
Name Index


Art in Devonshire, with the biographies of Artists born in that County

From p.1, Introduction to p. 81, A B Johns, inclusive

Exeter: Henry S Eland, and London: Hamilton Adams & Co, (1883), 158 pp.


George Pycroft

Prepared by Michael Steer

The author was one of the promoters of the Art Department at the Bath and West of England Society. He was author of this "Art in Devon" and of a Life of Samuel Cousins, R.A. He was also a popular lecturer on a variety of subjects connected with art and science. His book is successor to both of his articles on the topic that appeared in volumes 13 and 14 of the Devonshire Association Transactions for 1881-2 read at Dawlish and Crediton. The book presents potted biographies for 33 Devonian artists of note, ranging in period from Henry VIII to Victoria. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the Yale University Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Abercorn family32
Aberdeen, earl of31
Acland, lady29-30
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke Bt12, 29
Adams, Mr33
Albert, prince consort12, 43
Alfred, king64
Allen, Ralph71
Allworthy, squire71
Althorp, lord34
Amelia, Princess26
Ancaster, duchess of28
Ancaster, Robert duke of28
Ashburnham, earl30
Ashworth, Edward16
Assheton, Mrs W28
Baily, E B, RA59
Ball, Mr77, 79
Banks, Sir Joseph30
Baring, Mr76
Barlow, Peter33
Barnes, Mr Samuel55, 60
Bateson, Mr Robert32
Bather, Rev Edward31
Beasley, Dr33
Becket, Thomas A36, 38
Belcher, John74
Bell, Mr John30
Bennett, J N16
Bennett, Mary Louisa16
Bennett, William Mineard,8, 17
Bessborough, countess of28
Biddle, Mr31
Billington, Mrs39
Bingham, Hon Ann34
Birt, Mr47
Blackall, Dr32
Blessington, Lady32
Bohemia, Elizabeth of70
Bonaparte, Napoleon22, 32, 40, 42, 64
Booth, Miss18
Boothby, Penelope34
Bouverie, admiral the Hon P60
Bowles, Miss34
Boxall, Sir William RA33-4
Boyer, G esq60
Bradyll, Mrs33
Brandon, Alicia69
Bridge, Mr31
Bridges, H esq60
Bridges, John32
Bristol, earl of27
Brockedon, William3, 18-20
Brodie, Alexander58
Brown, Dr30
Brown, Mrs35
Brown, Robert64
Brownlow, earl32
Brutton, Charles47
Buccleuch, Henry, duke of27, 69
Buckingham, earl of57
Buckland, Dr31
Burdett, Sir Francis27
Burns, Robert31
Byron, lord19, 40, 42
Cadell & Davies46
Calvert, Mrs Anstey27
Campbell, Thomas31
Canning, Rt Hon George31
Canterbury, lord31
Carew, Sir Gawen Kt69
Carew, Rev R B39
Carew, Mr W H Pole69
Carpenter, Mrs31-2
Carrara, Francesco da43-4
Cenci, Beatrice31
Chalon, Alfred RA32
Champernowne family18
Chantrey, Sir F, RA30-2, 59
Charles I68, 74
Christie, Mr78
Clack, Richard Augustus8, 20
Clifford, George69
Clive, lady32
Clyde, lord34
Cogan, Rev Mr30
Cole, Abram20
Cole, Mr50-1
Cole, S32
Coleridge, lady35
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor33
Coleridge, Sir J T32
Colley, Mr John L14, 79
Collier, John esq, MP21
Colley, Richard27
Collier, Rt Hon Sir Robert21
Collingwood, vice admiral lord30
Collins, Samuel72
Colman, George the younger27
Condy, Flora24
Condy, Nicholas22-4
Condy, Nicholas Matthews24
Cook, Samuel14, 77, 80
Cooper, F Sidney56
