whaven            25 162
    Crosthwaite    Joseph               Whaven            25 163
    Fletcher       John                 Whaven            25 163
    Joughin        Ann                  Whaven            25 163
    Wilkinson      Agnes                Whaven            25 163
    Clark          William              Whaven            25 165
    Geddis         Catherine            Whaven            25 165
    Gillmour       Patrick              Whaven            25 165
    Hughes         Jane                 Whaven            25 165
    Kelly          Elizabeth            Whaven            25 165
    McGinnis       Mary                 Whaven            25 165
    Murray         William              Whaven            25 165
    Riley          Francis              Whaven            25 165
    Cowan          Eleanor              Whaven            25 166
    Dawes          James                Whaven            25 166
    Duggan         Margaret             Whaven            25 166
    Farrer         George               Whaven            25 166
    Lasson         Elizabeth            Whaven            25 166
    McGreavy       Luke                 Whaven            25 166
    Nesbitt        Mary Ann             Whaven            25 166
    Straney        John                 Whaven            25 166
    Dixon          Jonathan             Wigton            25 167
    Matthews       Elizabeth            Wigton            25 167
    Brown          Jane                 Wigton            25 169
    Dalzell        Mary                 Wigton            25 169
    Hodgson        John                 Wigton            25 169
    Hughes         Sarah                Wigton            25 169
    Thompson       William              Wigton            25 169
    Waugh          John                 Wigton            25 169
    Arbridge       Thomas               Wigton            25 171
    Lawson         Anne                 Wigton            25 171
    Bell           John                 Wigton            25 173
    Irving         Sarah                Wigton            25 173
    Martin         Isabella             Wigton            25 173
    Moore          Margaret             Wigton            25 173
    Wills          Thomas               Wigton            25 173
    Wilson         John                 Wigton            25 173
    Alcock         Betsy                Wigton            25 175
    Casson         Joseph               Wigton            25 175
    Craghill       Jonathan             Wigton            25 175
    Helme          John                 Wigton            25 175
    Johnston       Mary                 Wigton            25 175
    Scott          Margaret             Wigton            25 175
    Turner         Hannah               Wigton            25 175
    Wilson         John                 Wigton            25 175
    Brown          Joseph               Wigton            25 176
    Poole          Mary                 Wigton            25 176
    Hayton         Hannah               Wigton            25 177
    Smith          Charles              Wigton            25 177
    Hoodless       Henry                Wigton            25 179
    Waugh          Mary                 Wigton            25 179
    Dodd           Jane                 Wigton            25 181
    Harrison       Joseph               Wigton            25 181
    Hunter         William              Wigton            25 183
    Milburn        Jane                 Wigton            25 183
    Nicholson      Margaret             Wigton            25 183
    Craighill      Margaret             Wigton            25 185
    Dixon          William              Wigton            25 185
    Huntington     Mary                 Wigton            25 185
    Irving         William              Wigton            25 185
    Irving         Thomas               Wigton            25 185
    Mains          Jane                 Wigton            25 185
    Wharton        Anthony              Wigton            25 185
    Lightfoot      Edward               Wigton            25 186
    Marsden        Jane                 Wigton            25 186
    Bowes          Henry                Wigton            25 187
    Dow            John                 Wigton            25 187
    Killen         Martha               Wigton            25 187
    Rawling        Jane                 Wigton            25 187
    Rickerby       Isabella             Wigton            25 187
    Welsh          Thomas               Wigton            25 187
    Coulton        Hannah               Ulverstone        25 189
    Coward         John                 Ulverstone        25 189
    Armes          Eleanor              Ulverstone        25 191
    Park           William              Ulverstone        25 191
    Caddy          Sarah                Ulverstone        25 193
    Dennison       Francis              Ulverstone        25 193
    Lewis          Betty                Ulverstone        25 193
    Lewis          James                Ulverstone        25 193
    Lond           John                 Ulverstone        25 193
    Loud           John                 Ulverstone        25 193
    Mattison       Mary                 Ulverstone        25 193
    Myers          Jane                 Ulverstone        25 193
    Ripley         William              Ulverstone        25 193
    Barthrom       Henry                Ulverstone        25 195
    Bartrom        Henery               Ulverstone        25 195
    Satterthwaite  Agnes                Ulverstone        25 195
    Crarey         Mary                 Ulverstone        25 197
    Crayston       Arthur               Ulverstone        25 197
    Fell           Thomas               Ulverstone        25 197
    Jarvis         Robeert              Ulverstone        25 197
    Park           Hannah               Ulverstone        25 197
    Parkinson      John                 Ulverstone        25 197
    Pickthall      Ann                  Ulverstone        25 197
    Simpson        Sarah                Ulverstone        25 197
    Jenkinson      Jane                 Ulverstone        25 199
    Sims           Henry                Ulverstone        25 199
    Stevenson      Margaret             Ulverstone        25 199
    Wilson         Richard              Ulverstone        25 199
    Conlin         Henry                Ulverstone        25 201
    Halmond        Martha               Ulverstone        25 201
    Hammond        Martha               Ulverstone        25 201
    Lewis          John                 Ulverstone        25 201
    Maguire        James                Ulverstone        25 201
    Robinson       John Harrison        Ulverstone        25 201
    Tyson          Jane                 Ulverstone        25 201
    Wilson         Mary Ann             Ulverstone        25 201
    Winder         Dinah                Ulverstone        25 201
    Miller         Wm (sic)             Ulverstone        25 203
    Swales         Jane                 Ulverstone        25 203
    Butler         Mary                 Ulverstone        25 205
    Glaister       Henry                Ulverstone        25 205
    Pritchard      Thomas               Ulverstone        25 207
    Swainson       Eleanor              Ulverstone        25 207
    Brownridge     Margaret Alice       Ulverstone        25 209
    Knight         Robert Thomas        Ulverstone        25 209
    Bradley        Patrick              Alnwick           25 211
    Melville       Bridget              Alnwick           25 211
    Dixon          Eleanor              Alnwick           25 213
    Robinson       James                Alnwick           25 213
    Clark          Thomas               Alnwick           25 215
    Elliott        Jane                 Alnwick           25 215
    Elliott        James                Alnwick UKMW      25 215
    Stephenson     Isabella             Alnwick UKMW      25 215
    Ball           Thomas               Alnwick           25 217
    Hine           Robert               Alnwick           25 217
    Ions           Jane Ann             Alnwick           25 217
    Stephenson     Elizabeth            Alnwick           25 217
    Head           Hannah Elizth (sic)  Alnwick           25 219
    Lambert        Anthony              Alnwick           25 219
    Craig          Ellen                Alnwick           25 221
    Dawson         Robert               Alnwick           25 221
    Metcalfe       William              Alnwick           25 221
    Twizell        Mary                 Alnwick           25 221
    Colvin         Benjamin Grainger    Alnwick           25 223
    Davison        Ann                  Alnwick           25 223
    Hudson         Richard              Alnwick           25 223
    Luke           Jane                 Alnwick           25 223
    Maxwell        Mary Ann             Alnwick           25 223
    Stevenson      William              Alnwick           25 223
    Storey         Catherine            Alnwick           25 223
    Turnbull       John                 Alnwick           25 223
    Hudson         William              Alnwick           25 225
    Middlemass     Thomas Bell          Alnwick           25 225
    Robinson       Ann                  Alnwick           25 225
    Rutter         Mary Ann             Alnwick           25 225
    Terry          Frances              Alnwick           25 225
    Wightman       Mary                 Alnwick           25 225
    Wilson         Robert               Alnwick           25 225
    Young          William              Alnwick           25 225
    Harbertson     Mary                 Belford           25 227
    Short          William Robert       Belford           25 227
    Rodgers        David                Belford           25 229
    Thompson       Rebecca              Belford           25 229
    Elliott        Esther               Belford           25 231
    Watson         Jonathan Watson      Belford           25 231
    Henderson      Matthew              Belford           25 233
    Thompson       Jane                 Belford           25 233
    Charlton       Jane                 Bellingham        25 235
    Smith          John                 Bellingham        25 235
    Davison        Ann                  Belling[ton]      25 237
    Graham         Thomas               Bellingham        25 237
