
Extracts relating to Bishops Nympton from 18th and 19th Century Newspapers

Provided by Lindsey Withers

London Gazette, Tuesday, May 10, 1743
The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt in the Sheriff's Ward or Prison for the County of Devon, hereby give Notice, that they intend to take the Benefit of the late Act of Parliament, made in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in and for the said County, or at the Adjournment thereof, which shall happen next after thirty Days from the Publication hereof:
Included: Nicholas Viccary, late of Bishop's Nimpton, in the County of Devon, Husbandman.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, May 1, 1800
Devon - To Be Sold in Fee, at the George Inn, in the Town of Southmolton, on Wednesday the 18th Day of June next, All that valuable and highly improveable Barton of Hayne, otherwise Higher Hayne, in the Parish of Bishopsnympton, in the said County, containing 502 Acres of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in a very good Course of Husbandry; with a substantial good Dwelling-House, lately repaired at a considerable Expense, in the modern Way; with a large new Granary, Wool Chambers, and two Stables; a double Barn, with every other suitable Out-building; situate on the high Roads leading from Southmolton to Tiverton and Dulverton; from the former 3 Miles, from Tiverton 15, and from the latter 10 Miles, all good Market Towns - This Estate is justly esteemed to be as improveable an Estate as any in the County, and is well worth the Notice of the Gentleman or Capital Farmer - The River Nymph bounds the Estate on the North for a considerable Distance, thereby annexing a pleasing and valuable Fishery to the Property - the Estate is well stocked with Game, within a Mile Distance of a capital Pack of Harriers; and is let to Mr Philip Hunt, a very good Tenant, at the low Rent of 210l. per Annum - the timber is to be taken by the Purchaser at a fair Valuation.
Printed Particulars, and other Information may be had, and a Plan seen, at the Offices of Messrs. Batten and Anstice, No 3, King's Bench Walks, Temple, London; Messrs. Eales and Gullett, Exeter, and at Mr Sharland's, Attorney at Law, Southmolton:- And the Estate viewed on Application to Mr Sharland.
Southmolton, April 25th, 1800.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, May 1, 1800
Devon - to be Lett for a Term of 14 Years, from Michaelmas next, All that compact and very eligible Farm, called Bridge, situate in the Parish of Bishopsnympton, in the said County; with a Tenement, called Newtown, about two Miles and Half from Southmolton; consisting of a commodious Farm-House, two Barns, Stabling, and other convenient Buildings, in good repair; with One Hundred and Eighteen Acres of enclosed Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land - The farm is in the Possession of the Owner, and has been highly manured and improved; ten Acres of Turnips will be on the Premises, and a Breach for Wheat of seven Acres, with sixty Bushels of Lime to an Acres, for the Use of the Taker; with twenty Acres of first Year's Clover.
For letting the same, a Survey will be held at the George Inn, in Southmolton, on Tuesday the 3rd Day of June next, by Four o'clock in the Afternoon - For viewing the Premises, and other Particulars, apply to Mr Sharland, Attorney at Law, Southmolton.
Southmolton, April 25th, 1800

