Name Index
The South Devon Literary Chronicle
A Monthly Magazine of Local and
General Literature
Published by R. Lidstone, 16 George Street, Plymouth
London: T.P. Sharpe, Skinner Street,
Printed: W. Brendan, Tavistock, Higher Market Street
1847, 272 pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
This early Victorian periodical was a serious production from which articles on fiction and poetry were sometimes taken for reuse. The editors looked for content that appealed to a variety of interest, for example, articles on general and literary topics, serial stories, poetry, local news items, technical topics, a series of statistical reports, a series of articles on eminent men, the diary of a Plymouth sailor, mathematics, literary reviews, chess and musical notes. Local contributions were needed and the idea was to provide a vehicle through which writers could present their work, preferably that with local interest. An original bound copy of this entertaining magazine, just six issues of which were published, is held at the Oxford University Library. It was digitised 14 March 2007 and can be downloaded from: https://books.google.com/ Google, in partnership with a number of public libraries has sought to make more widely accessible, old, hard-to-get books on which copyright has expired. The Appendix to the book presents a large number of documents, mostly in Latin and offered in support of claims made throughout the text.
Name | Page |
Ackerman | 166 |
Addis, Mr | 18, 111-2, 258, 260 |
Akenside | 270 |
Alcock, Rev Mr | 275 |
Anne, Queen | 16, 72 |
Armstrong | 105 |
Arundell, Rev F.D.A. | 81, 143, 188 |
Axtall, Mr | 109 |
Baker, Mr | 72 |
Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury | 146 |
Baly, Dr | 150 |
Banks, Joseph | 81 |
Barbaroux | 248 |
Barclay, Mr Robert | 79 |
Bartlett, G. | 182, 184 |
Barton, Mr | 73 |
Basse, Laurent | 253 |
Bell, Mr | 190 |
Bellamy, Mr J.C. | Advert, 81 |
Berault, Mr | 109-11, 208 |
Beuchot | 145-6 |
Bianchi | 188 |
Bidlake, Dr | 82 |
Billingsley, Captain | 208-9, 258, 262 |
Bird, | 82 |
Black, Dr | 238 |
Blackwood & Sims | 87, 105, 164 |
Blewitt | 82 |
Bloomfield | 161-2, 167 |
Boase, Dr | 82 |
Bond | 82 |
Borlase, Dr | 81 |
Boswell | 54, 274 |
Braconnot | 31 |
Bray, Mrs | 82 |
Brindley, R. | 81 |
Britton | 82 |
Britton & Bailey | 82 |
Brown, Mr | 112 |
Buckland, Dr | 82 |
Burchett, Mr | 71, 73, 109, 211, 261 |
Burns | 167 |
Burt | 82 |
Busted, Captain | 263 |
Buzot | 248 |
Byng, Sir George | 20, 72-3 |
Byron, Lord | 69, 131 |
Bythinia, Prince of | 43 |
Camden (Britannia) | 127 |
Camille | 256 |
Canning | 232-3 |
Carena, Monsieur | 93 |
Carew, Bamfylde Moore | 185 |
Carew (Survey of Devon) | 36, 126-7 |
Carleton, Mr William | 216 |
