
Will of Thomas Prestwood, Merchant of Exeter

Proved 1 October 1558

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/41/81 Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by John Moore

In the Name of god Amen. The y[?]vjth day of Septe[m]b[e]r Anno a thowsannde fyve hundred fiftie and eight. And in the vth and vjth yeres of the Reignes of our soveraine lorde and Ladye Philipp and Marye by the grace of god King and Quene of Englannde Spayne Frannce bothe Siciles J[e]r[usa]l[e]m and Irelande defendours of the faith Archedukes of Austridge Dukes of Mediolane Burgundie and Brabannte Counties of habspurge Flannders and Tiroll I Thomas Pestwood Citizein and marchannte of the Cittie of Exceter being of hole and parfit memorye praised be allmighti god doo ordayne and make this my last wille and testament in forme following First I commende my soule unto allmighti god my Creator and redemer having a full and parfite hoape of everlasting life thorought the merites and passion of Jesu Christe And my bodye to be buried w[i]t[h]in the churche yardes of Saincte Peters in Exetor in suche place as by the discreacion of myne executours shalbe thought most convenient. Item I will that my bodie be decentlie brought unto his sepulture avoiding therin all pompe and pride of the World but bringing my Corps to buriall in the next morning after my deceace or as shortelie after as convenientlie may be. At the Funeralles wherof I will that some vertiouse sermon be had and made by some vertuouse discrete and lerned man, to the praise of allmighti god, advanncement of his gloriouse and everlasting Worde, edefying of the Congregacion, and testimony of myn[e] undoubted and assured faith in the infallible promises of god in his scriptures. Unto the whiche preacher I will myn[e] executours geve for his paynes in that behaulfe xiijs iiijd. Item I will that within one monnethe next after my deceace myn[e] executours prepare a convenient & honnest dynner, at the whiche I will that they desire, the maior of the saide Cittie for the tyme being and his bretherne Aldermen[n] of the same to be w[i]th also wohe other of the moost honest offices and Citizeines, and other also as to my saide executours shalbe thought meete according to the annceannt ordre manner and custome of the said Cittie. Item I will that all suche dettes and dueties as I owe to any p[er]sonne or p[er]sones be well and trulie contented and paide by myn executours w[i]t[h]out any delaye or contradiction, rather w[i]th the moost then w[i]th the least whatsoever can be required or dulie proved according to conscience. Item I bequeath to the repar[ac]ions of Saincte Stevens churche in the whiche parrishe I dwell to be delivered to the wardennes of the saide Churche xiijs iiijd. Item I bequeath to be distributed amonge the prisonners of the King and Quenes maiesties Jaill of their Castell of Exceter iijli vjs viijd Item I bequeath unto the poore prisonners within the liberties of the Cittie of Excetor to be distributed by the discreacion of myn[e] executours xxs. Item I bequeath to the house of Magdalene w[i]t[h]out the Southe gate of the Cittie of Exceter and to the poore people of the same xiijs iiijd. Item I bequeathe to be distributed amonge all other almes houses within the saide Cittie and the subburbes of the same by the discreacion of myn[e] executours xls. I bequeath unto the poore housholders as well within the saide Cittie as the subburbes of the same to be distributed by the discreacion of myn[e] executours tenne pounds. Item I bequeath amonge the poore people of the said Cittie and subburbes tenne pounds to be paid ev[er]ye Weeke ijs and to be distributed by the discreacion of my saide executours till in suche manner it be fully distributed and paide. Item I bequeath amonge the poore people of the almes houses of the Cittie of Wourcest[e]r where I was borne and of the suburbes of the same to be distributed as is aforesaide xli. It[em] I bequeathe to my brother Richard hasilwoods daughter named Joyse to be paide her at the day of her marriage, and the same to remayne in the custodie