    Ord            John                 Bellingham        25 237
    Riddle         Nicholas             Bellingham        25 237
    Robson         Elizabeth            Bellingham        25 237
    Wood           Elizabeth            Bellingham        25 237
    Robson         Elizabeth            Bellingham        25 239
    Turnbull       Edward Robinson      Bellingham        25 239
    Birket         Elizabeth            Bellingham        25 241
    Dodd           Matthew              Bellingham        25 241
    Bestford       William              Bellingham        25 243
    Binnie         Thomas               Bellingham        25 243
    Cranston       Isabella             Bellingham        25 243
    Douglass       Walter               Bellingham        25 243
    Elliot         Ann                  Bellingham        25 243
    Herdman        Ann                  Bellingham        25 243
    Harle          William              Castle Ward       25 245
    Lawson         Mary                 Castle Ward       25 245
    Hogg           Ann                  Castle Ward       25 247
    Maughan        Edward               Castle Ward       25 247
    Gray           Francis              Castle Ward       25 248
    Ions           Mary                 Castle Ward       25 248
    Hall           George               Castle Ward       25 249
    Pratt          Elizabeth            Castle Ward       25 249
    Bailey         Sarah                Glendale          25 251
    Gray           John                 Glendale          25 251
    Barnes         George               Glendale          25 253
    Lock           Mary Ann             Glendale          25 253
    Lock           Mary                 Glendale          25 253
    Steel          John                 Glendale          25 253
    Dodds          Adam                 Glendale          25 255
    Rutherford     Jane                 Glendale          25 255
    Carmichael     John                 Glendale          25 257
    Dixon          Maria                Glendale          25 257
    Humphery       Elenor               Glendale          25 257
    Humphrey       Elenor               Glendale          25 257
    Humphrey       Eleanor              Glendale          25 257
    Law            Mary                 Glendale          25 257
    Masson         Robert               Glendale          25 257
    Stevenson      Ann                  Glendale          25 257
    Turner         John                 Glendale          25 257
    Watson         Henry                Glendale          25 257
    Balmer         William              Glendale          25 258
    Dixon          Elizabeth            Glendale          25 258
    Armstrong      Rachell              Haltwhistle       25 259
    Carrick        Robert               Haltwhistle       25 259
    Grant          James                Haltwhistle       25 259
    Hetherington   John                 Haltwhistle       25 259
    Irving         Elizabeth            Haltwhistle       25 259
    Leighton       Elizabeth            Haltwhistle       25 259
    Ogden          James                Haltwhistle       25 259
    Walton         Ann                  Haltwhistle       25 259
    Bell           Martin               Hexham            25 263
    Dixon          Ann                  Hexham            25 263
    Robinson       Nicholas             Hexham            25 263
    Watson         Mary                 Hexham            25 263
    Gibson         Joseph               Hexham            25 265
    Reed           Mary                 Hexham            25 265
    Armstrong      Margaret             Hexham            25 267
    Usher          George               Hexham            25 267
    Charlton       Jane                 Hexham            25 269
    Welton         George               Hexham            25 269
    Glennon        John                 Hexham            25 271
    Mewes          Ann                  Hexham            25 271
    Muse           Ann                  Hexham            25 271
    Burn           Henry                Hexham            25 273
    Bushby         Elizabeth            Hexham            25 273
    Carrick        Susannah             Hexham            25 273
    Faill          Robert               Hexham            25 273
    Green          Hanah (sic)          Hexham            25 273
    Kirsopp        James                Hexham            25 273
    Laidler        John                 Hexham            25 273
    Turnbull       Margaret             Hexham            25 273
    Dawson         Joseph               Hexham            25 275
    Elliott        John                 Hexham            25 275
    Laws           Jane                 Hexham            25 275
    Maddison       Martha               Hexham            25 275
    Brown          Hugh                 Hexham            25 277
    Coulson        Sarah                Hexham            25 277
    Heatherington  Hannah               Hexham            25 277
    Martin         Henry                Hexham            25 277
    Newton         John                 Hexham            25 277
    Patrick        Mary                 Hexham            25 277
    Armstrong      Mary                 Hexham            25 279
    Brown          Jane                 Hexham            25 279
    Fletcher       Christopher          Hexham            25 279
    Pattinson      Thomas               Hexham            25 279
    Pattison       Thomas               Hexham            25 279
    Bell           Robert               Hexham            25 281
    Mason          Thomas               Hexham            25 281
    Ord            Jane                 Hexham            25 281
    Scott          Elizabeth            Hexham            25 281
    Hutchinson     Thomas               Hexham            25 283
    Symn           Mary                 Hexham            25 283
    Blaney         Mary                 Hexham            25 285
    Dodd           Elizabeth            Hexham            25 285
    Killen         John                 Hexham            25 285
    Philipson      William              Hexhan            25 285
    Reah           Mable (sic)          Hexham            25 285
    Reay           Mable (sic)          Hexham            25 285
    Sewell         William              Hexham            25 285
    Spencer        Alexander            Hexham            25 285
    Thompson       Mary                 Hexham            25 285
    Armstrong      Ann                  Hexham            25 286
    Bell           Mary                 Hexham            25 286
    English        Barbry (sic)         Hexham            25 286
    Irwin          Margaret             Hexham UKMW       25 286
    MacCauley      James                Hexham            25 286
    McCauley       James                Hexham            25 286
    Nixon          James                Hexham            25 286
    Nixon          Thomas               Hexham            25 286
    Rutherford     Major                Hexham UKMW       25 286
    Coulson        William              Hexham            25 287
    Dunn           Mary                 Hexham            25 287
    Forster        Elizabeth            Hexham            25 287
    Hall           Ann                  Hexham            25 287
    Johnson        William              Hexham            25 287
    Lawson         Thomas               Hexham            25 287
    Martin         Jane                 Hexham            25 287
    Philipson      Henry                Hexham            25 287
    Ramsey         Jonathan             Morpeth           25 289
    Smith          Jane                 Morpeth           25 289
    Hall           Ephraim              Morpeth           25 291
    Thornton       Mary Isabella        Morpeth           25 291
    Baxter         George               Morpeth           25 293
    Dixon          Ruth                 Morpeth           25 293
    Bigge          Charlotte Eliza      Morpeth           25 295
    Smith          David                Morpeth           25 295
    Errington      Diana                Morpeth           25 297
    Heaston?       Edward Thomas        Morpeth           25 297
    Hindmarch      Eleanor              Morpeth           25 297
    Lennox         John                 Morpeth           25 297
    Boyd           Mary                 Morpeth           25 299
    Cowans         Elizabeth            Morpeth           25 299
    Kerr           John                 Morpeth           25 299
    Leightley      George               Morpeth           25 299
    McColam        Catherine            Morpeth           25 299
    Robson         Annie                Morpeth           25 299
    Robson         Thomas               Morpeth           25 299
    Wilson         John                 Morpeth           25 299
    Hepple         Caroline Amelia      Morpeth           25 301
    Maddison       James                Morpeth           25 301
    Oliver         Margaret             Morpeth           25 303
    Robinson       George               Morpeth           25 303
    Rutledge       Eleanor              Morpeth           25 303
    Twizel         Charles              Morpeth           25 303
    Handyside      Mary                 Morpeth           25 305
    Maughan        Cormick              Morpeth           25 305
    Meer           Libby                Morpeth           25 305
    Patterson      William              Morpeth           25 305
    Reid           Mary                 Morpeth           25 305
    Veitch         William              Morpeth           25 305
    Hall           James                Ncastle T         25 307
    Procter        Mary Elizabeth       Ncastle T         25 307
    Allison        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 309
    Carins         Joseph               Ncastle T         25 309
    Forster        Margaret             Ncastle T         25 309
    Hudspeth       Ruth                 Ncastle T         25 309
    Inness         Hugh                 Ncastle T         25 309
    Marshall       Thomas Hewison       Ncastle T         25 309
    Dixon          Hannah Mary          Ncastle T         25 310
    Dunn           Robert               Ncastle T         25 310
    Foster         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 310
