
Name index to



A Pictorial History of the Dartmoor Village


Stephen H. Woods

Devon Books
Tiverton, Devon, 1996

Index prepared by Judith Hervey, April 1999

Note: No attempt has been made to standardize spellings or to expand abbreviations. Names have been indexed exactly as they appear in the book.

23rd Highland Regiment, xi
Addison, 59
Aethelhild, Lady, 25
Alford, 126
Alric, 34
Amay, John Sparke, 145
Ancient Tenements, 37-8, 69
Andrews, Ann, 73
Andrews, Caleb, 75
Andrews, Joan, 72,
Andrews, Mary, 75
Apter, Gabriell, 110
Aptor, Elizabeth, 70
Armagh, Archibishop of, xii
Arnell, John, 27
Arnold, Mrs (No.45), 52
Ash (No.59), 52
Ash, Thomas, 133
Ashburton, Lady, 27
Ashburton, Lord, 27, 34
Avery, Ern (Bungy), 152
Avery, Lydia, 81
Awdry, Col. Robert, 156
Awdry, Mrs R W, 23
Awdry, Olive, 22
Awdry, Olive (Lady of the Manor), 156
Awdry, Olive Muriel, 23
Babeny, 18, 36-7, 97i, 114
Babeny (No.20,21,60), 52
Badcock, Ruby, 81
Baddick, Othnile, 70
Badgers Holt, 110
Bag Park, 137
Bagpark, 155
Baker, John, 63
Balbenye, 35
Balh...., Mathew, 70
Bamsey, Annie, 86
Bamsey, Fred, 141
Bamsey, George, 86
Bamsey, John, 86
Bamsey, Thomas, 86
Bamsey, Willie, 86
Bancroft, Allen, 86
Bancroft, Joshua, 76, 84-5, 94
Bancroft, Leonard, 86
Bancroft, Margery, 84
Bancroft, Rhoda, 84
Bancroft, Winifred, 86
Bancroft, Winnie, 84
Baring, Margaret, 34
Baring-Gould, xi, 143
Baring-Gould, Revd, 153
Baring-Gould, Revd Sabine, 101, 145
Bartley, Mrs J, 67
Barton (Northall), 37
Basire, Johnny, 68
Baskervilles, Hound of, 34
Bate, Spence, 17
Bate, T, 115
Bates, Mr, 81
Bates, Mrs, 78, 81, 106
Beacon Cottage, 60
Beard family, 69
Beard's Garage, 141
Beard, Alice, 72
Beard, Anthony, xiii, 125, 156
Beard, Bessie, xiii, 79, 81, 106
Beard, Bill, 133. 153
Beard, Bridgett, 50
Beard, Cissie, 84
Beard, David, 140
Beard, E, 87
Beard, Earnest, 137
Beard, Ernest, 85, 140
Beard, Farmer, 70
Beard, Gwen, xiii, 66, 133, 140-1, 153
Beard, Henry, 81
Beard, Hilda, 79
Beard, James, 105, 107, 137
Beard, John, 81
Beard, Marks, 73
Beard, Miss Annie, 81
Beard, Mrs, 141
Beard, Oliver, 78, 90
Beard, Sidney, xiii, 81, 106, 122, 124-5, 137, 140, 151
Beard, Sydney, 122, 125
Beard, Tony, xiii, 97, 105, 124, 137, 145, 147
Beard, W M, 87
Beard, Wilfred, 139-141
Beard, William, 135
Beeble, Pheobe, 81
Beeson, Mark, xiii
Bell Tor, xi, xv
Bellaford, 145
Bellever, 37, 129
Bennet, William, 153
Bennett, 126
Berrywood, 45
Bethel, Rev W A, 67
Bilbie, Thomas, 59
Bittleford, 25, 37, 137, 143
Bittleford Farm, 39, 137
Bittleford (No.61,64,99), 52
Bittleford Parks, 124-5, 137, 156
Blackadon, 110
Blackaton, 37, 65, 69
Blackaton Ball Moor, 110
Blackaton bridge, 129
Blackaton Manor, 106
Blackdon (No.76), 52
Blackslade, 22-3, 25-6, 30, 34, 37, 65, 135
Blackslade Ford, 149
Blackslade Manor, xiii, 23, 69, 156
Blackslade (No.22, 73), 52
Blackwell, Dr Thomas, 27
Blagdon Pippard, 69
Blendiwell, 130
Bogan, William, 26
Bonehill, 37, 80, 134, 137
Bonehill bridge, 129
Bonehill Down, 130
Bonehill Lane, 137
Bonehill Rocks, xi, xv
Bony?, John, 73
Bourgchier, John kt, 110
Bovi Manor, 34
Bowdon bridge, 129
Bowdon Down, 130
Boyan, Justice, 70
Bradford, 88
Bray, Bill, 78, 152, 156
Bray, Harry, 156
Bray, Mrs, xi, 143
Bray, Mrs Eliza, 50
Bray, Reverend, xi
Bray, Sidney, 103, 106
Brewer, Dave, xiii, 131
Brewer, Kath, xiii
Brewer, Mary, 72
Brimacombe, Joyce, 80
Brimblecombe, Joyce, 80
Brimblecombe, Rebecca, 72
Brimley, 25
Brimpts, 36-7, 110, 122
Brimpts (No.39), 52
Brinn, Miss, 79
Broad Burrow, 17
Broadaford, 114, 153
Broadaford (No.23), 52
Bronscombe, Bishop, 35-37, 49
Brooking, John, 70
Brooking, Richard, 63
Brooklands, 67
Brooks, Elsie, 85
Broom Park, 37
Brown, 81
Brown Berry, 37
Brown, Ambrose, 152
Brown, Annie, 146
Brown, Anstice, xiii, 22
Brown, Anthony, 68
Brown, Arthur, xiii, 81, 146
Brown, Bert, 146
Brown, Betty, 152
Brown, Bill, 146
Brown, Dick, 80
Brown, Dorothy, 68, 80
Brown, Edna, 68, 80
Brown, Flora, 81
Brown, Jack, xiii, 113-115, 118
Brown, Joyce, 81
Brown, Kenneth, 81, 146
Brown, Marjorie, 146
Brown, Mrs Anstice, 23, 30
Brown, Phyllis, 68, 80
Brown, Revd, xiii
Brown, Revd John, 65
Brown, Richard John, 23
Brown, Stanley, 146
Brown, Stella, 80
Brown, Tony, 80
Browns, the, 65
Bruking, John, 70
Brusee, Henricus Magister, 46
Buckland, 129, 130
Buckland Church, 27
Buckland Manor, 34
Bulley, Revd, xiii
Bulpin's garage, 140
Bunhill, 115
Bunhill bridge, 130
Bunhill (No.43,96,97), 52
Burgess, Frank, 79
Burgess, Jack, 79
