
Extracts relating to Atherington from 18th and 19th Century Newspapers

Provided by Lindsey Withers

London Gazette
Whereas Robert Chapple, formerly of Atherington, in the County of Devon, Yeoman, but late of Long Acre, in the Parish of Saint Martin's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Shopman, is now a Prisoner in the Poultry Compter, charged in Execution there at my Suit; Now I do hereby give Notice, that I do intend, at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said City of London, or the Adjournment thereof, which shall happen next after Twenty Days from the Day of the Date hereof, to Compel the said Robert Chapple to subscribe and deliver into Court, upon Oath, a Schedule of all his Estate and Effects, according to the Directions of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the First Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, entitled, An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors.
Dated the 21st Day of August, 1761 - John Thorne

Lloyds Evening Post (London), Wednesday, May 1, 1776 - Issue 2941
This day a Dispensation passed the Great Seal, enabling the Rev. Hooper Morrison, M.A. Chaplain to the Right Hon. The Earl of Pomfret, to hold the rectory of Atherington, in the county of Devon, and diocese of Exeter, together with the vicarage of Lancells, in the county of Cornwall, and diocese aforesaid.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 15, 1803 - Issue 2082
List of Game Certificates issued in the said County, from the 1st Day of July to the 6th Day of September, inclusive.
Burges, George - Clerk, Atherington

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 24, 1806 - Issue 2231
Devon - To be Lett for a term of 7, 14, or 21 years, from lady-day, 1808, all that tenement or farm, called or known by the name of FURZE DOWN, alias FURZE BARTON, containing, by estimation, 30 Acres, be it more or less, of arable, meadow, and pasture land; situate in the parish of Atherington, in the said County, and now in the occupation of William Rudd, as tenant thereof.
The above is within ten miles of the excellent market town of Barnstaple, and the road good. A survey will be held at the king's arms inn, in Highbickington on Thursday the 31st day of July next, by four o'clock in the afternoon, in the mean time the estate may be seen by applying to the tenant, or to Mr Wm. Down, sen. Of Highbickington; and further particulars had of Thomas Charter, esq. of Bishops Lydeard, near Taunton, Somerset.
Dated 30th June 1806

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 6, 1806 - Issue 2246
Devon - To be Let, for a term of fourteen years, from lady-day, 1807, the Barton and Farm known as BARTRIDGE FARM, in the parish of Atherington, about eight miles from Barnstaple and Southmolton, consisting of convenient houses, and about 110 Acres of good land; in possession of Mr James Graddon.
For further particulars, apply to Mr William Baker, in Bampton.
Dated September 10, 1806

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 9, 1810 - Issue 2340
Horses for Sale
To be Sold, on Monday the 13th day of August next, at the house of Mr William Westacott, at Umberleigh Barton, in the parish of Atherington, upwards of Twenty Horses and Colts; comprising two six years old, two five years old, two four years old, three three years old, four brood Mares with Foals at their feet, two yearling Colts, one of which is a capital stallion Colt, and one Mare aged 5, the above stock is allowed to be of as good breed farmer's stock as any in the county.
Six months credit will be given on good security.
Dinner on table precisely at two o'clock, and the sale to begin by four.
Dated August 6th, 1810

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 29, 1814 - Issue 2560
A Tan-Yard and Meadow Land, Devon
To be Let by Private Contract, for a term of years, from Lady-day next, a Tan-Yard and upwards of seven acres of rich Meadow and Orchard Land, with a dwelling-house and convenient out-houses. The premises are well situated for carrying on an extensive business, and well supplied with water and bark; about 5 miles from Great Torrington, 7 from Barnstaple, 8 from Bideford, and 9 from Southmolton - two of them sea ports, and all very good markets for hides.
For viewing the premises, and for further particulars, apply to Mr Robert Mayne, the owner, on the premises, if by letter, post-paid.
Atherington, Sept. 10th, 1814

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 29, 1819 - Issue 2810
Devon Lammas Assize - Prisoners for Trial
William Champion, for committing a rape on Susanna Graddon, the younger, at Atherington.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 11, 1825 - Issue 3147
Deserters from the Training of the North Devon Militia, at Barnstaple, 21st of June 1825. Notice is hereby given, that whoever secures the above Deserters or any or either of them, so that he or they may be lodged in any of his Majesty's Gaols, shall receive of the Paymaster of the Regiment the sum of Twenty Shillings for Each Deserter.

