Name Index
The Library of Exeter Cathedral
L.J. Lloyd
Exeter: University of Exeter (1967)
(Reprint 1974, by Sydney Lee (Exeter) Ltd., with description of the archives by Audrey M. Erskine.)
Indexed by Michael Steer
This booklet was prepared for use by visitors to the Cathedral Library. The Library has a history spanning well over 900 years. Its greatest treasures are the 10th Century EXETER BOOK, a priceless collection of Anglo Saxon poetry, and the EXON DOMESDAY BOOK (1086). There is an important collection of medical books, and a range of other books including particularly historic theology, and information on the Cathedral and the Church of England in Devon. Notable among the printed books is a second folio of Shakespeare. Eight full page illustrations (unpaginated) have been bound as centrefolds to the booklet.
Africanus, Constantinus 11 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius 11 Ambrose 1, 5 Anselm 5 Ascensius, Jodocus Badius preceeds preface, 10 Athelstan, King 21 Atwater, Henry 5 Augustine 1, 5, 8, 12 Back, Godfrey (Antwerp) 9 Bacon, Roger 12 Barlow, Professor Frank preface Barnes, Ralph 16, 24 Bartholomew 12 Bayly, Mary 16 Beard, Benjamin 15 Bede 5, 12 Benet, Thomas 8 Bishop, Prebendary H.E. preface Bodley, Lawrence 13 Bodley, Sir Thomas 13 Boerhaave 11 Boethius 12 Boggis, R.J.E. 1, 14 Botfield, Beriah 16 Boyd, Dean 17 Boyle 11 Bradley, Mr. 16 Bradshow, Henry (Society) 21 Braileghe, William de 5 Brantyngham, Bishop 5 Brocas, Abishai 15 Bronescombe, Bishop Walter 8, 20 Browne, Sir Thomas 17 Budé 15 Burscough, Archdeacon Robert 15 Burton 10, 15, 17 Capener, Norman 11 Casaubon, Isaac 15 Caxton, William 8-9 Chambers, R.W. 2, 4 Charles I, King 15 Chaucer, Geoffrey 9, 15 Cheselden 11 Clark, Andrew 13 Clark, J.W. 6 Cnut, King 23 Cook, Canon F.C. 17 Cotton, Canon Edward 15 Cowley 15 Crighton, Miss Marjorie P. preface, 11 Dalton, J.M. 21 Dante 15 Descartes 10 Devon, Earl & Countess of 18 Dickens, L. 16 Dodds, Gregory 12 Edgar, King 23 Edith, Queen 1-2 Edmonds 14 Edward the Confessor, King 1-2, 20, 23 Edward III, King 8 Edward, VI, King 13 Edward, King, the Martyr 23 Eliot, John 10 Elizabeth I, Queen 13 Erasmus 15 Erskine, Mrs. Audrey preface Ethelred II, King 23 Eustachius 10 Excestre, John 8 Fabricius 11 Flach, Martin (Press) 9 Florentius, H. 10 Flower, Dr. Robin 2-3 Fürster, Max 2 Foxwell, Edward 15 Fust & Schoeffer (Mainz) 9 Gaddesden, John of 7, 10 Galbraith, Professor V.H. 8, 19 Galen 10 Glass, Dr. Thomas 10 Gerarde 10 Godfrey, Garret 10 Gormarus 15 Grandisson, Bishop John 1, 5, 7, 11, 17, 21 Grandisson's Legenda of Exeter (illus.) Granville family letters 16 Gregory 5 Grenstede, J. 7 Gutenburg, Johann 9 Hall, Canon Robert 15 Haller 11 Hands, Miss Margaret 10 Harington, Chancellor Edward 17, 24 Harvey, William 10 Hayford, William 6 | Heister 11 Henry VIII, King 10, 23 Herbert 15 Hicks 2 Higden, Ranulf 8 Hingeston-Randolph, F.C. 5, 20 Hispalensis, Isodorus 3 Hoard, Elizabeth 16 Honorius III, Pope 21 Hunter, William John 11 Hutchenson, Canon William 15 Innocent III, Pope 21 Jakyl, Hamund 5 James I, King 13 James, Dr. Montague Rhodes 6 Jenkins, Rhys 16 Jenner, Edward 11 Jerome 5 Jewell, John, Bishop of Salisbury 13 John, King 21 Kemble 2 Ker, N.R. 1, 12 Koberger, H. 9 Lacy, Bishop Edmund 8-9 Leland, John 12 Leo, Pope 2 Leofric, 1st Bishop of Exeter 1-4, 12-13, 23 Leofric's malediction (illus.) Linacre 15 Lindesay, Robert de 8 Lloyd, L.J. preface Lyttelton, Dean Charles (later Bishop of Carlisle) 16, 20, 24 Lyttelton family letters 16 Macray, W.D. 13 Manardi, Giovanni 11 Marnes de (press) 9 Matilda, Queen (Exon Domesday entry) (illus) Maurus, Hrabanus 3, (illus) Miller, Sanderson Esq. 16 Milton, John 10 Mole, Mr. Joseph 16 Mongwell, John 7 Moore 24 More, Sir Thomas 10, 15 Morgnani 11 Norins, Jean 10 Oldham, J.B. 10 Oliver, G. 5-6, 12 Packman, Mr. James preface Pareus, Ambrosius (Paré) 10 Parker, Archbishop Matthew 12 Pearson, J.L. 17 Peckitt, William, of York 17 Pepys, Samuel 10 Petrarch 15 Pinzi, Philip 9 Pisis, Rainerius de 9 Pliny 12 Poole, Reginald Lane 24 Potter, Hugh 15 Pynson, Richard 9 Quinel, Bishop Peter (also Quivel) 8 Rabelais 15 Regnault (press) 9 Reynes, John 10 Richard (servant to William Hayford) 6 Rickert, Margaret 8 Rose-Troup, F. 7 Sacheverell, Dr. 15 Savage, E.A. 1 Sayle, C. 12 Schenk, W. 15 Seneca 7 Seville, Isadore of 7 Seward, John 8 Shakespeare, William 10, 15 Sisam, K. 4 Smith, L. Toulmin 13 Smith, Prebendary Humphrey 15 Spierinck, Nicholas 10 Stapledon, Bishop Walter 23 Stanton, M. 16 Stenton, F.M. 2 Stephen, King 21 Sydenham 11 Tange, Andrew de 20 Temple, Archbishop 17 Tours, Gregory of 7 Trevisa, John 8 Vesalius 10 Vilvaine, Dr. Robert 14 Walton 15 William the Conqueror, King 2, 19 Wyclyff, John 12 York, James Duke of 10 |