    Hill           James                Ncastle T         25 310
    Pennington     Edward Walker        Ncastle T         25 310
    Skipsey        Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 310
    Taylor         William              Ncastle T         25 310
    Wilson         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 310
    Doeg           Lilley               Ncastle T         25 311
    Dreg           Lilley               Ncastle T         25 311
    Elliott        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 311
    Gaines         Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 311
    Goulding       Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 311
    Kirkley        George               Ncastle T         25 311
    Ramsey         Barbara Mundle       Ncastle T         25 311
    Rook           George               Ncastle T         25 311
    Wilson         James                Ncastle T         25 311
    Carter         Sarah Ann            Ncastle T         25 312
    Cartledge      Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 312
    Cowell         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 312
    Davis          William              Ncastle T         25 312
    Furbank        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 312
    Goodwill       Robert Thomas        Ncastle T         25 312
    Ratchcliffe    Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 312
    Thompson       Thomas Alexander     Ncastle T         25 312
    Brown          Margaret             Ncastle T         25 313
    Heslop         James                Ncastle T         25 313
    Hotter         John                 Ncastle T         25 313
    Sloan          George               Ncastle T         25 313
    Smith          John                 Ncastle T         25 313
    Wardle         Honour               Ncastle T         25 313
    Weddle         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 313
    Best           John                 Ncastle T         25 314
    Dodd           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 314
    Eckford        Isabel Cameron       Ncastle T         25 314
    Fenwick        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 314
    Murray         Jane                 Ncastle T         25 314
    Stephenson     Thomas Smith         Ncastle T         25 314
    White          Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 314
    Wright         William              Ncastle T         25 314
    Cleugh         Ralph                Ncastle T         25 315
    Gourley        George               Ncastle T         25 315
    Hedley         Isabel               Ncastle T         25 315
    Pinkney        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 315
    Robson         Joseph Septimus      Ncastle T         25 315
    Robson         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 315
    Shaw           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 315
    Young          William              Ncastle T         25 315
    Carr           Jacob                Ncastle T         25 316
    Currie         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 316
    Graham         Edward               Ncastle T         25 316
    Henderson      Thomas               Ncastle T         25 316
    Maughan        Henry                Ncastle T         25 316
    Moore          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 316
    Robinson       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 316
    Surtees        Isabella             Ncastle T         25 316
    Barrass        Edward               Ncastle T         25 317
    Brown          Margaret             Ncastle T         25 317
    Gordon         John                 Ncastle T         25 317
    Haggerston     Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 317
    Lawrence       James                Ncastle T         25 317
    McPherson      Hannah               Ncastle T         25 317
    Proud          Charles              Ncastle T         25 317
    Turnbull       Margery              Ncastle T         25 317
    Wilson         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 317
    Chapman        Nicholas             Ncastle T         25 318
    Fenwick        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 318
    Golightly      Ann                  Ncastle T         25 318
    Higgins        Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 318
    Hunter         Ann                  Ncastle T         25 318
    Hunter         James                Ncastle T         25 318
    Noble          Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 318
    Wilson         George Sanderson     Ncastle T         25 318
    Emery          Isabella             Ncastle T         25 319
    Harrison       Alice                Ncastle T         25 319
    Johnson        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 319
    Jolley         Robert               Ncastle T         25 319
    Maughan        William              Ncastle T         25 319
    Widdington     Elizabeth Havelock   Ncastle T         25 319
    Wright         Charles              Ncastle T         25 319
    Young          John                 Ncastle T         25 319
    Arthur         Anne Mary            Ncastle T         25 320
    Arthur         Annie Mary           Ncastle T         25 320
    Dodds          Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 320
    Hoosley        John                 Ncastle T         25 320
    Hopper         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 320
    Lawrie         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 320
    Pickersgill    William              Ncastle T         25 320
    Reed           William              Ncastle T         25 320
    Ridley         Susan                Ncastle T         25 320
    Atkinson       Frances              Ncastle T         25 321
    Dixon          Ann                  Ncastle T         25 321
    Harrison       Charlotte            Ncastle T         25 321
    Hind           Blakeston            Ncastle T         25 321
    Percy          William              Ncastle T         25 321
    Powell         John                 Ncastle T         25 321
    Savage         Robert               Ncastle T         25 321
    Williams       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 321
    Best           Thomas               Ncastle T         25 322
    Cooper         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 322
    Hindmarsh      Thomas               Ncastle T         25 322
    Hutchinson     John                 Ncastle T ?322    25 322
    Lowes          Thomasine            Ncastle T         25 322
    Robinson       William              Ncastle T         25 322
    Turner         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 322
    White          Ann                  Ncastle T         25 322
    Balmer         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 323
    Clark          Sophia               Ncastle T         25 323
    Hayes          John                 Ncastle T ?323    25 323
    Howdon         John                 Ncastle T         25 323
    Hunter         William              Ncastle T         25 323
    Vaux           Elizabeth Ann        Ncastle T         25 323
    Walker         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 323
    Gowens         Esther               Ncastle T         25 324
    Henderson      Edwin                Ncastle T         25 324
    Lisle          Alexander            Ncastle T         25 324
    Marshall       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 324
    Rutledge       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 324
    Sime           William              Ncastle T         25 324
    Thirlaway      Isabella             Ncastle T         25 324
    Wright         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 324
    Brown          Dorothy              Ncastle T         25 325
    Gibson         Dorothy              Ncastle T         25 325
    Harlang        John                 Ncastle T         25 325
    McNamay        Michael              Ncastle T         25 325
    Bainbridge     Samuel               Ncastle T         25 327
    Bruce          Margaret             Ncastle T         25 327
    Howliston      William              Ncastle T         25 327
    Humble         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 327
    Richardson     Mary                 Ncastle T         25 327
    Robinson       Mark                 Ncastle T         25 327
    Sadler         Ann Charlotte        Ncastle T         25 327
    Swire          Samuel               Ncastle T         25 327
    Bradley        William              Ncastle T         25 328
    Craig          Margaret Allen       Ncastle T         25 328
    Fawcett        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 328
    Harrison       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 328
    Hornsby        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 328
    Pickersgill    Frances              Ncastle T         25 328
    Richardson     Ann                  Ncastle T         25 328
    Roes           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 328
    Stonebank      Robert               Ncastle T         25 328
    Bowman         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 329
    Eland          George               Ncastle T         25 329
    Elard          George               Ncastle T         25 329
    Grahamsley     William              Ncastle T         25 329
    Hudspeth       Margaret             Ncastle T         25 329
    Johnson        Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 329
    Rawlins        Richard              Ncastle T         25 329
    Robson         William              Ncastle T ?327    25 329
    Spoor          Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 329
    Blackett       Ann                  Ncastle T         25 330
    Colston        Joshua               Ncastle T         25 330
    Ellison        Frances              Ncastle T         25 330
    Ocheltree      John                 Ncastle T         25 330
    Peterson       Dorothy              Ncastle T         25 330
    Ware           William Hobbs        Ncastle T         25 330