Name - William Manning
Parish for which Enrolled     - Sherwill
Date of Enrolment - 11 March 1825
Age - 19
Height - 5 feet 6½ inches
Where Born - Atherington, Devon
Complexion - Fair
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Brown
Form of Visage - Round
Trade or Occupation - Mason
Name - William Tinson
Parish for which Enrolled - Atherington
Date of Enrolment - 31 December 1823
Age - 25
Height - 5 feet 7½ inches
Where Born - Atherington, Devon
Complexion - Fresh
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Light Brown
Form of Visage - Round
Trade or Occupation - Shipwright

The Bristol Mercury, Saturday, March 15, 1834 - Issue 2299
On Sunday last, the bans of marriage were published in the parish church of Atherington, by the Rev. Mr Arthur, between John Liverton and Mary Clarke; whereupon a rejected swain of the fair damsel arose and forbade the bans; he was desired by the clergyman t wait on him in the vestry after the public service and state his reason for so doing, when he urged priority of claim to her, as between himself and her, nothing was wanting but the marriage ceremony to constitute them man and wife - 'North Devon Journal'

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 6, 1834 - Issue 3605
Death - On Saturday se'nnight, after a very brief illness, James, eldest son of the Rev. J. Arthur, Rector of Atherington, aged 7 years.

The Bristol Mercury, Saturday, August 29, 1835 - Issue 2375
Suicide - John Harris, a shoemaker, about 50 years of age, having a wife and four children, at Atherington, where he was well esteemed for his uprightness and sobriety, put an end to his existence on Thursday last, by hanging himself to the bough of a tree in Fisherton Wood, about a mile from his residence. Pecuniary embarrassment is supposed to have led to this fatal result. A Coroner's Jury sat on the body, which returned a verdict of 'temporary insanity'.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 3, 1835 - Issue 3650
Last week, at Atherington, the body of John Harris, shoemaker, was found in a field, hanging from a willow branch, with his knees on the ground. He had a wife and four children, was a sober man, and lived happily with his family; but for some time past he had complained of pain in his head, and latterly was much dejected. Verdict - Temporary insanity.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 6, 1842 - Issue 3971
Christmas Festivities at Atherington - Christmas Day, the Rev. James Arthur, Rector of Atherington, according to his annual custom, entertained a party of between 40 and 50, most of them the aged poor of his parish at the Parsonage House; the tables 'groaned' beneath the weight of the good cheer heaped on them, consisting of the old English fare of Roast Beef and Plum Pudding. After dinner the Punch circulated freely, and on receiving wherewithal to purchase a dinner the following day, they were dismissed to their respective homes.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 18, 1851 - Issue 4486
A Notorious Thief
On Saturday, at the Magistrates' office, before the Rev. Peter Glubb, Thomas Pow, an abandoned character, of Atherington, and well known at the county bridewell, was brought forward, in the custody of police officer Fussell, to be examined under no less than five charges of felony in the parishes of Tawstock, Atherington and High Bickington; the property stolen in all the cases were certainly of a trifling description, but of them was accompanied with burglary, by breaking into the dairy, forming part of the dwelling-house of Mr John Clark, Hollick farm, Tawstock, and stealing therefrom a quantity of cream, apples and a tablecloth. The prisoner was apprehended on Wednesday last, and brought before Mr Glubb, by Ockford, police constable, of Yarnscombe but not being then prepared with the necessary witnesses &c., he was remanded until this day (Saturday), the worthy magistrate requesting Fussell, in the interim, to assist in getting the business into a tangible shape, which was done, and now, having heard the whole of the evidence, he was committed on all five charges to take his trial at the next assizes for this county, one of the charges being a capital offence, and therefore not cognizable in a court of quarter sessions.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 26, 1852 - Issue 4496
Devon County Sessions - Trial of Prisoners
John Newcombe, Richard Slee, and William Limebear, for stealing on the 25th January, at Atherington, a quantity of potatoes, value 10s., the property of Thomas Beer. Imprisoned 4 months hard labour.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 30, 1853 - Issue 4565
To be Sold by Auction (pursuant to a recent order of the High Court of Chancery, made in a suit of Badcock v. Thomas and others), by Mr Henry Ellis, at the Golden Lion Hotel, Barnstaple, Devon, on Wednesday the 27th day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon precisely, the several desirable Freehold Estates:
(includes the following in Atherington)
In Atherington a Freehold, called BARTRIDGE and KNAPP, containing 160a. 0r. 10p. or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mr John Leman.
In Atherington, a Freehold Estate called WOOTON, or WOTTON, containing 157a. 0r. 38p. or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr James King.
In Atherington, a Freehold Estate, called HEMMICK and MOORS, containing 60a. 1r. 31p. or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mr John Down.
In Atherington, a Freehold Dwelling-House and Inn, called THE RISING SUN, with Garden and Orchards, containing 5a. 1r. 38p. or thereabouts and now in the occupation of Mrs Sarah Delbridge.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 15, 1854 - Issue 4602
Atherington, Devon
To be Let, by Tender, from Lady-day 1855, for a Term of 7 or 14 years, determinable by either Landlord or Tenant at 11 or 7 Years, the FARM OF LEAMONS, together with Part of the Parsonage, comprising a Dwelling House and Outbuildings, and about 150 Acres of Land, 10 Acres of which are Watered Meadow and Pasture, and 2 Acres Orchard and the remainder Arable, now in the occupation of Mr Wm. Shute, and the Proprietor.
The Tenant will be required to pay all Rates, Taxes, and Tithe Rent Charges, except the Land and Income Tax, and keep the Premises in repair, for which purpose rough Timber will be delivered when required.
The Farm is very advantageously situated, being 7 Miles from the excellent Market Town of Barnstaple, 8 from Southmolton and 7 from Torrington, and 1 Mile from Umberleigh Bridge Station of the North Devon Railway.
For viewing the same and further particulars, apply to Francis Isaac, at the Parsonage, to whom Tenders in writing must be delivered on or before Saturday, the 1st July.
Dated June 6th, 1854