Carrington, Mr H. of Bath | 97-9, 102, 105, 127, 161-3, 166-7, 169, 264, 272 |
Cary (Cornwall) | 127 |
Castell | 188 |
Catt, Jacob (Book of Emblems) | 196 |
Cattermole | 186 |
Cavendish, Captain | 18, 72, 109-12, 207-10, 258, 262 |
Cavendish, Catherine | 16 |
Chabot, Deputy | 253 |
Chamberlayne, Anne | 15 |
Chamberlayne, Dr Edward | 15 |
Chamberlayne, Elizabeth | 15-6 |
Chamberlayne family | 15 |
Chamberlayne, Dr Hugh | 15 |
Chamberlayne, John | 15 |
Chamberlayne, Peregrin Clifford | 15 |
Chamberlayne, Dr Peter, of London | 15-6 |
Chamberlin | 6-7 |
Chambers | 190 |
Chambers, Sir William | 76, 80, 198 |
Chapman & Hall | 86 |
Chapple | 127 |
Charles I, King | 15, 207 |
Charteris, Colonel | 278 |
Chattaway | 127 |
Chatterton | 167 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey | 152 |
Chenier | 256 |
Churchill | 1 |
Claringbull, J. | 127 |
Cleveland (History of the Courtenay family) | 127 |
Clarke | 36 |
Cock, Captain | 72, 109, 111-2, 207, 209, 261 |
Cole of Stonehouse | 218 |
Collins, Anne | 15 |
Collins, Richard Esq` | 15 |
Constantine | 103 |
Conway | 194 |
Conybear & Dawson | 127 |
Cook | 83, 127 |
Cooke (Dartmoor Forest) | 127 |
Cooke-Taylor, Mr | 115 |
Cooley | 236 |
Corday, Charlotte | 248-57 |
Cornish, James | 126 |
Corrigan, Dr D.J. | 216 |
Cosway | 194 |
Cotton, Sir Robert | 54 |
Couch, J. | 127 |
Cowper | 277 |
Cranch, Mr | 196 |
Creswick | 186 |
Crews, James | 210 |
Crivelli | 188 |
Crookshanks, Mr | 73 |
Cross | 194 |
Cross, Dicky | 186 |
Crow | 258 |
Crowl, R. | 128 |
Cunningham | 194-6, 275, 277 |
Curran | 239 |
Curtis (Guide to Devon) | 127 |
Curzon, Frank | 185 |
Cutts, Mr | 263 |
D'Anteroches | 239 |
Dare | 146 |
Denmark, Prince George of | 72 |
Doddington, Bubb | 263 |
Downs, John | 230 |
Dresemius | 146 |
Eastlake | 82 |
Ebrington, Lord | 124 |
Erlington | 236 |
Dalhousie | 189 |
Danton | 256 |
Davidson, James | 128 |
Dawell, Josiah | 210 |
De la Beche | 128 |
D'Escars, G. | 62 |
D'Escars, Mme | 62-4 |
De Lou | 128 |
Desmoulins | 256 |
Dennis, Mr | 262 |
Dickens, Charles | 133 |
Diety | 146 |
d'Inglese, Professor | 237 |
Divett, E. Esq | 21 |
Dixon | 128 |
Doddrige | 164 |
Dolei | 188 |
Donizetti | 188 |
Dow | 189 |
Downham | 194 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 236 |
Drew & Hitchins | 128 |
Dryden | 171, 196 |
Dumas, Monsieur | 31 |
Dunmer, Mr | 109 |
Dunn | 128 |
Dunsford, Martin | 128 |
Duperret, Monsieur | 249-50 |
Dursley, Lord | 72 |
Eastlake | 194-5 |
Edgecumbe, Mr | 17, 20 |
Edward V, King | 15 |
Edwards, Lieutenant | 210 |
Edwards, Richard | 15 |
Edye, I. Esq | 257 |
Egerton, Lord Francis | 275 |
Elizabeth, Queen | 15 |
Ellicombe family, of Alphington | 15 |
Ellis | 198 |
Evans, Captain | 18, 72, 110-2, 207-10, 259, 262 |
Fairfax, Captain | 72 |
Ferraira | 82 |
Fisher, Rev Mr | 3, 97, 128 |
