
Will of Symon Vye, Yeoman of Colyton

Proved 22 July 1650

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/213/230, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Ros Dunning

In the name of God Amen The one and twentieth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty and two I Symon Vye of Coliton in the County of Devon being sound of mind and of perfect remembrance, I praise god for it, Revokeing all former wills, Doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) ffirst I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty god and his sonne Jesus Christ my Creator and Redeemer and my body to Christian buriall Item my will is that Agnes my wife shall have the occupation of halfe my tenement and Lands in Coliton aforesaid, and halfe of the two closes of ground aforesaid there which I bought of Phillipp Carsewell widow called Greenecroft and Croft close during so long time after my decease as shee the said Agnes shall remain a widow and live noe longer, soe as she shall accept thereof and lieu accompence of her thirds and Dower of and in my said lands and not otherwise Item my will is that the said Agnes shall have the occupation and use of all my household stuffe and bedding dureing her widowhood and noe longer Item I give unto her the said Agnes halfe of my milch kine and halfe of all my other cattell and quicke stuffe and halfe of my corne and graine which I shall have at the time of my death both in howse and ..... as also in ground Item I give unto Mary Holme my daughter six shillings and eight pence And to Mary Holmes her daughter fower pounds Item I give unto Katherine Marwood my daughter tenn pounds And to John Marwood her eldest sonne three pounds And to her other five sonnes William Symon Peter Thomas and Charles Marwood to each of them fower pounds apeece to be paid unto them the said five sonnes at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares And my will is That if any of them happen to dye under that age Then the Legacie and Legacies of him or them soe dyeing shalbe paid to the other of them surviveing at their severall ages to be equally devided between them And yet nevertheless my will is that if any of the said sonnes shall by their ffather or mother be bound out apprentice to any lawfull and honnest trade That then the legacie of him or them soe bound out shall forth with thereupon be paid for and towards their binding out upon such reasonable conditions as by their ffather or mother shalbe liked Item my will is that if the said Katherine doe happen to dye leveing the said Simon her sonne Then the said tenn pounds shall remaine and be paid to him the said Symon Item I give to my sister Margerett Holmes tenn shillings and to all her children one shilling apeece And tomy Couzen Maude Lippingcote two shillings and six pence And to the poore of Coliton aforesaid tenn shillings The residue of all my goods chattells estates rights and creditts whatsoever not herein before given willed or bequeathed I wholy give and bequeath unto Walter Vye my sonne and him the said Walter I make and ordaine my sole Executor of this my last Will and testament And I doe pray and appoint Thomas Searle of Wootton and Edward Searle of Plever(?) in Sidbury to be my Overseers and to be aideing my Executor in performing of this my Will And I give to each of them for their paines therein to be taken three shillings and fower pence apeece In wittnes whereof I have to this my last will and testament sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written signum Simonus Vye testat wittnesses hereunto Peter Bagwell John Hewes

A Codicill unto the will hereunto annexed made by Simon Vye of Colyton in the County of Devon Yeoman the twentieth day of August Anno Dm 1643 as followeth Whereas I the said Symon Vye doe now stand possessed amongst other things for divers meanes whereof many are yet to come and unexpired of and in one Barne lately built by Roger Marwood of Coliton aforesaid yeoman Deceased parcel of a close of myne lying in Coliton aforesaid called Greenecroft my will is that my daughter Katherine Marwood shall hold and injoy the said barne for and dureing the terme of her naturall life And after her decease I give and devise the said barne unto Simon Marwood To have and to hold the said barne to the said Simon Marwood his Executors and assignes for and dureing soe many yeares as I the said Symon Vye have to come of and in the said barne Also my will is That my said daughter Katherine shall have and injoy one peece of ground lyeing and adjoyneing to the west side of the said Barne parcell of the said close called Greenecroft to be conteyneing twenty foot square to be measured from the north and South ends of the said Barne unto the said close for and dureing the terme of her life And after her decease I give and devise the said peece of ground unto the Said Simon Marwood his Executors and assignes for and dureing so many yeares as the said Simon Vye have to come of and in the same with their appurtenances Andf I doe desire my loveing friends Phillip Burrough and John Fludike(?) of Coliton aforesaid yeoman to see the same plott of ground measured out according to the true intent of this my will In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale even the day and yeare first above written The marke of Simon Vye Published acknowledged and declared in the presence of (illegible) Walter Vye Getwith Haule(?)

Proved at London with a Codicil 22 July 1650