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 18, 1857 - Issue 4758
UMBERLEIGH BARTON, Atherington, North Devon
To be Let, by Tender, for a term of Fourteen years, from Ladyday, 1858, determinable by either party at the end of the first seven or ten years, by twelve months' notice, all that capital Barton and Farm called UMBERLEIGH BARTON, situate in the parish of Atherington, in the county of Devon, containing by estimation about 425 Acres of excellent Arable, Meadow, Pasture and Orchard Land, now in the occupation of Mr Robert Norman, as tenant thereof.
The Estate is very desirably situated on the south bank of the river Taw, and on the line of the North Devon Railway, which affords easy and constant communication with Exeter and the market towns of Barnstaple and Bideford and is a ready means for the transport of produce and manures.
The land is of very good quality, and the present is an opportunity not frequently presented of obtaining a first-class farm, distant seven miles from Barnstaple.
There is a good dwelling-house, with convenient and suitable farm and other offices.
To view the premises, apply to William Delbridge, of FishleyRock Farm, Atherington, and the terms and conditions on which the estate will be let may be known on application to Mr Thomas Hooper Law, Solicitor and Proctor, Barnstaple, to whom Tenders must be sent, (free of expense) on or before Wednesday, the 19th day of August next.
The person whose tender is accepted will be immediately informed thereof, but the highest tender will not of necessity be entitled to the preference.
Dated Barnstaple, June 9th, 1857