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, May 1, 1800
Devon - To be Lett, from Midsummer or Michaelmas next, for a Term of 7, 11, or 14 Years, the compact and truly eligible Farm of Parkhouse, in the Parish of Bishop's Nympton, about a Quarter of a Mile from Southmolton, in the said County; consisting of a commodious Farm-house, Barn, Stabling, and other convenient Buildings, in good repair, with about ninety Acres of rich Grazing or Dairy Lane, with a capital Garden and Orchard (within a Ring Fence). This Farm has been for the last eleven Years in the Possession of Mr Sharland, and may be fairly reported to be in the highest possible state of Cultivation. A Situation more desirable for a Dairy, or a Farm more eligible for a Grazing Farmer, has not been offered to the Public.
If the Taker should be desirous of a larger Extent of Land, Mr Sharland will Let forty or fifty Acres more of the first-rate Grazing Land, immediately connected with the Farm.
For letting the Farm a Survey will be held at the George Inn, in Southmolton, on Tuesday the 3rd Day of June next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon.
For viewing the Estate, and other Particulars, apply to Mr Sharland, Attorney at Law, Southmolton.
Note. - The capital well-bred Stock on this Estate will be Sold sometime in the next Month; the Time and Particulars will appear in the next Week's Paper.
Southmolton, April 25th, 1800.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, August 7, 1800
Capital Stock - to be Sold, at Parkhouse, in the Parish of Bishopsnympton, near the Town of Southmolton, in the County of Devon, on Wednesday, the 13th Day of August next, precisely at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, and following Days, till all is sold, upwards of thirty Bullocks, of different Sorts, including some capital Breeding Cows, Cows and Calves, Cows with Calf, and some beautiful two and three Year old Heifers, of the best North Devon Breed; 52 Ewes, of the Lancaster, Dorset, Bampton, and Exmoor Kind, and each Sort of the best Breen; 14 fat Wethers, 21 capital Ewe Hogs, 18 picked Ewe Lambs, of the first Sample; 6 beautiful Rams of the Leicester, Dorset and Exmoor Sort; a capital Collection of Horses, got by well-bred Stallions, out of famous Mares, adapted for the Sportsman, and some excellent Roadsters.
A great Variety of Farming Implements, of modern Construction; one Waggon, nearly new, several Carts of different Sorts; a Catalogue of which will be sent, a Week previous to the Day of Sale, and may be had of John Bawdon, Esq., or Mr Sharland, Southmolton.
The Whole was bred with the utmost Care by Mr Sharland.
Southmolton, July 31st, 1800

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, September 18, 1800
Devon - List of Game Certificates issued in the said County between the 1st Day of July, 1800 and the 9th Day of September following.
Karslake, John Burgess, clerk, Bishopsnympton
Spencer, George, gentleman, Bishopsnympton
Sanger, John, gentleman, Bishopsnympton

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, January 21 1802
Devon - to be Sold, the Fee-simple and Inheritance in Possession, of all that Messuage and Tenement, with the Appurtenances, commonly called North Pilevin, situate in Bishop's Nympton, in the aid County, in the Lots hereunder-mentioned, viz.
Lot 1 - All that Messuage or Dwelling-House, with all convenient Outhouses, Courtlage, and Garden, together with Three very good Meadows, and the Hill Close, adjoining the same, containing by Estimation 15 Acres, now in the Possession of Mr Robert Crocker.
Lot 2. Two Closes of Pasture Land; commonly called the Folly Ground, containing by Estimation 8 Acres, now in the Possession of Mr George Chapple.
Lot 3 - Three Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land, commonly called the Eastern Ground, containing by Estimation 15 Acres, now also in the Possession of the said Mr George Chapple.
Lot 4 - Two Closes of Meadow Land, commonly called the Brandice Close and Horse Close Meadow, containing by Estimation 7 Acres and Half, now in the Possession of the said Mr Robert Crocker.
Lot 5 - Two Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land, commonly called the Little Oxen Park and the Western Kiln Close Meadow, containing by Estimation 12 Acres, now in the Possession of Mr James Andrews.
Lot 6 - A Close of Pasture Land, commonly called the Great Oxen Park, containing by Estimation 18 Acres, now in the Possession of Mr John Allen.
Lot 7 - Two Closes of Pasture Land, commonly called the Kiln Close and Quarry Marsh, and the Waste adjoining, containing by Estimation 14 Acres, now also in the Possession of the said Mr Allen.
N.B. the above Premises are very improveable, and are conveniently situated for procuring Manure; and are within a Mile of the Town of Southmolton, in the said County.
For which Purpose an Auction will be held at the Angel Inn, in Southmolton aforesaid, on Saturday the 13th Day of February next, between the Hours of Three and five o'clock in the Afternoon.
For viewing the Premises, apply to Mr John Allen, of Marsh, in Northmolton, in the said County, or to the respective Tenants; and for Particulars, to the said Mr Allen, or to Mr Foote, of Southmolton aforesaid, Attorney at Law.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, May 13, 1802
Devonshire - To be Sold by Private Contract, All that Messuage, Tenement and Farm, called Yeo's, situate in the Parish of Bishop's-Nympton, Devon consisting of a Farm-House, two Barns, and other convenient Outhouses, a Garden, Orchard and about 100 Acres of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, now in the Occupation of William Cockram.
For viewing the Premises, apply to the Tenant; and for further particulars to Messrs. Globe and Tanner, Attornies, Barnstaple, or to Mr Poole, Sherwill.
N.B. If the above Estate is not disposed of by Private Contact, on or before the3 Twenty-fourth Day of June next, a Public Survey, for sale of the same, will be held at the George Inn, in Southmolton, on Saturday the Eighth Day of July next, by Four o'clock in the Afternoon.
Barnstaple, May 10th, 1802

