
Free Pledges and Court Leet of Lapford Manor 1650-62

With information from British Library manuscript Add. 33319:

'Courtbook of Lapford Manor 1650-62'


Mark Brewer

Question marks indicate indecipherable text. Any other information added by the transcriber is given either in italics or enclosed in square brackets. The aim has been to replicate the original layout; however whereas names are reproduced exactly as given other text is abbreviated and where appropriate translated. Also, where a paragraph contained no names or places, just standard text, or where it merely repeated a name in more standard text, it has been ommitted. Examples of this are the substantial blocks of text following the inheritance of tenure. The original goes into long winded detail of the heriot and of William Lee being the lord etc. in an early legalese - and they all have the same format. The aim has been to capture the essence of the event - those readers who are actually interested in the full account should consult the original.

Frannc Plees & Cur Legal of Lapford Manor dated 1/10/1650

This year is in Latin so names included but detail limited to where understood.

Reeve presents Ser Rogis Moore.
Nichum Searell payment of 30s.
Ricum Reymont, Thomia Harrys, Rico Milford, Barnd Upright, Rob Preiste jun, Thomas Dyer, Petum Dyer, Robtus Hosgood, William Pearse (jur in assias).
Ricum Shaxton payment of 20s.
Eastington & Lapford townes & Fillye Moore 20s payment for road repairs.
3s4d payment Peter Densham & Nichum Searell.
Reeve presents default of Francis Fulford, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Jo: Bury Ar, Jo. Moore, Jo. Notte gen, Jo. Shorte gen & Henry Sydenham Ar.

Petrus Densham tythingman with

Georgius Molland) Johes Bowdon) 
Johes Rudall) Roger Northcotte) 
Ricus Searell)JurWillus Grendon)Jur
Ricus Partridge) Jacobus Partridge) 
#Johis Notte#)    

# denotes crossed out
Georgius Molland genr, John Webber.
Barnardus Upright presented for (infidelitato).
Roger Clement presented to office of Reeve for next year.
Road repairs Lapford town and Eastington.

John KellandRich: CookeNich: Searell
Gilbert PitwoodSymon MooreMich Wreford
Math: DenshamArth: SnellPhus Crispyn
 Phus NottGeo: Rogers

Jury state all is true and present Christopherus Pope & Geo: Rogers to office of gustator (aletasters?) for next year.

Petris Searell & Phus Notte payment 3s4d for repairs between house of Anne Whyte and sheephowse gate.

Franc Plees and Cur Legal Lapford Manor 7th April 1651

This year is in Latin so names included but detail limited to where understood.

Reeve presents default of Francis Fulford, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremaine, Johis Burye Ar, Johis Moore Ar, Johis Nott gen, Johis Shorte gen, Hen Sydenham Ar.

& defm. Maria Neale, Wilmot Bond, Ric. Partridge de Phillegh, Eliz. Partridge,
Johis Bowdon, Petri Dobb, Maria Sowdon, Robt Priste, Ric[ard]i Lee,
Rogi Northcott, Jo: Chollace, Will[elm]i Cooke, Geo: Rudall,
Beniamen Arundell, Jo: Sowdon, Ric[ard]i Densham, Geo: Searell
& Will[elm]i Kelland cust & convent.

& defm. Ric[ard]i Snell, Tho: Snell, Jo: Shaxton, Ric[ard]i Shaxton, Marger Oldrige, Will[elm]i Newcomb, Ric[ard]i Newcombe, Rob[er]ti Rogers, Ric[ard]i Rowdon, Ch[risto]p[he]r Oldrig, Josefe Whyte, Ric[ard]i Tucker, Rob[er]ti Grible, Marger Rudge, Jo: Rowe, Willi[am] Folley, Susan Densham, Ric[ard]i Rowdon, Nath. Lee, Jo. Molland, C[hristo]p[he]r Pope, John Crispyn Jun cust [& Convent]

Tythingman Petris Densham with:-

Ricus Kelland) Geo: Molland) 
Johis Rudall) Geo: Molland Jun) 
Stephns Radford)JurJacobus Partridge)Jur
Ricus Searell) Thomas Kentisbare) 
Roger Clement)    

Reeve presents C[hristo]p[h]ero Lee, Geo: Rogers, Thome Snell, Pi[et]ro Searell & Johi[s] Rudall to witness and investigate the wood and road above Ric[ard]i Kelland and The Nurserye in tenure of Rogeri Clement and to put right.

Geo Molland [has stray animal?] last day August.
Lapford to pay for repairs to church house.
Jasper Ellys to clear road between Lapford towne & Eastington.

Ricum Searell & Ph[illip]us Nott to repair way between Anne Whyte & Petri Densham. Ricus Searell presented for repairs to house on pain of 20s.

Johes Kelland) Nichus Searell) Matt Densham) 
Anthus Snell) Ro. Rogers) Ric Mitford) 
Symo. Moore)JurChrist. Lee)JurWilliam Tolle)Jur
Ric[ard]us Cooke) Ph[illi]us Nott) Mich Wreford) 
   Geo Gribble) Ph[illi]us Crispyn) 

Jury confirm all true and that Johes Webber, Willia[m] Densham, Ric[ard]us Thorne, Jo. Searell, John Preiste are not yet sworn.

Margeria Oldrige to take up her residence on pain of 3s.
Repairs to road between Lapford & Eastington.
Repairs to road between Petri Densham & Anne Whyte.