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 25, 1857 - Issue 4759
Torrington Borough Petty Sessions
False Balances - Wm. Reed of Atherington, was summoned on the information of Mr T. H. Lake, inspector of weights and measures, for having in use in the market a beam and scales, which, on examination, was found to be light and deficient. The defendant did not appear, but was represented by his wife. P.C. Cole stated that the Saturday previous he observed the defendant weighing potatoes, and that the scales were not evenly balanced. He gave information to Mr John Lake, who went with the officer and found them one ounce deficient. The defendant pleaded ignorance, but he was fined 7s. including costs.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 10, 1858 - Issue 4809
At the Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions, on Wednesday, William Delbridge, of Atherington, was summoned for trespassing on the North Devon Railway, near Umberleigh on the 29th of April. Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for the Lessees, who had no other object than to put a stop to practices which were calculated to be prejudicial to life. The bench inflicted a fine of 10s. with costs, and intimated that if a similar thing occurred the full penalty would be levied.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 5, 1858 - Issue 4817
Doing a Little on His Own Account - A young man, who gives himself the name of William Limebear, and who claims Atherington as his home, cannot accuse himself with being afflicted with shyness. It seems that Mr Walter Fry, of Brightley Cott, Sherwill, lost a heifer, which was afterwards discovered in a field belonging to Mr Thomas Seldon, sen., of Barnstaple, who purchased the animal for £3 10s. from the prisoner. Mr Moore, of Tawstock, likewise lost a heifer, which found its way into the possession of Mr Alford, of Highbickington, who purchased it for £6 from Limebear on Friday last, whilst on the road to Barnstaple market. The prisoner admitted that he had stolen the bullocks, and he was committed for trial.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 14, 1859 - Issue 4853
Barnstaple County Court - Joslin v. Blackmore
These persons reside at Atherington. Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared for the defendant, a labourer, who was summoned for the non-payment of £1 6s. 6d. for rent. In the occupation of a place which is soberly called 'Drunkenpitts' a dispute arose as to the term of tenancy; and it transpired that the defendant resisted the claim because the plaintiff would not pay for the manure that had been deposited in 'the small splatt o' ground'. Judgment for the amount claimed.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 16, 1859 - Issue 4862
Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions
Mary Ann Beer, of Atherington, was fined 3d. (the value of the wood) with 8s. expenses for stealing some 'motes' belonging to Mr William Handcock. The theft was alleged to have been witnessed by a little boy named Blackmore, and the boy's statement soon took root in the neighbourhood. The accusation speedily reached the ears of the defendant, who consulted Mr Incledon Bencraft upon her innocence. Mr Bencraft issued a legal mandate to Mr Handcock, who was not in the least dismayed by its contents; and the Magistrates considered the complainant justified in bringing the case before them. Through an invalidity in the summons the second charge of a similar nature was abandoned.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 20, 1859 - Issue 4880
Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions
Wm. Woolacott, landlord, of the Bell Inn, at Atherington, was fined 10s. with the expenses, for drawing beer during the prohibited hours of the 9th instant. Policeman Cole entered the house about half-past three in the afternoon, and he there saw a man, who had before him a glass which was half full of beer. Superintendant Ross stated that on the occasion of the recent revel at Atherington the defendant complied with his request not to permit certain persons to enter his house; and the Magistrates remarked that they had reduced the fine in consequence.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 15, 1860 - Issue 4922
Atherington, Devon - To Be Let, by Tender, for a Term of Fourteen Years, from Lady-day , 1861, determinable by either party at the end of seven years, all that Farm called GIFFORDS, together with a Part of the Parsonage.
Giffords consists of a farmhouse and all necessary outbuildings, and about 24 acres of good orchard, meadow, and arable land.
The part of the Parsonage consists of a barn and Courtlage and about 84 acres of orchard and arable land, making together 108 acres.
The above Farm is situated within a mile and a half of Umberleigh Station, on the North Devon Railway, and seven miles of the excellent market town of Barnstaple.
The taker will be required to discharge all outgoings whatever (except the landlord's property-tax) to keep the premises in repair (except the walls and roof timer), and to haul all materials gratis for repairing the said premises.
A person will be appointed to shew the Estate; and all other information may be obtained and conditions of letting seen, by applying to Mr T. H. Law, Solicitor, Barnstaple, to whom Tenders in writing, shewing a separate rent for each tenement are to be sent (free of postage) on or before the 1st of September next; but the proprietor does not bind himself to accept the highest or any Tender which may be sent in.
Dated Atherington, August 10th, 1860

