Will of John Frayne, Yeoman of Langtree (1648)
Proved 30 March 1655
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/249/322, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C. ref. 1655 folio 346)
Transcribed by Jonathan Frayne
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fortie and eight I John ffrayne of Stowford within the parish of Langtree in the Countie of Devon yeoman being of sound and perfect memory thanks be unto God I therefore doe make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following hereby revoking all former wills by me made ffirst I do give and bequeath my soul to Almightie God my Creatour and Merciful Redeemer and my bodie to Christian buriall when it shall please God to call me out of this transitorie world. Item my will and meaning is that all my debts and legacies shall be paid by mine executors hereinafter named Item I do give and bequeath towards the repairing the Parish Church of Langtree tenne shillings Item I do give and bequeath to the poore of the said parish tenne shillings Item I do give and bequeath to Thomas ffrayne my sonne all my messuages lands and tenemts. in or called Bradford within the Parish of Pyworthie in the said Countie of Devon and all my estate right tille tearme and interest that shall be to come and unexpired of in and to the same att the time of my death. Item I do give and bequeath to John Calle and widow Calle my grand children each of them one ewe sheepe of one yeare old. Item I give and bequeath to Grace ffrayne my grandchild the bedstead bedclothes tableboard Liverie table and formes which usuallie be and be used in my parlour of Stowford aforesaid and also my greatest stone troughs and one heifer yearling provided alwaies that if the said Grace ffrayne my grandchild doe happen to die in the lifetime of Alice ffrayne her mother and before the said Grace be married then this legacy and bequeath of the dead goods to the said Grace before hereby given shall be voyd. Item I give and bequeath to Grace Tome my servant five shillings. To Thomas my servant twentie shillings and to my servant Thomasine ffrayne twentie shillings if they be my servants at the time of my death. Item I give unto all my godchildren six pence a peece. Item I doo give to Alexander ffrayne my sonne fifty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within two years after my death. Item I give and bequeath unto Alice ffrayne my daughter in law fortie shillings of lawful money of England. Lastly all the remainder of my goods and chattells not by me before herein given or disposed of I doo give and bequeath unto Grace my wife Thomas and Leonard my sonnes whome I doo make and ordain to be my sole executors of this my last will and testament desiring and willing all my children to be dutiful and loving towards their mother and gude and loving one towards another and my wife to be loving towards my children and I do hereby intreate my loving kinsmen Richard Veale and Thomas Gifferie to be overseers of this my will and to see the same duly performed according to my true intent and meaning and to reconcile such differences in a peacable way if it shall be as shall happen concerning this my will or aniething herein contained and for their pains I give them both three shillings and four pence. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale and published the same in presence of these undernamed - John ffrayne
Witnesses hereunto - T(?) Riche, Gilbert Richard
MEMOR One thousand six hundred and fortie nine that the aforesaid John ffrayne doe by this Codicill give towards the reparation of the Parish Church of Langtree tenne shillings and unto Grace Tome my servant fifteene shillings sterling more than I have above by this will given and bequeathed. In testament whereof I have subscribed my name in presence of John ffrayne.
Richard Veale