Copplestone, Mr32
Corbaux, Miss31
Cornish, Mr16
Cosway, Mrs Maria25, 27
Cosway, Richard RA3, 8, 25, 28
Cotes, Francis6
Cotton, Miss Eliza28
Cousen, John77
Cousins, Samuel, RA13, 29, 35
Cranch, John35
Croft, Dr31
Croker, Rt Hon J Wilson30
Croker, Miss30
Cromwell, Oliver57
Cross, John3, 36-7
Cross, Richard8
Crosse, Richard3, 38
Crosse, Mr R R39
Cumberland, earl of69
Cunningham, lady Harriett27
Curzon, Hon Esther28
Curzon, Hon Mary28
Dahl, Michael5
Dalkeith, earl Charles27
Damer, Mrs Dawson27
Daniel, Mr Abraham55
Darnley, lord79
Dauphin of France34
Davey, Robert39
Davis, J P40
Deane, Miss60
Delaware, countess74
Denmark, Anne of70
Derby, Countess of26-7
Devereux, Robert70
Devonshire, Georgina, duchess of26, 28, 35
Dickenson, Lowes34
Dicker, William Lee71
Dicksee, Frank, ARA35
Dinham, John12
Divett, Edward esq, MP59
Donne, Dr66
Dorset, duke of73-4
Downman, John ARA8, 26, 40
Drake, Sir Francis70
Dubuffe30, 33
Dufort, countess de28
Duntze, Sir John41, 76
Durham, earl of31
Durham, lady32
Dymond, Mr Robert15
Earl, Mr32
Eastlake, Sir Charles PRA3, 32, 41-5, 77
Eastlake, Mr George41
Edis, E U33
Edward the confessor37
Edward VI68
Eglinton, lady27
Egremont, earl of24
Elgin, earl of27, 61, 72
Elizabeth I4, 56, 68-70
Elliott, Rev W59
Essex, earl of66, 70
Etty, W, RA31
Ezekiel, E A13, 45
Faed, T, RA33-4
Fanshawe, Rev F60, 68
Faraday, Michael30
Farren, lady Elizabeth27
Farren, Miss26
Fisher, Mr78
Fitzherbert, Mrs26-7
Fitzpatrick, lady Anne34
Forbes, Sir Charles32
Forster, lady Elizabeth26-7
Fortescue, earl, KG12
Fowler, Mr Charles16, 45
Francellon, Miss26
Frere, Sir Bartle33
Front de Bœuf57
Froude, venerable Robert Hurrell, MA18
Fry, Mrs Elizabeth33
Gainsborough, Thomas75-6
Galileo19, 57
Gallie, major John Lockhart24
Galton, J Howard esq65
Gandy, James3-6, 46-7
Gandy, William5-6, 47-8
Garrick, David7, 65
Gendall, John3, 8, 13, 51-4
Gennys, Mr Henn41
George II71
George III25-6, 39
Gibbs, W34
Gilbert, Davies PRS30
Gilbert, Dr31
Gilbert, Rev John49
Glass, Dr Thomas45
Gleadall, Rev J60
Gloucester, Princess Sophia of35
Goddard, Rev William Stanley DD31
Goff & Gully, messrs45
Goldfinch, major general, Sir H, KCB59-60
Goldsmid, Sir Francis58
Goodall, F, RA34
Gordon, lord George74
Gower, lady Eveline30, 32
Gradenigo, doge57
Grant, Sir F, PRA33-4
Grant, Mary Isabella11
Gray, lady Jane57
Grendall, John50
Grenfell, Mr31
Grey, earl30
Grey, Hon George de27
Grey, lady30
Griffiths, Rev Mr33
Grosvenor, lady31
Guerini, Giacopo57
Gunning, Miss27
Gwydyr, Peter Robert, lord28
Hadfield, Maria25
Hainsselin, Henry54
Hall, Mr S C15, 44, 78
Hallam, Mr32
Hamilton, lady Mary26, 34
Hampson, lady26
Harding, Rev Nathaniel49
Harman, Mr Jeremiah42
Harold, king37
Hart, Alexander Solomon, RA3, 15, 55, 58
Hart, Samuel55
Haydock, Richard4, 67
Haydon, Benjamin R3, 19, 39-41, 44, 59-64, 77
Haydon, George Henrydedication, 15, 55
Haydon, Samuel James Bouverie12, 59
Hayman, Francis64
Heathcot, Mr37
Heathfield, lord7
Heber, bishop30
Henry, prince69
Henry VII68
Henry VIII2, 68
Heydon3, 80
Heywood, James Pemberton esq34
Hilliard, Nicholas (Oeillarde)3-4, 28, 65-9
Hilliard, Richard66, 69