of her father in the meane tyme xli. Item I bequeathe and clerelie forgive unto John Ball of Littill Deane tenne pounds whiche he ought for thassurannce of certaine writings of certayne Landes, whiche Writings I will to be delivered him or his children shortly after my deceace. Item I bequeth to myn awnte Greene of Wourcest[e]r if she be alive xls if she be deade I will that her childr[en] have it amonge them Item I bequeath to Thomas Cooke my s[erva]nnt five pounds so as he …his mestres as becometh an honnest s[erva]nnt to doo. Item I bequeath to the poore house of Lazars in Tottenes amonge the poore people ther[e] xiijs iiijd ^1  Item I bequeath to my Brother Richard Prestwood to thintent he shalbe assistannt unto my Wif in all her affaires fiftie three poundes sixe shillinges and eight pence, a furred gowne a Lyned gowne with Chamblett or some other thinge twoo iackettis twoo doublettis a Jerkyn of lether a bonett and a gelding or a horse to the value of fortie shillinges with saddil and bridill and all thinges therunto appertayning that he may the more willinglie ride and travaill for and aboute my said wifes affaires and buysynes when he shalbe therunto requested and desired. Item I bequeath to ev[er]ye one of my saide brother Richard Prestwoods children begotten upon Alson the daughter of my Wif, to be deliv[er]ed to the Keaping of their father to their use untill their daye of marriage tenne pounds, The Survivours to be heires unto thother[s] that shall happin to Decease before mariage. Item I bequeath unto ev[er]ye of the children of John Bodeleigh my Wifes Sonne being living at the day of my deceace tenne pounds to be deliv[er]ed to their father to their use untill the daye of their marriage eche of them to be heires to the other[s] in fourme last abovesaide. Item I wille that all my Mannors lands ten[emen]tes and other hereditamentis within the Cittie and Countie of Exceter, and within the Countie of Devon be eqally imparted and divided betwene Alice my Wif and Thomas Prestwood my son[ne] in fourme following, that is to Witte, that the saide Alice my Wif shalhave and enioye thone moytie of all and singulier the said Mannors Landes ten[emen]tis and hereditamentis for and during her naturall life in full contentac[i]on and satisfaction of her dower and Joincto[ure] of and in all my Mannors lands tenementis and hereditaments within the Cittie and Counties aforesaid and els where w[i]t[h]in the Realme of England. And that it shall and may be lawfull to the saide Alice my Wife, during her lif to perceave levie and take all and singulier the rentis Revenues yssues profittes casuelties and com[m[odities of all the saide moytie, and the same to converte and dispoase to her owne prop[er]te and use without lett deniall or interrupec[i]on of the said Thomas my sonne or any other p[er]sonne of p[er]sonnes whatsoev[er]. And thother moitie of all and singulier the said Mannours landes ten[emen]tis and hereditamentis ymmediatelie after my deceace with all the Rentis revenues yssues and profitt[e]s casuelties and com[m]odities arrising growing and com[m]yng of the same with also the said moytie of the said Mannors landes ten[emen]tis and hereditamentis before appointed to my said Wif, when after her deceace they shalhappen I will shall remayn[e] and com[m]e to the saide Thomas Prestwood my Sonne, and to theires of his bodie lawfully begotten And I will that my said brother Richard Prestwood during the naturall life of my said Wif shalhave the collection of rentis Revenues yssues and profutes togither, and with the letting and setting of all and singulier thabovesaid Manors lands ten[emen]tes and hereditamentis to the moost advantage of my saide Wif and sonne wherof he shalbe to them quarterly accomptannte, yelding to ev[er]ye of them egall porcionnes. And also shall viewe all the landes and ten[emen]tis within the said Cittie of Excet[er] and the subburb[e]s of the same w[i]t[h] their appurte[na]nnc[e]s, and the same cause to be from tyme to tyme sufficiently repayred and amended as neede shall requir[e] allowing him self mon[e]y accompte