View of Free Pledge & Law Court held last day of October 1651

Statement regarding heirs of John Moor Esq. to do fealty for lands.
Payment for repair of Church House.
Payment upon Jasper Ellys to clear highway of vegetation.
Payment upon Richard Searell & Philip Nott to repair highway between Peter Denshams house and Anne Whytes.
The Reeve did not distrayne John Webber, Arthur Densham, Richard Thorne, John Searell and Jo: Preiste to be sworn.
Margerye Oldrige payment to repair her house.
Nich Searell payment to repair his house.
Tithing of Lapford to repair road between Lapford and Eastington.
North of parish payment to repair road between Anne Whytes house and sheephouse gate.
Reeve presents default of Sir Frauncys Fulford Kt. The heires of Bower, the heires of Tremayne, Jo: Burye, John Moore, John Notte, Jo: Shorte & Henry Sydenham gent.
Default of Thomas Snell, Geo: Gribble, John Shaxton free tenure
Rich Shaxton, Charitie Kelland, Richard Partridge, Mary Heale, Philippe Crispyn, Wilmot Bond, Ax Partridge, Elianor Chollase, Alice Densham, Jo: Rudall, Anne Whyte, Margery Oldrige, Philip Notte, Richord Snell, Jo: Sowdon, Robert Preiste, Richard Rowdon, Rich: Milford pp M Jone Whyte, John Bowdon, John Rond, John Sowdon, Peter Dobbe, Margaret Rudge, Ro: Gribble, cust and convent tenant made default.

The tithings - Peter Densham desires sworn

George Molland) Steph. Radford) 
Richard Kelland) Roger Clement) 
Rich: Searell)JurRoger Northcott)Jur
James Partridge) Thomas Kentisbeare) 
Geor: Molland) John Chollase) 

Roger Clement named to serve in jury with tything resisted, good of common wealth mentioned.
John Kelland & William Tolleye presented for office of aletasters.
James Partridge to the office of Tythingman.
Willmott Bond to office of Reeveshippe, appointed Richard Densham who is sworn.

Court Baron of Lapford Manor held 23rd February 1651 (1652)

Charity Kelland surrendered to Willyam Lee her late tythe term and rights in Holliewell & Sowdonne in tenure of John Kelland.
John Kelland who holds of William Lee two closes of land called Holliewell and Sowdens Downe for his life, then surrendered this land to Lee to dispose of as he pleases.
Witnesses and signatories to the above were George Molland, Peter Densham, Thomas Snell and Gilb[er]te Pitwood.

View of Free Pledges and Court Leete of the Manor of Lapford 7/4/1652

Alexander Densham son of Susan Densham widow took from William Lee Esq., Lord of the Manor, possession of The Old Halle House late of Roberte Densham, and some land of Susan Densham. Susan Densham retained some rights for her life and some conditions were added in case of the death of Alexander and any woman he may take as wife.
The Reeve did not distraine the heirs of John Moore Esq. to do fealty.
5s payment upon Jasper Ellys to cut foliage from the highway.
Reeve did not distraine John Webber, William Densham, Richard Thorne, John Searell and John Preiste for not coming to be sworn.
20s payment upon Tything of Lapford for road repair between Lapford and Eastington.
Reeve presents default of Thomas, John Shaxton, Richard Shaxton, Marye Hele, Richard Kelland, Wilmot Bond, Eliz: Partridge, Elianor Chollise, Richard Cooke, William Newcombe, Margerye Oldridge, Philip Nott, Gilbt Pitwood, Richord Snell, Rich: Lee, Robt Rogers, Jo: Sowdon, Wm. Tolleye, Ro: Preiste, Rich: Rowdon, Joice Whyte, Susan Densham, Mary Rudge, Geo Rogers.
And Geo: Molland, Will[ia]m Grendon, Ben Arundell, Will[ia]m Kelland, John Chollice, Geo: Searell, John Sowdon.
James Partridge tythingman with:-

George Molland) George Rudall)    
John Rudall) Steph: Radford)    
Rich: Searell)JurRich: Densham)Jur   
Rich: Partridge) Pete Densham)    
Roger Clement) Peter Dobbe)    
Roger Northcott) John Bowdon)    
   Thomas Kentisbeare)    
The Jurye        
John Kelland) Mathewe Densham) Geo: Gribble)Jur
Arth: Snell) Mich Wreford)    
Symon Moore) Richard Milford)    
Richard Cooke)JurGeo: Rogers)Jur   
Nicho: Searell) Philip Crispyn)    
Gilbt Pitwood) John Rowdon)    

John Rudall the elder who has of William Lee Esq. 2 closes of land called Howes close and Woodland with 16 acres in South and West part of Howes close surrendered to Lee the 2 closes on condition that George Rudall his son retains reversion. George Rudall claimed the 2 closes and did his fealty. John Rudall the elder who holds of William Lee Esq. 2 closes called Wester Moore & Middle Downe and tenement called Northlake surrendered same to Lee on condition that George Rudall his son has reversion. George Rudall claimed same and has done his fealty.
Christopher Lee disturbed the court.
Richard Kelland disturbed the court and gave speeches to the stewards.