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, January 16, 1861 - Issue 4944
Barnstaple County Court
John Lang v. George Vernon - the plaintiff, a carpenter, at Atherington, sued the defendant, who lives at Southmolton, for £1 14s. 11d., for coal and the defendant's quote of the expenses for repairing a cottage at Atherington. Judgment for the amount.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, April 20, 1864 - Issue 5112
Barnstaple - Robert Sloman, labourer of Atherington, underwent an examination before the county magistrates at Barnstaple on Wednesday upon the charge of ill-treating his son - a child of six years. The evidence showed that the poor little fellow had been treated most inhumanly. He had been kept in a state of starvation, for one of the witnesses declared that he saw the child eat the potato and other refuse from the pigs' bucket. The defendant averred that the child was afflicted with 'eating consumption', but a woman, who had had the child in charge, said it was easily satisfied. The magistrates considered the testimony of the child's mother necessary, and they adjourned the case for a fortnight, directing proper care for the child in the interval. On leaving the court, Sloman was assailed particularly by two lusty women, who (aided by others) inflicted a chastisement that needed medical assistance. The Lynch-lawites were allowed to run riot, and Sloman will remember his visit before the magistrates, even if he has not to endure a punishment that the law might inflict upon him for his barbarity.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, November 15, 1865 - Issue 5190
Barnstaple - County Court Sessions
William Hancock, for assaulting Emma Bowden, of Atherington, was fined 10s., with costs.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, March 7, 1866 - Issue 5206
Barnstaple Magistrates Court
John Andrews, of Atherington, was summoned for non-payment of £4 3s. 7d., due for church-rates. The defendant contended against the legality of the rate; but the magistrates decided adversely to him, and order the amount to be paid with costs.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, March 3, 1869 - Issue 5360
Barnstaple - Petty Session
John Gibbs and Robert Dyer were charged with having a portion of an unseasonable salmon in their possession. On the 20th of January the defendants were working for Mr John Down, of Atherington, in a field near the river, and it was alleged against them that they then succeeded in taking a salmon from the river. Against this accusation the defendants averred that the salmon was dead when they took it from the water; but evidence was adduced proving that the salmon was fresh, and the Magistrates inflicted a fine of 30s. each on the accused.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, August 18, 1869 - Issue 5383
Torrington - Petty Session
George Harris, of Atherington, was charged with stealing a fowl, the property of George Reed, of Yarnscombe, on the 15th instant. Mr Bencraft appeared for the defendant. Several witnesses were examined on both sides; and the Bench, after being occupied a long time, considered it a case of mistaken identity, and therefore dismissed the case, ordering the policeman to give up the fowl to the prosecutor.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, October 19, 1870 - Issue 5444
Marriage - Abraham Barrett, of Northam, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Milton, of Atherington.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, December 7, 1870 - issue 5451
Torrington - Petty Session
Samuel Bennett, of Atherington, was charged with trespassing in search of game at Yarnscombe. Defendant did not appear. The offence was proved by George Reed (keeper to the Honourable Mark Rolle) who saw defendant in Heard's Wood looking up into the trees, and on his being searched, a loaded gun and ammunition were found upon him. Fined £2 6s. including costs. Defendant's brother afterwards paid the money.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, July 26, 1871 - Issue 5484
Crown Court - George Beer, 35, thatcher, admitted having on two occasions stolen from his master, Mr John Andrew, of Atherington, thirty-four fleeces of wool. Mr Charles, for the prisoner, asked for lenient punishment in consequence of Beer's previous good character and for the sake of his wife and family. Twelve months' imprisonment.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, October 25, 1871 - Issue 5497
Atherington District News - John Vickery, a labourer, is in custody and will undergo an examination this (Wednesday) morning before the Magistrates at Barnstaple upon the charge of wounding William Bowden, labourer, of Atherington. The two men had been drinking at a public house, and after leaving the house they disagreed and the disagreement led to a scuffle, in which Vickery is alleged to have stabbed Bowden with his knife.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, December 20, 1871 - Issue 5505
Devon Assize - Desperate Affray at Atherington