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, September 15, 1803
On Wednesday last a fire broke out at the lower end of Bishop's Nympton, which it was generally thought would have destroyed the whole of the town, the wind being in a direction to take the flakes of fire directly over it, which was all thatch buildings, and caught at several places at the same time, at a considerable distance from each other. At this truly alarming instant, an engine, with a great number of people from Southmolton, entered the town, by whose assistance the fire was soon extinguished; gentleman, tradesmen, and labourers strove to outvie each other in their exertions, some idea of which may be formed, when 'tis known that the roofs of two thatched houses were from one end to the other in an entire blaze, yet were saved with the loss of the thatch only. Only three houses were entirely consumed, and those belonged to Mr John Halls.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, October 20, 1803
Devon - To be Sold by Auction, in different Lots, at the Star Inn, in Southmolton, on Saturday the Twenty-ninth Day of October next, precisely at three o'clock in the Afternoon.
The Lands and Premises following, viz.
The Fee-simple and Inheritance of all that capital Messuage and Farm, called Hayne, otherwise High Hayne, situate in the Parish of Bishopsnympton, distant about three Miles from Southmolton, twelve from Dulverton and Bampton, and Fifteen from Tiverton, all very good Market Towns; comprising a very good Farm-house, with a granary, and convenient Outhouses of every Description, and about 470 Acres of Garden, Orchard, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, well wooded and watered and capable of great Improvement, now in the Occupation of William Rowcliffe and others, as Tenants for one Year, from the 25th Day of March last.
Also, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of all that Capital Messuage and Farm, called Bridge, situate in the same Parish, and adjoining to the former Estate, consisting of a good Farm-house, with convenient Outhouses and Appurtenances, and upwards of 100 Acres of rich Garden, Orchard, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the Occupation of Mr William Browning, and which Possession may also be had at Lady-day next.
Also, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of all those several Dwelling-Houses and Tenements, called Broadgate and Newtown, comprising thirteen Dwelling-Houses, with proportionate Allotments of Garden and Orchard Ground thereto belonging, situate in the same Parish, and adjoining to the last mentioned Estate.
N.B. A part of these last mentioned Premises is let on Leases, now determinable on one, two and three Lives, and the Remainder to yearly Tenants, at rack Rents.
All the foregoing Premises will be divided into convenient Lots.
Also, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of all that Field or Close of Land, called Dart Park, situate in the Parish and nearly adjoining to the town of Southmolton, now in the Occupation of Mr Tamlyn.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, July 19, 1804
To be Let for a Term of 7 or 14 Years, from Christmas next, all that capital farm, call'd West Johnson, in the parish of Bishop's Nympton; together with the Great Tithes of the same Parish, which is very extensive.
The farm consists of a neat modern-built house, a double barn, granary, and all other necessary out-buildings, two convenient cottages for labourers, gardens and about 213 Acres of orchard, meadow, arable, and pasture land, in a high state of cultivation, having been for some time past in the proprietor's occupation, and is well calculated for a large dairy.
The house is situated in the centre of the estate, about 1 mile from Southmolton, 12 miles from Dulverton, 17 from Tiverton, 12 from the port of Barnstaple and 26 from the city of Exeter.
For which purpose a survey will be held at the George Inn, in Southmolton aforesaid on Monday the 6thof August next, by three o'clock in the afternoon. The bailiff at the house will shew the premises, and further particulars may be had of James Pearse and Son, attornies, in Southmolton.
N.B. About 50 tons of Hay, the produce of this year, may be taken at an appraisement.
Dated, 27th June 1804

