
Agreement between Thomas Venton and Christopher Braund (1791)

Devon Record Office Ref B500/1

Transcribed by Adrian Parry

This is the final Agreement made in the Court of our Sovereign Lord the King at 20........ in eight days of d...... ........... in the thirty first year of the Reign of George the Third by the grace of god of Great Britain Ffrance & Ireland King Defender of the Ffaith & before Alexander Lord Loughborough Henry Jones John ....... & John Wilson Justices of our Lord the King & others & those present Between Thomas Venton plt and Christopher Braund ...... of two messuages two cottages five ..... one Orchard twelve acres of sand twelve acres of meadow twenty acres of pasture ten acres of marsh ten acres of ffurze & heath & ten acres of Moor with the Appurts in Lower otherwise East L..... L.... Moor & ....ey Meadow in the parish of Blacktorrington whereupon a plea of c...nt was summoned between them in the same Court that is to say that the aforesd Christopher hath Achknowledged the aforesd tenants with the Appurts to be the Right of anuties [?] Thomas as these which this Thomas hath of the life [?] of the aforesd Christopher And those he hath Revised & Quirrlained [?] from him & his heirs to the aforesd Thomas & his heirs for.... And moreover this Christopher hath coranted [?] for him & his heirs that they will ......ant to the aforesd Thomas & his heirs the aforesd Tenants with the Appurts against him thesd Christopher & his heirs forever And for this Acknowledgmt Renise Quitrlain ........anty ffine & Agreement thesd Thomas hath given to the aforesd Christopher sixty pounds sterling.