
Will of John Bodleghe of Crediton

Proved 31 January 1567

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/49/36, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by John Moore

In the name of god Amen. The Fowreteneth Day of Aprill in the yere of o[u]r Lord god a thowsande fyve hundred three score and twoo I John Bodleghe of Dunscombe in the parrisshe of Crediton in the Countie of Devon Esquier sick of boddy But wholl of mynde and in perfect Remembrannce thankes be unto almyghtie god my Maker and Redemer My boddie to be buried in hollie grave by the discretion of my Executoures according to the Lawdable using of the Catholike Churche in that place where it shall please god to call me owte of this tra[n]sitory Wordle Item I doo give and bequeathe to John Bodleighe my sonne all those Messuages Landes and tenementes rentes revertions s[e]rvices and hereditamentes withe the app[u]rte[na]nnces scituate lying and being in the parrisshe of Exmi[n]ster nowe or late in the tenure of one Gilbert Richardes or of his Assignes to have and to hold all and singuler the premiss[e]s withe the App[u]rte[na]nnces to the said John Bodleigh and to his Executors and Assignes for and during the terme of fowre score and nynetene yeres from the expiration and Determination of the state and interest of the saide Gilbert Richards and of one John west his first wives sonne from thene next im[m]ediatly following fullie to be complete and ended Yelding and payng therfore yerelie during the tenure aforsaide to myn heires and Assignes the old & accustomed rentes and s[e]rvices at the fowre principall and most usuall termes in the yere by evin portio[n]s Item I give and bequethe to the saide John Bodleighe all myne estate righte title interest and terme of yeres yet to coom of and in the Prebende of Pole in the parrisshe of Crediton afforsaid withe all his righte Members tithes proffittes Comodities and Emolumentes What so ever as well spi[rit]uall and te[m]porall to the saide prebende in any wise belonging withe the App[u]rte[na]nnces And allso all my estate righte title interest and terme of yeres yet to coom of and in divers percells of Lande mershe meddowe and pasture in Crediton aforsaid whiche Anthony Harvie Esquier tooke of the late Busshopp Veysy to him and to his Assignes for terme of certen yeres not yett ended Whereof parte is called the Willparks and the Residewe the Mershes and grounde that be accompted to be belonging unto the same To have and to holde all and singuler the saide Prebende and percells of Lande lastelie recited withe the App[u]rte[na]nnces to the saide John Bodleighe his Executoures and Assignes in manner and forme and to the Uses and intentes following that is to say first to the Use and intente That of the Moytie of the Rentes yssues Revenewes and proffittes yerelie co[o]ming and growing of the pr[e]miss[e]s so muche be levied and gathered by myne Executoures im[m]ediatlie after my deceasse as shall amownt unto the Su[m]m[e] of Fiftie poundes of Lawfull monney of England for and towardes the Payme[n]te of such Dettes as I the saide John Bodleighe shall happen to owe at the tyme of my Dethe and the residewe of the pr[e]miss[e]s to be onelie to the use of the saide John Bodleighe my sonne during his lief if the afforsaid terme so Long contynewe And if the saide John Bodleighe marrie and have Children by his wief then the premiss[e]s after the saide Fiftie poundes levied in forme aforsaide to be to the onelie use of the said John Bodleighe his Executors and Assignes But if the saide John Bodleighe shall happen to Dye after he ys married having no children Then I will and by theis p[rese]ntes give and bequethe all the residewe of the saide terme of yeres of and in the saide prebende and other the pr[e]miss[e]s lastelie recited then to coom from and after the deceasse of the saide John Bodleighe to Chr[ist]ofer Bodleighe Kathryn Weste and Marie Bodleighe my Children and to the longest lyever of them withe this condicion that they and the longest Lyever of theim and the Executoures and Assignes of the overlyver of theim shall yelde beare and pay yerelie to that wooman that shall happen to be the wief of the saide John Bodleighe at the tyme of his Deathe during her lief if the saide terme so long contynewe one Annuytie of twentie poundes of Lawfull monney of England goyng Owte of the pr[e]miss[e]s quarterlie to be payd by evin portions Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne Chr[ist]ofer Bodleighe all myne estates right title interest and terme of yeres yett to coom of and in the Chaunterie of Wasshebourne in the saide Countie of Devon and all my estate ryghte tytle interest and terme of yeres yet to coom of & in one Tenement with his app[u]rte[na]nnces in the parrisshe of Crediton called Escott wherin one John Averie somtyme Dwelled uppon Condicion that if the saide Chr[ist]ofer Bodleigh Doo moleste vexe trouble sewe or putt owte any persone or persones to whom I the saide John Bodleigh have yoyntlie withe the saide Chr[ist]ofer or by my self