
IPM of Roger Greenville (1525)

17 Henry VIII [1525]

© Crown Copyright

National Archives ref: C 142/44/103

Transcription and Latin translation by John Booker

Provided by David Carter

Document Catalogue Description: Inquisition Post Mortem.
Greenfield [sic], Roger, Cornwall
17 Henry VIII [1525]
National Archives ref: C 142/44/103

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Chancery writ.

Henricus octavus dei gra[ci]a Angli[e] & Franc[ie] Rex fidei defensor & D[o]m[inu]s Hib[er]n[ie] Escaetori suo in Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] Sal[u]t[e]m Precipim[us] tibi q[uo]d p[er] sacr[amentu]m p[ro]bo[rum] & leg[alium] homi[num] de balliva tua p[er] quos rei v[er]itas melius scir[i] pot[er]it diligent[er] inquiras que t[er]ras & ten[ementa] Rog[er]us Greynfild Armig[erus] defunctus tenuit de nob[is] in capite tam in d[om]in[i]co q[u]am in s[er]vicio in d[i]c[t]a balliva tua die quo obit & quantum de aliis & p[er] quod s[er]viciu[m] & quantum t[er]re & ten[ementa] illa valent p[er] annu[m] in om[n]ib[us] exitib[us] & quo die idem Rog[er]us obiit & quis p[ro]pinquior heres eius sit & cuius etatis & quis vel qui t[er]ras & ten[ementa] illa a tempore mortis p[re]d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i occupavit vel occupaverunt & exitus & p[ro]ficua inde p[er]cepit vel p[er]ceperunt quo titulo qualit[er] & quo modo Et inquisic[i]o[n]em inde distincte & ap[er]te f[ac]tam nob[is] in Cancellar[iam] n[ost]ram sub sigillo tuo & sigillis eo[rum] p[er] quos f[ac]ta fu[er]it sine dil[aci]one mittas & hoc br[ev]e T[este] me ip[s]o apud Westm[onasterium]


[Translation of the above]: Henry the Eighth by the grace of God, King of England and France, defender of the faith and Lord of Ireland, sends greeting to his eschaetor in the county of Cornwall. We direct you to make a diligent enquiry, by the oath of upright and legally competent men in your bailiwick, by whom the truth can better be known, as to what lands and tenements Roger GREENVILLE esquire, deceased, held of us in chief, as well in lordship as in service, in the said bailiwick on the day when he died, and what [he held] of others, and by what service, and how much those lands and tenements are worth annually in all their revenues, and [you are to report] the day of the same Roger's death, and who might be his closest heir, and of what age, and also who (singular or plural) occupied those lands and tenements from the time of the death of the aforesaid Roger, and received the income and profits therefrom, under what title or right, and in what way. And you are to send the inquisition without delay, clearly and openly made, to us in our Chancery under your seal, and the seals of those by whom it will be made, together with this writ. With me myself as witness, given at Westminster


Lib[er]atum fuit Cur[ie] xiij die Novemb[ris] Anno subscr[ipto] p[er] manus Ric[ar]di Penros Gent'

[Translation of the above]: Delivered to the court on thirteenth day of November in the year written below by Richard PENROS, gentleman