Burnard, Dorothy, 101
Burnard, Robert, 22, 101
Butler, Betty, 80
Butlin, Walter, 106
Buttland, Elener, 73
Butts Field, 143
Butts Park, 143
Butts Ware, 143
Cabell, Richard, 34
Calvanist Chapel, 65
Cambell, Mrs Caroline Elizabeth, 76
Cambridge, Harold, 79
Cannon, Sam, xi, xiii, 97, 100, 112-3, 123, 149, 155
Carew, Lady, 70
Carpenter, Hamelin, 28
Carrington, Revd, 63, 72, 75
Cater (No.12,33), 52
Catholic Chapel, 65
Catholic Chapel, Venton, 158
Cator, 37, 65, 69, 76
Cator Court, 135
Cator Down, 130
Cator's Gate, 27
Cators, 42
Caunter, 27, 92
Caunter family, 49, 69
Caunter, Annie, 86
Caunter, Arthur, 86
Caunter, Edward, 70
Caunter, Emily, 84
Caunter, Henry, xii, 27, 104
Caunter, Jessie, 86
Caunter, John, 85
Caunter, Loisa, 84
Caunter, Louie, 68
Caunter, Old Granny, 132
Caunter, Olive, 85
Caunter, Thirza, 79
Caunter, William, 155
Cave-Penny, Anthony, 61, 118
Cave-Penny, Evelyn Anthony, 60
Cave-Penny, Joan, 118
Cave-Penny, Ronnie, xi, 118
Cave-Penny, Veronica, xiii, 118
Chaffe, 69, 92
Chaffe, Thirza, xii
Challacombe, 140
Challacombe Down, 25
Chapel Field, 45, 65
Chapel Park, 65
Chapman, Ned, 149, 150
Chase, Beatrice, xi, 61, 106, 115, 132-3, 141, 148, 153, 157
Cherry, Bridget, 49
Chinkwell Tor, xi, xv
Chittleford, 26, 37, 55, 59, 110-1, 118, 156
Chittleford Farm, 17, 41
Chittleford Newtake, 149
Chittleford (No.48,67,72), 52
Chochintona Manor, 34
Chowen, Doris, 81
Chowen, John, 81, 152
Chowen, Marjorie, 81
Christian Hays (Lower Town), 65
Church House, xii, 44, 48-9, 56, 63-4, 72, 75, 106, 138, 150
Church Land Head, 140
Church Path, 44
Churchward, Cecil, 93, 114, 137
Churchway, 46, 110
Clapper bridge, 128
Cleave, 92
Cleave family, 65, 69
Cleave, Elizabath, 73
Cleave, Florence, 81
Cleave, Florrie, 85
Cleave, Harry, 85, 94, 155
Cleave, Hilda, 86
Cleave, Jack, 155
Cleave, John, 44
Cleave, Richard, 72
Cleave, Robert, 70
Cleave, Thomas, 85
Cleave, Tom, 155
Clerks bridge, 129
Cleve, 69
Cleve, Walter, 70
Coaker, John, 145
Coal, Elizabeth, 73
Cobley, Thomas, 145
Cockingford, 97, 100, 129
Cockington, 34, 97,
Cockmanford, 129
Cocks, John Somers, xiii, 42-3, 56
Coffin Stone, 60
Cole, Elizabeth, 72
Cole, Fanny, 81
Cole, Harold, 81
Cole, Mary, 81
Cole, Reg, 78
Cole, Reginald, 81
Cole, Thirza, 84
Colgate, Betty, 152
Colins, William, 73
Combe, 37, 70, 73
Combe (No.43), 52
Combe Quarter, 129-30, 132
Commin, 51
Comson, 126
Congregational Chapel, 65
Coombe, 73
Coombe Quarter, 69, 132
Cordonford, 119
Cordonford Farm, 40, 41
Corndon, 37, 97
Corndon Down, 17
Corndon Farm, 115
Corndon Tor, xi, 18-9, 126
Corndonford Farm, 41
Cornetor, 126
Cornish, Mary, 70
Corringdon, xii
Corringdon Farm, Sth Brent, 21
Courtier, Jim, 137
Courtier, Tony, 80
Courtiers, Bessie, 152
Coutances, Bishop of, 34
Creber, Mr, 156
Cresson Hays, 65
Cresswell, Beatrice F, 135
Creswell, 145
Crocker, Rev H J, 67
Cross Tree, 142-3
Crossing, William, xi, 46, 97, 104, 126
Cruze, R P, 150
Cumston, 126
Dart River, xi, xiv, 18, 27,
Dartmeet, 60, 110, 129, 131, 135, 137
Dartmeet Bridge, 132
Dartmoor Prison, 65
Davidson, 25
Davies, Taffy, 153
Daw, Cyril, 81, 152
Daw, Evelyn, 80, 81
Daw, Fred, 81
Daw, Isabel, 81
Dawe, Gordon, xiii
Daws Creameries, 124
Day Moth, 115
de Bokelonde, Master Thomas, 49
de Bokelonde, Roger, 34
de Bokelonde, W, 34
de Bokelonde, William, 34
de Cadetrew, Lano, 42-3
de Dawedunn, Will, 42
de Dawedunn, William, 42
de Faleisa, William, 34
de Glanville, Dr, 116
de Meripitt, Wills, 37
de Ollesbrom, Johes, 37
de Pomeroy, Ralph, 30-1
de Spicwyk, Thomas, 42-3
de Spineto, Girard, 34
de Spitchwick, Roger, 37
de Uppecote, Ralph, 37
Deptone, 26, 34
Derges, John, 81
Derta, water of, 110
Dertemeta, 110
Dewdon, 34, 42
Dewdon Mills, 97
Dewdon Quarter, 69, 132
Doble, John, 50
Dockwell, xii, 17, 24, 65, 113-4, 126, 137
Dockwell Farm, 26
Dockwill (No.47, 63), 52
Dolphin, 135
Dowls, 33
Dowrich, Franck, 59
Dowrick, Betty, 152
Dowrick, Frank, 152
Dowrick, Margaret, 81, 152
Drywells, xii
Drywill (No.83), 52
Dun Stone, 44
Dunn, Edward, 145, 156
Dunn, Edward (Ned), 148
Dunn, Ned, 144-146
Dunnabridge, xii, 37
Dunnabridge (No.96, 98), 52
Dunnabridge Pound Farm, 105, 107
Dunning family, 34
Dunning, John, 34
Dunning, Richard Barre, 34
Dunsterton, 49
Dunston, 116, 137
Dunstone, 25, 30, 37, 49, 65, 75, 89, 105, 124, 137, 145
Dunstone band, 58
Dunstone bridge, 129
Dunstone Chapel, xi, 65, 68
Dunstone Cottage, 44-5, 156
Dunstone Court, 31-2
Dunstone Cross, 32
Dunstone Down, 25, 44, 113
Dunstone Ford, 129
