The Romance of the Men of Devon
By Francis Gribble
London: Mills and Boon Limited (1912)
Indexed by Michael Steer
In his preface the author states "at no epoch at which adequate records have been preserved do we find Devonian names lacking. England owes to Devon the invention of the steam engine as well as the repulse of the Spanish Armada; the launching of the Tractarian Movement as well as the colonization of Newfoundland, and the discovery of Davis Straights. Devonshire has produced a poet of the first rank in Coleridge, and a painter of the first rank in Sir Joshua Reynolds; elegant literary triflers in the person of Tom Durfey and Winthrop Mackworth Praed; a great historian in James Anthony Froud; and a great novelist in Richard Doddridge Blackmore. The object (of the book) has been to select for treatment those names which are most typical, most interesting, most provocative of curiosity (p. viii). This is an engaging, entertaining book, full of anecdotes and humorous stories."
Acland, Sir Thomas 37 Adams, Parson 132, 186 Addison 33 Aeneas 70, 71 Aeschylus 197 Alcock, Mr. 136 Anne, Queen 32, 147, 252 Arbuthnot, Dr. 33 Arragon, Katherine of 89 Arnold, Matthew 37, 38, 185 Aurelius, Marcus 282 Austen, Jane 50 Austin, Mr. Alfred 220 Babbage, Charles 75-6 Bacon 171 Bagley 278 Baird, Henry 220 Baller, Rev. Joseph 214 Barclay, Alexander 184 Bardell, Mrs. 27 Bargues, Sylvain 219 Barr, Robert 59 Barrett, Miss 59 Barham, Rev. R.H.D. 50 Baring-Gould, Reverend Sabine. 153-4, 156, 164, 167 Barrington, Bishop 74 Bassetts, of Watermouth 152 Bateman, Mary 202 Beanes, Parson 77, 226 Beaumont, Countess of 176 Bedford, Duke of 158 Bedford, Earl of 159 Benson, Thomas 252-4 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge 36, 43, 146, 257-61, 265 Blundell, Peter 130. 143-4, 156, 258 Boase, Reverend Charles 86-7 Bodley, John 23 Bodley, Lady 24 Bodley, Sir Thomas 23, 24 Bodrigan, Otto de 249 Boevey, James 264-5 Bonaparte, Prince Lucien 220 Borough, Steven 231 Borough, William 115, 231 Boswell 138 Boursaquotte, Mlle. 212 Bray Mrs. 167 Bray, Vicar of 33 Brice, Mr. 201 Brockedon, William 74-5 Brown, Tom 33 Browne, Ida M. 263 Browne, William 164-6 Browning, Robert 59 Brutus 70, 71 Bulwer Lytton 59 Bulwer, Sir Henry 76 Burgon, Dean 64, 123 Burke 133 Burleigh 115 Burney, Fanny 78 Burns, Robert 219 Burritt, Elihu 219 Bushel, Thomas 251 Bute, Marchioness of 222 Byron 196 Caesar, Julius 70 Capern, Edward 218-21, 232 Capet, Hugh 45, 46 Capet, Robert 45 Carew, Bampfyde Moore 131, 146-9, 151, 153-6 Carew family 146-7 Carnarvon, Earl of 165 Cary, George 58 Cassell and Company 218 Cassell, Petter and Galpin 218 Cawley (or Calley) 97 Cecil, Lord Hugh 159 Chancellor 231 Chanter, J.R. 211 Chapple, Will 227-8 Charles I 18, 120, 160, 171, 230 Charles II 31-2, 72, 160, 232 Charles, Mrs. Rundle 167 Chateaubriand 76 Chesney, General 146 Churchill, Lord Randolph 42 Churchill, Mr. Winston 280-1 Churchman, Mrs. 27 Clough, Arthur Hugh 37 Coleridge family 184-8 Coleridge, Hartley 186, 191-4, 197-8 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 132, 169, 184, 186, 189-90 Coleridge, Sarah 197 Coleridge, Derwent 197 Corbett, Mr. Julian 116 