Will of Amye Drake, Widow of Musbury
Proved 9 February 1579
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/61/92, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Kathleen Noye
In the name of God Amen I Amye Drake of Musberye in the Countie of Devon Widdowe the Eight daye of October in the yeare of our lord god A Thousande fiue hundred threscoare and Seaventene doe make this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge ffirst I giue and bequeath my soule vnto Almightie god the father of heaven of whome I receyved it and Redemption of the same sole only by the death and passion of his onlie sonne Jesus Christe sufferinge on the Crosse death and passion , and there makinge his oblacon once for all by whose death and passion only and by no work[es], mearitt[es] or meanes of my self or anie other I am made free and deliu[er]ed from sinne, the bondage of the devill and of eu[er]lasting deathe / and this I profess to be my faith and the onlye salvacon of my soule / my bodie I will to be buried in the parishe church of Musbery / Item I giue and bequeath vnto my eldest sonne Barnarde Drake Esquier my best silu[er] goblett / Item I giue and bequeath vnto his eldest sonne John Drake all the furniture in the brode Chamber / I giue also vnto the saide John Drake one paire of my best Sheet[es], a paire of my best pillowbers , one of my Dray bourde Cloathes, A Diaper Towell, a Cupboarde Cloath of Diaper and all such furnit[ure] as is in my parlor at the time of my death / Also I giue him fiue [5] of my greatest silu[er] Spoones my litle silu[er] Saulte my greatest brason [brazen] Crock , one of my greatest broches , a paire of Andirons , twoe iron Crocks one ffurnace and all the browninge vessels and fatte belonginge to the same Item I giue and bequeath to Hugh Drake one fetherbed holit [?] performed [complete with bedding] / Item I giue and bequeath vnto Margarett Drake Three silu[er] Spoones and one brason Crock [In margin: {Item I giue and bequeath vnto Ellen Drake three silu[er] spoones and one brason crock} And whereas I haue put my Cosin Crokehorne in Truste for the receipte of Threscore and Tenne poundes w[hi]ch my sonne Richarde Drake standeth bounde vnto him for the payment thereof , my will is that the saide somme of Threscoare and Tenne pound[es] shall remaine in the hand[es] of my saide sonne Richarde Drake to be paide vnto Marye Drake daughter of the foresaide Barnard Drake at the daye of her marriage towardes her preferment in marriage Provided allways yf it happen the saide Marie Drake to die or decease before her saide daye of marriage / Then I will that her saide legacie and porcon shall wholie remaine vnto my saide sonne Richarde Drake The one moyetie or halfendeale of the reasidue of all my good[es] , Chattells and debt[es] before not given nor bequeathed , as well moueables as vnmoueables my Debtes and legacies performed and paide I giue and bequeath vnto Robert Drake my sonne to the use of Gartrude Drake and Barnarde Drake his children to be deliu[er]ed vnto them at the dayes of theire marriages, or ells at theire seu[er]all ages of Twentie years / But if it happen that they or eyther of them die or decease before the saide Daye of theire marriages, or ells they come to the age of Twentie yeares : Then I will that the legacie or porcon of her or him so dienge shall holye remaine vnto the rest of the Children of the saide Robert Drake, equally to be devided amongst them / The other moyetie or halfendeale of all my good[es], Cattels, and Debtes before not given nor bequeathed as well moveables as vnmoveables my debtes, and legacies performed and paide I giue and bequeath vnto Richarde Drake my sonne w[hi]ch foresaide Robert Drake; and Richarde Drake I make and ordaine my ordaine my only Executors / And I desire my Cosin Richarde Tremaine Treasurer of Exeter, and my Cosin John Tremaine gentleman to see this my Last will and Testament trulie performed and executed / And I doe giue vnto eu[er]ir [?] of them for theire paines one Angell of goulde / A. John Dassell Test / Willyam Parton
Probatum fuit h[uius]mo[d]i Testamentum Apud London Coram Mag[iste]ro Willimo Drury legum Doctore Curie Prerogatiue Cantuaren[sis] Commissario Nono die mensis ffebruarij Anno D[omi]ni mill[es]imo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo octauo Juramento Roberto Saye [?] Notarij publici procuratoris Roberti et Riche Drake Executorum in h[uius]mod[i] Testamento notator[??] Om[ni]bus Com[m]issa fuit Administraco Etc De bene Etc Jurat /
Translation: This will was proved at London before Sir William Drury, Doctor of Law, Keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Commissary on the ninth day of the month of February in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred seventy-eight, sworn before Robert Saye Notary Public by Robert and Richard Drake Executors in this will to whom administration was granted etc. [of the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased] well etc. [and faithfully to administer the same], sworn [on the Holy Gospels]