Will of Alexander Tackell of Aishraffe, Devon
Proved 16 April 1589
National Archives PROB 11/73/422, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
© Crown Copyright
Transcribed by Fay Sampson
In the name of God amen. The fourteenth daye of the monthe of December and in the yeare of our Lord god a thousand five hundred eightie eight I Alexander Takell of Aishraffe in the countie of Devon beinge of perfect minde and memory thanks be unto almighty god doe make this my testament conteyninge in the same my last will in manner and forme following. I give and bequeathe my soule to almighty god my creator, and my bodye to the earthe grave wheor it shall please him to appoynte. Then I give to the poore of the parishe of Ayshraiffe aforesaid five shillinge. Then I give and bequeathe to Phillippe Buyssey my servant tenne shillinge of money and one heffer of twoe yeeres of age and the advantage. Then I give and bequeathe to my servaunt Agnes Snowe thre ffleeces of woolle and thre shillinge fower pence in money. Then I give and bequeathe unto John Uphame beinge now withe me the some of thre poundes of lawfull money of England, butt my will is the same money shall remayne in the hands of my executors until the saide John shall come to be of the full age of twentie years. Then I give and bequeathe unto Margery Uphame wife of Anthony Uphame thirteene shillinge fower pence of lawfull money of England. Then I give and bequeathe to every of my godchildren unmarried twelve pence. Then I give and bequeathe to Arthur Takell and to Catherin Takell children of Henry Takell to every of them twentie shilling. Then I give unto the same Arthur one spanishe chiste standing in my parlor and five silver spoones. Then I give to the same Katherin Takell five silver spoones butt my will is that my executrix shall have the use and occupying of the same chiste and fower silver spoones during her life. Then I give and bequeathe unto Henry Takell and Marie his wife to every of them twentie shilling. Then I give unto Julian Cooke twelve pence. Then I give and bequeathe unto Alexander Buyssey my table borde in the parlor withe the forms and benches to the same belonginge after the decease of my wife. And my will is that the glass in the windows to remayne as it is, and nott to be moved. Then I give unto Richard Buyssey my table borde in the hall withe the formes and benches to the same belonginge after the decease of my wife. Then I give unto John Buyssey fortie shilling the whiche he oweth me by his obligation. Then I give unto the same John Buyssey more twentie shillinge of lawfull money. Then I give to Emott Buyssey wife of the saide John two shillinge. Then I give Anthony the sonne of John Rede, to Margery Takell daughter of Thomas Takell, to Margaret Buyssey and Alexander Buyssey children of John Buyssey to every of them one shepe. Then I give unto Rose Takell of Lapford thre shillinge fower pence. The residue of all my goodes and chattels movable and unmovable lyvinge and deade nott here before given or bequeathed or mentioned to be given or bequeathed I give and bequeathe unto Jane Takell my wife whom I make my wholl and sole executrix to see this my last will fulfilled and my testament performed. Then I ordayne Henry Vycary and Henrye Takell to be my rulers and overseers of this my saide last will and testament. And I give to every of them for their paines in and about the same thre shillinge fower pence. Witness hereto John Benner clerk, parson of Ayshraiffe aforesaid and Henry Takell the day and yeare above written.