Free Pledges of Manor of Lapford and Courte Leete 19/10/1652

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq. to do fealty for the lands and tenements he holds.
Reeve likewise did not distrayne John Webber, William Densham, Richard Thorne, John Searell & John Preiste to be sworn.
Payment of 20s remaining upon tything for repair of road between Lapford and Eastington.
Payment of 10s upon tything for highway between Eastington and Robert Preistes house and upon William Cooke to drain the road at Philley Moore.
Richaurd Lee ordered not to go into orchard on pain of 40s fine.
Inquiry into number and value of trees taken by widdow Searell from Lapford wood.
Burnard Upright disturbed court & jury.
Payment of 10s upon Richard Shaxton for repair of his house and Richard Milford to repair his chimney.
Reeve presented default of Francys Fulford Kt, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Jo: Burye Esq, John Moore Esq. Jo: Nott gent, Jo: Short gent & Henry Sydenham Esq.
James Partridge tythingman:-

George Molland) Will Grendon) 
Richard Searell) #Rich: Grendon#) 
Rich: Partridge)JurStephen Radford)Jur
George Rudall) Thomas Kentisbeare) 
William Kelland) Roger Northcotte) 
Roger Clement) Rich Densham) 

Note # denotes crossed out
William Grendon & Thomas Kentisbeare did not attend tything but were sworn. Gilbert Pitwood also.
Susan Densham who holds The Olde Halle House and land surrendered to the Lord land to North of same on condition that Alex Densham her son had reversion. Alex Densham claimed the land.
George Rudall to office of tythingman this year.
Wilmotte Bond widow to present Reeve for year, appointed Richard Densham who is sworn.
Tything to repair way between Fillye Moore and lake beside Jo Bowdens.
John Shaxton to dwell in his tenement and John Webber holds same and tills ground, to reform it or pay 40s.
Jury confirm all is true and present that Alice Densham died since last court so Mathew Densham to be called.
Death of Chrispyan Rowe.
Richard Milford and George Webber to office of aletasters this year.

Court of the Manor of Lapford held 14/2/1652 (1653)

John Shaxton who holds of William Lee Esq. one tenement in Lapford and two cottages surrendered these to Lee in the presence of Gilbert Pitwood, Thomas Snell, Peter Densham, Mathewe Densham, Nicholas Searell.

View of Free Pledges & Courte Leete of the Manor of Lapford 9/4/1653

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq. to pay the Lord his releise and his fealty for the lands and tenements he holds freely.
Also not distrayning Wm Densham, Richard Thorne, John Searell and Jo: Preiste to be sworn.
Payment of 20s on the tything for repair of way between Lapford & Eastington and 6s8d for the way between Filly Moore & lake below Bowdens house.
Reeve presented default of Francys Fulford Kt, the heirs of Bower, the heirs of Tremayn, John Burye Esq, John Moore Esq, John Nott gent, John Shorte gent, Henr Sydenham Esq.
And default of Thomas Snell, Rich: Shaxton, Phillip Crispyn, Arth: Snell, Math Densham, Phillip Notte, Gilbte Pitwood, Richard Snell, Robert Rogers, Jo: Sowdon, Rich: Rowdon, Mich Wreford, Susan Densham, Christofer Pope, John Rowe, Margar Rudge, Robte Gribble, John Gribble Cust and convent.
And default of Wilmotte Bond, Marye Hele, Rich Kelland, Stephen Radford, Eliz Partridge, Elianor Chollice, Peter Densham, Geo Molland, James Partridge, Ro: Northcotte, Robte Preiste, Jo: Bowdon, John Sowdon, Peter Dobbe, Geo Molland Jun, Ben: Arundell, Geo Searell, John Molland, Tho Kentisbeare, Nath Lee, Ph: Crispyn jun, Johan Gribble, Alex Densham.
Tythingman Geo: Rudall with

Rich: Partridge) Wm Grendon) 
Rich: Searell) Wm Kelland)Jur
Roger Clement)JurPeter Densham)his tything
George Molland) Rich: Densham) 
James Partridge)    

Presented on oath Anthony Snell, Gilberte Pitwood & Michaell Wreford who did not serve jury.
John Kelland, Simon Moore, Richard Partridge, James Partridge, Thomas Snell & Roger Clement inquired into whether Michaell Wreford had encroached upon the waste, he was ordered to repair it.

Court of Manor of Lapford 24/1/1653 (1654)

Charitie Kelland who holds of William Lee Esq. for her widdowhood one tenement called Courte Place and several closes surrendered same to Lee to dispose of as he pleased. John Kelland who holds of William Lee Esq. a tenement called Courte Place and several parcels of land surrendered same to Lee to dispose of as he pleased. In the presence of George Gribble, Thomas Snell, William Tolye.

Notes from Lapford Parish Register Transcripts
Charity Kelland buried 25/6/1658

View of Free Pledges & Courte Leete of Manor of Lapford 10/4/1654

Reeve did not distrayne his fealty.
Tythingman Rich: Partridge with

George Molland) George Molland) 
Richard Searell) William Kelland) 
Roger Clemente)JurJohn Chollice)Jur
George Rudall) William Grendon) 
Stephen Radford) Roger Northcotte) 
Thomas Kentisbeare)    

Reeve did not distrayne Rich: Thorne, John Searell & John Preiste to be sworn.
A stray white ewe with a male lamb came into the custody of George Gribble 5th May last.
Payment of 10s on Philip Notte for Bartlett staying at his house in January before Xmas.
Payment of 3s on Philip Notte to repair church path between Rich: Searells house and sheephouse gate.
Special licence granted to Anne Oldrige to live in her cottage and let same during her widdowhood for 16s a year.
Thomas Snell, Richard Searell, Peter Densham & George Gribble looked into a difference between Barnard Upright and Geo: Oldrige and to rectify it.
Christopher Lee who holds of William Lee Esq. one cottage in Lapford surrendered to Lee a house called the Easter House and a yard of land to the east of the herb garden on condition that Nathanyell Lee his son may have the reversion. Nath Lee claimed Easter House and plot of garden and has done his fealty.