In margin: Cornub[ia]
Inquisicio indentat[a] capt[a] apud Stratton in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o vicesimo quarto die Octobris Anno r[egni] r[egis] henrici Octavi septimo coram Petro Eggecombe milite Escaetore & Feodario d[i]c[t]i do[mi]ni Regis ducatus sui Cornub[ie] & Com[itatus] p[re]dict[i] virtute br[ev]is d[i]c[t]i do[mi]ni Regis de mandam[us] post mortem Rog[er]i Greynfild Armig[er]i in d[i]c[t]o bre[ve] no[m]i[n]at[o] d[i]c[t]o Escaetori direct[o] & huic Inquisic[i]o[n]i consuet[o] p[er] sacr[amentu]m Thome Penfoun Armig[er]i Thome Vppercotte Will[elm]o Whyston Thome Lee Symonis Leight Joh[ann]is Calmady Will[elm]i Trebarfote Joh[ann]is Tryplett Joh[ann]is Tresuncke Joh[ann]is Vnd[er]don Hugonis Chaunt[er]ell Joh[ann]is Yoe Ric[ar]di Facy Martini Hydon Steph[an]i Worthevale & Joh[ann]is Gobyn de Bure Qui quidem Jurat[ores] sup[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Rog[er]us Greynfeld in d[i]c[t]o bre[ve] no[m]i[n]at[us] nulla tenuit terr[as] neq[ue] ten[emen]ta de d[i]c[t]o d[omi]no Reg[e] in capite nec alit[er] neq[ue] de aliquo alio in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o die quo obijt Set Juratores p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt sup[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] q[uo]d d[i]c[t]us Rog[er]us Graynfeld diu ante obitum suu[m] fuit sei[si]tus de man[er]io & Burgo de Kylkehampton cu[m] p[er]tinenc[iis] in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o cu[m] advocac[i]o[n]e eccl[es]ie de Kylkehampton eidem man[er]io spectan[te] necno[n] de trib[us] mes[suagia] CCC acr[is] [next word interlined] terre arrabili[is] quadraginta acr[is] p[r]ati CXX ti acr[is] bosci cu[m] p[er]tin[enciis] in Stawe & Dynnysmouth q[ue] su[n]t de t[er]r[is] Bartonis & sunt p[ar]cella p[re]dict[i] man[er]ij de Kylkehampton in d[om]in[i]co suo vt de feodo & sic inde sei[si]t[us] diu ante obitu[m] suu[m] p[er] quandam cartam suam indentat[am] Jur[atoribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is sup[er] capc[i]o[n]em huius Inquisic[i]o[n]is in evidenc[iis] ostens[am] cuius dat[um] est apud Kylkehampton predict' s[e]c[un]do die mensis Octobris Anno r[egni] r[egis] Henrici Octavi Nono inde feoffavit quosdam Ric[ard]um Gilbert Cl[er]icum Joh[ann]em Chamond Joh[ann]em Roscarrok Thomam Seyntaubyn Thoma[m] Hayche Joh[ann]em Gilbert Ric[ard]um Holand Thomam Gilbert Baudwinu[m] Malett Thomam Tremayn Joh[anne]m Fitz Rog[er]um Elford Thomam Docton & Hugonem Pryste h[ab]end[um] & tenend[um] eis hered[ibus] & assign[atis] eo[rum] imp[er]p[etuu]m ea intenc[i]o[n]e ad p[er]implend[um] & p[er]formand[um] vltimam voluntatem ip[s]ius Rog[er]i Greynfeld virtute cuius ijdem Ric[ard]us Gilbert Joh[ann]es Chamond & feoffati p[re]no[m]i[n]ati fuerunt inde sei[sit[i] in d[om]in[i]co suo vt de feodo Aceciam ijdem Jurat[ores] dicunt sup[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] p[re]dict[um] q[uo]d postea quidem Ric[ard]us Greynfild Armig[erus] filius & heres d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i