Fonfrede | 248 |
Forbin | 248 |
Foulstone | 128 |
Fox, Charles, Esq | 118 |
Francis, Sir Philip | 1 |
Franquelin | 249 |
Fry, Messrs | 190 |
Fry, Mrs E. | 192 |
Galt | 69 |
Garrick | 274 |
Gautier, Theophile | 23, 33, 57 |
Gendall | 82 |
George IV, King | 239 |
Gifford | 56 |
Gilbert, Davies | 128 |
Gilbert, James | 37 |
Gill, W.E., Mr | 238 |
Gilpin | 128 |
Golding, Mr | 262 |
Goldsmith | 168 |
Gompertz | 128 |
Gore, Captain | 17, 111-2, 209, 259-60 |
G›the | 129-30 |
Graham | 3 |
Granville | 128 |
Green | 70, 111, 141 |
Greenwood | 128 |
Griffith, Captain | 208 |
Guay, Monsieur du | 73 |
Guercino | 196 |
Gum, Daniel | 140-1 |
Gwatkin, Miss | 128 |
Hagar, Captain | 18, 72, 111-2, 209 |
Hall | 3 |
Hall, Captain | 191 |
Hall, Messrs, of Dartford | 31 |
Hals (History of Cornwall) | 128 |
Hamilton, Dr | Advert. |
Hamilton, Lord | 72 |
Hans, Garret | 73 |
Hanway, Captain | 112, 207-8, 260, 262 |
Harding, J.D. | 186 |
Hardy, Captain Sir Thomas | 17-8, 70-2, 109-10, 263 |
Hart | 82, 194 |
Hauer, Monsieur | 255 |
Haydon, Mr | 3, 82, 195 |
Hayman | 194 |
Hearder, G. | 179 |
Hemans, Mrs | 131, 179, 265 |
Hennah, Rev R | 179 |
Henry II, King | 145-6 |
Heral (Visit to Cornwall) | 128 |
Hertford, Marchioness of | 276 |
Hine, Rev T.C. | 124 |
Hogarth | 186, 194 |
Holmes, Captain | 44-5, 72, 207 |
Holmes, Moses | 45 |
Holmes, Mr | 17-8, 71-2, 109, 111-2, 207-9, 259-61 |
Hooke, Governor | 18 |
Hooker | 179 |
Hopson, Captain | 17-8, 70-3, 109-10, 112, 207-9, 259-63 |
Horner | 95 |
Hosier, Captain | 17-8, 71-3, 110, 207, 209-10, 258, 261 |
Howard | 179 |
Hudson | 194, 196-7 |
Hughes, Mr | 73, 109 |
Humphrey | 194 |
Humphreys, Ozias | 277 |
Hunt, Leigh | 1 |
Huntingdon, Captain | 17, 71, 209-10, 259-60 |
Huxham, Dr | 4 |
Izaacke, S. | 179 |
Jacob, Rev Dr | 179 |
James I, King | 14-5 |
Jeffryson, Sir John | 73 |
Jeffryson, Judge | 16 |
Jeffryson, Margaret | 16 |
Jenkins, Mr | 109-10, 179 |
Jennings, Mr | 109 |
Jennings, Sir John (also Gennings) | 18, 72, 110 |
Jerrold, Douglas | 230 |
John, King | 145, 151 |
Johns | 83, 179 |
Johnson, Dr | 13, 54, 198-200, 236, 273-4 |
Johnson, Mr | 111 |
Jones | 179 |
Jones & Kingston | 179 |
Jory, Colonel | 18 |
Kauffman, Angelica | 7 |
Keppel, Commodore | 198 |
Keppel, Honourable Augustus | 197 |
King, Mr | 112 |
Klopstock | 257 |
Kneller, Sir Godfrey | 193-4, 198, 278 |
Knight, Charles | 232, 234 |
Lamartine, Monsieur de | 248, 257 |
Lane, Mr | Advert. |
Lansdowne, Marquis of | 187 |
La Vayer | 183-4 |
Lavington, Lord | 239 |
Leach, Dr | 180 |
Leake, Sir John | 72, 207-10, 259-60, 262 |
Leam, Michael | 238 |
Lee | 82, 194 |
Legendre, Deputy | 254 |
Leitch | 186 |
Leland | 180 |
Lely, Sir Peter | 193, 278 |
Leordro | 188 |
Lidstone, Mr R. | 126 |
Light, J. | 192 |
Liotard | 194 |
Lipscombe | 180 |
