Name Index
Reynell Taylor, C.B., C.S.I. A Biography.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. (1888), map, portrait, pp. 530.
Part 1, pp. 1-206.
E. Gambier Parry
Prepared by Michael Steer
Major-General Reynell George Taylor CB CSI (1822–1886) was a senior officer in the Bengal Army. His family’s roots were initially in Denbury, then Ogwell. An informative potted biography with portrait is available in Wikipedia. He played a major role in both Anglo-Sikh Wars and the Indian Rebellion of 1857. For his extensive service General Taylor became a Companion of the Order of the Bath and Companion of the Order of the Star of India. He retired in 1877 as major-general and died at Newton Abbot in 1886.The book’s author, Major Ernest Gambier Parry, O.B.E., was known for his work as a biographer, musician, and artist.
The book was reproduced digitally by Google from a copy in the Harvard University Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers. Among several printing errors in this copy are multiples of page 65.
Name | Page |
Abbott, Captain James | 77, 80, 89, 155, 162, 193 |
Agnew, Lieutenant Patrick Vans | 142-4, 146, 166 |
Alee, Muzzur | 104 |
Anderson, Lieutenant William | 142-4, 146 |
Auckland, Lord | 18 |
B | |
Bamfield, Colonel A.H. | vi |
Bayard | 79 |
Beale, John | 145 |
Beecher, Charlie | 40-2 |
Bhawulpoor, Nawab of | 168 |
Bouverie (Campbell) | 52-3, 64-5 |
Bowie | 169-70 |
Bowring | 77 |
Browne, Sir S. | 198 |
Buonaparte, Napoleon | 4, 13 |
Byron, Lord | 54 |
C | |
Campbell, Brigadier Bouverie | 33, 54, 62, 65 |
Carew, Lady | 9 |
Carew, Sir Walter | 6, 13, 17 |
Cavanagh | 38 |
Christie, Major General John | 34 |
Churchill, Major General Charles Horace | 38 |
Cocks, Arthur H. | 77, 160 |
Coke, Colonel | 58 |
Cooper | 48 |
Cortlandt, General van | 118-9, 129, 139, 144-5, 147, 149, 151, 158, 160-1, 163, 165, 192 |
Cortlandt, Mrs. | 151, 160, 165 |
Coxe, Henry | 77 |
Coxe, General Holled | vi-vii, 194, 197, 201, 203 |
Craig, Sir James | 4 |
Currie, Sir Frederick | 75, 134, 145, 158, 194 |
D | |
Dalhousie, James Braun Ramsay, Lord | 191, 195, 205 |
Dass, Muthra | 88 |
Dawkins | 52, 60 |
Dixon, Colonel | 66, 68-70, 75 |
E | |
Edwardes, Herbert Benjamin | 60, 76-7, 80, 101, 103-9, 115-6, 118-20, 122, 124-5, 127-33, 137, 139, 144-7, 149-52, 154-60, 162, 164, 168, 170-1, 183, 188-90, 192 |
Ellenborough, Lord | 30, 37-8, 44 |
Elphinstone, Mr. | 136 |
F | |
Fisher | 52, 55, 60 |
FitzEustace, Father | 33 |
Fitzgerald, Captain Robert | 199 |
Fortescue, Mrs. | vi, 9, 14, 17 |
Fortescue, William Blundell | 6, 70 |
G | |
George I | xvi, 2 |
Gilbert, General Sir Walter Raleigh | 192-3 |
Gillespie, General Robert Rollo | 5 |
Gough, Brigadier John | 56-7, 64-5 |
Gough, Colonel | 52-3 |
Gough, General Sir Hugh Henry | 36, 48, 50, 62 |
Gough, Lord | 146, 188-9 |
Grant, William | 69 |
Grey, General Sir John | 30, 34 |
H | |
Hakim-i-Wukt | 94 |
Hardinge, Charles | 75 |
Hardinge, Sir Henry | 48-9, 58, 63-7 |
Harrington, Brigade major | 52 |
Herbert, (Edwardes) | 80, 164 |
Hobhouse, Sir John | 195 |
Hodson, Lieutenant W.S. | 77, 192 |
Holmes, Colonel John | 92-3, 109, 111-2, 131-2, 149, 155-6, 160-1, 168 |
Howard | 54 |
I | |
Ikhlass, Hazee | 179 |
Imamudeen, Sheikh | 78, 80, 84 |
J | |
James | 193 |
Jankaji, Maharaja | 24 |
Johnson, Dr. Samuel | v |
K | |
Kaye, Sir John | 77, 196 |
Khan, Afzue | 178 |
Khan, Alim | 171-2 |
Khan, Agaz | 150 |
Khan, Allegur | 150 |
Khan, Futteh | 118-9, 143, 155-7, 160-1, 164, 168-9 |
Khan, Ghazee | 118, 145, 165 |
Khan, Gholam Hussan | 175-6, 179, 181, 192 |