Hine, Mr J79-80
Hodgson, Mr33
Hogarth6, 35, 65
Holbein, Hans4, 66
Holdsworth, governor18
Holford, Mr R S74
Holland, lady17
Homfray, Miss Juliana31
Hope, master31
Hosking, William70
Howard, H, RA30
Howe, earl65
Hudson, Thomas6, 71, 76
Humphry, Ozias, RA71-2, 76
Hunsdon, lady Elizabeth70
Hunsdon, lord70
Hunt, captain T23
Huth, Mr Frederick33
Israel, Manasseh ben57
Jackson, John RA31
Jackson, Richard75
Jackson, William5, 46, 74-6
Jacobson, William79
James I12, 65, 68-70
Jeffrey, lord30
Jenkins, Thomas3, 76
Johns, Ambrose Bowden3, 9, 77-9, 80
Johnson, Dr Samuel7
Jones, Dr31
Jones, Inigo12
Jones, Mr70
Joseph, Edward esq27
Keble, Mr32
Keenan14, 76
Kendall, Mr47
Kennaway, Sir George76
Kieth, admiral viscount28
King, John3, 8
King, R77
Kingsmill, Frances70
Kingsmill, Sir William70
Knapton, George6
Kneller, Sir Godfrey5, 49
Knight, J Andrew32
Knight, Mr Charles57
Knight, J P, RA33, 56
Knighton, Sir William32
Lampton, master30
Lance, George56
Landon, Miss L E40
Landseer, Sir E, RA32-4
Landseer, T13
Lane, Samuel31, 80
Langdon, Tobias4-5, 46
Lansdowne, marquis of57
Lawrence, general Stringer45
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, PRA17, 29-33
Leakey, J8-9, 76
Ledsham, Mr33
Lee, Fred R3, 9
Leighton, Sir F, PRA34-5
Lely, Sir Peter5
Lenox, earl of70
Leslie, C R, RA32, 58
Leversedge, H31
Lewis, Rev Richard, MA72
Lister, Mrs31
Lomazzo4, 67
Long, Edwin, RA35
Lorraine, Claude11
Louis XVI34
Louis XVIII17
Lucas, J32
Luscombe, Mr W15, 17, 80
Lyndhurst, lady31
Macdonald, Miss30
Mackenzie, Hon Mrs J Stuart Wortley26
Maclean, Mr. MP32
Malcolm, Sir John32
Marie Antoinette34
Marker, Rev Mr33
Marlborough, Charles duke of71
Martyr, Peter10
Marwood, Mrs Metcalf27
Mary, queen68
Mary II, queen37
Mason, lady60
Mealing, John73
Medina, Sir John de5
Merle, H34
Metternich, prince30
Milford, John esq31
Millais, J E, RA33-5
Milton, John19, 57, 65
Mitchell, Mr Philip11, 15, 77, 80
Mogford, Thomas8-9, 33
Moncrieff, Sir James30
Montagu, lady Caroline34
Montagu, Henry lord27
Montefiori, lady57
Moore, Sir John19
Moray & Ross, bishop of33
Morison, Sir Charles12
Morrish, W S11
Mount Edgcumbe, earl of23
Mulgrave, baron74
Munro, Sir Thomas30
Nasmyth, Alex31
Naylor, Mrs33
Neeld, Mr Joseph MP32
Newman, cardinal35
Newman, Sir R60
Newman, Thomas esq60
Newton, G S, RA31
Nixon, Mrs27
Norman, Mr79
Northcote, James, RA3, 5, 8, 15, 48-50, 55
Northumberland, duchess of34
Northumberland, duke of33
Northumberland, Henry earl of70
Northwick, lord57
Oates, captain23
Oliver, Mr Isaac66
Opie45, 76-7, 80
Orange, Prince & Princess74
Ormond, duke of47
Owen, W, RA31
Oxford, earl of68-9
Page, J A esq23
Palavinci, general70
Palmer, Mr78
Palmerston, viscount33
Partridge, John33
Pass, Simon69
Patch, John jnr45
Patch, John snr6, 50
Patch, Thomas13
Patteson, Mr Justice32
Peel, lady30
Peel, Miss31
Peel, Rt Hon Sir Robert Bt33
Peirson, major27
Pelham, C A27
Pelham, Sophia27
Percy, Henry70
Phillips, T, RA30-1
Phillips, Wyndham33-4
Pickersgill, W H, MA30-1
Picot, monsieur36
Pike, Mr11, 17
Pindar, Dr33
Pitt, William31
Pius VII, pope30
Pope, Alexander65
Portland, duke of70
