The Will of William Westcott of Bishops Tawton
1st July 1595
© Crown Copyright
National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 11/86,
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Scott Quire Numbers: 39-78
Transcribed by Richard Pulley and Debbie Kennett
with assistance from Elizabeth Glover Howard
In the name of God Amen the seaventh daye of November and in the yere of our Lord a thousand fyve hundred and nynetie fower I William Wescott [sic] of the parishe of Tawton Bishoppe and Countie of Devon beyng sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance Lawde and praise be unto Almightie god Do ordayne and make my Testament and last will in manner and forme folowing ffirst I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker and redemer and my bodie to the xpian [Christian] Buriall
Allso I bequeath unto the poore people of this parishe of Tawton aforesayed six shillinges eight pence and a bushell of wheate to be baked in bread and distributed amongest the poore of this parishe against Christyde next
Allso I bequeathe unto my sister Agnes Wescott sixe poundes thirteene shillinges fower pence of lawfull money of England
Allso I bequeathe unto Mary Hale the daughter of John Hale tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England
Allso I bequeath unto my brother Brian Wescott one acre and a halfe in a close of land called the Eastfield within the parishe of Lankey [Landkey] the tillage thereof during the teanure of fower yeres but not to have the pasture thereof during the said? teanure?
Allso I bequeath unto my cosin John Eastbrooke one acre and a halfe in the Eastfield of Lankey [Landkey] the tillage for fower yeres in suche manner and forme as ys [is] aforesayed
Allso I bequeath unto my three sisters to eche of them a good Ewe sheepe a peece.
Allso I bequeath unto Christopher Budd three Ewe sheepe.
Allso I bequeath unto every of my brothers and sisters children a ewe hogget1 a peece.
Also I bequeath unto Julian Meatheredge an Ewe sheepe
Also I bequeath unto xpian [Christian] Meatheredge halfe a bushell of wheate
Also I bequeath unto every of my godchildren fower pence a peece.
Also I bequeath unto my brother Brian Wescott my best hatt and my birdnige [birdinge] peece2
The residue of all my goodes chattells and debtes not given nor bequeathed (my debtes payed and Legaceys discharged and my bodye honestlye broughte in carthe) I do give them unto my brother John Wescott and hym I do make my whole executor.
Allso I do appoynte to be my overseers my trustie and welbeloved freindes Brian Wescott and John Estbrooke to see this my last will performed in all thinges as my truste ys [is] in them.
Made the daye and yere above sayed in the presence of Brian Wescott and John Estbrooke
Debtes due unto me as foloweth Robert Beard of Bratton twelve shillinges Anthony Coffey of West Buckland fyve shillinges. John Lurham oweth me eleaven shillinges three pence
Debtes that I do owe Imprimis I owe unto my mother Johane Wescott fower poundes Item I owe unto Agnes Budd ten shillings Item I owe unto my brother John Wescott seaven poundes three shillings fower pence
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London . . . Prerogative Cantn . . . Anno Domini . . . nonage . . . quinto Johannis Wescott fratris et executoris in [etc in Latin] . . . [Proved by John Westcot brother and executor]
1 The wool from a young sheep aged between 12 and 14 months.
2 Fowling gun.