William Newcombe) Michael Wreford) 
Robtus Shobrooke) Arthur Molland) 
Simon Moore) Johes Rowe) 
Anthonius Snell)JurJohes Sowdon)Jur
Gilbtus Pitwood) Willus Tollye) 
Georgius Callard) Richard Tucker) 

Jury confirm all is true and present Gilbtus Pitwood to repair his dwelling.
John Gibbyns has stable decaying due to lack of covering, given a day to repair it.

Notes from Lapford Parish Register Transcripts
Christopher Lee buried 16/5/1654

View of Free Pledges and Courte Leete of Manor of Lapford 9/10/1654

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq. to do fealty for lands and tenements.
Reeve did not distrayne Rich: Thorne, John Searle & John Preiste for not attending.
A stray white ewe and lamb came into the custody of George Molland on 24th June last, if not claimed in twelve months they are surrendered.
Payment of 10s upon Philip Notte for Elizabeth Bartlet staying at his house.
Payment of 20s upon Phillip Notte for repair of church path between Richard Searles house and sheephouse gate.
Payment of 3s4d apiece to John Chollice, Thomas Kentisbeare & Roger Northcotte to repair Gertwell.
Payment of 6s on Lapford for highway between Lapford town & Churchinge Ford.
Payment of 10s on Anne Olden to repair her chimney in the tenure of Rich: Milford.
Payment of 10s upon town of Lapford to repair middle bridge at Lapford.
Reeve presents default of Sir Francis Fulford Kt, the heirs of Bower, the heirs of Tremayne, John Burye Esq, John Moore Esq, John Nott & John Shorte gent & Henry Sydenham Esq.
And default of Thomas Snell, Richard Shaxton, Arth Snell, Wm. Newcombe, Anne Whyte, Margery Oldrige, Phillip Notte, Gilbert Pitwood, Rich: Snell wid, Jo: Sowdon, Will[ia]m Tollye, Richard Rowdon, Richard Tooker, Michaell Wreford, Geo: Collard, Susan Densham, Christopher Pope, John Rowe, Margarett Rudge, Robte Gribble cust & convent.
Richard Partridge tythingman did not appear at court.
Default of Wilmotte Bond, Rich: Partridge, Marye Hele, Rich: Kelland, Stephen Radford, Elyanor Chollice, Roger Northcotte, Robte Preiste, Marye Searell, Jo Bowdon, John Sowdon, Peter Dobbe within the tything Rich: Densham, Will[ia]m Grendon, Beniamen Arundell, John Molland, Phillip Crispyn, Alex Densham.
Tythingman Richard Partridge with

George Molland) Thomas Kentisbeare) 
Richard Searell) Geo: Searell) 
Roger Clement)JurPeter Densham)Jur
Geo: Rudall) Stephen Radford) 
Will[ia]m Cooke) Geo: Molland jnr) 
Willyam Kelland)    

Special licence granted to (name blank) to live in her cottage and let same.
The Jury

Roberte Shobrooke) George Collard) 
Thomas Snell) Willus Tollye) 
Simon Moore) John Sowdon) 
Anthony Snell)JurJohn Rowe)Jur
Nicholas Searell) Richard Tucker) 
Michaell Wreford) George Rogers) 
Arthur Molland) Mathew Densham) 

Jury confirmed truth and that Frances the wife of George Kentisbeare is a common hedge breaker to the common damage.
And that Gilbert Pitwoods barn is yet in decay awaiting covering and he has a day to repair it.
Acknowledged by Wm. Newcombe that he has sold to Roberte Shorte & Thomas Rowcliffe the wood called The Middle Wood. Payment to be 4/8/1656 witnessed by Wm. Newcombe, Tho Kentisbeare, George Molland.
One stray white sheep in custody of William Grendon 15th June last.

View of Free Pledges and Courte Leete of Manor of Lapford 1/5/1655.

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq. to do fealty.
Reeve did not distrayne Rich Thorne, John Searell & John Preiste for not attending to be sworn.
Payment of 20s to Phillip Notte to repair his chimney.
Payment of 3s4d to Phillip Notte to repair church path between Richard Searells house and sheephouse gate.
Payment of 3s upon Jo: Chollice, Thomas Kentisbeare & Roger Northcotte to repair Gertwell.
Payment of 5s upon the villages of Eastington & Coblye to repair gate between them.
Payment of 10s upon Margery Ouldinge to repair her chimney.
Reeve presents default of Sir Fr Fulford Kt, the heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, John Burye Esq, John Moore Esq, John Notte gent, John Short gent & Herye Sydenham Esq free tenants.
And default of Rich: Shaxton, Ph: Crispyn, Arth Snell, Willyam Newcombe, Rich: Searell, Phillip Notte, Gilbert Pitwood, Richard Snell, Margaret Gibbons, Rich: Rowdon, Rich: Milford, Johan Lee widdow, Michaell Wreford, George Collard, Christopher Pope, Margaret Rudge, Robte Gribble, Johan? Gribble, Barnard Upright.
The default of Wilmote Bond, Marye Heale, Rich Kelland, Elyanor Chollice, James Partridge, Roger Northcotte, Roberte Preiste, Marye Searell, John Bowdon, John Sowdon, Rich: Densham, Wm. Grendon, Beniamyn Arundell, John Chollice, George Searell.
And default of John Molland, Ph: Crispyn, Alex Densham.
The tythingman there