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, August 8, 1805
Eloped from his master, Mr John Lake, of West Radley, in the parish of Bishop's Nympton, Devon, Richard Beer, his apprentice, he is about 18 years of age, of a light complexion, thick grown, about five feet high, has light colour hair; wore either a light brown coat or an everlasting jacket of leather or corded breeches; and a striped mix'd colour waistcoat.
Whoever harbours or employs the said apprentice after this public notice, will be prosecuted with the utmost severity of the law.
Southmolton, August 6th, 1805

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, June 5, 1806
Devon - to be Sold, at and near Southmolton, some time in July next, at a survey, the fee-simple and inheritance, with immediate possession, of all that farm, called Parkhouse, situated in the parish of Bishopsnympton, within one mile of the town of Southmolton; containing 70 acres of very good arable, meadow and pasture land. The estate lies within a ring fence, adjoining a river and several woods and is a delightful situation for a gentleman to build on.
Also a very rich meadow, called Sopery Meadow, containing 5 acres; and two fields of rich pasture land, called Day's Grounds, close adjoining the town of Southmolton, and a good dwelling-house, with a garden, shrubbery, outhouses, and every conveniency, called Fort House, situate in South Molton, in the possession of David Lewis, esq. for a term, under the clear yearly rent of 25 guineas.
28th May 1806

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, September 12, 1811
To be Let, for a term of 10 years, from Lady-day next, all that Farm, called West Mill, in the parish of Bishop's Nympton, about one mile from Southmolton; consisting of a substantial-built farm-house, barn, stable, linhays, courtlage and other necessary offices, with upwards of 100 acres of orchard, meadow, pasture, arable, coppice and furse land, now in the occupation of Mr John Fisher.
Also part of Blastridge and Grielstone, both adjoining to West Mill and making together about 200 acres.
These premises are compact and an excellent farm for corn and sheep, especially of the Knot breed, some of the land being of superior quality.
A person will be directed to shew the premises by the Rev. W. Thorn, of Grielstone, the proprietor, to whom sealed tenders stating the rent that would be given are to be sent (free of expense) till the 30th of September instant, after which the most eligible tenant will have notice, if his offer be accepted.
Dated Grielstone, Sept. 5th, 1811

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, July 23, 1812
To Be Let, for 14 years, from Lady-day, 1814, all that Farm, called Middle Port and East Combesland, situate in the parish of Bishop's Nympton, Devon; and three miles and half from Southmolton, on the Dulverton Road; consisting of a good farm-house, barns, and other out-buildings and 136 acres of orchard, arable, and meadow land.
For which purpose a survey will be held at the Rose and Crown, in Southmolton, on Saturday, the 15th day of August next, at six o'clock in the evening.
For a view of the premises, apply to Mr William Pincombe, of Webbery; or Mr Thomas Pincombe, of east Port, in Bishop's Nympton aforesaid, and for further particulars to N. Gould, of Southmolton.
Dated the 15th July, 1812

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, March 5, 1835
Manor of Bishopsnympton, Devon - To be Sold by Public Auction at the George Inn, in Southmolton, by Mr T Cole, Auctioneer, on Thursday, the 12th day of March next, by 4 o'clock in the Afternoon (unless disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given) all those Messuages and Tenements called Crosse, Gumlands, Triplands, Tribald and Lantrich; Comprising an excellent Dwelling House, with a good garden, and all convenient Outhouses and Farm Buildings; and about 210 Acres of good Orchard, Arable, Meadow, Pasture and Wood Lands, situate within the Parish, and parcel of the Manor of Bishopsnympton aforesaid and now in the occupation of Mr Thomas Tidboald, for a Term, which will expire at Lady-day 1840.
The above Estates are remarkable for productive Corn Crops; are within an easy distance of several Lime Kilns; and distant about 3 miles from Southmolton, 14 from Tiverton, and 14 from Barnstaple.
The Purchaser will hold the Premises under a Copy of Court Roll, to be granted by the Lords of the said Manor, for two Lives of his nomination and the widows of such Lives will be entitled to Widowhood Estates therein, according to the custom of the same Manor.
For viewing the said Premises, apply to the said Mr Tidboald; and for further particulars and to treat for the purchase of the same, to
Messrs. Southcomb and Binford, Solicitors, Southmolton aforesaid.
Southmolton, February 23rd, 1835