    Atkinson       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 331
    Brown          Jane                 Ncastle T         25 331
    Cresswell      Susannah             Ncastle T         25 331
    Dixon          Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 331
    Route          James                Ncastle T         25 331
    Smith          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 331
    Smith          Maria                Ncastle T         25 331
    Wilkinson      William              Ncastle T         25 331
    Andrews        Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 332
    Atkin          Isabella             Ncastle T         25 332
    Beer           James                Ncastle T         25 332
    Berton         Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 332
    Burns          Ralph                Ncastle T         25 332
    Elliot         Robert               Ncastle T         25 332
    Elliott        Robert               Ncastle T         25 332
    Gibbons        John                 Ncastle T         25 332
    Heron          Jane                 Ncastle T         25 332
    Smith          Christopher          Ncastle T ?2      25 332
    Eadington      Alice                Ncastle T         25 333
    Edington       Alice                Ncastle T         25 333
    Graham         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 333
    Howe           John                 Ncastle T         25 333
    Leedale        John                 Ncastle T         25 333
    Macdermott     Susannah             Ncastle T         25 333
    Stephenson     John                 Ncastle T         25 333
    Tigan          Ann Nevy             Ncastle T         25 333
    Anderson       Margaret             Ncastle T         25 334
    Atkinson       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 334
    Bates          Adam                 Ncastle T         25 334
    Bewick         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 334
    Fettis         William              Ncastle T         25 334
    Sharp          Robert               Ncastle T         25 334
    Taylor         Jane Elizabeth       Ncastle T         25 334
    Wilkinson      Richard              Ncastle T         25 334
    Best           Joseph               Ncastle T         25 335
    Brady          William              Ncastle T         25 335
    Darwent        Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 335
    Glass          Ann                  Ncastle T         25 335
    Jackson        Jane                 Ncastle T         25 335
    Ramshaw        Luke                 Ncastle T         25 335
    Robson         Christopher          Ncastle T         25 335
    Wilson         Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 335
    Blenkinsop     Robert               Ncastle T         25 336
    Hunter         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 336
    McGurk         Peter                Ncastle T         25 336
    McKenzie       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 336
    Sanderson      Esther               Ncastle T         25 336
    Tindle         Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 336
    Annan          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 337
    Copeland       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 337
    Douglass       Sarah                Ncastle T         25 337
    Nesbit         Elizabeth Stephenson Ncastle T         25 337
    Smith          Joseph               Ncastle T         25 337
    Thompson       John                 Ncastle T         25 337
    Urwin          Mabel                Ncastle T         25 337
    Appleby        Jane                 Ncastle T         25 339
    Crawford       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 339
    Dellany        Margaret             Ncastle T         25 339
    Maddon         Rose                 Ncastle T         25 339
    ONeil          Laurence             Ncastle T         25 339
    Pearson        Joseph Cook          Ncastle T         25 339
    Robson         Joseph               Ncastle T         25 339
    Simpson        Jacob                Ncastle T         25 339
    Twigg          Ellen                Ncastle T         25 339
    Blakiston      Barbara              Ncastle T         25 340
    Cherrey        William              Ncastle T         25 340
    Cook           John                 Ncastle T         25 340
    Goffon         Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 340
    Lye            William              Ncastle T         25 340
    Studham        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 340
    Thompson       Isabella             Ncastle T         25 340
    Corbitt        Sicily               Ncastle T         25 341
    Gascoigne      George               Ncastle T         25 341
    Gascoigne      Mary Jane            Ncastle T         25 341
    Mason          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 341
    Nicholson      Jane                 Ncastle T         25 341
    Richmond       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 341
    Tate           Henry                Ncastle T         25 341
    Veitch         Samuel               Ncastle T         25 341
    Emerson        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 342
    Gardner        Martha               Ncastle T         25 342
    Kell           Margaret             Ncastle T         25 342
    Lambert        Caroline Alice       Ncastle T         25 342
    Patrick        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 342
    Ramsey         John                 Ncastle T         25 342
    Robertson      John                 Ncastle T         25 342
    Thompson       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 342
    Bigg           Robert Burns         Ncastle T         25 343
    Crawley        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 343
    Flynn          John                 Ncastle T         25 343
    Green          Sarah                Ncastle T         25 343
    Lowthin        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 343
    Oxley          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 343
    Thomas         Winefred             Ncastle T         25 343
    Usher          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 343
    Clyde          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 344
    Featherston    Ann                  Ncastle T         25 344
    Holmes         William John         Ncastle T ?344    25 344
    Lawson         John                 Ncastle T         25 344
    Milburn        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 344
    Millican       Margaret             Ncastle T         25 344
    Moody          John                 Ncastle T         25 344
    Wardman        George               Ncastle T         25 344
    Wood           Jane                 Ncastle T         25 344
    Carter         Stephen              Ncastle T         25 345
    Hollow         Martha               Ncastle T         25 345
    Hutchinson     Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 345
    Jobling        Robert               Ncastle T         25 345
    Johnson        James                Ncastle T         25 345
    Seteary        Margaret             Ncastle T         25 345
    Softley        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 345
    Weallins       William              Ncastle T         25 345
    Davidson       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 346
    Davison        Marrion              Ncastle T         25 346
    Forster        Isabella             Ncastle T         25 346
    Graham         Sarah                Ncastle T         25 346
    Heppell        William Lisle        Ncastle T         25 346
    Rutherford     John                 Ncastle T         25 346
    Wallace        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 346
    Atkinson       John                 Ncastle T         25 347
    Brown          Ann                  Ncastle T         25 347
    Davison        James                Ncastle T         25 347
    Gordon         George               Ncastle T         25 347
    Grieves        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 347
    Hedley         Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 347
    Lowrey         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 347
    Middlemas      Thomas               Ncastle T         25 347
    Potts          Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 347
    Elliott        Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 348
    Fitzgerald     Margaret Ann         Ncastle T         25 348
    Frill          Sarah                Ncastle T         25 348
    Hunt           Samuel               Ncastle T         25 348
    Moss           John                 Ncastle T         25 348
    Paxton         Ann                  Ncastle T         25 348
    Scott          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 348
    Summerbell     George               Ncastle T         25 348
    Akin           Ann                  Ncastle T         25 349
    Forster        Christopher George   Ncastle T         25 349
    Hedworth       William              Ncastle T         25 349
    Innes          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 349
    Low            Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 349
    Miller         John                 Ncastle T         25 349
    White          Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 349
    Wiggins        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 349
    Cook           Ann                  Ncastle T         25 350
    Glass          Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 350
    Hails          Fanny                Ncastle T         25 350
    Hopper         Edward               Ncastle T         25 350
    Lamb           John Thomas          Ncastle T         25 350
    Maughan        James                Ncastle T         25 350
    Redford        Jane Elizabeth       Ncastle T         25 350
    Walkear        Nicholas             Ncastle T         25 350
    Bentley        Jonathan             Ncastle T         25 351