Conqueror, William the 18 Corineus 71-2 Cosway, Mr. 128 Courtenay, Edward 47, 48 Courtenay family 45, 46, 49, 152 Courtenay, Reginald 47 Coutts, Banker 222 Coverdale, Miles 34 Cranmer, George 27 Cromwell, Richard 232 Crook, Cabinet Maker 214 Cross, Mr. 128 Dalling, Lord 76 Darwin, Charles 64, 65 David, King 46 Davis, John 103-6 Davitt, Michael 280 Despenser, Hugh Lord le 247 Devon, Earl of 48, 49 Dickens, Charles 125, 167 Disraeli, Benjamin 59, 64 Dobson, Mr. Austin 121 Dodderidge, John 211 Dodderidge, Judge 211 Doon, Audrie 263 Doone, family 257, 260-2, 264-5 Doone, Sir Ensor 261, 263 Doughty 111-13 Downe, Miss 211 Downe, Mr. 211-12 Downman, Mr. 128 Drake, Sir Francis 84, 89, 108-18, 170, 172 Dunton, Mr. Theodore Watts 242 d'Urfé, Honoré 31 Durfey, Tom 31, 32, 33, 34 Duval, Claude 152 Eaton, Daniel Isaac 221 Eastlake, Sir Charles 121, 128 Eveleigh, John 145 Edgcumbe, Lord 133 Edward I 246 Edward II 23, 247-8 Edward IV 47 Edward VI 20 Effingham, Lady 176 Ellenborough, Lord 221-2 Elizabeth I 30, 31, 48, 84, 110, 115, 117, 170-1, 231 Errington, Mr. 53 Exeter, Marquis of 47 Eyre, Governor 241 Faber, Father 123 Fairfax 120 Fielding 132 Fiennes, Honourable Richard 251 Fortescue 211 Fontaine, Mons. 211-12 Foxe, Bishop 23 Freeman 88 Fricker, Misses 189 Frobisher, Martin 100, 104, 108 Froude, Archdeacon 74, 81-3, 85-6 Froude, Parson Jack 226 Froude, James Anthony 48, 59, 74, 81, 85, 87-91, 93, 98, 103-6, 233-4 Froude, Richard Hurrell 83-5 Fulford, Francis 146 Fuller 26, 30, 170 Gardiner 91 Garrick 133 Gay, John 33, 147, 211, 213-6 George I 33 George III 35 George IV 199 Gibbon 60, 133 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 98-101, 103 Gilbert, Sir John 58 Gillmans 190 Gissing, George 42-44 Godwin, William 225 Goemagot 71-2 Goldsmith, Oliver 133 Gosse, Mr. Edmund 61, 63, 64, 66, 176 Gosse, Philip 60-5 Goulburn 38 Gould, Sir Francis Carruthers 208-9 Gower, Lord 253 Grenville, Sir Bevil 230 Grenville, Sir Richard 120. 230, 232-6 Guppy, Mayor 209-10 Hansbury, R.W. 38 Harding, Thomas 211 Harvard, Judith 105 | Hawker, Robert Stephen 35, 121-6, 230 Hawkins, Sir John 108 Haydon, Benjamin Robert 121, 128, 141 Hayman, Francis 128 Hayes, Mr. 101 Hazlitt 140 Healey, Daniel 221-2, 225 Heaven, Mr. 255 Hele, Elize 130 Hélne, Grand Duchess 199 Henry II 47, 244 Henry III 230 Henri IV 46 Henry VII 19, 184 Henry VIII 47, 88, 159 Herbery family 165 Herbert. William 165 Herrick, Reverend Robert 76-80, 226 Heyward, Abraham 145 Hitchener, Miss Elizabeth 223 Hogg, Nathan 220 Hood, Robin 150 Hooker, Mrs. 28-30, 35 Hooker, Richard 24-30 Hope, Beresford 98 Hosken, James Dryden 218 Howard, Thomas Lord of Effingham 108, 232 Howell 249 Hubba, the Dane 230 Hudson, Thomas 128, 132-3 Hugo, Victor 162 Humphry, Mr. 128 Huxley 65 Huxtable 260-1 Incledon 215 James I 24, 174 James II 32, 35, 52, 121, 177, 179 Jeffreys, Judge 262 Jenkyns, Dr. 37 Jerome K. Jerome 59 Jewel, Bishop 211 Jewel, John 25 Johnson, Dr. 133-5, 138-40 Jowett, Benjamin 93, 184 Keats 53-57 Keble 185 Kennicott, Benjamin 73 Kennicott, Mrs. 74 Kent, Duke and Duchess of 199 Keppel, Admiral 133 Kidd, Captain 250 Killigrew. Henry 49 Kingsley, Charles 36, 59, 65, 87, 232, 