Name Index
The Life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, England's First Empire Builder
London, Constable and Co. (1911) 304 pp.
William Gilbert Gosling
Prepared by Michael Steer
The author was a prominent Dominion of Newfoundland politician and businessman. From 1916 to 1920, he served as the mayor of St. John's. In 1906, Gosling helped revive the Newfoundland Historical Society. About this time, he became involved in historical writing when Wilfred Grenfell asked him to contribute a chapter on the history of Labrador to his book on his experiences as a Labrador physician. In 1910, the chapter was expanded into a published book, "Labrador: its discovery, exploration, and development", which remains an authoritative source on the subject today. The following year, the present book on the life of Humphrey Gilbert appeared in London bookstores This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of California Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Addleshaw, Mr Percy | 198, 200 |
Ager, Dame Anne | 74, 149, 162-3, 183, 196, 201, 208, 280-1 |
Ager, Sir Anthony | 74 |
Ager, William (Archer) | 201 |
Aldworth, Mr Thomas | 210 |
Alencon | 95 |
Alexander VI, Pope | 4 |
Alexander, Sir William | 292, 296 |
Allen, Dr | 186, 191-2 |
Alva, Duke of | 83, 85-6, 88, 92, 94-5 |
Amadas, Philip | 285 |
Ameridath, John gent | 149 |
Amundsen, Roald | 64 |
Andrews, William | 226 |
Anthony, John | 148 |
Antoll. John gent | 148 |
Arrundell, Charles | 147 |
Arrundell, Sir Matthew | 147 |
Ascham, Roger | 20, 25-6, 29, 113-4, 116, 118 |
Ashley, Mrs Katherine (also Astley) | 25-30, 32, 54 |
Ashley, William | 25, 27-8, 30 |
Aubrey | 282 |
Avila | 96 |
B | |
Bacon, Sir Francis | 293 |
Bacon, Lord | 65, 112, 204-5, 295 |
Bacon, Sir Nicholas | 112-3 |
Baffin | 64 |
Baltimore, Lord | 200 |
Barckham, Lawrence | 147 |
Barker, Henry gent | 148 |
Barlow, Arthur | 285 |
Barnes, Mr Alderman | 283 |
Barros, John | 195 |
Bartley, Edward | 147 |
Battes, Mr William | 148, 196 |
Blewitt, Octavian | 21-2 |
Boleyn, Anne | 25 |
Borgia, Caesar | 113 |
Bowiar, Simon | 147 |
Bramforde, Oliver | 163 |
Briceno, Abbot | 192 |
Browne, Maurice | 194, 226, 248, 255, 259 |
Bucly, Charles gent | 149 |
Burleigh, Lord | 80-2, 85, 90, 92-4, 96-7, 99, 113, 126, 158, 209, 213 |
Burrough, Stephen | 57 |
Butler, Benjamin gent | 149, 226 |
Butler family | 37 |
Butler, Sir Edward | 43 |
Button | 64 |
Bylot | 64 |
C | |
Cabot, John | 1-5, 8, 122, 221-2, 231, 235, 240, 291 |
Cabot, Sebastian | 3, 7, 56-7, 62 |
Cade | 226 |
Caesar, Julius | 65 |
Camden | 38, 58, 78, 100, 112, 125-6, 276 |
Campion | 186, 188 |
Capelin | 210 |
Carew family | 13, 15, 17, 54 |
Carew, Sir Gawen | 14, 17 |
Carew, George (Carrowe) | 147 |
Carew, George (Carrowe) of Okington | 147 |
Carew, Sir Peter | 12, 14-7, 19, 42-3 |
Carie, Sir George (Carey) | 174-5, 188 |
Carlisle, Mr | 121, 126, 210-1 |
Cartier, Jacques | 11, 195, 230 |
Cassell | 20 |
Castiglioni, Baldissare | 113 |