Portsmouth earl of69
Pratt, Sir Charles71
Preston, Lucy37
Prout, Samuel3, 77, 80
Radnor, earl of60
Raffles, Sir Stamford30
Raeburn, Sir H30
Raleigh, Sir Walter70
Raphael3, 19
Ratcliff, earl Thomas70
Ravensworth, lady31
Rawlinson, Sir Henry33
Reade, Mrs G60
Redgrave, Samuel2, 15
Reinagle, R R, RA32
Reynolds, Sir Joshua2-8, 13, 15, 33-6, 45-6, 48, 65, 71-2, 75, 80
Reynolds, S W29
Rich, Miss35
Richard I (coeur de lion)37, 57
Richard III65
Richardson, Jonathan71
Richmond, duke of72
Richmond, George, RA31-4, 56
Rigby, Miss44
Rivière, Briton, RA35
Roberts, David RA19
Robertson, Mrs31
Robinson, Mrs26-7
Rogers3, 77
Rolle, lady31
Romney, George73-4
Ross, Flora24
Ross, Mrs28
Rubens8, 26, 61
Russell, Mrs B50
Russell, Mr Denis50
Russell, Lt Col. Henry50
Russell, John6
Rutland, duchess of31, 35
Sage, Fanny28
Salisbury, marquis of69
Sanders, G31
Sant, J, RA33-4
Say, F R33
Saywell, J esq59
Scanlan, Mr79
Scots, Mary queen of68-9
Screven, Mr55
Seaward, Sir Edward Kt6, 50
Sedgwick, Dr31
Selwyn, Dr32
Seymour, Edward69
Seymour, Georgina28
Seymour, lady Hester28
Shakespeare, William33, 41, 57, 70
Sharland, William8, 47
Shee, Sir M, PRA30-2
Sheffield, Mrs T60
Shepherd, T H51
Shipley, Mr William72
Shute, John3
Siddons, Mrs28
Sidney, Sir Philip69
Smith, Abel33
Smith, Colonel Hamilton79-80
Soane, Sir John50
Somerset, duke of69
Southampton, Robert earl of69
Spencer, Edmund70
Spencer, countess Lavinia34
Spencer, Georgina27
Spencer, earl John27, 34
Stafford, marquis of32
Stephens, Edward Bowringdedication, 12
Stewardson, Thomas30
Stewart, Dugald33
Stewart, Sir M Shaw, Bt30
Stone, Nicholas12
Stuart, lady Arabella69-70
Sully, Thomas31
Sumner, Dr31-2
Sussex, earl of70
Symonds, Sir W, KCB60
Talbot family40
Tanner, C F esq23
Tate, Rev James31
Taylor, Mr Tom61
Theopolo, Boemondo57
Thomas, Rev C24
Thompson, G esq60
Tinling, Mrs27
Townsend, Mr George15, 76
Traies, W9
Trelawny, Sir John Salusbury69
Trevelyan, lady Charles17
Triscott, Mrs23
Tuckfield, John71
Turner, C13
Turner, Joseph William Mallard6-7, 10-1, 51, 54, 77-8
Twysdon, Sir W27
Upcott, Mr William39
Vallack, Mr John48
Vanakin, Joseph6
Vanderbank, John5
Vaughan, Mr31
Vernon, Mr56
Victoria, queen2, 32
Vigenere, Blaise67
Wales, George prince of25, 28, 33
Wales, princess Charlotte Augusta27, 34
Wallop, Sir Henry Kt69
Wallop, Sir Oliver Kt69
Walpole, Sir Robert4, 15, 65
Ward, E M, RA34
Watson, Sir Thomas34
Watts, G F, RA33
Webber, Mrs27
Webber, William John Seward12-3
Wellesley, marquis of27
Wellington, duke of30, 32-3, 64
Wells, H T33-4
West, Benjamin PRA41
Westmoreland, countess of27
Westmoreland, John earl of27
White, Mr50, 76
Whiteford, Mr CC79
Wight, Michael5
Wightwick, George79
Wilberforce, William MP31
Wilkie, Sir David, RA31, 33
William I37-8
Williams, William (also Plymouth Williams)14, 80
Willoughby de Eresby, baroness28
Wills, Mr56
Windeatt, Mr E18, 20
Winmarleigh, lord34
Winterhalter, F33-4
Wolsey, cardinal57
Woodhouse, Rev J C34
Woolff, Mrs30
Worsley, Rev Israel55
Wright, Sir Sampson74
Wyndham, colonel65
Yarborough, lord27
Yonge, Dr78-9
Yonge, Mrs23
Yonge, Sir George76
York, Isaac of57