Khan, Ishmael | 118-9, 135, 150, 155, 160-3, 169, 171, 175, 196, 198, 205 |
Khan, Khoajah Mahomed | 110, 169, 184 |
Khan, Khuda Buksh | 183 |
Khan, Mahomed | 169 |
Khan, Meer Alim | 178, 181, 185 |
Khan, Mohomed Azim | 175, 189, 191 |
Khan, Mudat | 132 |
Khan, Mukweib | 150 |
Khan, Sing | 142-3 |
Khan, Sirdar Zagah | 117 |
Khan, Sultan Mahomed | 111, 150 |
Khan, Subhan | 128, 144 |
Khan, Swahn | 116, 128, 137, 171 |
Khan, Zeereen | 94 |
L | |
Lane | 38 |
Lawrence, George W. | 74-5, 77, 80, 87, 89-91, 93-5, 97-8, 104, 106, 121, 150, 164, 168-70 |
Lawrence, John | 77, 80, 82, 104-5, 121, 127, 145-6, 195 |
Lawrence, Sir Henry | 61, 75, 77-8, 89, 97-9, 103, 119, 121, 134-5, 154, 188-9, 192, 194-5 |
Lawrence, Mrs. | 168-70 |
Leonidas | 133 |
Lindsay family | 69 |
Ludlow, Major | 69 |
Lumsden, Lieutenant | 77, 90, 93-4, 106-7, 120, 125, 146, 164, 168, 192 |
M | |
Macgregor | 77 |
MacMahon, Henry | 193, 199 |
Mahomed, Dost | 187 |
Mahomed, Sultan | 106, 108-9, 116-7, 168, 170 |
Mama Sahib | 28 |
Mansell, Charles Greville | 195 |
Marmion | 115 |
Melvil, Philip | 77, 81, 83, 88, 205 |
Minto, Lord | 4-5 |
Monmouth, Duke of | xvi, 2 |
Moolraj Dewan | 142, 144-4, 146, 152, 154, 158-9, 166-7, 190 |
Morris, Colonel William | 6 |
Mull, Sewan | 165 |
N | |
Napier, Sir C. | 62, 64-5, 158, 190 |
Nicholson, Lieutenant John | 77, 80, 135, 155, 164, 192 |
O | |
Ooruckzye, Rehmut Khan | 110 |
Osbaldiston, Francis | 60 |
P | |
Pakenham | 53 |
Pearse, Major General | 189, 193, 199 |
Petrie, Anne Harvey | 4-5 |
Petrie, John | 4 |
Petrie, William | 4 |
Pollock, Sir George | 77, 164, 190 |
Pollock, Sir Richard | 192-3, 202 |
Popham, Captain | 45 |
Portal, Colonel Robert | 6 |
R | |
Rai, Dewan Dowlut | 118 |
Rao, Bhageerut | 24 |
Reynell family | 1, 3 |
Reynell, Richard | 1, 3 |
Reynell, Sir Thomas | 142 |
Ripon, Lord | 58 |
Rooke, Sir George | xvi, 2 |
S | |
Sale, Sir Robert | 51 |
Scinde, Charles of | 62, 64-5 |
Shah, Bahadoor | 88 |
Shah, Golah | 181-2 |
Shoojah-ool-Moolk, Shah | 100 |
Simson, David Esq. | 199 |
Sing, Bishan | 149 |
Sing, Bhugwan | 153 |
Sing, Chuttur | 159-62, 168, 170 |
Sing, Dhuleep | 161. 172 |
Sing, Gohur | 171 |
Sing, Golab | 61, 80-2, 84, 86, 94, 105, 162 |
Sing, Jundhur | 161 |
Sing, Lal | 77 |
Singh, Mehr | 94, 149 |
Sing, Metah | 183 |
Singh, Runjeet | 46, 65, 79, 94, 100. 194 |
Sing, Rajah Sher | 158-9, 165-6 |
Sing, Soocheyt, Rajah | 106 |
Sing, Uttur | 162 |
Sing, Zorakhun | 149 |
Sleeman, Captain James | 19, 23 |
Smith, Bosworth | 89 |
Smith, Lieutenant General Sir Harry | 39, 62, 64-5 |
Stanners | 52 |
Sutherland, Colonel | 69 |
Syud, Golah Shah | 186 |
T | |
Taylor, Amelia Mary | 6 |
Taylor, Ann Frances | 6, 9, 13 |
Taylor, Arthur Joseph | 5, 9, 61 |
Taylor, Edward Pierce Gilbert | 5 |
Taylor, Eliza Charlette | 6, 30 |
Taylor, Rev. Fitzwilliam John | 6, 9, 14-5, 45, 127, 182 |
Taylor, Georgina Jane | 6 |
Taylor, Harriet Maria | 6, 30, 70 |
Taylor, Joseph Esq. | xv-vi, 1-2, 16 |
Taylor, Joseph jnr. | 1, 3 |
Taylor, Pierce Joseph | 10-1 |
Taylor, Rebecca | 1, 3 |
Taylor, Reynell George | 6 |
Taylor, Thomas | 1,3 |
Taylor, Thomas William | 4, 6-7 |
Thomason, Mr. | 69 |
Thompson, Dr. | 170 |
Thompson, Mrs. | 170 |
Tucker | 40-2 |
Turpin, Dick | 20 |
W | |
Waldemar, Prince | 62-5 |
Walla, Dada Khasjee | 28-9 |
Wellington, Duke of | 6, 9 |
Whish, General William | 159, 161, 166, 168 |
Whitrow, Mr. | 1, 3 |
Wilkinson | 55 |
Willoughby de Broke, Lady | vi, 11 |
Willoughby de Broke, Robert Lord | 6 |
Wood | 67-8 |
Y | |
Younghusband, General Sir Francis Edward | 198-9 |