Dunstone Great, 65
Dunstone Green, 32, 44
Dunstone House, 31, 32
Dunstone Lane, 130
Dunstone Manor, xiii, 22-3, 31-4, 69, 113, 156
Dunstone Methodist Church, 67
Dunstone (No.61,64), 52
Dunstone Wesleyan Church, 66
Dury, 37
Dury (No.74), 52
Dymond, 49, 59, 65
Dymond Diaries, xi, xiii, 22, 30, 50, 56-7, 65, 76, 105, 115, 130, 135, 145, 149, 156
Dymond family, 30
Dymond, Allie, 115
Dymond, Anstice, 23
Dymond, Arthur Hingston, 22
Dymond, Caroline (Carrie), 22
Dymond, Carrie, 105
Dymond, Deaconess Josephine 'Effie', 23
Dymond, Effie, 105, 115
Dymond, Frank, 22
Dymond, Irene, 81
Dymond, Josephine (Effie), 22
Dymond, Mabel, 105
Dymond, Robert, 22-3, 50
Dymonds, the, 50, 129
Dynham, 110
Dynham's survey, 110
E Shallowford, 37
Earl of Bath, William, 126
East Shallowford, 126-7
East Shollaford (No.83), 52
East Webbern, 130
East Webburn River, xi
Easter Lane, 137
Easterbremstebeme, 110
Easterbrook, 69
Easterbrook, Harry, 85
Easterbrook, Nicholas, 70
Easterbrook, Samuel, 85
Eastern Lane, 137
Eazen Combe, 126
Edward, 29
Edwin, 30-1
Edwit, 30
Edworthy, Les, 59
Elford, John, 62
Elford, Mary, 62
Ellis, Jacob, 73
Erskine, Audrey, xiii
Estcourt, Thomas, 145
Ewen, Joyce, 68
Firth, Mary, 57
Firth, Miss, 76
Firths, the, 76
Fitch, Ted, xiii
Fitz Richard family, xii
Fitz Richard, John, 49
Fitz Richard, Sir Ralph, 49
Fitzwarren, Lord of, 110
Fleming, Andrew, xiii
Floud, Misses, 63
Floud, Mr, 63, 76
Foales Arrishes, 17, 22
Follet, Mrs, 109
Foot, Frederick, 99
Ford (Manaton), 145
Ford, George, 133, 153
Ford, Sergeant James J, 155
Forda bridge, 129
Forder Bridge, 89, 92
Forest, 129
Forest of Dartmoor, 60
Forest Quarter, 35, 69, 132
Fox Esq, Keith, 150
French family, 69
French, Alice, 84
French, Ann, 73
French, Annie, 84, 86
French, Bessie, xiii, 79, 92, 119
French, Betty, xii, xvi
French, Blanche, 84, 85
French, Catherine, 79
French, Charlie, 79, 155
French, Edith, xi, 65, 86
French, Edith Elizabeth, xii, xvi
French, Eleanor, 79
French, Eliza, 70
French, Ellen, 86
French, Emblyn, xii
French, Emmeline, 86
French, Florrie, 84, 85
French, Frederick, xii
French, George, 84
French, Gladys, 79
French, Harriet, xiiO
French, Herbert, 65
French, Herbert John, xii
French, Hermon, xi,xii,17, 20-1, 33, 37, 42, 56-8, 81, 86-7, 103, 110, 113, 116, 126-7, 139
French, James, xii, 85
French, Japser, 155
French, Jasper, xii, 86
French, John Herbert, xii, xvi
French, Kimberley, 155
French, L, 84
French, Laura, xii, 85
French, Lavinia, xii
French, Leonora (Joan), 81
French, Linda, 81
French, Mary, 84
French, Mary Jane, xii
French, Maud, 86
French, Mr, xii
French, Mr G, 44
French, Mr H (No.34), 52, 57
French, Mr (No.21), 52
French, N, 27
French, Nancy, xii, xvi, 86
French, Nicholas, 155
French, Phyllis, 80-1, 152
French, Richard, xii, 58
French, Richard Henry, xii
French, Ruth, 72-3
French, Stanley, 79
French, Susanna, 73
French, Thirza, xii, xvi
French, Thomas, xii
French, Tom, 149
French, William, xii
French, Winifred, xi, xiii
French, Wm, 129
Frenche family, 49
Frost, Thirza, 81
Fry, Rev T, 145
Fursland, Walter, 126
Gawne, Elizabeth, xiii, 97
Gay, W R, 39, 40
German, W B, 145
Germon, Francis, 80
Germon, Fred, 80
Germon, George, 80
Giffard, William, 42
Gilbert son of Lano de Cadetrew, 42
Glebe, 124
Glebe Farm, 46-7, 137
Glebe field names, 47
Glebe (No.37), 52
Glebelands, 46
Gobbet, 110
Gooch, Jean, xiii
Gooch, John, xiii
Gough, Fred, 114-5. 151
Gough, Lillian, 66
Gough, Lily, 93
Granger, Thomas, 70
Gray, Mr W G, 44
Great Cater (No.39), 52
Great Dunstone, 115
Great Dunstone Farm, 45
Greatwood, Mrs Emma Elliot, 76
Green, James, 129
Green, the, 135, 137
Greenaway, 130
Greeves, Elisabeth, xiii
Greeves, Tom, xiii, 97, 110
Grendon, 37
Grendon Bridge, 110
Grendon Down, 130
Grendon (No.65), 52
Greneway, 110
Griffiths, Debbie, xiii
Grimspound, 22, 135, 137
Griver, Pam, 68
Gt Close, 126
Hackdown, 130
Hall, Canon, 23
Hall, Kit, xi, xiii
Hall, Mr, 81
Hall, Mrs F E, 23
Halsehaage, 145
Hambleton, Joan, xiii, 80, 103, 106, 109
Hambley, Alice, 66, 86, 91
Hambley, G, xi
Hambley, George, xi, 68, 86, 89, 91, 93-5, 153
Hambley, Jessie, 93
Hambley, Julia, 68, 80
Hambley, Lily, xi, xiii, 65, 90, 92-3, 95
Hambley, Mary, 93, 137
Hambley, May, xiii, 32, 68, 80, 90-1, 93, 95-6, 109, 138, 158
Hambley, S, 114
Hambley, Stephen, 93, 114, 126
Hameldown, xi, xv, 17, 21, 25, 33, 44, 46, 56, 110-1
Hamildon, 56
Hamilton (Hameldown) Beacon, 17
Hamlin, 69
Hamlin, John, 26
Hamlyn, 92
Hamlyn family, 31, 37, 49, 69
