
Poughill Parish Land Tax 1714

Lambeth Palace Archives

Ref. Arches J 8/97 f.250 (Fugars v Fugars, 14th May 1718)

Transcribed by Pam Simons

An Assessment made on our sd parish in pursuance of an act of Parliament
an Act for Granting to her majesty the sume of forty fower pounds five shillings
fower pence halfpenny being the proportion charged on our sd parish et. by a
Land Tax to be raised in the year one thousand seven hundred & fowerten
The Coheirs of Richard Pymcomb Esq1192000
Mr William Richardson Rector114300¼
Mr John Bradford21760000
Mr William Franke or ye occupiers22100000
Mr John Morris and his father16110000
Mr Robert Gay001510½¼
The occupiers of Colliland001970000
Mr George Frank for Grantland001970000
Mr William Fugars00171½00
Robert Thomas00122½¼
Widdow Fugars0014800¼
The occupiers of North Yow00122½¼
Edward Kemp or ye occupiers00122½¼
John Marwood0011000000
John Morrish for shorts0099½00
Richard Stevens or ye occupiers00171½00
Vincent Dally or ye occupiers0099½00
Thomas Melhuish for Ball0099½00
Edward Godbear00740000
The occupiers of watter house0099½00
William Pope and his father0099½00
Tristram Voysey0086½¼
John Grant for barrys00740000
Hugh Gall for his part of --- Down00380000
Nicholas Helmore00250000
Richard & Humphrey Godbeer00250000
William Mare?0012½00
Thomas Brewer0012½00
John Pope001000000
Edward Godbeer001000000
Robert Cockram001000000
Robert Carslake001000000
John Carse001000000
--- Fugars for stock in trade001000000
Thomas Marshall for stock in trade006000000
Humphrey Kniston for stock in trade002000000
To be pd by ye overseers each payment00200½00
The sum ye halfe year222800¼
The sum ye whole year4454½00
John Marwood John Cartter - Assessors & Collectors