Listz | 33-6 |
Llewellin, Prince of Wales | 16 |
Loam, Mr Michael | 118 |
Lock, Mr | 18 |
Locke | 90 |
Long, St John | 65 |
Longman | 136 |
Louis XVI, King of France | 248 |
Loutherberg, Monsieur | 6-7 |
Louvet | 248 |
Ludolph | 188 |
Lumley, Mr | 112, 259 |
Lux, Adam | 256 |
Luxemburg, Dr | 95 |
Lymburn, Mr | 219 |
Lysons Brothers (Magna Britannia) | 15, 179 |
Maddockes, Mr | 110, 208, 258 |
Madgin, Rev H. | 21 |
Mafflam, Captain | 109-12, 207-8 |
Mairan, de, Monsieur | 93 |
Malone | 194-5 |
Malthus | 74 |
Mann, J.P. | 23, 33, 248 |
Mar, Earl of | 189 |
Marat | 249-54, 256 |
Martin, Benjamin | 180 |
Martin, Mr, (Minister) | 18, 20, 109-10, 209, 259 |
Mary, Queen | 15 |
Maton | 180 |
Matthews, Captain | 72, 108-11, 207, 209-10, 259-60 |
Maynard, Captain | 70, 72, 109, 209 |
Mayor, Mr | 73 |
McMullen, Mrs | 147 |
Meades, Captain | 70-1, 73, 109, 111-2, 207-8, 259 |
Mercator | 188 |
Michael Angelo | 198 |
Middleton, Sir Hugh | 14-6, 236 |
Middleton, Jane | 15 |
Middleton, Richard | 14 |
Middleton, Sir Thomas | 14 |
Middleton, William | 15 |
Milton, John | 177 |
Mitchell, Captain | 17, 72 |
Mitchell, Philip | 83 |
Montes, Lola | 239 |
Moore, (History of Devon) | 180 |
Moore, John | 146 |
Morel, Monsieur | 31 |
Morgan, Charles | 158-60 |
Morley, Earl | 31, 127 |
Moro | 188 |
Morrice, Captain | 17-8, 72, 110, 112, 207-10, 259-62 |
Morris, Mr | 2 |
Mudge, Colonel | 198 |
Mudge family of Plymouth | 199, 273 |
Mudge, Dr | 180, 198, 200 |
Muller, Dr | 95 |
Mullings, Captain | 72, 208, 210, 261 |
Napier | 92 |
Nash | 186 |
Needham, Mr | Advert. |
Nepos, Cornelius | 146 |
Nettleton | 128 |
Newcomen | 120 |
Nicholson, Margaret | 55 |
Norden | 180 |
Norman | 83 |
Norman, John, Esq, Banker | 143-4 |
Norris, Sir John | 17-20, 70, 72-3 |
North, Christopher | 40, 97, 161, 264, 267 |
Northcote | 82, 194-7, 199 |
Northcott | 144 |
Nosari | 188-9 |
Obsoaepus, V. | 146 |
Odgers, Mr | 124 |
Oliver, Rev G. | 180 |
Olmstead, Elizabeth | 15 |
Olmstead, John Esq | 15 |
Opie, John | 5 |
Otto, Dr | 31 |
Oxland, Mr R | Advert., 31 |
Oxton family | 20 |
Paine, Tom | 55 |
Palk, Sir W. | 127 |
Parker, J. Esq | 116 |
Parker, J.W. | 236 |
Parmegiano | 198 |
Patey, Rev Mr | 195 |
Peel, Sir Robert | 190 |
Pelouse | 31 |
Pengelly, Mr | 259 |
Pethion | 248 |
Phillips | 180 |
Pindar, Peter | 1, 5 |
Piozzi, Madame | 54 |
Pitt, William | 55 |
Playfair | 236 |
Pole | 180 |
Pollock | 178 |
Polwhele (Historical view of Devon) | 180 |
Pope, Alexander | 189, 199 |
Potts, Robert | 236 |
Pounds, John | 140-1, 143 |
Prince (Worthies of Devon) | 180 |
Prout, Samuel | 82, 194-5 |
Pudsay, Colonel | 16 |
Quass, Mr, of Exeter | 17-8 |
Rache, Mr | 18 |
Rae, Mr R.H. | 48, 240 |
Rahden, Baron von | 87 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 1, 194 |