Roger Clement) Will[ia]m Kelland) 
Geo: Rudall) Thomas Kentisbeare)sworn
Geo: Molland)swornPeter Densham) 
Stephen Radford)    
Anthony Reed)    

One white ram hogge in custody of Thomas Kentisbeare 8th Sept.
Mary Sowdon suffers her chimney and Peter Densham suffers his Wester House to be in decay for want of covering, they have a day to repair.
The Jury

Symon Moore) Willyam Tolye) 
Gilbert Pitwood) Geo: Rogers) 
Nicholas Searell)swornNath: Lee)sworn
Math: Densham) Richard Tucker) 
Geo: Callard) Christofer Reed) 
Arth: Molland) Barnard Upright) 

Jury presents that Geo: Gribble who has of the lord since last court one swine hogge the best beast as fine.
And Susan Densham who holds of the lord a house and garden since the last court died and Alexander Densham is next tennent.
Robert Shobrooke, Anthony Snell, Ph. Grisham, Michael Wreford, Rich: Milford did not appear to serve in the jury.
And Bernard Upright is a common hedge breaker.

Notes from Lapford Parish Register Transcripts
Susan Densham buried 2/4/1655

The view of the Free Pledges and Courte Leete of the Manor of Lapford 1/9/1655

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq to do his fealty.
Reeve did not distrayne Rich. Thorne, John Searell & John Preiste for not coming to be sworn.
Payment of 20s upon Phillip Notte to repair his chimney.
Payment of 3s upon John Chollice, Thomas Kentisbeare & Roger Northcotte to repair Grettewell.
Payment of 5s upon villages of Eastington & Coblye to repair gate between them.
Payment of 6s upon Peter Dobbe to repair his Wester House.
Reeve did not distrayne Bernard Upright to answer for being a common hedge breaker.
A white ram hogg stray in custody of Thomas Kentisbeare 10th Sept last, if not claimed in twelve months is surrendered.
A white weather stray in custody of Wm Grendon.
Reeve presents default of Francis Fulford, heirs of Bower, John Moore Esq, heirs of Tremayne, John Burye Esq, Jo: Notte gent, John Shorte gent & Henrye Sydenham Esq.
& default of Robte Shobrooke, Tho: Snell, Rich Shaxton, Phillip Crispyn, Anth. Snell, Symon Moore, Gilberte Pitwood, Rich Snell, Margarette Gibbons, Rich Rowdon, Rich Milford, Rich: Tucker, Mich Wreford, Geo Callard, Christopher Pope, Jo: Rowe, Margar Rudge, Robert Gribble, Johan Gribble, Anne Oldrige, Barnard Upright custom and convent -.
Tythingman presents default of Wilmotte Bond, Marye Hele, Richard Kelland, Elyanor Challace, Rich: Searell, Geo: Rudall, James Partridge, Roger Northcotte, Thomas Kentisbeare, Ro Preeste, Marye Searell, John Sowdon within tything for not appearing at court.
& Geo: Molland, Rich: Densham, Wm. Grendon, Beniamyn Arundell, Philliu Kelland, Jo. Chollice, Geo Searell, Jo Molland, Nath: Lee, Ph: Crispyn jun, Alex Densham.
Tythingman Richard Partridge with

Geo: Molland) Anthonye Reed) 
Rich Searell) John Bowdon) 
Roger Clement)swornPeter Dobbe)sworn
Peter Densham) James Partridge) 
Stephen Radford) Will[ia]m Kelland) 
Geo: Rudall)    

George Molland, Richard Searell, Robert Shobrooke, Richard Partridge & James Partridge to investigate Lapford wood and check damage to coppice and who by, how hedges are repaired and if William Newcombe has felled any hedges, given a day to check and report to steward.
Richard Milford & Mathewe Densham did not serve jury.
Anthony Reed presented to office of Reeve this year following.
Marye Heale to appoint a Reeve for this year following.
The Jury

Robtus Shobrooke) Arthur Molland) 
Simon Moore) John Rowe) 
Anthus Snell) John Sowden) 
Nich: Searell)swornWill[ia]m Tollye)sworn
Gilbert Pitwood) Richard Tucker) 
George Collard) George Rogers) 
Michaell Wreford) Mathew Densham) 

Jury presented all to be true and that the bridge between Lapford and Morchard is decayed and to be repaired by tything on payment of 48s.

View of the Free Pledges and Courte Leete of the Manor of Lapford held 22/4/1656

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq to do fealty.
20s payment upon Phillip Nott and Mary Sowdon to repair their chimneys.
3s payment upon John Chollice, Thomas Kentisbeare and Roger Northcotte to repair gerte well, Gilbert Pitwoods barn in walls, Rich Tuckers house in walls and covering and John Gibbings stable.
Payment of 5s on villages of Eastington & Coblye to repair gate between them.
Payment of 5s8d upon Peter Dobbe to repair his Wester House in coverings.
Baylife did not distrayne Barnard Upright and Frannces wife of George Kentisbeare to answer for being hedgebreakers.
Reeve presents default of Fr Fulford knight, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, John Burye Esq, John Moore Esq, John Notte gent, John Shorte, Henrye Sydenham Esq.
& default of Wilmotte Bond, Rich Partridge, Marye Hele, Richard Kelland, Elianor Chollice, James Partridge, Roger Northcot, Tho: Kentisbeare, Marye Searell, Jo: Bowdon, John Bowdon, Peter Dobbe, Geo: Molland jun, Rich: Densham, Willia Grendon, Ben Arundell & Geo Searell resident in tything.
& default of Robert Shobrooke, Tho: Snell, Richard Shaxton, Anne Whyte, Ph: Notte, Rich: Snell, Mag Gibbons, John Sowdon, Rich: Rowdon, Johan Lee, Michaell Wreyford, Geo: Collard, Christopher Pitwood, M. Rudge, Robte, Johan Gribble, Anne Oldrige, John Molland, Ph Crispyn & Alex Densham cust & convent.
Tythingman Anthonye Reed with