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, April 21, 1836
Marriage - April 9, at Bishopsnympton, by the Rev. Joseph Thorne, Mr James Rivers Wilkins, ironmonger, of Barnstaple, to Miss Mary Ann Pollard, of the former place.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, November 24, 1836
Death - November 16, at Yeo Farm, in the parish of Bishopsnympton, Mr Toms, yeoman, aged 69.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, September 14, 1848
September 4, at Southmolton, Mr Robert Ayre, late of Kerscott, in Bishopsnympton, aged 74 years.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, October 19, 1848
Bishopsnympton - Devon
Sale by Auction, on Tuesday the 24th day of October (being the day before North Molton Fair,) of 167 Head of superior North Devon Cattle, the Property of Messrs. S. and J. Passmore, of Aller Farm, Bishopsnympton.
(Goes on to describe all the cattle to be sold.)

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, June 21, 1849
Bishopsnympton - Devon
For Sale by Auction, for Two Lives, to be named by the Purchaser; with a right of Widow-hood, according to the custom of the Manor of Bishopsnympton, by Mr Samuel Day, on Thursday, the 5th day of July next at the Red Lion Inn, in the above Parish, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, the undermentioned valuable Copyhold Property
Lot 1 - all those Dwelling-houses, together with the Outbuildings thereto adjoining, known by the name of Prospect, and now in the occupation of Waldron and others.
Lot 2 - All those Two Cottages and Outbuildings, being part of a Tenement called West Rock, and now in the occupation of John Punchard and Richard Sowton.
Lot 3 - All those Mills, known by the name of Bish Mills, with a never-failing stream of water. Also a small Cottage adjoining, together with the Orchard and Grounds thereto belonging and now in the occupation of P. Gibbs and Miss Hulland.
Lot 4 - All those Two Cottages, together with the Outbuildings thereto belonging, being part of Bish Mills, and now in the occupation of P. Gibbs and B. Bowden.
Lot 5 - All that cottage and large Stable, with piggeries behind and now in the occupation of Henry Warner.
Lot 6 - All that Cottage, together with the piggeries adjoining and at the end of Lot 5, and now in the occupation of John Couch.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Thos. Warren, Bishopsnympton: Mr. Day, Culcer Farm, Dunsford; or Messrs. Sanders and Kitson, Solicitors and Proctors, Exeter.
Exeter, June 9th, 1849

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, August 23, 1849
Death - August 14, at Southmolton, aged 17 years, Joseph, son of Mr William Passmore, of Mornacott Farm, Bishopsnympton.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, October 11, 1849
Avercombe Farm, Bishopsnympton, Devon
Mr John Stiling, has received instructions to Sell by Auction, on Monday and Tuesday, the 15th, and 16th days of October next, on the Premises, the following Choice Flock of Sheep, Dairy Cows and Heifers, Cart and other Horses, Fat and Store Pigs, Husbandry Implements &c., &c.
Of Mr Henry Martin, who is about to quite the estate.
(Goes on to describe all the animals/tools for sale.)