Cavendish | 279 |
Cecil, Sir Robert | 295 |
Cecil, Sir William | 33, 38, 42-3, 45, 48, 51, 73, 112-3, 170, 205, 288 |
Champernoun, Sir Arthur | 13, 16-7, 42 |
Champernoun, Charles gent | 147-8 |
Champernoun family | 11-3, 35, 54 |
Champernoun, Gabrille | 13 |
Champernoun, Gawen | 13, 35 |
Champernoun, Henry | 100 |
Champernoun, Katherine | 11, 13, 17, 25 |
Champernoun, Sir Philip | 11 |
Champigny | 151 |
Chancellor | 57 |
Charles, Emperor | 144 |
Chartres, Vidame de | 33, 56 |
Cheyney, Lord | 280 |
Churchyard, Thomas | 49-51, 153, 172 |
Clarke, Master Richard | 226, 260-1 |
Coligny, Admiral | 33-4 |
Collinson | 64 |
Columbus, Christopher | 109, 122 |
Compton family | 22 |
Compton, Jane | 10 |
Compton, William | 10 |
Condé, Prince of | 33-4 |
Conway, Catherine Lady | 292 |
Conway, Lord | 292 |
Coo, Christopher | 6 |
Cooke, John | 185 |
Cortes, Hernando | 192, 289 |
Cotton, Mr | 147, 174, 240 |
Courtenay | 16 |
Cox, William | 226, 257-8, 261, 267 |
Cranmer | 30 |
Crooke, Master | 240 |
D | |
Daniel, a Saxon refiner | 251-2, 259, 267-8, 273 |
Davies, John | 11 |
Davis, John | 282-3 |
Davis, Robert | 64, 226, 279 |
Dee, Dr John | 108-9, 131-2, 149, 184-5, 196, 210, 282-4 |
Denny | 155, 174 |
Denny, Ed | 165 |
Dennys, Sir Thomas | 17 |
Derifall | 158 |
Desmond, Earl of | 52 |
Dethicke, Edward gent | 148 |
Dodderidge, Sir John | 293 |
Drake, Sir Bernard | 288 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 146, 183, 227, 279, 286 |
Dreury, Sir William | 163 |
Drewry, St Drew | 163 |
Dudley, John | 147 |
Dudley, Thomas | 147 |
E | |
Eden, Richard | 55-6, 67, 209 |
Edmondes, Mr | 147 |
Edward the Confessor | 10, 22 |
Edward II | 10, 22 |
Edward VI | 8, 57 |
Edward, Mr | 15, 147, 281 |
Elizabeth I | 2, 8-9, 19, 24-9, 31-2, 34, 36, 38-41, 43 (portrait 50), 53-4, 57-8, 65, 68, 72-3, 75-80, 83-7, 90, 95, 98-9, 102, 110, 112, 118-9, 121, 123, 128, 146, 160, 165, 185-6, 197-9, 203, 213-4, 216, 220-2, 240-1, 275, 279, 281, 285, 288 |
Ellis, Sir H | 110 |
Eltoft, Edmund Esq (Edward; Eltoffe) | 147-8, 155, 157 |
Elton, Edward Marwood Esq | 22 |
Emery | 282 |
English, Captain William | 258 |
Essex, Earl of | 275 |
F | |
Fenton, Captain | 127 |
Ferdinando, Mr Simon | 148, 150-2, 196, 285 |
Feykinborow, Mr Corrte | 149 |
FitzGerald family | 37 |
FitzMaurice, James | 44, 48, 51, 158-9 |
Fleetwood | 77 |
Flere, John gent | 148 |
Fogaza, Antonio | 95, 97 |
Fortescue | 157 |
Fourboiser, Monsieur | 106 |
Fowler, Thomas | 149 |
Fox | 64 |
Foxe | 15 |
Francis I | 55 |
Frier, John | 148 |
Frobisher, Sir Martin | 64, 110, 123-7, 129, 151-2, 185, 267, 279 |
Froude | 1, 87, 95, 127, 186, 279 |
Fulford, James gent | 148 |
Fuller | 213 |
Furnivall, Dr | 110 |
G | |
Gammage, Barbara | 198 |
Gardiner, Bishop | 24-5 |
Gascoigne | 59-60, 74, 87, 100-4, 108-11, 124 |
Gates, Sir Thomas | 290 |
Gerrard, Sir Gilbert | 153, 172, 189 |
Gerrard, Sir Thomas | 185, 187, 189-90, 192, 198, 201, 283 |
Gibbons | 64 |
Gifford | 188 |