p[er] quandam cartam suam sigillo suo sigillat[am] fac[tam] cu[m] signo suo manuali signat[am] Jur[atoribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is sup[er] capc[i]o[n]em huius Inquisic[i]o[n]is similit[er] in evidenc[iis] ostens[am] cuius dat[um] est sextodecimo die mensis Octobris Anno d[i]c[t]i do[mi]ni Regis Henrici Octavi Nono p[er] nomen Ric[ard]i Graynfyld Armig[er]i filij & hered[is] p[re]d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i totum p[re]d[i]c[tu]m statu[m] p[re]d[i]c[t]o[rum] Ric[ard]i Gilbert Joh[ann]is Chamond Joh[ann]is Roscarrok Thome Seyntaubyn Thome Hayche Joh[ann]is Gilbert Ric[ard]i Hals [sic] Thome Gilbert Baudwinu[i] Malett Thome Tremayn Joh[ann]is Fitz Rog[er]i Elford Thome Docton & Hugonis Pryste necno[n] totu[m] ius statum & interesse eo[rum] de & in p[re]d[i]c[t]o Man[er]io de Kylkehampton & cet[er]is p[re]miss[is] in eorum plena possessione & seisina inde existen[tibus] ad usum p[re]dict[um] approbavit ratificavit & in om[n]ib[us] quantu[m] in & tunc fuit confirmavit Et vlt[er]ius ijdem Jur[atores] dicunt q[uo]d postea p[re]d[i]c[t]us Rog[er]us Greynfyld int[er] alia voluit & declaravit p[er] suam vltimam voluntatem debito modo coram d[i]c[t]is Juratorib[us] p[ro]bat[am] ac eisdem Jur[atoribus] si[mi]lit[er] sup[er] capc[ionem] huius [inquisicionis] in evidenc[iis] ostens[am] q[uo]d immediate[e] post mortem p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Gilbert tunc Rectoris eccl[es]ie de Kylkehampton q[uo]d feoffati sui p[re]d[i]c[t]i eo[rum] hered[es] vel assign[ati] p[re]sentarent ad d[i]c[t]am eccl[es]iam sive Rectoriam de Kylkehampton Joh[ann]em Greynfeld fr[atr]em d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i Si idem Joh[ann]es adtu[n]c etatem sufficient[em] sine dispensac[i]o[n]e ad d[i]c[t]am Rectoriam accipiend[am] h[ab]uit Seu autem q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffati sui ad eandem eccl[es]iam & Rectoriam unu[m] aliu[m] p[re]sbit[er]iu[m] idoneu[m] p[re]sentav[er]int sub condic[i]o[n]e & forma q[uo]d idem Joh[ann]es Greynfeld quandam penc[i]o[n]em decem libra[rum] annuati[m] exeunt[em] de exit[ibus] & p[ro]ficiis dict[e] rectorie adiuvamend[um] ei exibic[i]o[n]em in vniversitat[e] Exon' quousq[ue] idem Joh[ann]es aliquod aliud beneficiu[m] sive p[ro]vic[i]o[n]em annualem durant[e] vita sua ad valenc[iam] viginti marco[rum] h[ab]uit Aceciam Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d d[i]c[t]us Rog[er]us Greynfyld in d[i]c[t]o bre[ve] no[m]i[n]at[us] p[er] p[re]d[i]c[t]am vltimam voluntatem suam vlt[er]ius voluit q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffat[i] sui hered[es] & eo[rum] assign[ati] essent & stabunt feoffat[i] & sei[si]t[i] [next three words deleted] de & in om[n]ib[us] & sing[u]lis p[re]miss[is] cu[m] om[n]ib[us] suis p[er]tin[enciis] ad usum d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i durant[e] tota vita sua Et post eius decess[um] idem Rog[er]us voluit q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffat[i] hered[es] & eo[rum] assign[ati] e[ss]ent & stabunt sei[si]ti & feoffati de & in om[n]ib[us] mes[suagiis] p[ar]cell[is] p[re]d[i]c[t]i Man[er]ij de Kylkehampton vocat[i] Stowe & Dynnysmouth cum om[n]ib[us] terr[is] Berton[is] eisdem mes[suagiis] adiacen[tibus] & p[er]tinen[tibus] ad usum Ric[ard]i Greynfeld filij & hered[is] apparent[is] d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i Greynfeld & hered[ium] suo[rum] imp[er]p[etuu]m sub hac condic[i]o[n]e q[uo]d idem Ric[ard]us morebat[ur] ib[ide]m alioquin q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffati recipient om[n]ia exitus revent[us] & p[ro]ficua inde p[ro]venient[a] ad solvend[um] debit[a] d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i & ad p[er]implend[um] vltimam voluntatem suam Et vlt[er]ius idem Rog[er]us Greynfeld p[er] eandem ultimam voluntatem suam voluit q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffat[i] sui eo[rum] hered[es] & assign[ati] e[ss]ent & stabunt feoffat[i] & sei[si]t[i] de & in toto residuo d[i]c[t]i man[er]ij de Kylkehampton p[ro] securitat[e] soluc[i]o[n]is cuiusdam annuictat[is] decem libra[rum] exeunt[ium] de d[i]c[t]o Man[er]io de Kylkehampton p[er] an[nu]m Degorio Greynfeld filio suo t[er]ciogenito durant[e] vita margarete Greynfeld sup[er]stit[iose] tu[n]c vxoris d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i & post mortem d[i]c[t]e margarete q[uo]d idem Degorius h[ab]uit quandam annuictatem decem libra[rum] sibi & hered[ibuis] suis mascul[is] de corp[or]e suo legitti[m]e p[ro]creat[is] annuati[m] solvend[am] de exit[ibus] Man[er]ij de Bedyford in Com[itatu] Devon[ie] Aceciam idem Rog[er]us Greynfeld p[er] d[i]c[t]am vltimam voluntatem suam voluit q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i Joh[ann]es Chamond Joh[ann]es Roscarrok Thomas Seyntaubyn & Thomam [sic] Tremayne om[n]ia redd[it]us exitus & p[ro]ficua d[i]c[t]i man[er]ij de Kylkehampton ac de om[n]ib[us] & sing[u]lis p[re]miss[is] p[ro]venient[ia] vltr[a] p[re]dict[a] [next word interlined] mesuag[ia] vocat[a] Stawe & Dynnysmouth cu[m] terra Bertonia eisdem mesuag[iis] adiacent[i] et pertinen[ti] ac vltr[a] p[re]d[i]c[t]am annuictatem sive annual[em] reddit[um] p[re]dict[o] Degorio solvend[am] p[er]cipient & levarent ad solvend[um] om[n]ia debit[a] & legacia ip[s]ius Rog[er]i Greynfeld alique p[er]sone sive aliquib[us] personis aliqo modo debit[a] Et vlt[er]ius idem Rog[er]us Greynfeld p[er] d[i]c[t]am vltima[m] voluntat[em] suam voluit q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us [sic] Joh[ann]es Chamond Joh[ann]es Roscarrok Thomas Seyntaubyn & Thomas Tremayne insimul se assemblarent apud Stawe predict' semel in anno annuati[m] quousq[ue] om[n]ia debit[a] eiusdem Rog[er]i Greynfeld plenar[ie] fu[er]int satisfact[a] & p[er]solute[a] & adtu[n]c & ib[ide]m redder[ent] comp[utu]m [next word interlined] coram hered[ibus] eiusdem Rog[er]i de de [sic] p[re]dict[is] exit[ibus] & p[ro]ficuis ac de resoluc[i]o[n]ib[us] eo[rum] suis debitorib[us] Et qui[libe]t p[re]dict[orum] Joh[ann]is