Hamlyn, Ann, 34
Hamlyn, Bill, 78
Hamlyn, Edward, 70
Hamlyn, Elizabeth, 72-3
Hamlyn, Florrie, 85
Hamlyn, Francis, 70
Hamlyn, Francis (Frank), 31, 44
Hamlyn, Frank, 32
Hamlyn, George, 70
Hamlyn, Hugh, 34, 70
Hamlyn, James, 50, 70
Hamlyn, Joan, 69
Hamlyn, John, 59, 69, 110
Hamlyn, Marianne Margaret, xiii
Hamlyn, Marriane Margaret (Mary), 31
Hamlyn, Peter, 27, 73
Hamlyn, Richard, 110
Hamlyn, Robeart, 59
Hamlyn, Susan, 50
Hamlyn, Thomas, 72-3
Hamlyn, Walter, 70
Hamlyn, William, 34, 81
Hammets, Andrew, 69
Hanaford, 37
Haneworth, 28
Hangerwille spring, 110
Hannaford, xvi, 28, 75
Hannaford family, 28, 37, 69
Hannaford H, 115
Hannaford (No.98), 52
Hannaford, Amy, 81
Hannaford, Andrew, 69, 72-3
Hannaford, Blanche, 84
Hannaford, Charlie, 80, 81
Hannaford, David, 85
Hannaford, Deborah, xi, xiii, 74, 80, 88, 91, 96, 119, 152
Hannaford, Dick, 81
Hannaford, Doreen, 80
Hannaford, Elsie, 81
Hannaford, Flora, 80-1
Hannaford, Geoffrey, 80
Hannaford, H H, 104
Hannaford, Helen, 79
Hannaford, Herbert, 78
Hannaford, Herbert, 6
Henry, 114
Hannaford, Hubert, 81
Hannaford, Jeff, 59
Hannaford, John, xii, 26, 73, 86, 116, 119, 137, 139, 147
Hannaford, Louie, 68
Hannaford, Louis, 156
Hannaford, Louis George, 74
Hannaford, Louise, 80
Hannaford, Lydia, 80-1
Hannaford, Mabel, 84
Hannaford, Mr, 87, 103, 109
Hannaford, Mr J, 139
Hannaford, Mrs, 63
Hannaford, Peter, xi, 89
Hannaford, Reta, 81
Hannaford, Richard, 80
Hannaford, Robt, 70
Hannaford, Roger, 70
Hannaford, Rose, 81
Hannaford, Roy, 80
Hannaford, Ruth, 81
Hannaford, Samual, 34
Hannaford, Ted, 80
Hannaford, Thomas, 34
Hannaford, Vera, 81
Hannafords, the, 115, 137
Hannas Worthy, 28
Hare, Doris, 85
Hares, Aubrey, 30
Hares, Margaret, 30
Harris, Margaret, 81, 152
Harris, Sidney (Jerry), 152
Hartland, 37
Hartland Tor, 115
Harvey, Andrew, 78, 102-3, 106, 152
Harvey, Edna, 68
Harvey, Joan, 79
Harvey, L O, 103
Harvey, Louis, 87
Harvey, Louise, 106
Harvey, May, 102, 106, 109
Harvey, Mrs, 106
Harvey, Owen, 32, 106, 107
Hatchwell, 37
Hatchwill (No.30), 52
Hatchwill (No.80), 52
Hayes, Bob, xiii
Haynes, Bob, xiii
Haytor, xi, 140
Haytor quarries, 149
Hazel, Rosemary, 79
Head Weare (reservoir), 110
Headland, 115, 147
Hearn, A, 126
Heator, 126
Hedge Barton, 29
Hemery, Eric, 115
Hepburn, Mrs J P, 23
Hern, A, 115
Hern, Annie, 66, 81
Hern, Arthur, 78, 156
Hern, Edward, 81
Hern, Herbert, 81, 119
Hern, Tom, 119
Hern, W, 115
Hern, William, 156
Hess, William, xiii
Hext family, 49, 69
Hext(e) family, 37
Hext, Clara, 79
Hext, Dorothy, 84
Hext, Edith, 81
Hext, John, 27, 69-70
Hext, Mary, 93
Hext, Mr John, 59
Hext, Richard, 27
Hext, Tom, 147
Hext, Wilfred, 80-1, 93, 152
Hexta, Robert, 37
Hexworthy, 37, 60, 69, 72, 75, 110, 129
Heywood, Agnes, 79
Hicks, Peter, 145, 148
High bridge, 129
Higher Bittleford, 69
Higher Dunstone, 45
Higher Dunstone Farm, 94
Higher Sherwill Farm, 39
Higher Uppacot, 39
Hill, 92
Hill (No.48,50), 52
Hill, Bertha, 86
Hill, Bessie, 152
Hill, Mabel, 86
Hill, Master, 50
Hill, Molly, xiii
Hill, Richard, 50, 75
Hill, Roger, 50
Hill, Ron, 121
Hill, Ronald, 81
Hill, Ruby, 81
Himildon, 149
Hine, James, 49
Hine, Jim, 141, 152
Hine, Joyce, 80
Hingston, Josephine, 22-3
Hitchcock, 148
Hodge, Richard, 70
Holding, E T, 31
Holne Cleyves, 126
Holne Commons, 126
Holne Cot, 149
Holne Moor, 17
Holwell (Mannaton), 52
Honeybag Tor, xi
Honywill, Thomas, 72
Hooker, John, 143
Horsam, Mary, 73
Horsham, Pancrass, 72
Horton, Andrew, 156
Horton, Arthur, 81, 151, 153
Horton, Henry, 80
Horton, J, 115
Horton, John, 156
Horton, Joshua, 156
Horton, Nurse, 137
Horton, Phyllis, 80
Horton, Richard, 80
Horton, Stella, 80
Horton, Thirza, 81
Hr Aish, 37
Hr Torr, 37
Huccaby, xii, 20, 37, 69, 129,135, 138
Huccaby bridge, 129, 131
Huccaby Farm, 118
Huccaby (No.52), 52
Humphrey, William, 110
Hunt, Doris, 81
Hunt, Eddy, 102
Huston, 130
Hutholes, 24-6, 31, 34, 97
Hutton, Elizebath, 73
Ilford family, 62
Ipplepen, 25
Irish, Anthony, 80
Irish, Dorothy, 81
Irish, Eliz, 70
Irish, Elsie, 81
Irish, Ethel, 81
Irish, Frances, 79
Irish, Francis, 84
Irish, Jack, 81
Irish, John, 27, 78
Irish, Leonora (Joan), 81
Irish, Louisa, 81
Irish, Mary, 81
Irish, Thirza, 79, 81
Irish, Walter, 81
Isaford (No.51), 52
Iseford, 37
Jackson, Mr, 63
James, 51
Jervis, A, 150
Johnson, Jack, 105
Joll, Mr, 135
Jones, Commander, 137
Jones, Mr, 109
Jones, Mrs Georgina, 76
Jones, Revd J P, 46
Jones, Wilfred, xiii
Jordan, 25, !34, 37, 65, 69, 97, 110, 116
Jordan Farm, 137