Gilbarte | 188 |
Gilbert, Adrian | 11-2, 147, 282-4 |
Gilbert, Lady Anne | 75, 160 |
Gilbert, Anthony | 75 |
Gilbert, Arthur | 75 |
Gilbert, Captain Bartholomew | 289 |
Gilbert family | 10-2, 14, 17-8, 22, 54, 76, 291 |
Gilbert, Geoffrey | 10 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey | throughout (portraits 110; 150; 260) |
Gilbert, Isabelle | 12 |
Gilbert, Jane | 10 |
Gilbert, Sir John | 11-2, 60, 75, 147, 155, 157, 185, 201, 271, 281, 288, 290 |
Gilbert, John jnr | 75, 281 |
Gilbert, Katherine | 11-5, 17-8, 25 |
Gilbert, Katherine jnr | 11-2 |
Gilbert, Otho | 10-2, 75 |
Gilbert, Otis | 12, 69-70 |
Gilbert, Ralegh | 75, 281, 290 |
Gilbert, Rev Walter Raleigh | v, 214 |
Gilbert, William | 11 |
Glencarne, Earl of | 46, 51 |
Gosling, W G | 62 |
Gosnoll, Captain | 289 |
Gouer, Mr | 148 |
Gow, Mr | 149 |
Green, John Richard | 197 |
Grenville family | 13, 54 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 14, 42, 121, 279, 285 |
Grey, Lord, of Wilton | 14, 164, 215 |
Guaras, De | 85-6, 97 |
Guilbert, Guillaume | 11 |
Guilford, Richard | 281-2 |
Guise family | 33-4, 95 |
Guy, John | 284, 293-5, 297 |
Guy, Philip | 293 |
H | |
Haies, Edward gent | 8, 146-7, 155, 195, 223, 225-7, 229-31, 233-4, 237, 241, 247, 251, 254-5, 259-61, 267-73, 284, 291 |
Hakluyt, Richard, MA | 1, 5, 8, 103, 126, 193-6, 198, 209-11, 216-7, 223-5, 234-5, 237, 247, 249, 251-3, 260-1, 286-90, 294 |
Hall, Captain | 64, 127 |
Hammond, Thomas gent | 147-8 |
Hamon, Thomas | 290 |
Hamton, Anthony gent | 148 |
Harbart, George gent | 149 |
Harrisse, Monsieur Henri | 5, 61 |
Harvye, Jaquis | 148 |
Hatton, Sir Christopher | 209 |
Hawkins, John | 58 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 75, 123, 126-7, 129, 193, 210, 279 |
Hawkins, William | 54, 147, 155 |
Hawkridge | 64 |
Hedly, Master | 263 |
Henry II | 22 |
Henry IV | 116 |
Henry VII | 80, 122 |
Henry VIII | 3-4, 6, 25, 27, 76 |
Heri, Baron de | 256 |
Heringe, William gent | 148 |
Higford, William gent | 148 |
Hobey, Sir Edward | 280 |
Hobey, Sir Thomas | 113 |
Holbeame | 154 |
Holborne, Thomas gent | 148 |
Holland | 214 |
Hooker, John | 14, 18, 29, 74, 155-6 |
Hore, Master | 5, 58 |
Horsey, Sir Edward | 147 |
Horselye, William | 148 |
Howard, Lord Charles | 227 |
Howard, Lord Edmund | 4 |
Howe, Edmund | 99, 277 |
Hudson, Mr | 63-4, 283 |
Hunt, Mr Robert | 290 |
I | |
Inglish, John | 148 |
Ingram, David | 56, 193-6, 205, 251 |
J | |
James | 64 |
James I | 200, 295 |
Jelbert, Captain | 35 |
Jenkinson, Anthony | 57, 62, 73 |
Jones, Lewis gent | 149 |
Jonson, Ben | 111 |
K | |
Kelligrew, Henry | 35, 153 |
Knight | 64 |
Knollys, Vice Chamberlain | 41, |
Knollys, Sir Francis (Knolles; Knowles) | 175, 183, 209 |
Knollys, Henry (Knolles) | 149-50, 153-6, 172, 174 |
Knowell, Mr | 158 |
L | |
Lane | 279 |
Latimer | 30 |
Leicester, Robert Earl of | 79-82, 90, 126, 151, 197, 203, 209, 213 |
Le Moyne | 55 |
Lewes, Rise gent | 149 |
Lok, Michael | 124-5 |
M | |