Chamond Joh[ann]is Roscarrok Thome Seyntaubyn & Thome Tremayne p[er]cipiat & h[ab]eat annuati[m] de reddit[ibus] exit[ibus] & p[ro]ficuis p[re]miss[orum] p[ro] labore suo viginti solidos annuati[m] durante temp[or]e quo p[re]d[i]c[t]a debit[a] eiusdem Rog[er]i in soluc[i]o[n]e existent It[e]m ijdem Juratores dicunt p[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] q[uo]d d[i]c[t]us Rog[er]us Greynfeld vlt[er]ius p[er] p[re]d[i]c[t]am vltimam voluntatem suam voluit q[uo]d Lodowicus Lyppyncotte s[er]viens suus h[ab]uit officiu[m] Balli[va]tatis p[re]d[i]c[t]i man[er]ij de Kylkehampton durant[e] vita sua & h[ab]eat & p[er]cipiat annuati[m] durant[e] vita sua de exit[ibus] revenient[ibus] & p[ro]ficuis dict[i] Man[er]ij p[ro] d[i]c[t]o officio ex[er]cend[o] quandam annuati[m] quadraginta solid[os] Et vlt[er]ius idem Rog[er]us voluit q[uo]d om[n]ia debit[a] & legacia sua fu[er]int solut[a] q[uo]d dict[i] feoffat[i] sui e[ss]ent & stabunt sei[si]t[i] de om[n]ib[us] & sing[u]lis p[re]miss[is] ad vsum p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Greynfeld Armig[er]i filij suo p[ri]mogenito & hered[ium] suo[rum] imp[er]p[etuu]m Vlt[er]ius ijdem Juratores sup[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]um Man[er]ium & Burgus de Kylkehampton p[re]dict' cu[m] suis p[er]tin[enciis] tenent[ur] de d[i]c[t]o d[omi]no Rege p[er] s[er]vic[ium] militar[e] set non in capite s[c]il[ice]t vt de Man[er]io suo de Wynkeley in Com[itatu] Devon[ie] in manu d[omi]ni Regis existen[te] Rac[i]o[n[e q[uo]d Edwardus nup[er] rex Anglie tercius p[ro]genitor d[omi]ni Regis nu[n]c Anno regni sui vicesimo septimo adquisivit d[i]c[t]um Man[er]ium de Wynkeley cu[m] suis p[er]tin[enciis] sibi & hered[ibus] suis imp[er]p[etuu]m de Jacobo Awdeleght tu[n]c d[omi]no de Heleght Et q[uo]d p[re]dict[us] Man[er]iu[m] & Burgus de Kylkehampton cu[m] suis p[er]tin[enciis] valent p[er] An[nu]m in om[n]ib[us] exit[ibus] suis vlt[r]a repris[as] quadraginta marcas Et q[uo]d idem Rog[er]us obijt septimo die Julij Anno r[egni] r[egis] Henrici Octavi quintodecimo Et q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfeld est eius filius & heredes p[ro]pinquior & est etatis viginti Octo Anno[rum] & Amplius Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt sup[er] sacr[amentu]m suu[m] q[uo]d d[i]c[t]i feoffat[i] p[re]d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i Greynfeld p[re]dict[um] man[er]ium Burgus t[er]r[e] ten[emen]ta ac cet[er]a p[re]missa cu[m] suis p[er]tin[enciis] a temp[or]e mortis p[re]d[i]c[t]i Rog[er]i Greynfeld hucusque occupaverint & exitus & p[ro]ficua inde p[er]ceper[i]nt ad t[a]les vsus & intenc[i]o[n]es vt inde vltimam voluntatem p[re]dict[i] Rog[er]i Greynfeld in d[i]c[t]o bre[ev]e no[m]i[n]at[o] vt p[er]mittit[ur] p[er]implerent Et non alit[er] neq[ue] aliquo alio modo p[er] p[re]sent[es] In cuius rei testimoniu[m] p[re]sent[ibus] tam p[re]fat[i] Juratores q[u]am p[re]fat[us] Escaetor sigilla sua alt[er]nati[m] apposueru[n]t Dat[um] die Anno & loco sup[r]ascript[o]