Jordan manor, 143
Jordan Mill House, 101
Jordan Quarter, 129
Jordon, 34
Jourdan Mills, 52, 75
Jourdan (No.29), 52
Kernich, Rosa, 77
Kernick, Eliza, 93-5
Kernick, Emily, 93-5
Kernick, Ethel, 77, 93-5
Kernick, Florence, 95, 145
Kernick, L E, xi
Kernick, Lily, 77, 93-5
Kernick, Lily Edna May, 158
Kernick, Louise, 77
Kernick, Mary, 68, 77, 95
Kernick, Mr, 96
Kernick, Mrs, 65, 68, 96
Kernick, Mrs R, 67
Kernick, R, 96
Kernick, Richard, 89-90, 92-4
Kernick, Rosa, 93, 95
Kernick, Rosa Florence, 94
Kernicks, the, 145
Kiln Close, 114
Kiln Field, 114
Kimberley, 84
King, Albert, 81
King, Bert, 78
King, George, 78
King, Jim, 156
King, Lewis, 81
King, Violet, 80
Kinghead, 37
Kingshead, 131
Kingshead Farm, 46
Kingshead (No.39, 58), 52
Knight, John, 73
Lady House, 44
Lady Meadow, 44-5, 65
Lady's Path, 27
Lake, 37
Lake Farm, 108
Lake Steep, 60-1
Lake, Revd K A, 101
Lake/Hevede, 37
Lakehead Hill, 21
Lamb, Audrey, 80
Lamb, Clifford, 156
Lamb, Gerald, 59
Lane, Ann, 72
Lane, Grace, 79
Lang, Sid, 152
Langdon, 92
Langdon, Ferdinand, 85
Langdon, Jessie, xii
Langdon, Mr (No.14), 52
Langdon, William, 70, 151
Langdon, William (Bill), 151
Langdon, Wm Senr (No.67), 52
Langeworthye, Richard gent, 60
Langworthy, 37
Langworthy, Grace, 69
Langworthy, John, 49
Langworthy, Peter, 110
Langworthy, Richard, 97
Lark, xii
Laughter Tor, 21, 122
Lawrance, Susanna, 73
Lawrence, Bob, 148
Lawrence, Jack, 148
Layman, George, 73
le Rous, Master Roger, 49
le Rous, Roger, 49
le Rous, Sir Ralph, 46, 49
Leaman, 92
Leaman family, 69
Leaman, Bet, 63
Leaman, Dinah, 105-6
Leaman, Francis, 73
Leaman, George, 59, 70, 73
Leaman, James, 75
Leaman, Jane, 73, 75
Leaman, John, 69
Leaman, Joseph, 75, 129
Leaman, Mary, 63
Leaman, Sally, 75
Leaman, Thomas, 70
Leaman, William, 75
Leamon, Jane, 73
Lee, James, 154
Leghtorre, 28
Leigh Tor Farm, 28
Leightor, 37, 124
Lemon, Diana, 105
Leusdon, 23, 76, 94, 83-87
Leusdon, Town Farm, xv
Ley, 37
Leyman, 69
Leyman, Elizabeth, 72
Leyman, John, 49, 70, 72
Leyman, Thos, 72
Lideford, 35
Linchaford, 87, 102, 140
Little Cater (No.14), 52
Lizewell, 130
Lizwell, 37, 70, 114, 137
Lizwell Farm, 40, 115, 117
Lizwell Meet, 25
Lizwell (No.100,101), 52
Lloyd, Myra, 68
Lock, Ward, 55
Logator, 126
longhouse, 24, 26, 37
Longley, Katherine, xiii, 25, 34-5
Lower Aish, 69
Lower Ash (No.81), 52
Lower Cater (No.13), 52
Lower Cator, 27, 42, 128
Lower Dunstone, 31, 33, 115, 156
Lower Dunstone Farm, 32, 102, 113
Lower Dunstone (No.59), 52
Lower Natsworthy Farm, 29
Lower Stout, 130
Lower Torr, 70
Lower Torr Farm, 39
Lower Town, 27
Lower Uppacot, 143
Lowertown, 124
Lox Gate, 132
Lr Aish, 37
Lr Torr, 37
Lucky Tor, 126
Ludgate, 130
Lydford, 60
Lyswill, 60
Main, Annie, 139, 148
Main, F, 148
Man, Silester, 70
Manaton, 135
Mann, 92
Mann family, 69
Mann, Arthur, 81, 123
Mann, Farmer, 137
Mann, Gladys, xiii
Mann, John, 49
Mann, M, 115
Mann, Mary, 53
Mann, Maurice, 81
Mann, Peter, 27, 50
Mann, Silvester, 81, 132
Mann, Sylvester, xiii, 27, 50, 75, 115, 123, 151
Mann, Thirza, 84
Mann, William, 118, 120-1
Mann, Wm (No.22), 52
Manor Commons, 113
Manor Cottage, 67, 158
Manor Cottages, 107
Manor, The, 137
Mason, Mr, 70
Mason, Revd H, 145
Mason, Revd James Holman, 46, 69
May, Blanche, 85
May, John, 145
May, Thos (No.35), 52
McCrea, Andrew, xvi
McCrea, Anna, xvi
McCrea, Hilda, xvi
McCrea, Iris, xi, xiii
McCrea, Iris Marion, viii
McCrea, Miss, xi
McCrea, Mr A, xi
McCrea, Rev L, 67
McCrea, Revd L J, 44
McCrea, Revd Leonard, 145
McCrea, Revd Leonard J, 65
McCrea, Revd Leonard James, 44
McCreas of Exeter, xi
Mead, Robert, 27
Meade, Robert, 50, 126
Merripit, 75
Merripit (Lr), 37
Merripit Hill, xi
Methodish Chapel, 45
Methodist chapels, 65
Michelmore, Geoffrey, 156
Michelmore, George, 86
Michelmore, John, 86
Michelmore, Millie, 86
Middle Natsworthy Farm, 29
Middleton, Bet, 63
Mill Meadow, 110
Miller, Brian S, 139
Milward, Sibella, 50
Miners Esq , W F, 150
Miners family, 65
Miners W F , 59
Miners, Bernard, 68, 80
Miners, Bill, 45, 59, 78, 113, 137, 156
Miners, Dorothy, 45, 81
Miners, Gwendoline, 81
Miners, Joan, 68, 80
Miners, John, 68
Miners, Johnny, 80
Miners, Joyce, 68, 80
Miners, Margaret, 68, 80
Miners, Myra, 68, 80
Miners, S, 115
Miners, Sam, 113, 151
Miners, Samuel, 81
Miners, Samuel (Sam), 151
Miners, W, 115
Miners, William (Bill), 151
Minter, E Marie, 26
Moncrieff-Brown, Valerie, 152
Morley, Bob, 80
Morley, Cliff, 81
Morley, Gilbert, 80
Morley, Julia, 68, 80
Morthmore, Ned, 59
Morton, Jno German, 145
