Name Index
The Accounts of the Receiver of the Corporation of Totnes in the Year 1554-5
Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 12 (1880) pp. 322-331.
John S. Amery
Prepared by Michael Steer
In April, 1875, the Town Council of Totnes gave Mr. Edward Windeatt and the author leave to examine the numerous documents in their possession. In the inner room adjoining the Council Chamber of the Guildhall at Totnes stood a curious old chest, or hutch, that contained several drawers full of old papers, that had recently been examined by Mr. Riley, one of the Inspectors of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. At the bottom of this chest, going the whole length of it, was a shallow drawer that they succeeded in opening, after some time, with great difficulty. In this drawer they found a roll of parchment, containing the accounts of William Ball, Receiver of the Corporation of Totnes in 1554-5. The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Aisheley, Robarte | 331 |
Alen, Nicholas | 331 |
Babcombe | 331 |
Ball, William | 322-3 |
Bedford, Earls | 326 |
Bedford, Frances, Earl of | 326 |
Bedford, John Earl of | 326 |
Blackhaller, John | 329 |
Blackhaller, Phillip | 324 |
Blackhaller, Water | 324 |
Bogans, William | 329 |
Brookyng, Nicholas | 331 |
Cohen, John | 330 |
Colton | 325 |
Conye, Richard | 330 |
Coole of Harberton | 324 |
Coosen, Nicholas | 330 |
Coseby, Walter | 330 |
Coseby, William | 329, 331 |
Crewse, Thomas | 331 |
Crowte, John | 324 |
Crowte, Roger | 323 |
Deane, James | 330 |
Denys, Sir Thomas | 329 |
Dreton, Robarte | 330 |
Edgcombe of Cothele | 326 |
Edgcombe, Sir Piers | 326 |
Edmonde the baseman | 331 |
Eidgecombe, Mr Richarde | 325, 327, 329 |
Englyshe, Lewys | 330 |
Every, George | 330 |
Fulforde, Mr | 329 |
Fursedon, Richarde | 330 |
Gown, William | 330 |
Gressam, Mr | 328 |
Gribble. John | 331 |
Hackwell, John | 329 |
Hackwell, Robert | 330 |
Hackwell, William | 328 |
Harte, Ambrose | 324 |
Haydon, John | 322, 328 |
Helman, Peter | 329 |
Hockmore, Mr | 327 |
Jarman, John | 328 |
Lake, Joane | 331 |
Londonderry, Earls of | 326 |
Loovis, Mr | 326 |
Martyn | 327 |
Martyn, Thomas | 331 |
Newman, Richard | 331 |
Pelliton, James | 323 |
Pelley, Thomas | 331 |
Pellys, John | 327 |
Philip & Mary | 322-3, 329 |
Prendergeaste, John | 330 |
Prideauxe, Mr | 326, 328 |
Prince | 326 |
Prows, Alse | 329 |
Renowf, John | 331 |
Ridgeway, Thomas | 326 |
Riley, Mr | 322 |
Rodgeways, Mr | 326-9 |
Rombylowe, Leonarde | 326 |
Rose, Nicholas | 331 |
Savery, Mr Christopher | 329-30 |
Savery, Richarde | 330 |
Seyvar, Thomas | 330 |
Skriche, Dyonyse | 330 |
Skynner, Richarde | 330 |
Smyth, Bernard | 327, 329, 331 |
Smyth, Mr Nicholas | 330-1 |
Smyth, Watey | 327 |
Smythe, Mr Walter | 331 |
Stere, Mr | 328 |
Symon, John | 328 |
Symons, William | 329 |
Tabert | 331 |
Toobyn, William | 324 |
Tooker | 330 |
Torryng. William | 331 |
Turpyn, William | 329, 331 |
Warren, Thomas | 330 |
Windeatt, Mr Edward | 322, 331 |
Wotton, John | 330 |
Yeo, Mr | 330-1 |