Will of Francis Hagley otherwise Surrage, Gentleman
Proved 10 May 1763
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/887/239, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
In the Name of God Amen I ffrancis Hagley otherwise Surrage of Sampford Peverel in the County of Devon Gentleman considering the ffrailty and uncertainty of human Life and being of a sound and perfect Mind Memory and Understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say I give unto my Godson Nicholas Davys the Younger my Silver Watch to be delivered to him by my Executrix hereafter named immediately after my decease Also I give unto my Brother William Hagley otherwise Surrage my second best Suit of Cloaths to be delivered to him immediately after my decease by my Executrix hereafter named Also I do give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife Joanna Hagley otherwise Surrage her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever all and singular my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which I am seized of Inheritance in and also all my Leasehold and Chattelhold Messuages Tenements Hereditaments Estates and Premises whatsoever whereof I am in any way possessed or interested for any Term or Terms of Years in any nanner howsoever determinable and also all other my Monies Goods Chattles and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and all my Right Estate Title Interest Property Claim and Demand whatsoever both in Law and Equity of in to or out of the same or any of them or any and every part or parcel thereof To have and to hold all and singular my said Messuage Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Leasehold and Chattelhold Estates Money Goods Chattels and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and all and singular other the said premises with the appurtenances unto my said dear Wife Johanna Hagley otherwise Surrage her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever to and for her and their only Use and benefit and I do hereby make constitute and appoint my said Wife Johanna sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by me made and do declare this only to be my true last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereto set my Hand and Seal this twenty fifth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one Fr Surrage
(Attestation Clause)
Edwd Manley _ Roger Hellier _ Jane Bryant
Proved at London 10 May 1763