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, April 24, 1851
Marriage - April 17, at Southmolton, Mr J. Passmore of Whitcott Farm, in the parish of Twitchen, to Sarah Jane Torrington, second daughter of Mr Pincombe, of Webbery Farm, Bishopsnympton.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, March 3, 1853
North Devon - To be Let, by Public Competition, at the Unicorn Inn, in Southmolton, on Monday the 7th day of March, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, for a term of Seven, Eleven, or Fourteen Years (at the option of either party) from Lady-Day next, Keepiscott otherwise Kipscott, Great Oak and Little Oak, Situate in the Parish of Bishopsnympton, and now in the occupation of Mr John Nance Kivell, either altogether or in the following Lots;-
Lot 1 - All those parts of the Premises which are situated on the northern side of the Wiveliscombe Turnpike Road, comprising a good Farm House with all requisite Outbuildings and about 287 Acres of Orchard, Meadow, Arable and Pasture Land.
Lot 2 - Two Closes of Land called Long Close, Square Close, and the South Moor, containing altogether about Fifty Acres, being the residue of the Premises, and situated on the southern side of the said Turnpike Road.
The above very improvable Farms adjoin the Turnpike Road leading from Southmolton to Dulverton, Bampton, Wiveliscombe, &c., and are about five miles from the former place.
The respective Takers will have to pay for the Hay and Straw, Wood and Furze on the Premises, and for the Wheat Breach and ploughing the Arish Ground, and to discharge the Land-Tax and all Rates, Taxes, Tithe Rent-Charges, and Outgoings, and to keep the Premises in repair (except the Walls and Timber Work of the Roofs) on being found rough Timber.
The present Tenant will show the Premises and any further particulars may be obtained at the offices of Messrs. Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton.
Dated 15th February 1853

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, June 2, 1853
Marriage - May 26, at Bishopsnympton, by the Rev. J. Thorne, Mr John Chapple, carpenter, to Miss Sarah Dascombe, of the same place.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, March 9, 1854
Death - February 23, at Bishopsnympton, at the advance age of 91, Mr John Tucker.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, April 13, 1854
Death - April 8, at Southmolton, Mrs Balman, relict of Mr Balman, of Radley Farm, Bishopsnympton, aged 73.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, October 19, 1854
Death - October 3, at Bishop's Mills, Bishopsnympton, Mrs Maria Elworthy, in her 90th year.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, December 21, 1854
Bishopsnympton, Devon - To be Let, by Tender, for a term of 7, 11, or 14 years, from Lady-day next, all that extensive Barton and Farm called Rawstone, situate in the parish of Bishopsnympton aforesaid, and now in the occupation of the owner and his several tenants; comprising of a good Farm House, with convenient Outhouses and Offices, and about 235 Acres (more or less) of good arable, meadow, pasture, orchard, and other Land; and distant about a mile and half from the capital market town of Southmolton.
The taker will have to pay the land tax, tithe rent charges, and all other outgoings, and to keep the premises in repair (except the walls and timber work of the roofs) on being found rough timber.
The taker will also be required to pay for 7 acres of Wheat now in ground, and for ploughing the Arishes thereon at a fair valuation, and he may have immediate possession of part of the house and several of the arishes.
For viewing, apply on the premises; and for further particulars, application may be made to William Binford, Esq., or at the offices of Messrs. Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton.
By whom Tenders will be received until the 7th day of January next, shortly after which day the person whose tender is accepted will have notice thereof.
Dated 7th December 1854

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, June 14, 1855
Death - June 5, at Pillwin Farm, Bishopsnympton, Mary, youngest daughter of Mr E Furse, aged 17.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, August 16, 1855
White Chapel Barton, Bishopsnympton, Devon - Important and Unreserved Sale of 413 Sheep, 58 Head of pure Devon Cattle, 38 Horses, Ponies and Colts and 16 Pigs, of the most improved breed.
Mr Thorne begs respectfully to announce that he has been favoured with instructions from the proprietor, Mr Alexander Fisher, who is going to relinquish agricultural pursuits, to Sell, by Public Auction, on the Premises, on Monday, the 27th day of August 1855 (being two days previous to Southmolton Cattle Fair) the whole of his select and valuable Live Stock, particulars of which will appear in future advertisements.
Dated Willand, near Cullompton, July 17th, 1855

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, January 31, 1856
Freehold Estate for Sale, in Bishopsnympton, Devon
To be Sold, by Auction, by Mr James Daw, on Wednesday, the 13th day of February next, at the George Inn, Southmolton, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, that valuable and compact Estate, called East Willand, situate in the parish of Bishopsnympton, containing by ad measurement 81a. 3r. 6p. more or less, of very superior Orchard, watered Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, now in the occupation of William Saunders, as tenant thereof. The Farm House has been recently erected at a great expense, the owner having intended to reside there.
The above Estate is sold subject to an annuity of £10 during the life of a lady, about sixty-four years of age and is situated about four miles from the town of Southmolton.
To view, apply on the premises, and for all further particulars to Mr William Cornish Cleave, Solicitor, Crediton, Devon
Crediton, 28th of January 1856.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, March 6, 1856
Marriage - February 27, at Bishopsnympton, by the Rev. S. Thorn, Mr Robert Williams, of Exford, Somerset, and only son of Mr W. Williams, of Minehead, to Susannah, second daughter of Mr W. Thomas, of the former parish