made any grannte Lease or Demyse in writing of and in certen percells of Lande Meddowe and Pasture withe the App[u]rte[na]nnces or of any parte thereof scituate lying and being in the parrisshe of Crediton aforesayd called Posseburie al[ia]s portesbury or whereof the saide Chr[ist]ofer Bodleighe in his owne name hath made by my procurement or Otherwise any grannte any grannte Demyse or Leasse in writing That then neither the said Chr[ist]ofer Bodleighe his Executoures or Assignes ne any of the[i]m to take any benefitt or Adva[n]tage of any thing gevin and bequeathed to hym by this my present will and testament But that all and everie thing and thinges given and bequethed to hym by this my will to veste and enure in and to the uses of the saide John and Marie my Children before in thes present testame[n]t named I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Mary Bodleighe Fiftie poundes of Lawfull mon[n]ey of Englande over and besides that whiche I have given and appoynted for her in a pare of Inde[n]tures of Cove[na]nntes touching the conclusion of Marriage to be had betwene John Trobridge gent and her whiche Indentures be made and had betwene Roger Predyaux and others of the one partie & me the saide John Bodleighe of the other Partie yf the saide Mary my Daughter happen to Marry withe the saide John Trobridge if not Then I will and bequeathe unto her for and towardes her Advanncement and Marriage so muche more in money as shall make upp the forsaid Fiftie poundes given unto her by this my will twoo hundred poundes in monney to be payde unto her by myne Executoures at the Daye of her marriage Item I will and bequeathe all my Landes tenementes Rentes Revertions s[e]rvices and hereditaments what so ever in the Countie of Devon or ellswhere within the Realme of Englande whereof I am now seased of any estate of Inheritannce to my Executors in this my present testament named To have and to hold to them and to the overlyever of theym for and during the terme of Seaventene yeres for the Feaste of the Ann[un]tiation of o[u]r blessid Ladye Mary the Virgin last past next and im[m]ediatlie following fullie to be co[m]plete and ended To thentent that they and everie of theym shall Levy receave perceave and take the Rente yssues Revenue and proffittes co[o]myng rysyng and growing of the same and of everie parte thereof to the Uses following that is to saye to pay yerelie thereof to the use of my sister Agnes Deyman During the terme aforsaide if she so long lyve one Annuytie of Syxe poundes at the fower principall termes of the yere most usuall by evin portions yf she overlyeve the saide terme then I will the said Annuytie to be payde unto her owte of the premiss[e]s by hym that it shall please god to appoynte to be myne heyre During her lief Item I will that myne Executours shall allso yerelie paye of the Rentes yssues and proffittes of the premiss[e]s during the terme of Seaventene yeres aforsaid theis Annuyties underwritten and to the persons undernamed that is to saye to my Brother John Bodleigh Fortie shillinges if he so long lyve To william heynes my servannt Fortie shillinges yf he so long lyve Item to John hoo my servannte tenne shillinges if he so long lyve Item To Thomas Rowe twentie shillinges if heso long lyve Item To William Comber twentie shillinges if he so long lyve and to John Stevens tenne shillinges yf he so long lyve at the fowre principall termes of the yere most usuall by evin portions to be paide if they or any of them Overlyve the saide terme of Seaventene yeres Then I Will that the said severall Annuities to be payde yerelie unto suche of the[y]m aforenamed as shall happe[n] to overlyeve the saide terme the sayde severall Annuyties at the termes afforsaid by evin portio[n]s During the Naturall Lyeves of everie of the[y]m by hym or theim that god shall appoynte to be my heyre Item I Bequethe to Rawling West twentie shilinges Item to my Cosen Gilbert Atwill Fortie shillinges Item To Gilbert Sladen Fowrtie shillinges Item I give to John Daly twentie shillinges in monney Item I give to my Brother Edward Bodleigh twentie poundes Item I give to John Somerhey twentie shillinges in monney Item I give to Richard hoper twentie shillinges Item I give to Besse Alcock twenty shillinges and to Fresewell haydon fowrtie shillinges Item I give to my Sister Agnes Deyman three pounds sixe shillinges eighte pence Item to John Woorthe twentie shillinges And to John Rawdon twentie shillings Item I give to everie manservannte and woman servannt nowe in Cove…te and attending here to whom no thing ells ys given by this my will Syxe shillinges eighte pence Item I give unto Johanne wief unto Barthelmewe Middelton tenne shillinges all whiche Legacies lastelie recited I will to be p[ai]d by myne Executoures as sone as convenientlie money shall coom to their handes After my deceasse if so muche may conveninetlie coom to their handes Item I give to the poore people inhabyting within the Towne and Parrisshe of Crediton fowretie poundes whereof I will tenne poundes to be