Will of The Reverend Brian Beauchamp, of Thorverton (1834)
© Crown Copyright
National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 11/1834/448
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Provided by Bev Edmonds
The Reverened Brian BEAUCHAMP of Thorverton in the County of Devon clerk do make this my last Will and testament as follows whereas my late Aunt Elizabeth HARDING late of Twickenham in the County of Middlesx spinster deceased in and by her Will dated the eight day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty three gave to her Executrix and Executor therin named the sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds in the three per cent in South Sea Annuities then in her name upon trust to pay the dividends thereof to.........? apply the same in any manner they aught? think proper for my support ......? and after my death to pay and transfer the principal to such persons as I should bequeath the same by my Will Now I do hereby in pursuant .......?of the power given me the the Will of the said Elizabeth HARDING as aforesaid and of every or any other ......? enabling me there to give dispose and bequeath the said sum of sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock as follows I give and bequeath to my good friend John WOOD of Tiverton in the said County of Devon Esquire so much of the said sum of sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock will then produce the sum of three hundred pounds Sterling and i do hereby direst the same to be transferred to him accordingly being the Balance out of the said John WOOD on a certain security having date the twenty eighth day of September one thousand and twenty seven made by me to the said John WOOD for the sum of three thousand and ninety nine pounds and interest being monies from time to time advanced and paid by him at my request to the said John Wood such further part of the said sum of sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock as will then produce the further sum of the three hundred pounds Sterling an I do hereby direct the same to be transferred to him accordingly being amount of the principal sum of three hundred pounds now lately lent and advanced to me by the said John WOOD and which is also secured to be paid to him by a certain deed bearing date the thirtieth day January last and I direct my Executor herein after named to pay the legacy Duty to become payable on both the said bequest if any I give and bequeath to my friend Ffrederick Owen PATCH of Tiverton aforesaid Solicitor one thousand pounds Stock further part of the said sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock and I hereby direct the same to be transferred to him accordingly and in case he should die in my lifetime the I give and bequeath the said three thousand pounds Stock to Ann Scott the wife of the said Ffrederick Owen PATCH and I direct the same to be transferred to her accordingly I give and bequeath to each of them Elizabeth Crosse and Jane Crosse CHAPMAN both of Thorverton aforesaid spinsters the sum of one hundred pounds Stock further parts of the said sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock and one hundred pounds Stock to be transferred to them respectively accordingly I give and bequeathto my faithful servant Susan ROWDEN two hundred pounds Stock further part of the said sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock I direct same to be transferred to her accordingly and I bequaeth the residue of the said sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock unto and amongst the child or children of William WOOD late of Slapton and afterwards of Kingsbridge in the said County of Devon late a Pay Master in the ffiteenth Regiment of ffoot/ a Brother in law of my late dear wife and who is now with his family residing at Snake Island in Van Diemans Land/who shall be living at the time of my decease and who shall live to attain his her age or ages of twenty one years equally between them shara and share alike their his or her aged or ages of twenty one years without leaving any Child and Children lawfully begotten him of her surviving then I give the share or shares as well original as assuming his or her surviving Brothers and Sisters and if these shall be only one such child the I give and bequeath the whole of the before mentioned residue into such surviving child his or her Executors admons or assignes But in case either of the said Child or Children shall die before he or she shall attained his or her ages or ages of twenty one years leaving a child or children lawfully begotten the I declare and direct that such child or children shall be entitles to an take and receive his or her deceased parents share And whereas I have Insured my life with the West Insurance Company in the sum of one thousand pounds and I have Assignes the Policy to trustees upon trust accordingly the Reverend George Jekyll who purchased from me the avowson of Hawkridge and Withypool in Somersetshire against any loss may sustain from and defect in the title thereto and I have also by Deed before referred to bearing date the thirthieth day of January last assignes to the said John WOOD the monies to be reserved by virtue of the said policy for further securing to the said John WOOD as well the said sum of three hundred pounds ..? one from me to him on the before mentioned security leaving date twenty eighth day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven as also the sum of three hundred pounds now lately lent and advanced by him to me as aforesaid now in case the said trustee named in the first mentioned assignment should be called upon to pay the whole or any part of the said sum of one thousand pounds and in case the said John WOOD shall by the transfer which I have before directed to be made to him of so much of the said sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock as well at the time of the transfer thereof produce the before mentioned two several sums of three hundred pounds and three hundred pounds be satisfied and paid the same sums the I give and bequeath the whole or such part of the said sum of one thousand pounda as sall remain after fulfilling the several trusts aforesaid and subject to the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses unto and amongst all and evry the child or children of the before mentioned William WOOD in such and the same manner as i have before bequeathed to them the residue of the before mentioned sum of three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Stock Al the Rest and Residue and remainder of my personnal Estate Effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath to the said Ffrederick Owen PATCH his Executors Admons and Assignes And I do hereby appoint him the said Ffrederick Owen Patch the Executor of this my last Will herby revoking all others I desire to be buried in the same vault as my late dear wife was and that my ffuneral may be constructered as nearly as may be in the same manner as hers was In witness whereof I have set hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of Ffebruary one thousand eight hundred and thrity four Brian BEAUCHAMP/ss/ Signed sealed published and declared by the said Brian BEAUCHAMP the testator and for his last Wiill and Testament in the presence of us R. COOKNEY -- Michl. BEEDELL
Proved in London the 13th August 1834 before the Judge by the Oath of Ffrederick Owen PATCH the sole Executor to who Admon was granted having first been sworn/by Commission /duly to administer/-