for the same, for the whiche his diligence and paynes to be taken he shall also allowe him selfe ev[er]y quarter tenne shillings. All whiche charges shall arrise and be egally borne and paide by my said Wif and sonne uppon the saied accomptes to y[h]em made. And if my said son[ne] Thomas Prestwood shalhappin to decease w[i]t[h]out heires of his bodie lawfully begotten I will that all the Mannors landes tenementis and hereditamentis abovesaide with their appurte[na]nnces shall remayne to my brother Richard Prestwood, and to theires males of his bodie lawfully begotten. And if my said brother Richard Prestwood shall also happen to dye w[i]t[h]out heir[e] male of his bodie lawfully begotten, I will that all my lands tenementis and hereditamentis within the saide 2  of Excet[er] shall remayne to the nexte heires of Richard Prestwood aforesaid in Fee forever. And that then also all my lands tenementis and hereditamentis in Ex ilande in the p[arr]ishe of saint Thomas and in Cowicke strete shall remayn[e] to Richard hasilwood of Excetor and to his heires in fee forev[er] And that then also all my Mannors lands ten[emen]tis and hereditaments in Butterford helmeston Cantiloo and Bennyted bent shall remayn[e] unto John Bodleigh my Wifs sonne, and to his heires in fee forever. And that then also all the rest of my landes ten[emen]tis and hereditamentis w[i]t[h] their appurte[na]nnces wheresoev[er] they bey shall remayn[e] to Richard Bodleigh my Wifes other sonne and to his heires in fee forever. Item I bequeath to Gregory haywood W[illia]m Boyce Thomas howe and Jane my s[erva]nnts to ev[er]ye of them vjs viijd a pece Item I bequeath to my sonne Thomas Prestwood all myt plate and housholde stuff wherof I will that my said Wif shalhave thuse and occupacion during her lief. Item I geve and bequeath to my trustie Mr William Strowde esquier a gowne cloth to be delivered to him at my deceace by my executors All the rest of my goods Cattalles and Chattalles of what nature soev[er] they be, not before bequeathed my funeralles decentlie doon and my dettis and legacies executed and paid I geve and bequeathe to the saide Alice my Wif and Thomas my sonne to be egally divided betwene them, whome I ordayne and make myn[e] executours Requiring them as they will  annswerable in the latter day to see all things p[er]fourmed with good and naturall agreament betwene them according to the speciall trust reposed in them Moost hartely beseching my said Loving freend William Strowde and my brother Richard Prestwood as ov[er]seers of the premisses to assiste and comfort my said executours with their trustie and good adv[er]tisement and counsailles therin as god shall reward them in tyme to come. Provided and I will that whensoev[er] it shalhappen my saide sonne Thomas Prestwood to marry at any tyme heraft[er] it shalbe leafull unto the same Thomas to make unto his Wife a Joynctor or dower of the moytie of thabovesaid Mannors lands tenementis and heredita[men]ts appointed to my said Sonne or of any parte therof for terme of the lif of his said Wif And the same Joynctor or dower to be good and effectuall in the lawe against all p[er]sons abovenamed and their heires, And against all other p[er]sonne and p[er]sonnes whatsoever Any thinge above expressed to the contrarye in any Wise notwithstanding Thies being Witnesses Richard Prestwood Richard hasilwood Robert Gower John Crouche and henry Reading w[i]t[h] others. ^I bequeth to the poor people in Brodehempston xiijs iiijd.

Probatum fuit suprascriptum test[amentu]m coram d[omi]no  apud London Primo die mens[is] Octobris Anno D[omi]ni mill[es]imo quingentesimo quinquage[si]mo octavo Juramento Tho[m]e Upton procu[rato]ris Alicie Relicte et Thome Prestwood executorum in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento no[m]i[n]ator[um] Ac approbatum et insinuat[um] &c Comissaq[ue] fuit administrac[i]o omn[ium] et singulor[um] bonor[um] &c profat[…] execut[…] &c De b[e]n[e] &c Ac de pleno Inven[ta]rio &c Necnon de plano et v[er]o compto &c Jurat[…] 

1 Omission. See the last line of the will below.

2 "Citie" omitted