"Mr Bluejacket", 157
Mudge, Henry, 50
Muggeridge, Mr, 109
Natsworthy, 17, 25-6, 29, 34, 37, 56, 94, 131, 136, 140, 149
Natsworthy (No.32), 52
Natsworthy Manor, 69, 110, 155
New Bridge, xi, xiv
New House, 137
New Inn, xi
New Park, 63
Newbridge, 129
Newgate, 130
Newton Abbot, 94
Norrale Mills, 97
Norraway (Northway), 69
Norris, Reg, 156
Norrish, 92
Norrish family, 69
Norrish, Annie, 84, 85
Norrish, Barbara, xiii, 112, 119, 123, 133, 149, 151
Norrish, Bill, 156
Norrish, Celia, 81
Norrish, Elias, 104
Norrish, Evelyn, 79
Norrish, Florrie, 84
Norrish, Gertie, 85
Norrish, Joan (Phyllis), 79
Norrish, Leonard, 119
Norrish, Phyllis, 81
Norrish, Reg, 59
Norrish, Richard, 70
Norrish, Stan, 119, 151
Norrish, Stanley (Stan), 151
Norrish, Thirza, 84-5
Norrish, W, 114
Norrish, Walter, 81
Norrish, William, 23
Norsworthy, Grant, xiv
North Dunstone, 33
North Hall, xii, 25. 49, 57
North Rowdons, 26
Northall, 37
Northall (No.84), 52
Northmore, Edward, 153
Northmore, Ned, 59
Northmore, Simon 'Eddie', 156
Northmore, Simon (Ned), 59
Northway, 37, 69
Northway bridge, 129
Northway (No.52,71), 52
Nosworthy family, 49, 69
Nosworthy, Ambrose, 156
Nosworthy, Annie, 68
Nosworthy, Bill, 80
Nosworthy, Brian, 80-1
Nosworthy, Dennis, 81
Nosworthy, Elizabeth, 72-3
Nosworthy, Elsie, 84-5
Nosworthy, F, 150
Nosworthy, Frances Mary, 94
Nosworthy, Frank, 81
Nosworthy, George, 151
Nosworthy, Gertie, 85
Nosworthy, Henry, 151
Nosworthy, Horace, 81
Nosworthy, Jack, 155
Nosworthy, Jean, 68
Nosworthy, John, 53, 70, 92
Nosworthy, Junior, 104
Nosworthy, Linda, 81
Nosworthy, Louie, 81
Nosworthy, Louisa, 81
Nosworthy, Margaret, 80-1, 152
Nosworthy, Michael, xiii, xiv, 141
Nosworthy, Norman, 81
Nosworthy, Richard, 119
Nosworthy, Robt, 145
Nosworthy, Stella, 81
Nosworthy, Thirza, xiii, 20, 45, 77, 79
Nosworthy, Thomas, 78, 151
Nosworthy, Tom, 20, 56, 80, 152
Noteswrde, 29
Nottisworthy, 153
O'Brook bridge, 129
Old Inn, 46, 63, 137, 154
Old Walls, 137
Oldrieve, Bill, 123
Oldrieve, William, 151
Oldsbrim Down, 130
Oldsbroom, 37
Oliver, Mr, 130
Ollsbrim, xii
Ollsbrim Cross, xv
Ollsbrim Farm, 41
Opie, Dorothy, 79, 81
Opie, Jack, 156
Opie, John, 81
Opie, Mr, 32, 113
Oxenham, Blanche, 85
Oxenham, John, 157
Pain, Dora, 81
Pain, Lily, 81
Palk, Mr, 70
Palmer, Boc, 141
Palmer, Joan, 80
Palmer, Louise, 93
Palmer, Mrs J, 67
Palmer, Robert, 81
Pansforthe, 49
Papworth, Dorcas, 80-1
Papworth, Phyllis, 80-1
Parish Cottages, 44
Park Wood, 28
Parklands, xii
Parnell, Bessie, 84
Parr, Katharine, 141, 157
Parr, Olive Katharine, 61
Parr, Olive Katharine Chase, 157-8
Parrs, the, 65
Parson's Barn, 46, 49
Parsons, Dorothy, 45, 81
Partridge, Ken, 155
Partridge, Simon, 27
Pascoe, Ern, 59
Pascoe, Henry, 152
Pascoe, Herbert, 59
Pascoe, Herbert (Pickles), 59, 152
Pascoe, Phyllis, xiii, 68, 118
Pasmore, Henry, 70
Pauntesford, 97
Pearce, John, 145
Pearse, Jean, 80
Pearse, Kenneth, 80
Penn-Gaskell, Miss, 34, 59
Pepper Lane, 130
Perkins, Mr, 150
Pil Tor, xi
Piper, Jackie, 146
Pitcher, Richard, 130
Pitton, 37, 150
Pitton (No.66), 52
Pizwell, 36-7, 44, 46,131
Polwhele, 49-50, 58
Ponsworthy, 31, 37, 75, 89, 92, 94, 97-101, 103-5, 115, 124, 129-30, 132, 137, 140, 147
Ponsworthy Bridge, 131,140
Ponsworthy Farm, 41, 118
Ponsworthy forge, 91
Ponsworthy House, 117
Ponsworthy Village, 132
Poor House, 44-5
Post Office, 32, 107-8
Postbridge, 110, 115, 129, 137
Potter, Ann, 44, 63
Potter, Elizabeth, 75
Potter, John, 63, 72
Potter, Sarah, 75
Potters, 140
Pound, Revd Pearce, xiii
Pounds, 130
Poundsgate, 20, 27, 60, 65, 89, 102, 108-9, 124
Poundsgate (No.10), 52
Prew, Fred, 85
Price, M, 150
Price, Margaret, xiii
Prince Hall, 37
Princetown, 137
Prous, Christopher, 110
Prouse, 69
Prouse, Brian, 93
Prouse, Ennie, 91
Prouse, Florence, 95
Prouse, Frances Mary, 94
Prouse, Frank, 94
Prouse, Jack, xiii, 59, 65, 67, 80, 90, 94-5, 137-8, 148-153
Prouse, John, 93
Prouse, John Lock, 94
Prouse, Louis, 121, 137
Prouse, Percy, xi, 89-91, 93, 95, 138, 151
Prouse, Percy Charles, 94
Prouse, Rosa Florence, 94
Prowse, Dorothy, 93
Prowse, Ella, 86
Prowse, Ena, xi, xiii, 39, 40, 77, 93, 147, 154
Prowse, Ethel, 93, 95
Prowse, Florence, 145
Prowse, Frank, 95
Prowse, Joan, 93
Prowse, Mrs, 85
Prowse, Percy, 86, 95
Prowse, Rosa, 93, 95
Prowse, Saml, 85
Pushyll, 35
Quint, Susan, 70
Rachman, Oliver, xiii
Radcliffes, the, 137
Radford, George, xiii, xvi
Ralf, 30
Ramsey, Ethel, 84
Ramsey, Louise, 84
Reddaway, Joan, 68
Reep, Tim, 156
Rendle, John, 44