bestowed at my buriall and the rest yerelie tenne poundes untill it be payd Item I give to Everie of my godchildre[n] twentie pence Item I give to Marie Bodleighe my sonne George Bodleighe his Daughter tenne poundes to be paide by myne Executoures at the daye of her Marriage Item I give to Merkes Bodleigh my sonne George Bodleigh his soonne tenne poundes to be payd to hym when he shall accomplisshe the age of twentie and one yeres And if the saide Marie Dye before she be married then her parte to go to her brother Markes And in like man[n]er if her brother Dye then his parte to gooe unto her And if they bothe Dye to remeyne to the use of Chr[ist]ofer John and Marie my Childre[n] Item I give unto tenne of my sonne in Lawe John Weste his Children begotten uppon my Daughter Katherine twentie Poundes equally to be devided amonges them Item I will that william yerllie and Johanne his wief have the howse at Trobridge wherin they now Inhabite and twoo Orchardes the towne place with the Curtelages and beare there During all my terme yet to coom in the same Paying to my Executors therfore yerelie tenne shillinges at the fower Principall termes of the yere most usuall by evin portio[n]s and Reparing the same in all thinges te[…]tably and so sufficientlie repared in the ende of the said terme to Leave it Item I will and by this my present testament my trusty Welbelovid Thomas Dewrisshe Esquier and my Brother in Lawe John Atwell my Executoures To whom I give and bequeathe all the residewe of my gooddes and Cattalls not given or bequeathed to the use of my saide Childre[n] Chr[ist]ofer Bodleighe John Bodlegh and Marie Bodleghe and to see this my present testame[n]t and Will executed Faithfullie according to the truste that I have putt in them And after my dettes & Legacies payed and my funeralls Discharged I will that myne Executoures shall equally Devide the residewe of all my gooddes Cattalls Monney and debtes betwene my three Childre[n] Chr[ist]ofer John and Marie Provided allwaies That if my saide soon Chr[ist]ofer Bodleghe doo not betwene this and Sonday next enter into his Cure at sainte Syres newton and serve[?] it hym self Then I will that he take no Advanntage ne Benefitt by any thing given or bequeathed unto hym by this my present will any thing in the same conteyned in any wise to the co[n]trarie not w[i]thsta[n]ding Item I will that my saide Executoures and everie of them shall make Accompte once everie yere to my Brother Bodleigh to my sonne in Lawe John Weste and to my sonne Chr[ist]ofer Bodlegh whom I doo appointe make and ordeine by this my last will to be myne overseers of this my p[rese]nt testament howe the Rentes yssues and proffittes rising co[o]ming and growing of the Landes and other hereditaments whiche by this my will I have bequeathed and appointed to my saide Executoures have ben ymployed and bestowed And the overplus thereof if any be shall goe towardes the payment of my Debtes and Legacies Item I give unto the aforsaide Thomas Dowrishe and John Atwell myne Executoures for their paines to be taken in and abowte the execution of this my will and other the premisses Syxtene poundes thertene shillinges and fowre pence that is to saye tenne poundes to the saide Thomas Dowrisshe and Syxe poundes thertene shillinges and fowre pence to the saide John Attwell over and above suche Costes and charges as they and ev[e]ry of the[y]m shalbe at or susteine in and abowte the execution of this my will and other the pr[e]miss[e]s Item I give unto my Brother Robert Bodleghe for his paynes one Annuytie of three poundes goyng owte of the premisses to be paide by myne Executors During the forsaide terme of seave[n]tene yeres yf he so long lyve And if he overlyve the saide terme then the said Annuytie to be payd unto hym by him that shalbe my heyre During the lief of the saide Robert Bodleghe Item I give to my saide sonne in Lawe John Weste Syxe poundes thertene shillinges & fower pence in monney for his paynes And to my sonne Chr[ist]ofer for his paines I give my best gold ringe whiche ys Delyvered Item I will that my Exeecutoures overseers and Childre[n] and my Sister Johanne Attwell and everie of them shall have a black gowne and everie of my Servanntes a black Coate In wittnes whereof to this my present last will and testame[n]te I have subscribed my name and putt my Seale yeven the Day and yere above written wittness[e]s Chr[ist]ofer Bodleigh John Bodleigh William heynes Richard hoper John howe and others

Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum coram Mag[ist]ro Waltero Haddon legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuarien[sis] apud London ultimo die me[n]s[is] Januarij Anno D[omi]ni s… curs[e]s et Computacionem Ecclesie Anglicane Mill[es]imo Quingentesimo Sexagesimo sexto Juramento will[ia]mi Say Notarij publici Procuratoris Thome Dowrisshe et Johannis Attwell Executorum in testamento h[uius]mo[d]i nominator[um] Quib[u]s Com[m]issa fuit Administratio om[niu]m et singulor[um] bonorum &c De bene &c Ad sancta[m] dei Evangelia[m] Jurat[is]