John Vicary, 25, labourer, was indicted for having on the 20th October 1871, at Atherington, feloniously wounded William Bowden. Mr Much prosecuted; prisoner was defended by Mr St. Aubyn. Prosecutor is a nurseryman living at Atherington, and also does business as a fish-monger, being in partnership with a man named Beer. Some time previous to this occurrence prisoner had been in the habit of selling fish for prosecutor, and on the 20th of October a parcel of fish had been left at Beer's house for him to sell. On the evening of that day prisoner went to the Carpenter's Arms, Atherington, where prosecutor was drinking with an old man named Vodden. Prisoner had some beer, and later in the evening the three left the house together going in the direction of prosecutor's house. When they had gone half a mile prisoner said, although aware fish had been left for him, he had sold none. An altercation ensued, after which prisoner rushed forward, struck prosecutor and seized him, whereupon a struggle ensued, Bowden being uppermost. Prisoner put his hands in his pocket, took out a knife which he opened with his teeth, and using some threats, cut Bowden on head, arms and legs, in several places. Vodden released prosecutor, who thereupon went to a neighbour's house followed by prisoner, who had the knife in his hand, and was using threats towards Bowden. Prisoner was found concealed in a linhay the next morning, and on being charged with the offence he at first denied it, but subsequently asked if prosecutor was cut very badly. He told the policeman 'That if he had not been taken away undoubtedly he should have finished Bowden'. Mr St Aubyn utterly denied that prisoner wounded Bowden with felonious intent, and had the charge been one of unlawfully wounding it would have been admitted. Although drunkenness was no excuse for crime, it was a question whether, when the intentions of a man were to be inquired into, it should not be considered that a drunken man was not the same way responsible as he would have been if sober. In summing up the learned Judge said it was true that drunken men would do what sober men would not, and intoxicated men frequently did things for which they were afterwards very sorry. The jury found prisoner guilty of unlawfully wounding, and recommended him to mercy. His Lordship said he had before him a certificate from a man who had known prisoner for ten years 'that when sober he was a honest, trustworthy man; when drunk he became lost'. This case ought to be a warning to him not to drink. He believed what was done was committed in passion, and paying attention to the recommendation of the jury, he would only sentence him to six months' imprisonment.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, June 19, 1872 - Issue 5612
Marriage - June 11, at Atherington, near Barnstaple, Mr R. Balsdon, of Southcott, Bideford, to Elizabeth Ann, only daughter of the late Mr Cawsey, of Atherington.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, January 20, 1875 - Issue 5745
Barnstaple - Henry Slee, a lad from Atherington, was charged on Wednesday, before G. C. Davis, Esq., and Col. Hibbert, county justices, with trespassing in pursuit of game on land belonging to the Rev. James Arthur, on the 26th December. George Nunn, gamekeeper to Captain Shepherd, occupier of the land in question, proved the case, and the boy, in answer to it, said he was passing across the ground when he saw a wire, and he only put his hand on it. He was cautioned and fined 20s. with costs, or in default 14 days' imprisonment.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, August 16, 1876 - Issue 5818
Barnstaple Divisional Petty Sessions
John Lang, labourer, was charged with drunkenness and assaulting the police at Atherington. Mr Thorpe defended the prisoner. P.C. Bending, the aggrieved policeman, prosecuted, and several witnesses were called. The Bench dismissed the charge of drunkenness, but fined defendant 10s. and costs for the assault, or seven days' hard labour.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, October 17, 1877 - Issue 5879
Death - October 10, at Umberleigh Barton, Atherington, Mary Anne, wife of Mr John Andrew.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, November 13, 1878 - Issue 5935
Death - October 8, at Atherington, Devon, the Rev. James Arthur, aged 81, for forty-nine years Rector of the parish and J.P. for the County of Devon.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, June 27, 1883 - Issue 6033
Barnstaple - Borough Petty Session
John Lyne, farmer of Beaford, Henry Passmore, a labourer, in his employ, and Henry Copp, a farmer of Dolton, were charged with committing an assault on William Beer, a fruit dealer and farmer of Atherington. Complainant said that on Tuesday, the 5th inst., he went to Barnstaple with a load of bark, and passed the defendants, who were also taking in bark. He lost a bundle of grass from his cart, which he had taken for his horse, and thought he saw it on Lyne's cart. On going home about five o'clock he saw the defendants had stopped their carts in the road just out of Barnstaple waiting for someone. As he passed he said they had deprived the horse of its 'meat' by taking the bundle of grass, and he would rather they had taken his own dinner. One of the defendants then caught hold of the reins of the horse and another took hold of the wheel and tried to turn over the cart. Two of them next came into the cart where he was sitting down, and threw him out. Passmore and Lyne held him, and Copp beat him severely. One of his teeth was knocked out, he was much bruised and covered with blood. Defendants said they would kill him, and he believed they would have done so if assistance had not arrived. He had been unable to work for several days. A young lady, named Miss Catherine Bailey, said she came along the road at the time of the assault. She saw two of the defendants throw Beer out of the cart on to the ground. They then pushed him against the hedge and she sae them take Beer's head under their arms and beat him with their fists. One of them also kicked Beer when he was on the ground. It was a most brutal assault. The defendants were all the worse for liquor. She went and got some men to go to plaintiff's assistance. His face was covered with blood. Dr Sidney Reed and several other witnesses corroborated. The defence was that Beer accused defendants of stealing the bundle of grass and struck Passmore and Copp with a stick he had. The Bench considered that a most aggravated and cowardly assault had been committed by defendants, and they would be fined £5 each inclusive.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, May 7, 1884 - Issue 6078