Rendle, Thos, 70
Rex bridge, 129
Reynell, Richard, 126
Reynolds, Sir Richard, 126
Richard son of Turold, 29
Riddon, 27, 37, 110
Riddon ridge, 21
Ridge, 113
Ringaston, 21
Rippon Tor, 17
Roberts, John, 110
Roberts, Mr E, 116
Robinson, Samuel, 70
Rockwill, 26
Roger, 30
Rogers, Mary, 72
Rothwell, Master, 50
Rouse, Master, 126
Rowbrook, xii, 28, 37, 126
Rowden, xii, 37
Rowden Ball, 26
Rowden, the boys, 130
Rowdon, 49, 130
Rowdon (No.46,49), 52
Rowe, Reverend, xi
Rowe, Ruth, 81
Royal Forest, 37
Ruby, Elizabeth, 72
Ruby, Ely., 73
Ruby, William, 72-3
Ruby, Wm, 73
Rugglestone, 105
Rugglestone Inn, 74, 154
Rugglestone Inn Club, xi
Runnage, 17, 36-7
Runnage Bridge, 110
Russell, John Duke of Bedford, 55
Rutner, A, 27
S Natsworthy (No.34), 52
Saltes/Salter, William, 81
Sanders, Joseph, 132
Satterley, Mr, 150
Satterley, William, 81, 151
Satterly, Margaret, 81, 152
Satterly, William, 119
Sawdye, Ted, 156
Saxon, Bill, xiii
Sayer, Lady Sylvia, xiii, xv, 101
Scagell, Henry Hals, 145
Scobator (No.76), 52
Scobel, Mr, 73
Scobetor, 115
Scobitor, 25, 34, 37, 59, 105, 153
Scott, E, 145
Scott, Walter, 88
Scree, Ann, 70
Seale, Sir Henry, 149
Sentry (sanctuary) field, 60
Sercombe (No.82), 52
Sewaton (No.105), 52
Sexton's Cottage, 63
Shallaford (No.50), 52
Shallowford, 20, 80
Sharp Tor, xi, xv
Sharpe Tor, 18
Sheepstor, 62
Sheere, Walter, 50
Shelson Ley, 17
Sherberton, 37
Sherborn bridge, 129
Sherill, 60
Sherril, 37
Sherwell, 18, 39
Sherwill, 49
Sherwill (No.35), 52
Sherwill, Thomas Hamlyn, 27
Shillingford, John, 49, 57
Shollaford bridge, 129
Shop on the Green, the, 137
Shortcross bridge, 129
Simpson family, 27
Simpson, J, 27
Simpson, Jack, xiii, 27
Sinetick?, Robt, 70
Single Burrow, 17
Skinner, Mr, 124
Smale, Gordon, 79
Smerdon family, 49, 69
Smerdon, Ann, 63
Smerdon, Elias, 69, 73
Smerdon, George, 110
Smerdon, Hugh, 70
Smerdon, Jane, 73
Smerdon, John, 70, 73, 130
Smerdon, John (No.97), 52
Smerdon, Mary, 73
Smerdon, Miss A, 44
Smerdon, Mr N, 44
Smerdon, Nicholas, 70
Smerdon, Nichs (No.18), 52
Smerdon, Richard, 70
Smerdon, Robert, 70
Smerdon, Susanna, 73
Smethaford, 110
Smithhill, 63, 108
Smooth Meadow, 63
Snow, 126
Sollick, Mr, 118
Soper, Nick, 146
Soussons plantation, 21
Soussons wall, 110
South Brent, 65
South Combe, 139
South Rowden, 26, 34
Southcombe, xii, 37, 49, 63, 74, 104, 113-6
Southcombe Diaries, xi, xiii. 89, 116, 126, 137, 145
Southcombe Farm, 119
Southcombe Villa, 63
Southcombe Villas, 102, 105, 107, 109
Southcombeford bridge, 129
Southcott, 81
Southcott, Dennis, 80
Southcott, Thomas, 34
Southway, 37, 124
Southway (No.44), 52
Spechewyke, 110
Spickwyk, Lord of, William, 28
Spitchweek Park, 34
Spitchwick, xii, 25, 28, 34, 37, 65, 135
Spitchwick House, 94
Spitchwick Manor, 21, 27, 126, 143, 155
Spitchwick (No.38), 52
Spitchwick Quarter, 69, 129, 132
Squires, Beatrice, 81
Sragg, Joe, 155
St Leonard's Chapel, 65
Stanbrook, Elisabeth, xiii, 107
Stanbrook, Mary, xiii
Stanbury, Charles, 50
Stancombe, Grace, 69
Stancombe, Wm, 70, 129
Stannon Newtake, 115
Stannon Tor, 121
Steemson, Margaret, xiii
Steep Lane, 33
Steer, Dorcas, 81
step dancing, scoot, boot, 104
Stephens, 92
Stephens, Annie, 68
Stephens, Bertha, 81
Stephens, Blanche, 84, 85
Stephens, Granny, 95
Stephens, Jessie, 81
Stephens, Mary, 72
Stevens, Mary, 73
Sticklepath, 145
Stitson, John, 72
Stockman, Henry, 27
Stockman, John, 89
Stockman, Mr, 133
Stone, 37, 136
Stone (No.9,106), 52
Stone, John, xiii
Stoneslade Tor, 110
Stook, Cathrin, 73
Storm of 1638, 49-51, 53, 143
Stout bridge, 129
Streal, 130
Struben, Mr, 27
Struben, Mr (Lord of the Manor), 155
Sweadon Lane, 132
Sweaton, 27, 37, 124
Sweaton (No.45), 52
Sweincombfoote tin works, 110
Swincombe, 110
Symons, 126
Symons, Robert, 70
Tall, Evelyn, 79
Tall, Margaret, 79
Tar Tor, 18
Tavistock Inn, 60, 106
Taylor, Dorothy, 68
Templer, George, 149
Thorn, Nathaniel, 153
Thorn, William, 75
Thorne, Roger, xiii, 65
Thorne, William, 143, 153
Three Gates, 130
Throubrok, 28
Throwleigh, 56
Tollick, John, 31, 102
Tollicks, 31, 33, 102
Tonkin, 126
Top Tor, xi
Torr, 124
Torr, Cecil, 69
Torre Abbey, 34
Tosswill, Anstice Evelyn, 23
Tosswill, Bernard Hingston, 23
Tosswill, Bertram, 22
Tosswill, Caroline Anne, 23
Tosswill, Carrie, 135
Tosswill, Dr L H, 23
Tosswill, Leonard Robert, 23
Tosswill, Louis H, 22
Tosswill, Louis Henry, 23
Tosswill, Mabel Josephine, 23
Tosswill, Maurice Julian, 23
Tosswill, Olive Muriel, 23
Tosswill, Rose Marion, 23
Town Mills, 63