Raphael | 196, 198 |
Raymond, Captain | 18, 70, 72, 109, 112, 207-11, 258-9, 261-2 |
Redding, Cyrus | 181 |
Reeve, Mr Isaac | 37-8 |
Rembrandt | 198, 278 |
Rendle | 181 |
Reynold's Coffee House | 109 |
Reynolds, Miss | 198-9 |
Reynolds, Rev Samuel | 195 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua | 7, 82, 193-200, 273-6 |
Rich, Sir Charles | 16 |
Richard I, King | 145-6 |
Richardson (Theory of Painting) | 196 |
Ridge, Mr | 73 |
Risdon (Survey of Devon) | 127, 181 |
Roban, Duc de | 43 |
Roberts, David | 186 |
Roberts, G. | 181 |
Robespierre | 256 |
Robins | 194 |
Roch, Mr | 261 |
Rouse, Lieutenant | 70, 208, 210, 259-60 |
Rowe, S. | 181 |
Russell, Lord John | 37 |
Samson, Captain | 262 |
Sanford, J. | 181 |
Scheffers, Ary | 86 |
Schubein, Professor | 30-1 |
Scott, Captain | 18, 112, 210-11, 259 |
Scott, Mr | 54 |
Scott, Sir Walter | 115 |
Seat, Captain | 263 |
Shakspere | 97, 198 |
Shales, Captain | 73, 109, 111, 207, 210 |
Sharpe | 94 |
Sheppard, Dr | Advert. |
Short, W.T.P. | 181 |
Shovel, Sir Cloudesly | 20 |
Sigismond, King of Sweden | 43 |
Simms & McIntyre | 216 |
Simson, Dr | 236 |
Smeaton, Mr | 121, 181 |
Smith, Captain | 109, 261 |
Soams, Captain | 262 |
Sowden, J. | 192 |
Sparrow, Mr | 31 |
Spragg, John Esq | 16 |
Stanfield | 186 |
Sterne | 138 |
St Aubyn, Edward Esq | 236 |
St Lo, Captain | 18, 72-3, 109-10, 210, 258, 260 |
Stokes, Sewell, Mr | 97, 265 |
Stukeley, Mr | 17-8, 70-3, 109-12, 208-9, 258-9, 261, 263 |
Sweden, Charles, Prince of | 43-4 |
Taylor, Captain (Marines) | 70, 109-11, 208 |
Taylor, Mrs | 110 |
Taylor, Mr (Pursar) | 16, 70-1 |
Thomond, Marchioness of | 277 |
Thomson | 270 |
Thurlow, Lord Chancellor | 54 |
Tilly, Mr Samuel | 111 |
Titian | 198 |
Towson, Mr | 188 |
Trefry | 3 |
Trelawney, Sir William | 4 |
Truscott, Joshua | 234, 236 |
Ure, Dr | 217-8 |
Valla, N. | 146 |
Vandyke | 193, 278 |
Vauquelan | 217 |
Veronese | 198 |
Victoria, Queen | 37 |
Wager, Captain | 72 |
Waldron, Captain | 109 |
Walker, Captain | 17, 19 |
Walker, Sir Chamberlain | 16 |
Walker, Chamberlain, Richard | 16 |
Walker, Elizabeth | 16 |
Walker, Sir Hugh Middleton | 16 |
Walker, Margaret | 16 |
Walker, Mr | 187, 236 |
Walker, Sir Hovendon | 16 |
Walker, William Esq | 16 |
Walpole, Horace | 13 |
Walton, Captain | 18, 71, 109, 112, 207-9, 260-1 |
Warren, Ella | 157-9 |
Watt, Mr | 121, 238 |
Webbe, Cornelius | 97 |
Wellington, Duke of | 37 |
Wharton, Tom, of Trinity | 13 |
Whitbread | 55 |
Whiteford, Mr | 125 |
Whitewick, Mr | 128 |
Whittaker & Co | 185 |
Wilkes | 1 |
Williams | 82 |
Wilson, Professor | 105 |
Wimpfen | 248 |
Wind, Mr | 208 |
Wolcot, John, MD | 1-2, 4-5, 53-4, 56 |
Wood, Mrs | 110 |
Woollcombe, H. Esq | 144, 166 |
Wordsworth | 267 |
Yalden, Thomas, of Exeter | 179 |
Young, Sir William | 239 |