236-41 Kingston, Duke and Duchess of 129 Kipling, Mr. 185, 232 Lang, Mr. Andrew 41, 42, 268 Langton, Archbishop 34 Lee, Henry 214 Litson, Mr. William 222 Lloyd George, Mr. 159 Luck, Mr. 213, 215 Lyte, Henry Francis 67 Lytton, Lord 76 Macaulay 125, 185 MacDermott, Mr. Edward T. 263-5 Magellan, Ferdinand 112-3 Marisco family 244 Marisco, William de 245-6 Marlbourough, Duke of 252 Mary, Queen 47, 48 Melbourne, Lord 47 Méritens, Hortense Allart de 76 Michelthorne, Sir Edward 106 Monk, George 232 Monmouth, Duke of 262 Monmouth, Geoffrey of 70-2 Morgan, John 165 Moultrie 186 Murray 75 Murray, John 221 Musgrove, Mrs. 149 Musset, Alfred de 166 Napoleon 58, 269 Newbolt, Mr. 118 Newcomen, Thomas 95-8 Newman, Cardinal 240, 241 Norris, Mr. W.E. 59 Northcote, James 121, 128-9. 134-6, 138-41 Northcote, Samuel 135-8 Northcote, Sir Stafford 41, 146, 188 Noyes, Mr. Alfred 110-11, 113 Nugent, Mrs. 223 Nutt, Captain 250 Oldham, Archdeacon 23 Orange, William of 18, 58, 127 Paris, Mathew 245 Patch, Claude 150 Paul, Mr. 82, 86 Philip, King of Spain 48 Phillpotts, Bishop Henry 34, 35, 59, 87, 92, 98, 226 Phillpotts, Mr. Eden 59, 60 Pickwick, Mr. 26 Pindar 197 Pope 33 Porteus, Bishop 74 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth 53-7, 185 Prout, Samuel 121 Pullein, Robert 22 Pym, John 160 Queensberry, Duke of 215 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur 219 Raleigh, Sir Walter 98, 105, 169-79, 249 Rattenbury, Jack 199, 203-7 Rayner, William 147-8 Reid, Mr. Stuart J. 257 Rennell, Thomas 128-9 Reynolds, Frances 139 Reynolds, Samuel 131 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 128, 132- 3, 135, 138-41 Rich, Mr. 213 Robinson, Crabb 216 Rodd, Sir Rennell 174 Rolle, Right Honourable Lord 207 Routh, President 78 Russell family 160 Russell, Lord John 20, 159 Russell, Parson, Jack 21, 87, 146. 225-9 Russell, Lord William 160-1, 164 Salkeld, Captain 250 Sandys, Edwin 27 Scott 259, 60 Sewell 87 Seymour, Sir Edward 78 Shairp, Principal 37 Shakespeare, William 114, 117 Shelley, Harriet 222-3 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 220-2, 224-5 Shelley, Mr. Timothy 222 Sheppard, Jack 150 Sleeman, Mr. 226-7 Snell, Mr. 260, 263 Sophia, Electress 32, 33, 108 Southcott, Joanna 199-202 Southey 189, 195 Spain, King of 99, 172 Stanley, Dean 37 Stapledon, Walter de 22, 85 Steele 33 Stephen, King 18 Stubbs, Bishop of Truro 89, 91, 238 Stukely, Sir Lewis 249 Syle, Mr. 221-2 Symonds, Mr. 214 Temple, Archbishop 34, 36-7, 39, 41. 146, 257 Tennyson 232, 247 Thomson, Mr. Basil 274-5 Thornton, Rev. W.H. 261 Throckmorton, Bess 172 Tolcher, Alderman 137 Tolstoy 154 Travers, Mr. 30 Trelawney, Bishop 34, 35 Trevelyan, Sir Charles 146 Trewin, Mr. 208-10 Turpin, Dick 150 Tyrwhitt. Mr. 269 Vaughan, the Silurist 166 Victoria, Queen 199 Vowel, John 24 Wales, Henry Prince of 175 Wainwright, Thomas 211 Walton, Izaak 25, 28, 49 Warbeck, Perkin 18, 19 Warwick, Earl of 99 Watt, James 95-6 Welsh, Mr. 21 Westminster, Dean of 179-80 Whitefield 153 Whitlock, Captain 176 Whittington, Dick 143 Wilberforce, Bishop 65 William III 32, 67, 78 Wood, Anthiny a 165 Wordsworth 195, 197 Wordsworth, Mrs 197 Yarde-Buller, Sir John 68 |