    Crawley        Ellen                Ncastle T         25 351
    Glendinning    Ann                  Ncastle T         25 351
    Grayden        William              Ncastle T         25 351
    Livingston     Neil                 Ncastle T         25 351
    Nixon          Ralph                Ncastle T         25 351
    Oxley          Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 351
    Slater         Jane                 Ncastle T         25 351
    Brankston      John                 Ncastle T         25 352
    Corbitt        John                 Ncastle T         25 352
    Denton         Robert               Ncastle T         25 352
    Gibson         Hannah               Ncastle T         25 352
    Havelock       Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 352
    Lowdon         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 352
    Rutherford     William Henzell      Ncastle T         25 352
    Sinclair       George Bargate       Ncastle T         25 352
    Wood           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 352
    Gibson         John                 Ncastle T         25 353
    Howcroft       Rachel               Ncastle T         25 353
    Jackson        Christopher          Ncastle T         25 353
    Johnson        William              Ncastle T         25 353
    Johnson        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 353
    Lawson         John                 Ncastle T         25 353
    Nichol         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 353
    Rutherford     Jane                 Ncastle T         25 353
    Chapman        Richard Wilson       Ncastle T         25 354
    Donnison       Robert               Ncastle T         25 354
    Hudson         Harriet              Ncastle T ?334    25 354
    Morrell        Esther               Ncastle T         25 354
    Portous        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 354
    Souter         Frances              Ncastle T         25 354
    Thompson       Isabella             Ncastle T         25 354
    Grainger       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 355
    Hunter         Sarah                Ncastle T         25 355
    Jobling        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 355
    Jobling        John                 Ncastle T         25 355
    Learmouth      George               Ncastle T         25 355
    Rutherford     Isaac Henzell Major  Ncastle T         25 355
    Shaftoe        John                 Ncastle T         25 355
    Turnbull       Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 355
    Urwin          James                Ncastle T ?355    25 355
    Watson         Hannah               Ncastle T         25 355
    Parkin         Myram Amelia         Ncastle T         25 357
    Pringle        Margaret             Ncastle T         25 357
    Scorer         Lancelot             Ncastle T         25 357
    Sharp          Robert               Ncastle T         25 357
    Smith          William              Ncastle T         25 357
    Stewart        John                 Ncastle T         25 357
    Swaddell       Thomasine            Ncastle T         25 357
    Allardus       William              Ncastle T         25 358
    Errington      Mary                 Ncastle T         25 358
    Grundy         Joseph Robinson      Ncastle T         25 358
    Macdonald      Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 358
    Wilkie         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 358
    Wilkinson      Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 358
    Young          John                 Ncastle T         25 358
    Brown          Hannah               Ncastle T         25 359
    Clay           David                Ncastle T         25 359
    Dakers         Ann                  Ncastle T         25 359
    Ellison        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 359
    McKelvey       John                 Ncastle T         25 359
    Rutherford     John                 Ncastle T         25 359
    Swinburn       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 359
    Wilson         Elizabeth Bruce      Ncastle T         25 359
    Baker          Robert               Ncastle T         25 360
    Bates          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 360
    Copeland       Thomas               Ncastle T         25 360
    Cresswell      Edward               Ncastle T         25 360
    Davison        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 360
    Miller         Thomas Brown         Ncastle T         25 360
    Russell        Sarah Reed           Ncastle T         25 360
    Young          Jane                 Ncastle T         25 360
    Christain      Margaret             Ncastle T         25 361
    Gibson         Margaret             Ncastle T         25 361
    Gill           John                 Ncastle T         25 361
    Hunter         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 361
    Jobling        Cicely               Ncastle T         25 361
    Mason          Blackett             Ncastle T         25 361
    Moore          William Henry        Ncastle T         25 361
    Punshon        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 361
    Bell           John Fawcett         Ncastle T         25 362
    Beresford      William              Ncastle T         25 362
    Booth          Esther               Ncastle T         25 362
    Gath           Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 362
    Graham         Joseph               Ncastle T         25 362
    Harrison       William              Ncastle T         25 362
    Marshall       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 362
    Patterson      Margaret             Ncastle T         25 362
    Cockburn       Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 363
    Hulse          John                 Ncastle T         25 363
    Richardson     John                 Ncastle T         25 363
    Rothwell       Mary Ann             Ncastle T         25 363
    Royal          Sarah                Ncastle T         25 363
    Taylor         Hannah               Ncastle T         25 363
    Wake           James                Ncastle T         25 363
    Wilson         William              Ncastle T         25 363
    Barnard        Ellen                Ncastle T         25 364
    Blackburn      Jane                 Ncastle T         25 364
    English        Joseph               Ncastle T         25 364
    Harrison       Walton               Ncastle T         25 364
    Irwin          Phillis              Ncastle T         25 364
    Pybiern        Ann                  Ncastle T         25 364
    Richardson     Thomas               Ncastle T         25 364
    Yeoman         William Thomas       Ncastle T         25 364
    Abbot          John George          Ncastle T         25 365
    Adamson        Catharine            Ncastle T         25 365
    Armstrong      Thomas               Ncastle T         25 365
    Fleming        James                Ncastle T         25 365
    Gleghorn       Dorothy              Ncastle T         25 365
    Harrison       Frances Dorothy      Ncastle T         25 365
    Hayward        Jane                 Ncastle T         25 365
    Hedley         Ann                  Ncastle T         25 365
    Taylor         Robert               Ncastle T         25 365
    Murton         George               Ncastle T         25 366
    Salkeld        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 366
    Cleutterbuck   George               Ncastle T         25 367
    Clutterbuck    George               Ncastle T         25 367
    Hart           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 367
    Hemsley        George               Ncastle T         25 367
    McGrevie       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 367
    Milligin       John                 Ncastle T         25 367
    Taylor         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 367
    Watson         Mary                 Ncastle T         25 367
    Conlan         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 368
    Conolly        Henry                Ncastle T         25 368
    Cotter         Michael              Ncastle T         25 368
    Johnson        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 368
    McCowen        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 368
    McGovan        Sarah                Ncastle T         25 368
    McKelvie       Ann                  Ncastle T         25 368
    Rushton        William Henry        Ncastle T         25 368
    Coulthard      Nathaniel            Ncastle T         25 369
    Gollagly       Helen                Ncastle T         25 369
    Hetherington   Joseph               Ncastle T         25 369
    Hewitt         Jane                 Ncastle T         25 369
    Hogan          Hugh                 Ncastle T         25 369
    Inness         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 369
    Kelly          Bridget              Ncastle T         25 369
    Rooney         James                Ncastle T         25 369
    Carty          Bridget              Ncastle T         25 370
    Dixon          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 370
    Flint          John                 Ncastle T         25 370
    Gaughan        Margaret             Ncastle T         25 370
    Gormanly       Patrick              Ncastle T         25 370
    Leonard        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 370
    McEldowry      Bernard              Ncastle T         25 370
    Ruddy          Roger                Ncastle T         25 370
    Boyd           Ann                  Ncastle T         25 371
    Fox            John                 Ncastle T         25 371
    Hodgson        Catherine            Ncastle T         25 371
    Inness         James                Ncastle T         25 371
    McFait         Ann                  Ncastle T         25 371
    McIntyre       Ann                  Ncastle T         25 371
    McKay          Robert               Ncastle T         25 371
    Stafford       John                 Ncastle T         25 371
    Calder         Robert               Ncastle T         25 372
    Convery        James                Ncastle T         25 372