Machievelli | 85 |
Mackwilliam, Mr | 147 |
Madoc | 231 |
Magellan | 109 |
Maggioli | 61 |
Malerna, Master Gellam | 157 |
Martin, Vice Admiral | 67 |
Martin, John gent | 149 |
Martin, William | 147 |
Martyr, Peter | 55, 62, 67 |
Marvayle, Edward | 148 |
Mary, Queen | 15-6, 25, 31, 57, 83, 115, 185 |
Mary, Queen of Scots | 189 |
Mathew, Edmond gent | 149 |
McCarthy | 44 |
McClure | 64 |
Meadley | 80-2, 102, 116 |
Medici, Alessandro | 113 |
Medici, Catherine de | 33, 95 |
Melandez, Pero | 189 |
Mendoza, Bernardino de | 150-3 (portrait 156), 158-61, 165, 183-4, 189-90, 192-3, 196, 198, 200, 205, 212, 277 |
Messinger, Arthur gent | 149 |
Mohan, William | 147 |
Mondragon | 96-7 |
Montgomerie, Compte of | 13, 33, 35 |
Montgomerie, Gabrielle | 13 |
Morgan, Thomas | 85, 89, 95, 100 |
Morgan, Sir William | 147 |
Morgayne, Myles Esq (Morgan) | 148, 150, 155-6, 158, 175 |
Motley | 99 |
Mountjoy, Lady | 81 |
Mowell, Henry | 147 |
Moyle | 281 |
Mychelas, Thomas gent | 149 |
N | |
Newport, Captain | 290 |
Noell, Henry | 148, 174 |
North, Lord | 147, 174 |
Northampton, Henry Earl of | 293 |
Nycols, Richard | 149 |
O | |
O'Neill, Shan | 38-9, 50 |
Orange, William of | 84, 93-4, 96-9, 135, 138, 151 |
Ortelius | 62, 107 |
Osolf | 22 |
Oxenham, John | 153 |
P | |
Pacheco, Pedro | 89, 95 |
Parker, Archbishop | 85 |
Parker, William | 290 |
Parkhurst, Anthony | 8, 58, 210, 235, 252 |
Parma, Margaret of | 83 |
Parmenius, Stephanus | 216, 225, 234, 237, 247, 251, 259, 287 |
Parr, Katherine | 27 |
Parrott, Sir John (Parrett) | 52, 162 |
Parsons | 186 |
Parry, Sir Thomas | 27, 112 |
Payne, William | 292 |
Paul, John | 257-8 |
Peckham, Sir Edward | 187 |
Peckham, George jnr | 196 |
Peckham, Sir George | 121, 147, 185, 187-90, 192, 195-201, 209, 216, 229, 252-3, 283-4, 286-7, 291 |
Peckham, Lady | 187-9 |
Pedley, Henry, Mr | 148 |
Pembroke, Mary Countess of | 199, 282 |
Penkevell, Philip | 12, 19 |
Perden, John | 148 |
Pert, Sir Thomas | 3 |
Philip & Mary | 80 |
Piper, Andrew gent | 148 |
Pizarro | 289 |
Pola, Lady Agnes de | 22 |
Pola, Maurice de | 22 |
Pole, Sir William | xii, 22 |
Pope, Sir Thomas | 31 |
Popham, George | 290 |
Prest, Agnes | 15 |
Prideaux, Sergeant | 115 |
Prowse, Judge D W | 6 |
Pickeringe, Morice | 188 |
Purchas | 195 |
Pyckman | 90-2 |
R | |
Radford, Lawrence | 147 |
Ralegh, Carew (Rowley) | 13, 147-8, 150 |
Ralegh family | 17-8, 54, 291 |
Ralegh, George | 11 |
Ralegh, Katherine | 11, 13-5, 17 |
Ralegh, Margaret | 13 |
Ralegh, Walter (Rowley) | 13-4, 17, 147 (portrait 200) |
Ralegh, Walter jnr | 13 |
Ralegh, Sir Walter (Rowley; Rawley) | v, 9, 11, 15, 32, 55, 64-5, 68, 74, 85, 99-101, 148, 150-1, 155-7, 174, 196, 198, 205, 213-6, 226, 229, 252, 275, 279, 281-5, 288-9, 294-5 |
Randolphe, Colonel Edward | 39 |
Reboldes, Thomas gent | 148 |
Renaud | 24 |
Reux, Count de | 88 |
Reynolds, Mr | 132, 149 |
Ribault, Jean | 55, 67, 189, 191 |
Ridley | 30 |
Robartes, John | 155, 175 |
Robin, black | 148 |
Robtes, John gent | 148 |
