Indenture between John Chichester and Ames Carder the Elder
Amias Carders leasse for the l[yves of] Alice his wife Anthony and A[mias his sonnes]
Transcribed from a photocopy of the original in NDRO (ref. 50/11/2/7) by Desmond Painter
Approximately one-third of the original document is missing:
lacunae and some conjectural text are indicated by square brackets.
This Indenture made the firste Day of October in the ffourteenth yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne lorde Charles by the [grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland kinge defender of the faith Between John Chichester of Alrington in the] Countie of Devon Esquier of the one parte, and Amias Carder thelder of Alrington aforesaid husbandman of the other parte, Witnesset[h ] in these presentes mentioned to be Demised made by the said Amias Carder and Alice his wife vnto the said John Chichester wherein the said Amias and A[lice ]Twentie Poundes of lawfull money of England to him the said Amias Carder in the name of a ffyne at the seallinge and delyverie hereof [ ] hath demised graunted and to ferme letten And by these presentes doth demise graunte and to ferme lette vnto the said Amias Carder all that T[enemente ]Lande to the same belonginge or appertayninge situate lyinge and beinge in the parishe of Alrington aforesaid and now or lately [ ] assignee or assignees, Except and alwayes reseved out of this present graunte all the Comon of pasture in and vppon Alrington Do[wne ] all and everie the said Tenemente and other the premisses with their appurtenances Except before agreed vnto the said Amias Carder his Executours adm[inistratrours and assignes ] fullie to be complet and ended If the said Alice Carder wife of the said Amias Carder thelder Anthony Carder or Amias Carder the younger sonnes of [the said Amias Carder thelder ] and payinge therefore yerelie during the said terme vnto the said John Chichester his heires and assignes and such other person to whome the Inheritaunce [ ] the Annuntiaton of our Blessed Ladie Marie the virgyn the Nativitie of Saint John Baptiste and Saint Michaell tharchangell by equall porcons to be paid [ ] terme, And further to yeld and paye after the Decesse or recesse of every of the said Alice Carder Anthony Carder and Amias Carder the young[er ] occupier of the premisses or the moste parte thereof for the tyme beinge or ffourtie five Shillings and eight pence of lawfull money of England fou[ ] Provyded alwayes that livinge the said Alice nothinge to be yelded or paid for or in the name of an hariote or farleue by or after the Decesse [ ] livinge the said Anthony And moreouer the said Amias Carder thelder his Executours adminstratours and assignes beinge Tenant of the p[remisses ] at the manour of Alrington yerely to be holden or kepte, And there to Do and be ordered and iustified from tyme to tyme as other the Tenantes of t[ ] milles of the said John Chichester his heires and assignes situate and beinge within the manour of Alrington aforesaid with all the Corne and Gi[ ] or vppon the premisses before by these presentes demised during the foresaid terme, And also the said Amias Carder thelder his Executours administratours [and assignes ] warninge or request, Aswell one Airynge day with a plough furnished in tyme of ploughinge, As also one Reapinge day in tyme of harvest vppon [ ] appoynte duringe the said terme And likewise the said Amias Carder thelder his Executours administratours and assignes shall at their or one [of their ] and defences in and vppon he premisses beinge duringe the said terme, and towardes the Repayracon thereof they and either of them shall [ ] shalbe, by the delyverie viewe or appointmente of the said John Chichester his heires or assignes or his or their Bailife for the tyme beinge [ ] and as often as neede shall require makinge no waste thereof. And also the said John Chichester for the Consideracon aforesaid hath demised graun[ted ] lande comonlie called the Downe grounde contayninge by estimacon sixtene acres or thereaboutes be it more or lesse now or latelie in the tenure or occup[acon ] aforesaid and latelie limited appointed out and devided from the Residue of the landes in Alrington Downe to belonge to the Tenemente aforesaid in steed [ ] belonginge or appointed to belonge to the said pece and parcell of lande. To have and to hold the said pece and parcell of lande with the appurt[enances ] next Ensuynge the day of the date hereof fullie to be complete and ended If the said Alice Carder Anthony Carder and Amias Carder the younger [ ]Michaell tharchangell if it be demaunded duringe the said terme, And also the said Amias Carder thelder doth coth Covenaunt promise and graunt for [himselfe ] and mayntayne all such hedges ditches gates and defences in or vppon Alrington Downe aforesaid as are appointed or ought to be made repayred [ ] of the said Amias Carder his Executours administratours and assignes duringe the foresaid terme. And if it happen the said yerelie Rent[e ] aforesaid wherein the same ought to be paid if it be lawfullie demaunded and not paid and if sufficient distresse in or vppon the said demised pr[emisses ] Executours administratours and assignes beinge Tenaunt in possession of the premisses by vertue of these presentes do not contynuallie dwell and [ ]Administratours or assignes or any of them duringe the foresaid terme do cause procure or suffer to be don any waste or destruction in or vppon [ ] within sixe monethes after such waste don, Or if they or either of them shall sette or lette the said premisses or any parte or parcell th[ereof ] licence of the said John Chichester his heires or assignes firste had and obtayned in writing to sette and lette the same, unlesse it be to the said A[mias ] then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawfull vnto and for the aforesaid John Chichester his heires and assignes and such other perso[ns ] presentes leased and graunted with thappurtenances to Reenter and the same to have agayne and retayne as in their or any of their former Estate & [ ] and his heires all and singuler the premisses Before by these presentes demised leassed and graunted with thappurtenances (Except before excepted) to the [ ] aforesaid agaynst all people shall and will warrante acquite and defend by these presentes, And also the said John Chichester doth Covenant pr[omise ] That at any time during the space of two yeres next ensuing the date hereof if the faoresaid Alice Carder Anthony Carder and Amias Card[er the younger ] made by the said Amias Carder thelder his Executours or assignes to the said John Chichester and a lawfull Surrender made to the said John C[hichester ] and therevppon make vnto the said Amias Carder thelder his Executours or assignes another good lawfull and perfecte Estate and easses of t[he ] the said Alice Anthony and Amias Carder the younger as the said Amias Carder thelder or his assignes shall then nomynate to the said Joh[n Chichester ] any of them so longe shall lyve By and vnder the like yerely Rentes services Covenantes Condicons and agreementes as are before inth[ese presentes ] or his assignes And further That if any of the said Alice Carder Anthony Carder and Amias Carder the younger happen to dye livinge the said J[ohn Chichester ] by the said Amias Carder thelder make and execute another lease and graunte of the premisses with thappurtenances (except before excepted) vn[to ] to comence and begynne next imediatelie after the deathes of such of the said Alice Anthony and Amias Carder the younger as shalbe then livinge, By and vn[ ] menconed Except the said Covenantes for making another Leasse, The same Leasse and graunte to be writen at the procurmente and Costes of the s[aid ] to these Indentures yeven the Day and yere first Aboue Writen @ @ @ 1638
Amias A Carders
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