    English        Eleanor              Ncastle T         25 372
    Hardy          John                 Ncastle T         25 372
    Hill           Amelia               Ncastle T         25 372
    Matthews       Hannah               Ncastle T         25 372
    McErlane       Mary                 Ncastle T         25 372
    Carr           James Nixon          Ncastle T         25 373
    Hunter         Robert Naisbitt      Ncastle T         25 373
    Knox           Mary                 Ncastle T         25 373
    Maxwell        Sarah                Ncastle T         25 373
    Peel           William              Ncastle T         25 373
    Sanderson      George               Ncastle T         25 373
    Vinycomb       Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 373
    Wouldhaw       Jane                 Ncastle T         25 373
    Crawford       Robert               Ncastle T         25 374
    Crawford       James                Ncastle T         25 374
    Duffy          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 374
    Hutchinson     Elizabeth Ann        Ncastle T         25 374
    Proud          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 374
    Ramsay         Isabella             Ncastle T         25 374
    Sewell         William              Ncastle T         25 374
    Shield         Tamer (sic)          Ncastle T         25 374
    Casey          James                Ncastle T         25 375
    Clark          Mary                 Ncastle T         25 375
    Foster         Henry                Ncastle T         25 375
    Gowdy          Thomas               Ncastle T         25 375
    Riddell        Jane                 Ncastle T         25 375
    Smith          Anne Harrison        Ncastle T         25 375
    Venus          Bridget              Ncastle T         25 375
    Wilson         James Foster         Ncastle T         25 375
    Allen          William              Ncastle T         25 376
    Beha           Joseph               Ncastle T         25 376
    Coalle         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 376
    Coolle         Thomas               Ncastle T         25 376
    Gannon         George               Ncastle T         25 376
    Heron          Elizabeth            Ncastle T         25 376
    Leach          Jane                 Ncastle T         25 376
    Longstaff      Hannah               Ncastle T         25 376
    Warren         Susannah             Ncastle T         25 376
    Dahle          John Jorgen          Ncastle T         25 377
    Dickinson      Thomas Henry         Ncastle T         25 377
    Dodd           Hannah               Ncastle T         25 377
    Elder          Margaret             Ncastle T         25 377
    Mather         Edward Thew          Ncastle T         25 377
    Milburn        Sarah                Ncastle T         25 377
    Schollick      Jane                 Ncastle T         25 377
    Wright         Ebenezer             Ncastle T         25 377
    Hogarth        Robert               Ncastle T         25 378
    Balmer         John                 Ncastle T         25 379
    Burnett        Robert               Ncastle T         25 379
    Doughearty     Francis              Ncastle T         25 379
    Galloway       Sarah                Ncastle T         25 379
    Grey           Margaret             Ncastle T         25 379
    Hughes         Henry                Ncastle T         25 379
    Jeffrey        Hannah               Ncastle T         25 379
    McCardell      Rose                 Ncastle T         25 379
    Broadley       Ann                  Ncastle T         25 380
    Connell        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 380
    Convery        John                 Ncastle T         25 380
    Dalrymple      Doalthy Ann Ellison  Ncastle T         25 380
    Forster        David Miller         Ncastle T         25 380
    Gallagher      Daniel               Ncastle T         25 380
    Glaholm        Mary                 Ncastle T         25 380
    Smeaton        Thomas               Ncastle T         25 380
    Hume           John                 Rothbury          25 381
    Tully          Eleanor              Rothbury          25 381
    Anderson       Margaret             Rothbury          25 383
    Bland          Thomas               Rothbury          25 383
    Buglass        Andrew               Rothbury          25 383
    Davison        Elizabeth            Rothbury          25 383
    Scott          Samuel               Rothbury          25 383
    Scott          Ann                  Rothbury          25 383
    Scott          Isabella             Rothbury          25 383
    Young          Matthew              Rothbury          25 383
    Beattie        John                 Rothbury          25 385
    Oliver         Jane                 Rothbury          25 385
    Fenwick        Margaret Collingwood Rothbury          25 387
    Gray           Robert               Rothbury          25 387
    Smith          Thomas               Rothbury          25 387
    Storey         Ann                  Rothbury          25 387
    Clinton        Susannah Arkless     Rothbury          25 389
    Clinton        Susannah Archless    Rothbury          25 389
    Thift          Robert               Rothbury          25 389
    Thrift         Robert               Rothbury          25 389
    Coulter        Ralph                Rothbury          25 391
    Gray           Maria                Rothbury          25 391
    Creigh         Israel               Tmouth            25 393
    Gledson        John                 Tmouth            25 393
    Moore          Isabella             Tmouth            25 393
    Sisterson      Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 393
    Cockerill      Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 395
    Elder          George               Tmouth            25 395
    Gray           George               Tmouth            25 395
    Richardson     Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 395
    Robinson       Ann                  Tmouth            25 395
    Stephenson     Isaac                Tmouth            25 395
    Todd           Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 395
    Tynemouth      Robert               Tmouth            25 395
    Bradey         Ann                  Tmouth            25 396
    Chapman        Matilda              Tmouth            25 396
    Downie         Sarah                Tmouth            25 396
    Jack           Ann                  Tmouth            25 396
    Kirkham        John                 Tmouth            25 396
    Potts          William              Tmouth            25 396
    Spoors         Edward               Tmouth            25 396
    Wolley         Jane                 Tmouth            25 396
    Dockery        James                Tmouth            25 397
    Dunn           Mary                 Tmouth            25 397
    Irwin          Joseph               Tmouth            25 397
    Johnson        Robert               Tmouth            25 397
    Lamb           Ann                  Tmouth            25 397
    Robinson       Catharine            Tmouth            25 397
    Rogers         John                 Tmouth            25 397
    Taylor         Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 397
    Burt           Mary Alice           Tmouth            25 398
    Dixon          Thomas               Tmouth            25 398
    Forster        Isabella             Tmouth            25 398
    Hindson        Margaret             Tmouth            25 398
    Nicholson      John                 Tmouth            25 398
    Potts          Elizabeth Skipsey    Tmouth            25 398
    Rendles        William              Tmouth            25 398
    Taylor         William              Tmouth            25 398
    Beverley       Jane                 Tmouth            25 399
    Coulson        Margaret             Tmouth            25 399
    Embleton       Thomas               Tmouth            25 399
    Gilfellon      Andrew               Tmouth            25 399
    Morrison       Isaac                Tmouth            25 399
    Parker         Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 399
    Peel           John                 Tmouth            25 399
    Thompson       Susanna              Tmouth            25 399
    Adams          Andrew               Tmouth            25 400
    Charlton       Jane                 Tmouth            25 400
    Lawrenceson    Charles              Tmouth            25 400
    Newton         Isabella             Tmouth            25 400
    Douglas        Mary                 Tmouth            25 401
    Mills          Margery              Tmouth            25 401
    Morrison       John                 Tmouth            25 401
    Patterson      Jane                 Tmouth            25 401
    Patterson      Jane                 Tmouth            25 401
    Richardson     George               Tmouth            25 401
    Rochester      Thomas               Tmouth            25 401
    Sousby         John                 Tmouth            25 401
    Stoker         John                 Tmouth            25 401
    Armstrong      Thomas               Tmouth            25 402
    Croanparkin    Isabella             Tmouth            25 402
    Gourley        Robert               Tmouth            25 403
    Grainger       George Adams         Tmouth            25 403
    Mordue         George               Tmouth            25 403
    Orton          Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 403
    Steel          Anne                 Tmouth            25 403
    Stewart        Jane                 Tmouth            25 403
    Hedley         Robson               Tmouth            25 404
    Laing          Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 404
    Nixon          Thomas               Tmouth            25 404
    Peel           Joseph               Tmouth            25 404
    Scott          Sarah                Tmouth            25 404
    Watson         Mary                 Tmouth            25 404
    Archer         Joshua               Tmouth            25 405
    Crawford       Jane                 Tmouth            25 405
    Cunninghame    Mary                 Tmouth            25 405