[Translation of the above]: In margin: Cornwall
Indented inquisition taken at Stratton in the aforesaid county on the twenty-fourth day of October in the seventeenth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1525] in the presence of Sir Peter EGGECOMBE, eschaetor and feodary of the said Lord King of his duchy and county of Cornwall, by virtue of a writ of the said Lord King of mandamus after the death of Roger GRENVILLE, esquire, named in the said writ, and [which writ] is sewn together with this inquisition, [the inquisition being taken] under the oaths of Thomas PENFOUN, esquire, Thomas UPPERCOTTE, William WHYSTON, Thomas LEE, Simon LEIGHT, John CALMADY, William TREBARFOTE, John TRYPLETT, John TRESUNCKE, John UNDERDON, Hugh CHAUNTERELL, John YEO, Richard FACY, Martin HYDON, Stephen WORTHVALE, and John GOBYN of Bure, which jurors, indeed, say on their oath that the aforesaid Roger GRENVILLE named in the said writ held no lands nor tenements of the said Lord King in chief or in any other way, nor of anyone else, in the aforesaid county on the day when he died. But the aforesaid jurors say on their oath that the said Roger GRENVILLE, for some time before his death, was possessed of the manor and burgh of Kilkhampton, with appurtenances, in the aforesaid county, and of the advowson of the church of Kilkhampton belonging to the said manor, as well as of 300 acres of arable land, 40 acres of meadow, and 120 acres of wood, with appurtenances, in Stowe and Dinsmouth, which are Barton lands and parcel of the said manor of Kilkhampton in his lordship, as of fee, and he being so possessed, some time before his death, by means of a certain indented deed which was dated at Kilkhampton aforesaid on the second day of the month of October in the ninth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1517] (shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors before the taking of this inquisition), thereby enfeoffed certain persons [namely] Richard GILBERT, clerk, John CHAMOND, John ROSCARROK, Thomas SEYNTAUBYN, Thomas HAYCHE, John GILBERT, Richard HOLAND, Thomas GILBERT, Baldwin MALETT, Thomas TREMAYN, John FITZ, Roger ELFORD, Thomas DOCTON, and Hugh PRYSTE, to have and to hold [the said properties] to themselves, their heirs and assigns, for ever, with the intention that they would implement and carry out the last will of the said Roger GRENVILLE, by virtue of which the same Richard GILBERT, John CHAMOND, and [other] feoffees as listed, were thereby possessed in lordship, as of fee. And also the same jurors say on their aforesaid oath that later, indeed, Richard GRENVILLE, son and heir of the said Roger, by means of a certain deed of his executed with his seal and signed with his sign manual (likewise shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors on the taking of this inquisition), which [deed] is dated the sixteenth day of the month of October in the ninth year of the reign of our said Lord King Henry the Eighth [1517], under the name of Richard GRENVILLE, esquire, son and heir of the aforesaid Roger, approved, ratified and confirmed, in every way as it was then, the position of the aforesaid Richard GILBERT, John CHAMOND, John ROSCARROK, Thomas SEYNTAUBYN, Thomas HAYCHE, John GILBERT, Richard HALS [sic], Thomas GILBERT, Baldwin MALETT, Thomas TREMAYN, John FITZ, Roger ELFORD, Thomas DOCTON and Hugh PRYSTE, as well as their legal right, title and interest of and in the aforesaid manor of Kilkhampton and the other premises, already being in their full ownership and possession. And further the same jurors say that later the aforesaid Roger GRENVILLE, among other actions, willed and declared through his last will, proved in the appropriate way before the said jurors (and likewise shown in evidence to the same jurors on the taking of this inquisition), that immediately after the death of the aforesaid Richard GILBERT, then rector of the church of Kilkhampton, the aforesaid feoffees, their heirs or assigns, would present to the said church or rectory of Kilkhampton, John GRENVILLE brother of the said Roger, if the same John were then old enough to accept the said rectory and was without other stewardship, or otherwise that the said feoffees should present another suitable priest to the same church and rectory, [but] under the condition and stipulation that the same John GRENVILLE [should have] a certain pension of ten pounds a year issuing from the revenues and profits of the said rectory to supplement his stipend from the commonalty at Exeter, until the same John had some other benefice or annual provision for his life-time to the value of twenty marks. And also the jurors aforesaid say that the said Roger GRENVILLE named in the said writ willed further through his aforesaid last will that the said feoffees, their heirs and assigns, should be and stand enfeoffed and possessed of and in all and singular the premises, with all their appurtenances, to the use of the said Roger for