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, March 20, 1856
Death - March 11, at the Hospital, Bath, John, only son of Mr S. Snell, of Park House, Bishopsnympton, aged 19.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, May 28, 1857
Death - May 17, at Little Johnson, Bishopsnympton, Mr John Oliver, aged 27.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Thursday, July 29, 1858
Death - July 16, at Bishopsnympton, Mrs Packer, aged 69.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, January 11, 1860
County Petty Sessions -
Assault, a boy, called William Kingdon, summoned Sophia, wife of William Elworthy, labourer, Bishopsnympton, for assaulting him on the 3rd and 5th days of December last. Mr Shapland appeared for the defendant, and took an objection to the summons, as it contained two distinct assaults on two different days. The assault on the 5th of December was consequently abandoned, and that on the 3rd gone into, which after hearing the complainant's statement, was dismissed.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, March 28, 1860
Marriage - March 29, at Southmolton, Mr William Henry Passmore, of Mornacott, Bishopsnympton, to Esther, daughter of Mr Richard Justum, of Litchaton, Northmolton.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, May 30, 1860
County Petty Sessions - John Sowden, labourer, Bishopsnympton, was charged by Superintendent Wood with having been drunk at the above place, on the 15th instant. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s. and costs.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, June 13, 1860
Bishopsnympton - Death from Intemperance.
On Monday last Mr J. H. Toller, deputy-coroner, held an inquest at Bishopsnympton, upon the body of William Marlow, aged 41. The deceased, who was in the employ of Mr Wm. German, a smith, seems to have been much addicted to drink, and he has often suffered from falling down whilst inebriated. The revel at Bishopsnympton took place on Whit-Monday, and the deceased made excessively free during the week. When he returned to his home one night blood was issuing from a wound in his head; but he did not say anything as to how it occurred, and it was presumed that he had again fallen. On the Wednesday morning preceding the inquest the deceased went to work as usual; but after dinner he complained of a pain in his head and back, and he was advised to go to bed. The next morning the deceased was attended by Mr. A. H. Attwater, of Southmolton; but medical aid was ineffectual. The deceased died on Friday morning - having been in a state of insensibility from Wednesday night to his death. Mr Flexman, of Southmolton, assisted by Mr Attwater, made a post mortem examination of the body; and according to their evidence death resulted from the injury done to the head. The jury returned a verdict that 'the deceased died from the effects of a blow, but how or by what means inflicted there was no evidence to prove'. Various rumours were afloat as to the cause of the death of the unfortunate man; but no testimony was forthcoming to justify the slightest supposition that the deceased died through another person's misconduct.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, May 1, 1861
Southmolton Petty Sessions, Monday April 29th - Trespass in Pursuit of Game
William Edward and Andrew Adams, sons of Mr Wm Adams of Whitechapel, Bishopsnympton, were summoned by J. H. M. Sanger, Esq., of Northmolton, for trespassing in Whitechapel Woods, on the 11th last, in pursuit of game. Case dismissed.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, June 5, 1861
Death - May 25, at West Radley, Bishopsnympton, Ann, relict of the late Mr Thomas Russell, aged 61.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, August 22, 1866
Marriage - August 15, at Bishopsnympton, by the Rev. J. Thorne, George Henry Croydon, of Teignmouth, to Sarah Jane youngest daughter of the late J. Winstanley, Esq.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, November 21, 1866
Marriage - November 5, at Bishopsnympton, by the Rev. W. C. Loveband, cousin of the bride, Mr John Hole of East Avercombe, Bishopsnympton, to Fanny Flexman, eldest daughter of Mr George Spencer Toms, of Roseash.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, January 27, 1869
Marriage - January 19, at Southmolton, by the Rev. T. H. Maitland, John Campin Newman, Esq., of Finchley, Middlesex son of Thomas Campin Newman, Esq., to Fanny, only daughter of the late Roger Peeke, Esq., of London, but now of Park House, Bishopsnympton.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, June 23, 1869
First-Class Sheep and Arable Farm, Bishopsnympton, North Devon
To be Let, by Tender, for a Term of Seven or Fourteen Years, all that very desirable Farm called AVERCOMBE together with 'East and West Knowl Downs', consisting of a superior house, with good farm buildings, two labours' cottages, 188a. 12. 22p. of productive meadow, strong pasture, orchard and good arable land, now in the occupation of Mr John Hole.
This farm is most pleasantly situated, having a southern aspect and is very easy of access. It is four miles from the important town of Southmolton, and the Devon and Somerset Railway is partly made through Bishopsnympton.
To view apply to Thomas Cole, carpenter, at the village; and all further particulars may be obtained of Mr George Arnold, Surveyor, Dolton, to whom Tenders with references are to be sent on or before Monday, the 12th day of July next.
Dolton, North Devon, June 16th, 1869