    Driver         Thomas               Tmouth            25 405
    Gibson         Frances              Tmouth            25 405
    Richardson     John                 Tmouth            25 405
    Taylor         Jane                 Tmouth            25 405
    Usher          Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 405
    Buckley        Stephen              Tmouth            25 406
    Davison        Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 406
    Dunn           Anthony              Tmouth            25 406
    Francis        Ellen                Tmouth            25 406
    Harding        Thomas               Tmouth            25 406
    Morton         James                Tmouth            25 406
    Shadforth      Mary                 Tmouth            25 406
    Usher          Ann                  Tmouth            25 406
    Gilroy         Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 407
    Herdman        Mary                 Tmouth [26]       25 407
    King           Mark                 Tmouth            25 407
    Pycroft        Ann                  Tmouth            25 407
    Rain           James                Tmouth            25 407
    Scorrer        Jane                 Tmouth            25 407
    Warren         John                 Tmouth            25 407
    Winship        John Dobson          Tmouth            25 407
    Browne         John                 Tmouth            25 408
    Cole           Susannah             Tmouth            25 408
    McClaren       John                 Tmouth            25 408
    McClaurence    John                 Tmouth            25 408
    Nicholson      Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 408
    Robson         Maria                Tmouth            25 408
    Shepherd       Sarah                Tmouth            25 408
    Stawpert       George               Tmouth            25 408
    Vincent        James                Tmouth            25 408
    Brown          Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 409
    Clavering      Thomas               Tmouth            25 409
    Egdell         Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 409
    Graham         Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 409
    Nelson         Thomas               Tmouth            25 409
    Reay           James                Tmouth            25 409
    Scain          Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 409
    Vincent        Henry                Tmouth            25 409
    Abbott         John                 Tmouth            25 410
    Blacklock      Ann                  Tmouth            25 410
    Fotheringham   Jane Ellen           Tmouth            25 410
    Lister         Mary                 Tmouth            25 410
    Luke           Margaret             Tmouth            25 410
    Patterson      John                 Tmouth            25 410
    Rochester      George               Tmouth            25 410
    Ronaldson      William              Tmouth            25 410
    Davy           Joseph               Tmouth            25 411
    Grieves        Hannah               Tmouth            25 411
    Heslop         Thomas               Tmouth            25 411
    Hopper         Sarah                Tmouth            25 411
    Jaques         James                Tmouth            25 411
    Kinghorn       Arabella             Tmouth            25 411
    Nichols        Isabella             Tmouth            25 411
    Scarfe         William              Tmouth            25 411
    Boyd           Margaret Matilda     Tmouth            25 412
    Dodds          Eleanor              Tmouth            25 412
    Ellis          Thomas               Tmouth            25 412
    Fry            Margaret             Tmouth            25 412
    Murray         Ralph                Tmouth            25 412
    Reaveley       Daniel               Tmouth            25 412
    Robson         Matthew              Tmouth            25 412
    Simpson        Isabella             Tmouth            25 412
    Codling        Sarah Ann            Tmouth            25 413
    Hadden         Jane                 Tmouth            25 413
    Jackson        Aaron                Tmouth            25 413
    Jamieson       Robert               Tmouth            25 413
    Lacy           Jane Elizabeth       Tmouth            25 413
    March          Thomas               Tmouth            25 413
    Marshall       Robert               Tmouth            25 413
    McClean        Margaret Ann         Tmouth            25 413
    Birkett        John                 Tmouth            25 414
    Dennison       Robert               Tmouth            25 414
    Forrest        Edward               Tmouth            25 414
    French         Sarah                Tmouth            25 414
    Gordon         James                Tmouth            25 414
    Oliver         Barbara              Tmouth            25 414
    Rogerson       Mary                 Tmouth            25 414
    Thompson       Ann                  Tmouth            25 414
    Bell           Isaac                Tmouth            25 415
    Burn           William              Tmouth            25 415
    Duxfield       John Robert          Tmouth            25 415
    Frames         Mary                 Tmouth            25 415
    Frow           Grace                Tmouth            25 415
    Hall           Ann                  Tmouth            25 415
    Mordue         William Common       Tmouth            25 415
    Sousby         Isabella             Tmouth            25 415
    Davison        Thomas               Tmouth            25 416
    Day            Jane                 Tmouth            25 416
    Hudson         Jane Duncan          Tmouth            25 416
    Hutchinson     Margaret             Tmouth            25 416
    Loader         John Charlton        Tmouth            25 416
    Osborne        John                 Tmouth            25 416
    Robinson       John Christopher     Tmouth            25 416
    Thompson       Elizabeth Wilson     Tmouth            25 416
    Bell           Joseph               Tmouth            25 417
    Mason          Mary                 Tmouth            25 417
    Patterson      Phillis              Tmouth            25 417
    Smith          Hannah               Tmouth            25 417
    Softly         Thomas               Tmouth            25 417
    Thirlwell      George               Tmouth            25 417
    Thompson       Thomas               Tmouth            25 417
    Twaddle        Mary                 Tmouth            25 417
    Brimer         John                 Tmouth            25 418
    Fraser         Jane                 Tmouth            25 418
    Grey           Frances              Tmouth            25 418
    Peters         William              Tmouth            25 418
    Reed           Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 418
    Taylor         Isabella             Tmouth            25 418
    Walker         William              Tmouth            25 418
    White          John                 Tmouth            25 418
    Charlton       George               Tmouth            25 419
    Crawford       Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 419
    Ferrier        Henry                Tmouth            25 419
    Henderson      Mary                 Tmouth            25 419
    Jackson        Anne                 Tmouth            25 419
    Robinson       William              Tmouth            25 419
    Robson         Matthew Cromerty     Tmouth            25 419
    Wilkinson      Jane                 Tmouth            25 419
    Burn           Ann                  Tmouth            25 420
    Armstrong      Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 421
    Cranston       Matthew              Tmouth            25 421
    Dunn           Thomas Winskill      Tmouth            25 421
    Hancock        Robert               Tmouth            25 421
    Rye            Moses                Tmouth            25 421
    Tibbo          Edward               Tmouth            25 421
    Watson         Mary Ann             Tmouth [15]       25 421
    Watson         Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 421
    Wilkinson      Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 421
    Fitch          William              Tmouth            25 422
    Harle          Margaret             Tmouth            25 422
    Hutchinson     Charles              Tmouth            25 422
    Lambert        William              Tmouth            25 422
    Moon           Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 422
    Thompson       Martha               Tmouth            25 422
    Wilkinson      William              Tmouth            25 422
    Anderson       Francis              Tmouth            25 423
    Cummins        Margaret             Tmouth            25 423
    Hall           Edward               Tmouth            25 423
    Harvey         Jane                 Tmouth            25 423
    McLean         Sarah                Tmouth            25 423
    Spence         Jonathan             Tmouth            25 423
    Storey         James                Tmouth            25 423
    Storey         Margaret             Tmouth            25 423
    Berkly         Jane                 Tmouth            25 424
    Forster        Isabella             Tmouth            25 424
    Morton         James                Tmouth            25 424
    Wilson         John                 Tmouth            25 424
    Bainbridge     Ellen                Tmouth ?425       25 425
    Elliot         Ann                  Tmouth            25 425
    Jobling        Robert               Tmouth            25 425
    Macnay         Jane                 Tmouth            25 425
    Midford        Margaret             Tmouth            25 425
    Parkinson      John                 Tmouth            25 425
    Thackra        Joseph               Tmouth            25 425
    Thackra        George               Tmouth            25 425
    Brown          Alice                Tmouth            25 426
    Gordon         James                Tmouth            25 426
    Rowntree       Dorothy              Tmouth            25 427
    Stewart        George               Tmouth            25 427