Rodford, John | 147 |
Rogers, Francis gent | 149 |
Romero, Juliano | 88 |
Rossetti, William Michael | 113 |
Rowles | 175 |
Rowsell, William | 197 |
Rudgway, Mr | 147 |
Rut, John | 4-5 |
S | |
Sabine, Lorenzo | 291 |
Salvaterra | 62 |
Santa Cruz, Alonzo de | 7 |
Saunderson, William | 283 |
Savelles, Mr | 162 |
Sellinger, Sir Warram | 164 |
Seymour, Lord Thomas | 8, 27 |
Shakespeare, William | 65 |
Sheridan | 240 |
Shute, Captain | 45-6 |
Sidney, Barbara | 198 |
Sidney family | 198 |
Sidney, Sir Henry | 36-40, 42-3, 48-9, 51, 55, 68, 165, 197, 209, 275 |
Sidney, Sir Philip | 191-2, 197-9, 209, 224-5, 283 |
Sidney, Robert | 198 |
Skivington, Thomas gent | 148 |
Slaney, Humphrey | 293 |
Slaney, John | 293 |
Smith, Sidney | 53 |
Smith, Thomas | 147 |
Smyth, Sir Thomas | 80-2 |
Smythe, Richard | 148 |
Snelling, Edward | 147 |
Somers, Sir George | 290, 297 |
Somerset, Lord Protector | 27 |
Spain, Philip, King of | 16-7 |
Spain, Philip II, King of | 83 |
Sparowe, Rise | 148 |
Spenser | 197, 275 |
Stafford, Edward Earl of | 197-8, 224 |
Stephen, King | 22 |
St Leger, Sir Warham | 42 |
Stockwell, Master | 151 |
Stoner | 185 |
Stonewell, William gent | 148 |
Stow, John (also Stowe) | 32, 35, 74-5, 84, 99, 101, 277 |
Strangeways | 35 |
Strype | 81-2 |
Stukely, Thomas | 68, 115, 123, 189 |
Sussex, Earl of | 36-7, 209 |
T | |
Tanfield, Sir Lawrence | 293 |
Thevett, Andrew | 56, 195 |
Thomond, Earl of | 51 |
Tonne, Drew | 149 |
Totnais, Juhel de | 22 |
Towerson, Mr | 283 |
Tremayne | 35 |
Tuckett, John | xii |
Tusser, Thomas | 20 |
Twide | 194 |
Tyrwhitt, Lady | 27 |
t'Zaareets (Zara; Saras) | 87-9, 93, 96, 99-101 |
U | |
Udall, John | 175 |
Umpton, Master Henry | 250 |
Upton, John | 147 |
V | |
Van der Merk, William | 84 |
Vaughan, Sir William | 297 |
Veall, Richard | 149 |
Ventris, Edward gent | 148 |
Vernye, John gent | 149 |
Verrazimus (Verazanus) | 195-6 |
Vesputius, Americus | 109 |
Victoria, Queen | 2 |
Verrazzano | 61 |
Villegagnon | 55, 67 |
W | |
Walet, Mr | 147 |
Walker, John | 195-6, 205 |
Walsingham, Sir Francis | 121, 126, 152, 154-5, (portrait 160), 158-60, 165, 189-90, 192, 194, 196, 206, 210-2, 215, 275, 282, 286-7 |
Warckhope, Mr | 147 |
Ward, James | 44-6 |
Warwick, Dudley Earl of | 34, 209 |
Wary, Robert gent | 148 |
Waymouth | 64 |
Wentworth, Peter | 77 |
Westcote | xii |
Weymouth, Captain | 290 |
Whetstone, George gent | 148, 175 |
Whidon, Jacobbe | 148 |
Whitborne, Richard | 240, 291 |
White, Captain John | 279, 285 |
Whitson, Master John | 290 |
Wigmore, Richard, Esq | 147-8, 158, 174 |
William I | 10 |
William the Silent | 83 |
Williams, Sir Roger | 87, 89-90, 96-7 |
Willoughby | 57 |
Wingfield, Edward Maria | 290 |
Winter, William | 226 |
Wolsey, Cardinal | 3-4 |
Wood, Anthony | 18 |
Wormewood, Earl of | 163 |
Worselye, George gent | 149 |
Wotton, Olyver gent | 148 |
Wotton, Thomas gent | 148 |
Wraye, Robert | 147 |
Wyatt, Sir Hugh | 16, 24 |
Y | |
Yong, Mr | 283 |
Yorke | 89 |