Geo: Molland)Stephen Radford
Richard Searell)Richard Partridge
Roger Clement) 
Willia Collard) 
John Chollice) 
Geo: Rudall) 

The tythingman presents one white weather sheep stray in custody of Richard Partridge at Philleye 28 September last.
& that Anthony Reed to present office of Tythingman for the year following.
& that Roger Clement to present the office of Reeve for the year following.
& that John Chollice suffers his soil to lay in the highway to common detriment and is to have a day to remove it on pain of 20s.
The jury

Robtus Shobrooke)sArthur Molland)s
Simon Moore)wGeorge Rogers)w
Antho: Snell)oRichard Milford)o
Nicholas Searell)rGeorge Collard)r
Math: Densham)nJohn Rowe)n
Gilbert Pitwood) Michaell Wreyford) 
Willm Tollye) Christopher Pope) 
Nath: Lee)    

Jury presents all is true and that Gilbert Pitwood and John Rowe to present office of aletasters for this year following and are sworn.
& Richard Tucker suffers his house to decay for want of covering & hath a day to repair on pain of 20s.

The view of the Free Pledges and Courte Leete of the Manor of Lapford held 13/8/1656

Reeve did not distrayne Jo: Moore Esq to do fealty.
Payment of 3s4d upon John Chollice, Tho: Kentisbeare & Roger Northcotte for Gertewell, & Gilberte Pitwood for barn walls & covering & Ric Tucker for Little House walls and covering, & Jo: Gibbyns for his stable.
Payment of 5s upon tything of Eastington & Cobly to repair gate between them.
Bayliffe did not distrayne Barnard Upright & Fraunces wife of George Kentisbeare to answer a presentment of being hedge breakers.
Reeve presents default of Sr Fr Fulford Kt, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Jo. Burye Esq, Jo. Moore Esq, Jo: Nott gent, Jo: shorte & Henry Syddenham Esq.
& default of Thomas Snell, Rich: Shaxton, Phillip Crispyn, Antho. Snell, Phillip Notte, Margaret Gibbons, Rich: Snell wid, John Sowdon, Rich: Rowdon, Richard Milford, Rich: Tucker, Geo: Callard, Christopher Pope, Robte Gribble, Geo: Rogers, Johan Gribble, Anne Oldrige cust & convent.
& the default of Wilmotte Bond, Rich: Partridge, Mary Hele, Rich: Kelland, Elianor Chollice, Geo: Rudall, Geo: Molland, James Partridge, Marye Searell, John Bowdon, Jo: Sowdon, Peeter Dobbe cust & convent.
The tythingman Anthonye Reed with

Stephen Radford) Richard Searell)
Roger Clement)swornRoger Northcotte)
Thomas Kentisbeare) Geo: Molland)
   William Kelland)
   Geo: Searell)

George Molland, Richard Partridge, Richard Searell, Gilbert Pitwood & Richard Cooke to investigate difference between James Partridge & William Newcombe over highway to Lapford wood, agreed that James Partridge take benefit of way from his home to the poole, and William Newcombe the other part.
Thomas Milford took of William Lee Esq. the reversion of one tenement or cottage now in tenure of Robert Preiste for life.
Robert Preiste who holds of William Lee Esq. one tenement or cottage in Lapford did surrender to Lee land called the Peece Land and also land to the north end of the said cottage or tenement some twenty foot in length and breadth. Thomas Milford claimed the said land and has done his fealty.

View of Free Pledges and Courte Leete of Manor of Lapford 5/10/1657

Reeve did not distrayne John Moore Esq. to do his fealty.
Payment of 3s4d upon John Chollice, Thomas Kentisbeare and Roger Northcotte to repair Gretewell, Richard Tucker to repair his house walls and covering, and John Gibbons to repair his stable.
Reeve presents default of Francys Fulford Kt, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, John Berrye Esq, John Moore Esq, John Notte gent, John Shorte gent and Henr[y] Sydenham Esq.
Reeve did not distrayne Barnard Upright & Frances the wife of George Kentisbeare to answer for being hedge breakers and stealers of wood.
Tythingman presents testament of Wilmot Bond, Marye Hele, Elyinor Chollice, Geo: Rudall, Geo: Molland, Roger Northcotte, Tho: Kentisbeare, Jo: Bowdon, John Sowdon, Peter Dobbe custom and convent within the tything who have made default.
& default of Roberte Shobrooke, Thomas Snell, Rich: Shaxton, Philip Crispin, Anth Snell, Will Newcombe, Philip Notte, Richard Snell, Margaret Gibbons, Jo: Sowdon, Rich. Rowdon, Rich: Tucker, Geo Callard, Christopher Pope, Roberte Gribble, Barnard Upright cust & convent.
Tythingman Anthonye Reed with

