Kelly's Directory of Barnstaple and Neighbourhood (1941)
1 miles north-west from Barnstaple.
Transcribed, with the publisher's permission, by
Jonathan Frayne
[Suffixes to names, e.g. M.B., Bart., J.P., etc., are ignored; prefix titles are retained, e.g. Maj., Rev. etc. Many women only gave their title, e.g. Miss, Mrs, and not a forename. A few women also gave their husband's forename, e.g. Mrs John Smith. These entries are indexed as though the title was a forename. No abbreviations other than those in Kelly's have been added, some have been expanded.
All data are 'comma separated' in order to facilitate transposition into spreadsheet or database format. The fields are: Surname, Forename(s), House Identifier, Street Name, Area Name]
Dennis, Mrs. A., Bradiford ho.,
Hillman, Alfd., Rooks Wood,
Lynch, Thos., Sunset bungalow,
Ritson-Thomas, Mrs. G. R., Bradiford cott.,
Sanders, Fredk., Roborough ho.,
Squire, Wm., Trayne cotts.,
Trenchmann, Otto L., Westaway,
Whittle, Rd., Quarryside,
Youings, Horace Stanley, Raleigh ho.,
Devonshire Rustic Oak Manufacturing Co., , , Playford mills
Jeffery, Wm. Lawrence, farmer, Trayne farm,
McCracken, Hy., farmer, Bearea farm,
May, Percy B., cattle dir., Tutshill,
North Devon Farmers Ltd., , millers, Anchor mills,
Passmore, Seymour Jas., farmer, Pilland ho.,
Shilcock, G. M., , Westbourne House School, Upcott,
Worth, Geo., farmer, Roborough farm,
Brian Randell, 23 Mar 2002