    Devit          Bridget              Tmouth            25 429
    Flannery       Brian                Tmouth            25 429
    Archer         Mary Ann             Tmouth            25 431
    Boyland        Robert               Tmouth            25 431
    Browse?        Darford              Tmouth            25 431
    Ellison        William Meldrom      Tmouth            25 431
    Hunter         Isabella             Tmouth            25 431
    Patton         John Thompson        Tmouth            25 431
    Stephenson     Margaret             Tmouth            25 431
    Teague         Mary                 Tmouth            25 431
    Brow           James                Tmouth            25 432
    Dwyer          Bridget              Tmouth            25 432
    Hugo           Mary Bird            Tmouth            25 432
    Nevens         Margaret             Tmouth            25 432
    OHanlon        John                 Tmouth            25 432
    Phelan         Joseph               Tmouth            25 432
    Ruddock        Robert George        Tmouth            25 432
    Shield         Ann                  Tmouth            25 432
    Dobinson       Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 433
    Griffiths      David                Tmouth            25 433
    Hanlon         John                 Tmouth            25 433
    James          John                 Tmouth            25 433
    Kean           Henry                Tmouth            25 433
    McLaren        Sarah                Tmouth            25 433
    Price          Margaret             Tmouth            25 433
    Todd           Mary                 Tmouth            25 433
    Tool           Ann                  Tmouth            25 433
    Chambers       Robert               Tmouth            25 434
    Forrest        William              Tmouth            25 434
    Jackson        James                Tmouth            25 434
    Robison        Elizabeth            Tmouth            25 434
    Scott          Rebecca              Tmouth            25 434
    Wilson         Catharine            Tmouth            25 434
    Breakley       Francis              E Ward            25 435
    Brenkley       Thomas               E Ward            25 435
    Woof           Mary Ann             E Ward            25 435
    Bellas         Hannah               E Ward            25 437
    Longrigg       Ann                  E Ward            25 437
    Pawson         Thomas               E Ward            25 437
    Richardson     Thomas               E Ward            25 437
    Clark          Sarah                E Ward            25 439
    Fairer         Lancelot             E Ward            25 439
    Musgrave       Joseph               E Ward            25 441
    Taylor         Betty                E Ward            25 441
    Thompson       Thomas               E Ward            25 441
    Yare           Mary                 E Ward            25 441
    Alderson       Anne                 E Ward            25 443
    Armstrong      William              E Ward            25 443
    Cleasby        William              E Ward            25 443
    Hutchinson     Sarah                E Ward            25 443
    Longstaff      Elizabeth            E Ward            25 443
    Wilkinson      Thomas Hird          E Ward            25 443
    Brunskill      Ann                  E Ward            25 445
    Nicholson      Joseph               E Ward ?445       25 445
    Ewin           Eleanor              E Ward            25 447
    Ewin           Elliner              E Ward            25 447
    Langhorne      Matthew              E Ward            25 447
    Atkinson       Thomas               E Ward UKMW       25 449
    Atkinson       Mary Ann             E Ward UKMW       25 449
    Robson         Thomas               E Ward            25 449
    Wilson         Isabella             E Ward            25 449
    Page           Isabella             E Ward            25 451
    Robinson       Ralph Bousfield      E Ward            25 451
    Buck           John                 E Ward            25 453
    Steel          Rachael              E Ward            25 453
    Balmer         John                 E Ward            25 455
    Watson         Margaret             E Ward            25 455
    Jenkinson      William              Kendal            25 457
    Osborne        Francis John         Kendal            25 457
    Saul           Mary                 Kendal            25 457
    Stalker        Jane                 Kendal            25 457
    Willan         Anthony              Kendal            25 459
    Beckett        Thomas               Kendal            25 461
    Bowker         Eleanor Edmondson    Kendal            25 461
    Clark          James                Kendal            25 461
    Fisher         Alice                Kendal            25 461
    German         Edward               Kendal            25 461
    Walker         Jane                 Kendal            25 461
    Bolton         Hannah               Kendal            25 463
    Brookbank      Agnes                Kendal            25 463
    Dixon          William              Kendal            25 463
    Hartley        George               Kendal            25 463
    Elliott        James                Tynemouth [465]   25 465
    Fleming        Dinah                Kendal            25 465
    Hill           John Olvin           Kendal            25 465
    Jenkinson      Daniel               Kendal ?465       25 465
    Mackereth      Margaret             Kendal            25 465
    Taylor         Elizabeth            Kendal            25 467
    Tayor          Elizabeth            Kendal            25 467
    Walton         James                Kendal            25 467
    Addison        Thomas               Kendal            25 469
    Atkinson       Hugh                 Kendal            25 469
    Buchanan       William              Kendal            25 469
    Chambers       Margaret             Kendal            25 469
    Dickinson      Ann                  Kendal            25 469
    Park           Jane                 Kendal            25 469
    Seed           Margaret             Kendal            25 469
    Titley         Joseph               Kendal            25 469
    Waggott        Ellen                Kendal [24]       25 469
    Banks          Elizabeth            Kendal            25 470
    Crosthwaite    Samuel               Kendal            25 470
    Dixon          Sarah                Kendal            25 470
    Douthwaite     Agnes                Kendal            25 470
    Kellett        Betsy                Kendal            25 470
    Mattinson      Henry                Kendal            25 470
    Metcalf        Richard              Kendal            25 470
    Stobbard       Matthew              Kendal            25 470
    Atkinson       Agnes                Kendal            25 471
    Dickinson      Edward               Kendal            25 471
    Hadwen         Elizabeth            Kendal            25 471
    Longmire       John                 Kendal            25 471
    Scott          Jonathan             Kendal            25 471
    Taylor         Enoch                Kendal            25 471
    Townley        Elizabeth            Kendal            25 471
    Townley        Margaret             Kendal            25 471
    Townly         Elizabeth            Kendal            25 471
    Atkinson       George               Kendal            25 472
    Cunningham     John                 Kendal            25 472
    Jamieson       Jane                 Kendal            25 472
    Peverill       Richard              Kendal            25 472
    Richardson     Jane                 Kendal            25 472
    Riddle         George               Kendal            25 472
    Smallwood      Margaret             Kendal            25 472
    Hoggarth       Edmund               Kendal            25 473
    Matthews       Hannah               Kendal            25 473
    Shaw           Agnes                Kendal            25 473
    Willan         Henry                Kendal            25 473
    Balderston     Ann                  Kendal            25 475
    Benson         Anthony              Kendal            25 475
    Cragg          George Henry         Kendal            25 475
    Hayton         Hannah               Kendal ?475       25 475
    Pool           Mary Anne            Kendal            25 475
    Poole          Mary Anne            Kendal            25 475
    Bell           William              Kendal            25 477
    Crosthwaite    Elizabeth            Kendal            25 477
    Hewitson       Elizabeth            Kendal            25 477
    Lawrence       Thomas               Kendal            25 477
    Mounsey        George               Kendal            25 477
    Wilson         Agnes                Kendal            25 477
    Dickinson      Thomas               Kendal            25 479
    Dixon          Sarah Ann            Kendal            25 479
    Noble          Margaret             Kendal            25 479
    Noble          Robert               Kendal            25 479
    Nobles         Margaret             Kendal            25 479
    Woodhouse      Mary                 Kendal            25 479
    Anderton       Thomas               Kendal            25 481
    Booth          Mary                 Kendal            25 481
    Grundy         Abraham              Kendal            25 481
    Parkinson      Mary Ann             Kendal            25 481
    Robinson       William              Kendal            25 481
    Thornton       Mary                 Kendal            25 481
    Allonby        Robert               Kendal            25 483
    Bateman        Robert               Kendal            25 483
    Townson        Jane                 Kendal            25 483
    Tyson          Mary                 Kendal            25 483
    Banks          Isaac                W Ward            25 485
    Bowman         Mary Ann             W Ward            25 485
    Abbott         Mary                 W Ward            25 487
    Camplin        Thomas               W Ward            25 487
    Buck           William James        W Ward            25 489
    Pritt          Jane                 W Ward            25 489