Will of Richard Allen of Braunton
Proved 10 May 1652
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/22/38, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Kathleen Noye
In the name of God Amen, The twenty ninth of November one thousand sixe hundred fforty seaven I Richard Allen th'elder of the parish of Branton in the County of Devon being in good health and of perfect memory thankes be to God doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Inprimis I Commend my soule vnto Allmighty God my Maker and Redeemer hopeing assuredly through the only meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made partaker of life Euerlasting I bequeath my bodie to the Earth whereof it is made to be by my Executor decently interred. Item I giue and bequeath vnto my sonne Thomas Allinge the summe of ffiue pounds of good money of England Item I giue and bequeath vnto my sonne Mathew Allinge the summe of ffiue pounds of good money of England Item I giue and bequeath vnto Mary Allinge daughter of sonne Thomas Allinge the summe of Twenty shillings Item I giue and bequeath vnto my sonne Mathews three children To John the summe of twenty shillings To Thomas his sonne Twenty shillings vnto Mary his daughter I giue Twenty shillings Item I giue and bequeath vnto my Grandchild Mary Tamling the summe of ffiue pounds Item I giue vnto my Grandchild Elianor Tamling the summe of ffower pounds Item I giue vnto Obedience Garland my Grandchild Twenty shillings Item I giue vnto my Grandchild Elizabeth Tamling Twenty shillings Item I giue to my daughter lawe Elizabeth wife of my sonne Richard Twenty shillings in golde to buy her a Ring Item I giue vnto my Grandchilde John Alling sonne of my sonne Richard the summe of three pounds Item I giue vnto my Grandchild Margaret daughter of my sonne Richard the summe of three pounds Item I giue vnto John Rice of Barnestaple the summe of Twenty shillings Item I giue and bequeath to the poore of Branton three pounds to be distributed to their houses within tenn dayes aftter my decease Item I giue vnto Walter Cutt fiue shillings Item I giue to euery servant in my house at the tyme of my death the summe of two shillings sixe pence ye peice of them euery perticuler legacie aforementioned to be paid by my Executor in good money of England within two years after my decease Provided allwaies that if any dye before his legacie become due then the benefitt to accrue to my sonne Richard Alling whome I appointe and ordayne to be my Executor All my goods chattells and land not formerly given I giue and bequeath to my Executor to performe this my last will and Testament witnesse my hand and seale even the day and yeare aboue written sealed and published in the presence of Thomas Dennys John White Walter Colt.
This Will was proved at London before Sr Nathaniell Brent Knight Doctor of Lawes and Master or Keeper of the Prerogatiue Court the tenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty two by the oath of Richard Allen the sonne of the deceased and Executor therein named To whome Administration of all & singuler the goods chattells and debts of the sayd deceased which any manner of way concerne the same will was graunted and committed hee being legally sworne by virtue of a Commission in that behalfe issued forth well and truely to Administer the same./ exd