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, November 3, 1869
Marriage - October 27, at Bishopsnympton, Mr John Perkins of Bishopsnympton to Miss Eliza Liverton, of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, November 24, 1869
Death - November 20, at Bishopsnympton, Mr Richard Mildon, relieving officer, aged 61, much respected.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, December 15, 1869
Ann Jackson has been committed for trial at the next Southmolton quarter sessions on a charge of stealing a purse containing a deposit note for £250, together with some gold and silver, from Mr J. Davy, of Avercombe, Bishopsnympton. The prisoner accosted Mr Davy in the street, and immediately afterwards he missed his purse. The woman was apprehended, and the purse was picked up the next morning in a passage through which she had to pass on her way to the police station.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, August 24, 1870
Death - August 19, at Southmolton, Mr Edward Furze, for many years of Pillavine Farm, Bishopsnympton, aged 78.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, February 18, 1874
Birth - February 5, at Bishopsnympton, the wife of Mr R. Loveband, a son - stillborn.
Death - February 14, at Gorton-hill, Bishopsnympton, Mr Alexander Fisher, aged 73.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, March 25, 1874
Death - March 21, at Bishopsnympton, Florence, wife of Mr W. Mildon, aged 48.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, September 16, 1874
Southmolton District News -
Henry Kingdon, of Bishopsnympton, was charged on Friday before Lieutenant-Colonel Russell with attempting to destroy his life. Jane Rodd, of Bishopsnympton deposed that she lived next door to prisoner. Had heard a quarrel in the house between him and his mother-in-law. Then saw prisoner come out, go to a pig's house, take a rope, and walk up the village. As she thought he was going to do himself some harm, she went after him, and asked him what he was going to do. He didn't speak - he has a great impediment in his speech, but he put the rope round his neck and threw up his hands, meaning that he was going to hang himself, and wishing her good bye ran away. She saw him go in a linhay, and disappear. As soon as she got to the linhay, saw him hanging by a rope to one of the span pieces. She had called the attention of a man named Gardiner, who ran up the street after them. He went in and cut him down. Frederick Gardiner upon entering the linhay said he saw prisoner hanging to a span piece. He was trying to kneel, and was black in the face. Prisoner was remanded for further inquiry as to the state of his mind. He was discharged upon the belief that he is rather of weak intellect.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, May 31, 1876
Death - May 24, at Bishopsnympton, Mr Spencer White, aged 31.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, July 9, 1879
Death - July 7, at Bishopsnympton, Mr John Stanbury, of the Masons' Arms, aged 58.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post - Wednesday, October 22, 1879
Devon Quarter Sessions - Pleaded Guilty
John Bowden, 29, labourer, to having, on the 15th July, at Bishopsnympton, broken into a dwelling-house, and stolen a scythe, scythe-handle, and scythe-stone, the property of John Cooper. Mr Molesworth St Aubyn appeared for the prosecution. Sentence - Six months' hard labour.