Rich: Partridge) James Partridge)    
Richard Grendon) George Rudall)sworn   
Roger Clement)sworn      
Richard Searell)       
The jury        
Simon Moore)sRichard Milford)sMichael Wreyford)s
Richard Grendon)wJohn Rowe)wWm Newcombe)w
Mathew Densham)oWilliam Tollye)oNathan Lee)o
Nich: Searell)rGeorge Rogers)rGeorge Oldrige)r
Arthur Molland)n  n  n

Roberte Shobrooke, Anthonye Snell, Gilbert Pitwood, George Collard, Christopher Pope, John Sowdon did not serve jury.
Tything present Mari Heale to appoint a man to office of tythingman the year following.
& Elianor Chollice to present a man for office of Reeve for the year following.
& Richard Kelland who holds of the lord one tenement in Eastington, and upon whose death two oxen are payable to the lord, Thomasine Kelland his widow is admitted and has done her fealty.
Jury affirm things presented to be true and that William Newcombe the younger and George Oldrige be appointed to office of aletasters for the year following.
Phus Nott suffers his house to be in decay and to repair by January next on pain of 20s.
John Gibbins suffers his boundary hedge with Johan Lees to be in decay and is to repair by December on payne of 3s.

Notes from Lapford Parish Register Transcripts
Richard Kelland buried 21/3/1657

No title or date

This sheet appears on the front of a sheet with Courte Leete of 1660 on reverse, so is likely to be next before that. Difficult to date since burial of Peter Dobbe not in Lapford Parish Register Transcripts.

Payment of 10s upon George Rogers to repair his dwelling in coverings and has not done, therefore a new due given to repair on payne of 15s.
Tythingman presents that one white ewe stray is in custody of William Cooke since last day of November last.
One white ewe stray in custody of Thomas Snell first day of April last. The jury

Roberte Shobrooke)sGilbert Pitwood) s
Anthonye Snell)wGeorge Callard) w
Symon Moore)oMichaell Wreford) o
Nicholas Searell)rRich: Milford) r
Arthur Molland)nWilliam Tollye) n
Mathewe Densham) Geo: Oldrige)
   Nath: Lee)

Jury presents that all is true and that Wilmott Bond is to present a man for office of tythingman and named Richard Partridge who is sworn.
& Thomasine Kelland to present office of Reeve named William Kelland who is sworn.
& Peter Dobbe who holds of the lord one cottage died since last court and for a heriot of 5s Dennes his wife is next tennant for her widowhood is admitted and has done her fealty.
& Jane Densham is commanded to dwell in her tenament by Cristtide next on pain of 5s.
Thomas Snell, Richard Cooke and Geo: Rogers are absent from jury and in default.

Frank Pledge and Courte Leete of Lapford 9th Oct (12) Charles II (1660)

This year is in Latin so names included but detail limited to where understood. The latin text states inovesimo which is taken to be the first year of the reign, which corresponds to the position of the sheet in the binding. The presence of Anthony Reed puts it before 1663, and the presence of King Charles puts it after 1659.

Johem Moore Ar
Payment 15s George Oldrige
Payment 15s George Rogers
Animal in custody of William Cooke since November last if not claimed is forfeit.
Geo: Snell has custody of animal since first April last & if not claimed is forfeit.
Payment of 5s Jana Tucker, Janam Densham.
Presentation of default of Fr Fulford, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Jo: Burye Esq, Jo: Moore Esq, John Notte gent, Jo: Shorte gent & Henr Sydenham.
And Richard Partridge did not serve jury.
Default of Wilmot Bond, Marie Hele, Thomasin Kelland, Elianor Challice, Geo: Molland, Roger Northcotte, Thomas Kentisbeare, Tho: Milford, Jo: Bowdon & Dennes Dobbe cust & convent.
And default of Geo: Molland jun, Jo: Chollice, Beniamyn Arundell, Ric Densham & Geo: Searell tenure in reversion.
Default of Thomas Snell, Arth: Molland, Ric: Shaxton, Phi Crispyn, Anne Whyte, Ph: Notte, Gilbti Pitwood, Rich: Rowdon, Ric Tucker, Geo Callard, Alex Densham, Roberte Gribble, Geo Rogers, Johan Gribble, Anne Oldrige, Inrant? Rowdon, Marye Rewe, Phillis Crispyn jun, Jo: Molland.
Ricus Partridge tithingman with

Ricus Searell) sSteph: Radford) sGeo: Molland
Geo: Rudall) wWill: Cooke) wTho: Kentisbeare
Roger Clement) oWill: Kelland) o 
Anth Reed) rnJohn Sowdon) rn 
The jury    
Thomas Snell) sGilbtus Pitwood) s 
Robtus Shobrooke) wMathias Densham) w 
Simon Moore) oMichaell Wreyford) o 
Anthus Snell) rRichard Milford) r 
Nicholas Searell) nWillus Tollye) n 
Ricus Grendon)Geo: Oldrige) 
Jacobus Partridge)Johes Roe) 

Wilmot Bond to present a man to office of tythingman for next year. Ricum Partridge is sworn.
Thomas Kentisbeare presented office of Reeve for next year.
Anthonius Snell jun son of Arth Snell sen who holds of Willo Lee gent reversion of tennancy, Anthony Snell sen surrenders same, Anthony Snell jun pays heriot and is presented as next tennant.
Maria Sowdon who has cottage in Lapford paid heriot of 5s10d.
George Dobbe took of William Lee Esq. one cottage called The Forches formerly of Peter Dobbe his father and now in possession of John Densham after death or surrender of John Densham on payment of heriot.