Atherington Assault - William Richards, a labourer, 14 years of age, was indicted for assaulting Catherine Lynch on April 11th at Atherington. Mr Thorne appeared for the prosecution. The prosecutrix, who is but 12 years of age, is the daughter of a carpenter and the defendant worked on a farm, both living in the parish of Atherington. On April 11th the prosecutrix was sent on an errand and when near Moor Gate the prisoner assaulted her. The child screamed; her cries attracted a young man named Eastmond, and upon his appearing the prisoner ran away - The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to six months' hard labour.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, July 10, 1889 - Issue 6906
Barnstaple Police News
John Lewis, a boy from the Training Ship Lion, at Devonport, was charged with stealing a coat the property of John Short, a farm labourer, at Mr Arthur's, at Atherington. The boy is home on leave and was working a few days at the farm. He was sent to prison for six weeks. Other charges are to be preferred against him.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, October 19, 1889 - Issue 6990
Devon Quarter Session - Trials of Prisoners
Hungry and No Food to Eat - John Lewis, 16, seaman, was charged with breaking into the dwelling-house of George Arthur, at Atherington, near Barnstaple on the 10th of July and stealing a dish and pie, one half-pint cup, one currant cup, some bacon &c. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and said he had nowhere to go to, no money, and was very hungry. Mr Hamilton prosecuted. Prisoner was sentenced to two calendar months' imprisonment with hard labour.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, January 7, 1893 - Issue 7951
Barnstaple County Petty Sessions - Assaulting a Woman
Joseph Webber, of Atherington, was charged by Harriett Webber, the wife of a farmer of Atherington, with assault on December 11th, and there was a cross-summons against Harriett Webber for an assault on Joseph Webber on the same day. Mr W. A. Roberts appeared for Harriett Webber and Mr A. F. Seldon for Joseph Webber. Harriett Webber stated that Joseph Webber came to her house and used very violent language towards her and he struck her with his fist, causing her to have a black eye. The Bench suggested an arrangement, and as the case was a family disagreement it was agreed that Joseph Webber should pay 10s. and costs in addition to the 8s. that was paid previously for an adjournment, and the cross-summons against Harriett Webber was dismissed.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, October 14, 1893 - Issue 8189
Barnstaple County Petty Sessions - In Pursuit of Conies
Richard Slee, labourer, of Atherington, was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of conies on land occupied by Mr Webber, at Atherington on September 29th. Mr A. F. Seldon prosecuted on behalf of General Gay, of Umberleigh House, who rents the shooting. Defendant was fined £1 and costs or in default imprisonment for a month without hard labour.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, January 20, 1894 - Issue 8271
Cruelty to a Horse - William Davis, a market gardener, of Atherington, was summoned for working a horse in an unfit state at Barnstaple on December 22nd. Inspector Street, of the R.S.P.C.A prosecuted. P.C. W. H. Tucker said that he saw defendant driving a horse in the Square which was going lame. He examined the horse's shoulder and saw several fresh wounds and some old ones aggravated. The collar was saturated. Superintendent Eddy said the horse was in a poor condition. Defendant said he had always kept his horse properly and it was all right when he started from home. Defendant was fined £1 inclusive, in default fourteen day's imprisonment.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, March 3, 1894 - Issue 8307
Barnstaple County Petty Sessions
William Davie, a labourer, was fined £1 and costs for trespassing in pursuit of conies on land owned by Mrs Basset, and rented by General Gaye, of Umberleigh House, at Atherington.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, December 8, 1897 - Issue 9490
Barnstaple County Police Court - William Beard, of Atherington, was summoned under the Devon Dog Muzzling Order. P.C. Wonnacott proved that the dog was with its master. Defendant was therefore ordered to pay 1s. fine and 8s costs.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Saturday, April 7, 1890 - Issue 10212
Walter Webber, about 18 years of age, was summoned for not having control over his horse and cart at Atherington. Mr W. B. Seldon appeared for defendant. P. S. Edwards (Torrington County Police) deposed to seeing the horse and cart left unattended on the highway for more than a quarter of an hour outside a house. There was a lighted lantern on a window sill, but although it was 9.15 p.m. there was no light attached to the cart. The defence was that defendant had gone into the house for the purpose of bringing out some furniture which had been purchased at a sale there the previous day, and which he was going to take away in his cart. Fined 1s. without costs.