
Salcombe Harbour Remembered

Plymouth: P.D.S. Printers (1982) 40p: ill.


Index prepared by Nicki Thomas, Auckland, NZ


Surname First Name Date Notes Page
Ball Edward earliest recorded ferryman 10
Ball & family John up to 1838 operated southernmost of the shipbuilding yards in Salcombe 12
Bond William wearing a boater 22*
Bonker William 1826-1868 took over yard from Hatch in partnership with William Bonker 13
Bonker William 1868 declared bankrupt 13
Bull R crew "Lord Devon" 15
Canham Jim 1911-16 operated motor ferry boat until drowned 10*
Chant Joseph up to 1954 took over from his father Philip until his death, yard then sold to
Salcombe Hotel
Chant Philip Edwin took over from his father William 13
Chant William early 1880's bought yard from William Date, built and repaired small craft 13
Clarke Ben ferryman 10*
Cleveland Duchess of 1881 paid for restoration of parish church 29
Cleveland Duke of 1879 when the Dowager Duchess died, found estate of Portlemouth in
need of being rebuilt. Demolished many houses & evicted
tenants instead
Cook Ashley 1906 14*
Cook Florence 1906 14*
Cook Harry 1889 took over second part of Evans' yard for pleasure boat hire 13 & 14
Cousins Thomas had a pump & blockmaker's workshop 16
Cove Edgar 1901 apprentice to Aaron Dornom snr 14*
Cove Edgar 1909 boatbuilding yard at Shadycombe creek, extended 1920 to
Island Quay
Cranch Alfred carpenter & undertaker, used 1st floor of Balkwill's store 16
Cranch J P carpenter & undertaker, used 1st floor of Balkwill's store 16
Date William 1847 took over yard from Henry Martin & built 74 vessels before yard
Date William 1869 built "Apphia" 23
Date William 1877 bought James Vivian's yard at his death 13
Date William 1880 built and had shares in "Effort" 22
de la Pola Lord Nicholas reign of Henry I South Pool named after him 25
Distin manned last rowing ferry for 1d return fare 10*
Distin 1887 took over Harnden's yard as a salvage/wrecker storage depot 18
Dormon Wilfred 1901 apprentice to Aaron Dornom snr 14*
Dornom Sidney took over from father Aaron snr 13
Dornom Wilfred took over from father Aaron snr 13
Dornom jnr Aaron took over from father Aaron snr 13
Dornom jnr Aaron 1906 14*
Dornom snr Aaron 1889 moved from Feofee Quay to part of Evans yard 13
Dornom snr Aaron 1901 with his apprentices 14*
Elliott erected a room used as a school & Methodist preaching place 16
Elliott c1800 reclaimed a portion of the foreshore & made a quay 16
Evans Joseph 1878 launched last vessel, "Creole", built for R H Sladen of Salcombe 13
Evans jnr John 1848 enlarged the yard by reclaiming foreshore 13
Evans snr John 1815 operated Council Quay boatyard, prosperous for 3 generations 13
Foale Mrs R 1870 launched "Malborough" built by Vivian 21
Foale Robert pilot 15*
Froude J A 1880 historian, brought evicted Portlemouth residents' plight to public
George Steer & Sons 1871 built the Pier at Salcombe 9
Gillard Caleb 1879 mate of "Brizo" 12
Grant Henry corn merchant. Had shares in "Effort" 22
Hannaford E crew "Lord Devon" 15
Hannaford William 1879 A.B., "Brizo" 12
Hannaford William S Butcher. Had shares in "Effort" 22
Harnden 1887 launched "Pearl", last trading vessel built at Salcombe 18
Harnden Henry 1868-70 took over Bonker's yard, partnership declared bankrupt 1870 13
Harnden John built the fishpond to store live fish, unsuccessfully 18
Hatch Thomas up to 1825 operated shipbuilding yard in Salcombe 13
Heath Fred 1901 apprentice to Aaron Dornom snr 14*
Ingram Mrs Ann 1842 earliest known licensee of the Commercial Inn 8
Johnson Weymouth 1901 apprentice to Aaron Dornom snr 14*
Jordain John 1837 timber yard for housebuilding, converted to shipyard 23
Lapthorn Edison Master mariner & captain, had shares in "Effort". Wearing peak
cap with bobble
Lapthorn Sidney 1906 boatman 14*
Leaman W H Captain "Lord Devon" 15
Lidstone John Sailmaker. Had shares in "Effort" 22
MacDonald S I 1930's breached the reclaimed embankment at South Pool Creek to
build a yacht basin
Martin Henry 1846 took over yard from Joh Jordain 23
Murch Aaron 1879 O.S., "Brizo" 12
Murch Frederic 1901 apprentice to Aaron Dornom snr 14*
Murch John 1879 cook/steward, "Brizo" 12
Murch Thomas 1848 hauled 176 cartloads of rubble to reclaim foreshore for John Evans 13
Partridge Thomas 1827 sailmaker, had sail loft built which later became Reeves timer store
then Cook's boatstore
Patey J H 1860-70 operated southernmost shipbuilding yard in Salcombe 12
Patey William pump & blockmaker's workshop 12
Pepperel Roger 1879 bosun, "Brizo" 12
Pepperell Alban 1880's-1906 took over smithy from Samuel Wills 15
Pepperell Alban 1906 shipsmith 14*
Pepperell Edward 1840-60 operated southernmost shipbuilding yard in Salcombe 12
Pepperell John 1879 O.S., "Brizo" 12
Peterson F 1879 O.S., "Brizo" 12
Putt Jimmy coachman for Dr Vincent Twining 28
Quick E sculling off Lambury Point 3*
Rich Thomas Ropemaker. Had shares in "Effort" 22
Ryder Commander S W 1911 bought ferry rights & introduced a motor ferry boat "King George V" 10
Ryder Commander S W 1911 built the ferry shelter at Portlemouth 28
Saunders A 1845 millwright & engineer, built Charleton Bridge 24
Saunders T 1878 took over Evans yard, built only 2 vessels - "Lucy" & "Lord
Stone Edwin (Ned) c1900 watches his grandchildren play in crab pots 30*
Stone Jim 1935 had boathouse at Long Park, took over Giles' coal store after
1945 for a boatyard
Taylor Peter to 1981 used Dormon boatyard for some years before luxury flats were
Teague T A 1900's blacksmith, designed & made harbour lights to replace those made to commemorate Queen Victoria's Jubilee 9
Thomas William John Shipowner. Had shares in "Effort" 22
Thorning William sail loft pictured 19
Trute Nicholas proprietor of a sail loft, with 4 journeymen & 2 apprentices 12*
Twining Dr Vincent used flat bottomed horse & cattle ferry to cross the harbour to visit
patients in Portlemouth
Vivian James 1826-29 took over yard from Hatch in partnership with James Vivian 13
Vivian James 1828-77 opened new yard next to partnership yard 13
Vivian James 1877 last ship he built was "Brizo" for Balkwill & co of Kingsbridge 12
Vivian James 1877 died during construction of last vessel, "Brizo" 13
Way W T crew "Lord Devon" 15
Weymouth "Chummy" ferryman 10
Weymouth William 1870 master of "Malborough" 21
Whiddon George 1868-70 took over Bonker's yard, partnership declared bankrupt 1870 13
Wills Samuel 1851 owned forge pictured 15
Yabsley William Lamble 1900's agricultural engineer, designed & constructed water powered
engineering plant & saw mill, his own design
Yelland W W crew "Lord Devon" 15