Town, H, 156
Townsend family, 69
Townsend, D, 44
Townsend, Doris, 84, 85
Townsend, Granny, 67
Townsend, James, 27
Townsend, John, 27, 70, 72
Townsend, Mrs, 116
Townsend, Stephen, 69, 70
Tozer, John, 145
Tozer, Solomon, 145
Tremain, Richard, 70
Tremills, 31, 33, 118
Tremills family, 31
Tremills farmhouse, 32
Tremills, Agnes, 72, 73
Tremills, John jnr, 63
Tremills, Quintin, 72
Trollope, Anthony, 105
Tucker family, 56
Tucker, Anna, xvi
Tucker, Mrs, 80
Tucker, Squire, 56
Tucker, W V Owen, 56
Tunhill, 37, 69, 105, 156
Tunhill Farm, 40
Tunhill Rocks, xi, 30
Turner, 69
Turner, Alec, 27
Turner, Bessie, 79
Turner, F, 27
Turner, George, 86
Turner, Harry, 85
Turner, Richard, 119
Turold, 29
Two Barrows, 22
Two Burrows, 17
Uncle Tom Cobley, 144
Union Workhouse, 72
Uphill, 37, 124
Uppacot, 38, 133
Uppacott, 37
Upscot (No.58), 52
Vag Hill, 18
Vaghill, 17
Vaghill Warren, 19, 126-7
Vancouver, Charles, 75
Veale, Florrie, 85
Venton, 26, 37, 65, 75, 89, 105, 115, 124, 137, 157-8
Venton (No.62,104), 52
Venton bridge, 129
Vicarage, 46, 48, 63
Vicarage (No.53,68), 52
Vicarage House, 145
Vicarage, Throwleigh, 137
Village Green, 143
Vincent, Jack, 148
Vincent, Molly, 79
W Shallowford, 37
"Wag from Widecombe", 124, 145
Wales, Prince & Princess of, visit, 135, 138
Wallabrook, 18, 27, 97
Walna, 36
Walters, Alec, 80-1, 152
Walters, Betty, 152
Walters, Daffodil, 67, 80
Walters, Ellen, 81
Walters, Fred, 88-90, 92
Warin son of Joel, 42
Warner/Walna, 37
Warren family, 69
Warren House Inn, xi
Warren, Alice, 66, 93
Warren, Arthur, 155
Warren, Bessie, 86
Warren, Charles, 104
Warren, Cyril, 81, 93
Warren, Ernest, 86
Warren, George, 86
Warren, Harry, 120
Warren, Herbert, 86
Warren, Jack, 133
Warren, Joan, 79
Warren, John, 129
Warren, Lillian, 66
Warren, Lily, 84, 93
Warren, Louis, 86
Warren, Mr W, 96
Warren, Mrs Alice, 68
Warren, Raymond, xiii, 80-1, 148, 152, 156
Warren, Thomas, 75
Warren, Violet, xiii, 59
Warren, Wilfred, 81
Warren, William, 56, 113
Warren, Willie, 86
Watergate, 17, 58
Watergate bridge, 129
Watergate Chapel, 65-6
Wayside, 106, 108, 135
Wayside Cafe, 105, 111, 135
Wayside Post Office, 109
Webber, John L, 49, 56
Webber, Mrs, 109
Webburn, 25, 27, 33, 97, 100
Week Ford, 110
Weeks, John, 60
Wesleyan Methodists, 65
West Dart, 60, 131
West Shallowford, 27
West Webburn, 128
West Webburn River, xi
West, Mr, 155
Westwood, Colin, xiii, 89, 92
Westwood, Margaret, xiii
Wethcombe, 49
Weymouth, Geoff, xiii, 41, 45, 84, 109, 113-5, 118, 120-1
Weymouth, Marjorie, xiii, 41, 45, 84, 109, 118, 120-1
Weymouth, Pte, 153
Whisky Path, 28
Whits, John, 73
White Gate, 133, 135
White, Clifford, 79
White, Henry, 53
White, John, 34
White, John (No.66), 52
White, Leslie, 79
White, Mrs (No.9), 52
White, Sam, 70
White, Saml, 70
White, Thomas, 70
Whitehead, Rev J K, 67
Whiteway, Margaret, 68
Whortaparke, 126
Widecombe Fair, 139, 143-145
Widecombe forge, 90-2
Widecombe Hill, 135, 137
Widecombe Manor, 56
Widecombe Town, xiii
Widecombe Town Manor, 25, 49, 69
Widecombe Village, 63
Widecombe, George, 109
Wilcocks, Fred, 81
Wilcocks, John, 70
Wilcocks, Miss Mary, 78
Wilcocks, Peter, 70
Wilcocks, Pheobe, 81
Wilcocks, Ted, 80
Wilkinson, Freda, xi, xiii, 37, 149
Wilkinson, Mr J, 27
Willcocks family, 69
William I, 31
Williams, Edith, 84
Williams, Lewis, 85
Williams, Louis, 155
Williams, Mr, 50, 63
Williams, R, 27
Willow Piece, 25, 65
Willow Pieces, 44
Wills, Edward, 110
Wills, G, 150
Wills, Samuel, 76
Wills, Samuel (No.79), 52
Wind Tor, xi, 156
Windeat, Walter, 27
Windeat, Walter jnr, 27
Windget, John, 73
Windwhistle, 137
Withecombe Town, 129
Withy, Mrs, 152
Withycombe, Arthur, 8
Withycombe, Susanna, 75
Wodehay, 49
Wollocombe, Sarah, 62
Womabarrow, 56
Wood, Mrs, 116
Wood, Mrs Marion, 81
Wood, Revd, 116, 137
Wood, Revd Coloys, 81
Wood, Revd E C , 63
Wooda, 49
Woodcock bridge, 129
Wooder, xii, 26, 49, 114
Wooder (No.79), 52
Wooder Bridge, 129, 137
Woodley, James, 145
Woodley, William, 133
Woods, Albert, xiii
Woods, Iris, xi, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, 32, 39, 47, 68, 79, 81, 85, 106, 108, 118, 120, 133, 134, 136, 144-5, 147, 150, 152, 155-6, 158
Woods, Iris Marion, 44
Woods, John, xiii, 20, 134
Woods, Rollo, xiii, 58
Woodwood, rev A, 67
Wootens, 31, 33
Wooton, Revd John, 34
Worths, the, xi
Wotton, S, 97
Wrayford, Jenny, 75
Wrayford, John, 75
Wykes, Master, 50
Wyndeat, John, 49
Yar Tor, xi, 17, 126
Yar Tor Hill, 60
Zab, Pan, 127


Brian Randell, April 1999