Franc Plee and Cur Legal of Lapford 6th Oct 13 Charles II (1661)

This year is in Latin so names included but detail limited to where understood. The year is given as Anno regni dm .... decimo tercio.

Reeve did not distrayne Johem Moore Ar.
Payment 20s upon George Oldrige to repair house.
Payment 20s upon George Rogers to repair residence.
Payment 10s upon Philipus Notte to repair a building.
Reeve presents default of Fr Fulford, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Johes Burye Ar, Jo: Moore Ar, Johes Notte gen, Johis Shorte gen & Henry Sydenham Ar.
And presents default of Wilmot Bond, Marye Hele, Elianor Chollice, Geo: Rudall, Geo: Molland, Thomas Milford, John Bowdon, Johis Sowdon cust & convent.
And George Molland jun, Willi Kelland, Johis Chollice, Beniamin Arundell, Willi Cooke, Rici Densham & Geo: Searell tennent in reverco. In Homage.
And defect of Robti Shobrooke, Thome Snell, Arth Molland, Richardi Shaxton, Phip Crispyn, Marie Newcombe, Anne Whyte, Phi[lli]pi Notte, Gilbti Pitwood, Johe Gribble, Christopher Stoneman, Johes Sowdon, Will Tolley, Rici Rowdon, Rich: Milford, Johe Lee, Mich: Wreyford, Alex Densham, Margaret Rudge, Ro: Gribble, Johe Gribble, Anne Oldrige, Oricant? Rowdon, Marye Rowe, Phi[lli]pe Crispyn, Jo: Molland, Nath Lee cust & convent.
Tythingman Richardus Partridge with

Stephus Radford) sRoger Northcott)
Anthus Reed) wJohes Densham) sworn
Jacobus Partridge) o  
Johes Chollice) r  
Rogis Clement) n  
The jury   
Thomas Snell) sGilbtus Pitwood) s
Robertus Shobrooke) wJohes Rowe) w
Anthus Snell) oRicus Tucker) o
Simon Moore) rGeorgius Oulden) r
Nicholas Searell) nThomas Rudge) n
Ricus Cooke)Christopher Pope)
Math: Densham)  

Reeve presents Georgius Molland Sen to office of tythingman for next year. And Anthus Reed to office of Reeve for next year.
Mathew Densham & Johes Rowe to office of (aletasters?) for next year.
And Arthur Molland, Ricus Milford did not serve jury.

Franc Pleg & Cur Legal for Manor of Lapford 7th Oct 14 Charles II 1662

This year is in Latin so names included but detail limited to where understood. It is also damaged and the ??? are holes.

Reeve presents default of Franc Fulford, heirs of Bower, heirs of Tremayne, Johes Burye, Johis M???, Jo: Nott gent, Johes Short gent, Henry Sydenham Ar.
& defect George Molland sen.
& defm. Wilmot Bond, Rici Partridge, Marie Hele, Willi Kelland, Anth Reed, Elianor Chollice, Jane Tucker, George Molland, Roger Northcotte, Thomas Kentisbeare, Thomas Milford, Johis Bo???, Beniamin Arundell, Willi Cooke, Rici Densham, Geo: Searell cust & convent.
& defm. Robte Shobrooke, Tho: Snell, Arth: Molland, Rici Shaxton, Ph: Crispyn, Arth: Snell, Johan Gribble, Christopher Stoneman, Ro: Rogers, John Sowdon, Willi Tollye, Richard Rowdon, Rich: Milford, Rich: Tucker, Geo: Callard, Alex Densham, Christopher Pope, Mary Rudge, Ro: Gribble, Geo Rogers, Johe Gribble, Anne Oldrige ten in pos: Durant Rowdon, Phii Crispyn jun, Johis Molland cust & convent.
The tythingman

Ricus Partridge)Rogerus Ch????   
Ricus Searell)Willus C?????   
Stephanis Radford) swornGeo: Molland   
Georgius Rudall)    
The jury     
Robtus Shobrooke) sRicus Tucker) sJacobus Partridge) s
Nichus Searell) wMichaell Wreyford) wNathan Lee) w
Ricus Cooke) oJohes Rowe) oArthur Molland) o
Gilbtus Pitwood) rGeorgius Olden) r ) r
Mathew Densham) nWillius Tollye) n ) n

Thomas Snell, Anthus Snell, Georgius Callard, Christopherus Pope were not sworn.
The tythingman presents Thomas Kentisbeare to office of tythingman for next year.
& Anthus Reed presents office of Reeve to Roger Clement for next year.
Johes Chollys in matter concerning road from Lapford town to Churchford Bridge.
Humfridus Sowdon son of Johis Sowdon who holds of Willo Lee Ar a cottage called Lyttle Hole and two acres of land next to it, Humfridi next tennent on payment of heriot.
Johes Snell son of Nichi Snell who holds of Willo Lee a cottage & tenement called Clarkenparke Johes Snell next tennent on payment of heriot.
Jacobus Partridge & Phipus N??? to office of aletasters for next year.
And Ricus Cooke required to make repairs.
And repairs to way between Churchford Lake & Eastington.
Nichus Searell who holds of Willo Lee a cottage called Clarkenparke to surrender same on condition that his son Johes Searell gets reversion.

Notes from Lapford Parish Register
Anthony Reed buried 15/10/1662
Thomas Snell gent buried 18/6/1663