
Surname Index


Bishopsnympton Church & People (Rev. 4th Edition)


Rev Christopher Stuart Tull (ed.)

The Parish of Bishopsnympton in the Oakmoor Group of Parishes (undated).

Index prepared by Elizabeth Kipp

Abraham 11
Aelfhere 7
Avercombe 50
Babbage 23
Bagwell 50
Baker 11, 50
Balraven de Southam 50
Barker 21
Basset 16, 38
Bawden 3, 4, 26, 36
Benedict 50
Berry 25
Bilbie 11
Blackford 29
Blackmoor 45
Blackmore 12, 24, 45
Blaxton 50
Bond 41
Booth 3, 17
Boundy 4, 24
Bourne 23
Bowden 45
Brantyngham 38
Brown 50
Buckingham 45
Buckton 50
Bullen 50
Bunting 50
Cann 2
Canty 24
Carter 25
Champernoun 50
Chanter 24, 36
Chilcott 45
Coggins 4
Coningham 50
Conybeare 50
Cook 50
Crang 45
Dart 3
Davidson 17
Davy 45
Dunn 14
Dunstan 24
Easton 50
Edgar, King 6
Edward, King 8
Edwards 50
Escott 50
Evans 50
Everard 50
Fenton 50
Fleyming 39
Fooke 45
Garliford [de] 7, 39
Govier 2
Grandisson 39
Greenslade 30
Griffiths 11, 50
Gunn 24
Gurney 50
Gybons 50
Hall 45
Hambly 24
Hasking 24, 34
Heard 13
Heberdon 21, 50
Hill 45, 50
Hole 50
Holmes 18, 45
Honey 24
Hussell 49
Jolly 24
Jones 12, 50
Keates 12, 21, 27
Kendall 24
Kerscott 7, 39
Kerslake 45
Keyleway 50
Kingdon 4, 45, 49
Knithestone [de] 50
Langdon 12
Lavender 32, 34
Lester 50
Lister 50
Lodeford [de] 50
Loosemor[e] 14, 15, 45
Low 50
Manderk 50
Manning 45
Markham 50
Mattock 24
Mercer 50
Mildon 45
Molford 39
Molland 2
Moore 11, 45
Morris 3, 50
Mules 12, 50
Neagus 50
Nichols 3, 4
Nott 29, 45
O'Neill 50
Pannell 11
Parre 50
Partridge 45, 49
Passmore 13, 29
Perryman 41
Pester 11, 36, 45
Peverell 38
Phillips 45, 46
Pierce 4
Pincombe 45
Pollard 11, 16, 39
Postelthwaite 50
Price 50
Quick 45
Rayshlegh 50
Redcliffe 3
Reed 45
Rendell 24, 29
Robins 24
Rodd 3, 13, 17, 21, 27, 31, 36, 48, 49
Rowden 14, 15
Ryan 50
Sampson 3, 32, 49
Sander 45
Saunders 45
Sell[e]y 12, 45
Setherton 2, 19, 34, 35, 49
Shapcot[t] 11, 45, 49
Shute 50
Smith 45
Squire 45
Stainthorpe 24
Stevens 50
Tapp 4, 14, 15, 36, 42, 45
Terrett 23
Thomas 45
Thorne 11, 22, 39, 45, 50
Thorpe 37
Tome 11, 13
Treloar 50
Tucker 45, 50
Tull 5, 50
Tyler 21, 50
Wagner 47
Waldron 2
Wallace 50
Warren 3, 45
Watson 2, 50
Webber 45
Westcott 4, 49
Weston 50
Weymont 50
White 50
Yates 30, 33
Young 50,