his life, and after his death the same Roger willed that the said feoffees, their heirs and assigns should be and stand possessed and enfeoffed of and in all the messuages, part of the aforesaid manor of Kilkhampton, called Stowe and Dinsmouth, with all the Barton lands adjoining and belonging to the same messuages, to the use of Richard GRENVILLE, son and heir apparent of the said Roger GRENVILLE, and his heirs for ever, but under this condition, that Richard should live there, otherwise that the said feoffees should receive all the incomes, revenues and profits arising therefrom to pay the debts of the said Roger and to implement his last will. And furthermore the same Roger GRENVILLE, by his same last will, willed that the said feoffees, their heirs and assigns, should be and stand possessed of and in all the residue of the said manor of Kilkhampton for securing the payment of a certain annuity of ten pounds, issuing from the said manor of Kilkhampton every year, to Degory GRENVILLE, his third-born son, during the remaining life of Margaret GRENVILLE, then wife of the said Roger, and after the death of the said Margaret, [he willed] that the same Degory should have a certain annuity of ten pounds for himself and the heirs masculine of his body legitimately begotten, to be paid every year from the income of the manor of Bideford in the county of Devon. And also the same Roger GRENVILLE, by his said last will, willed that the said John CHAMOND, John ROSCARROK, Thomas SSYNTAUBYN, and Thomas TREMAYNE, should receive and levy all the rents, income and profits of the said manor of Kilkhampton, and arising from all and singular the premises (other than the messuages called Stowe and Dinsmouth with the Barton lands adjacent and belonging to the same messuages, and other than the aforesaid annuity or annual rent-charge to be paid to the aforesaid Degory), to pay all the debts and legacies of the same Roger GRENVILLE, in any way owed to any person or persons. And also the same Roger GRENVILLE, by his said last will, willed that the aforesaid John Chamond, John Roscarrok, Thomas Seyntaubyn, and Thomas Tremayne, should assemble together at Stowe once a year, every year, until all the debts of the said Roger Grenville were fully satisfied and paid, and there and then submit their accounts in the presence of the heirs of the same Roger concerning all the revenues and profits and the payments to his creditors. And any of the said John CHAMOND, John ROSCARROK, Thomas SYNTAUBYN, and Thomas TREMAYNE, may receive and have annually out of the rents, revenues and profits of the premises, for his labour, twenty shillings every year during the time in which the aforesaid debts of the same Roger are being repaid. Also, the same jurors say on their oath that the said Roger GRENVILLE later, by his aforesaid last will, willed that Lewis LYPPYNCOTTE, his servant, hold the office of bailiff of the aforesaid manor of Kilkhampton for life, and should have and receive every year during his life, from the income, revenues and profits of the said manor, for exercising the said role, a certain annuity of forty shillings. And further, the same Roger willed that all his debts and legacies should be paid, [and] that the said feoffees should be possessed of all and singular the premises to the use of the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE, his first-born son, and his heirs for ever. Furthermore, the same jurors on their oath say that the aforesaid manor and burgh of Kilkhampton aforesaid, with their appurtenances, are held of the said Lord King by knight's service, but not in chief, that is to say as of his manor of Winkleigh in the county of Devon, being in the King's hands by reason of the fact that Edward the Third, late King of England, ancestor of the present Lord King, in the twenty-seventh year of his reign, acquired the said manor of Winkleigh for ever, for him and his heirs, of James AUDELEY, then lord of Heleigh. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid manor and burgh of Kilkhampton, with their appurtenances, are worth annually in all revenues after outgoings, forty marks. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE is his son and closest heir and is aged twenty-eight years and more. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say on their oath that the said feoffees of the aforesaid Roger GRENVILLE have ever since held the manor, burgh, lands, tenements and other premises, with their appurtenances, from the time of the death of the aforesaid Roger GRENVILLE, and have received the income and profits therefrom and have employed them to such uses and purposes as are permitted by the last will of the said Roger GRENVILLE named in the said writ, and not otherwise or in any other way, by these presents. In witness of which, both the aforesaid jurors and the aforesaid eschaetor have in turn applied their seals to these presents. Given on the day, year and place above-written.