A history of Widworthy Parish in East Devon
By Edwin Haydon O.B.E., B.A. Hons
Marwood Publications, Ford Farm, Wilmington, Honiton, Devon EX14 9JU, 154 pages
[ISBN 0 9529149 1 3]
INDEX of Personal Names,
prepared by the
Wilmington Time Team
with the kind permission of Mrs S Haydon.
Aelmer 16, 17 Alward 16, 17 Ashburton, Lord 84, 85 Bacon, John 133 Baker, Mary 70 Barlow, Thomas 78 Batten, Frederick 2 Baut, William 123 Bishop, Noah 80 Bishop, Noah, junior 83 Blakemore, John 37, 38 Board, Daniel 85 Bowerman, Andrew 42 Bowerman, James 42 Broom, Thomas 67 Bury, John 128 Carey, Bishop 128 Carter, John 38 Carter, Nicholas 42 Chichester family 2, 29, 35, 39, 57, 131 Chichester (alias Chechyster, alias Chechester), John 28, 29, 37, 39, 40, 44, 57, 123, 131, 134 Chichester, Nicholas 29, 123 Chichester, Richard 29, 31 Chichester, Thomas 125 Clagetts, Bishop 140 Clode, Peter 71 Collier, Philip 39 Collings (alias Collyns),William 42 Copp, Richard 38 Corbet, Thomas 42 de Couytenay, Hugh 28, 29 Cowde (alias Coyd), John 36 Cox, Eli 81 Cox, Joseph 87 Cox, Joshua 81 Cox, Mary 83 Cox, Reverend J.Pope 74 Cox, William 93 Coyle, Robert 128 Dare family 2 Davey, Benedictus 78, 79 Davey, Henry 68, 78 Dayman, William 39 Denbury, John 132 Deyman, John 35, 37, 139 de Dinham, Sir Robert 28 Dommett, David 71 Dommett, Joseph 82, 83 de Doneslonde, Sir Roger 121 Dunster, John 83 Dymond, James (alias Dimond) 82 Dynham, John 30 Edward, King, the Elder 118 Edwards, James 84 Elton, Edward (alias Edward Marwood-Elton) 6, 58, 61, 62, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 81, 84, 124 Elton, Henry 124 Elton, James Marwood 124, 133 Elton, William 124 Ethelbald, King of Mercia 119 Flood, George 73 Fortescue, John Inglett 67, 68 Franckline, Oliver 44 Gifford (alias Gifforde), John 36 Gifford, The Honourable Reverend John 74 Gollip, Robert 87 Gollop, June 69 Gould, Frederick 83 Gould, Thomas 66 Greenslade, James 85 Griffin, Jacob George 3 Griffin, James 69 Grover, John 33 Gye, John 36 Haydon, Thomas 38 Hongerford, Walter 28 Hore, John 36 Hoskins, William 69, 71 Hutchins, Emmanuel 84 Hutchins, Emmanuel Dommett 85 Ine, King of Wessex 118 Isack, Alice 132 Kibby, Thomas 81, 83 Kingdon, Robert 42 Laddon, James 73 Lane, James 2 Litton, Abraham 87 Lock, Nicholas 37 | Lock, Timothy 82 Locke, William 29, 30 Lucyesheghes, Richard 29 Manley, James 133 Manley, John 37 Marwood family 5, 6, 39, 123 Marwood, Benedictus 57, 58, 62, 124, 132, 133, 140 Marwood, Frances 6, 58 Marwood, James 57, 58, 130, 132 Marwood, James Thomas Benedictus 57, 60, 61, 124, 133 Marwood, Robert 53, 58, 132, 140 Marwood, Sarah 133 Marwood, Thomas 38, 39, 57, 58, 132 Marwood-Elton, Sir Edward. 2, 64 Marwood-Elton, James 124 Marwood-Elton family 2, 3, 5, 6, 61, 124 Mayne, John 57 de Moilis, Alice 29 atte More, John 29 Mules family 2 Mutter, James 78 Newbery, James 72, 73 de Northcote, John 121 Oliver 16, 18 Palmer, Bartholomew 123 Parris, Robert 87 Parris, Thomas 73 Parris, William 83 Partridge, John 72 Pavey, Augustus 61, 71 Pearce (alias Pearse), James 42 Pellers, William 86 Pestour, Richard 121 Peters, John 80 Philpotts, Bishop 129 Pike, John 86 Pippett, William Humphrey 77, 79, 81 de la Pole, Sir William 42 Polwhele 45 Prideaux, Sir Edmund 61, 72, 73 Prouz, Sir William 28, 122 Purchase, Richard 36 Raddon, Hugo 79 Raddon, James 86 Rapgent (alias Rapient), Thomas 36 Reed, Robert 57, 134 Repton, George S. 62 Richard 16, 18 Rouw, Peter, the Younger 133 Scovern, Elias 78 Sealy, Samuel 57 Sealy, Sarah 57 atte Slade, John 29 Slade, Roger 123 Smith, Robert 77 Smyth, William 38 Snell family 2 Somaster, James 132 Somaster, Reverend Joseph 58, 129, 134, 140 Southcott, Lady 44 Stephen, King 5 Stocker, James 82 Stocker, Joan 42 Stocker, John 22, 37, 39 Theobald son of Berner 16, 18 Thomas, Honor 44 Thomas, John 38, 39 Thomas, William 80, 86 Tokke, Richard 30, 33 Tucker, Reverend Alfred Marwood 124 Tucker, Reverend John 133 Tucker, Reverend William John 45, 56, 126, 128, 134 Tucker, Reverend William Marwood 61, 73 Warry, George 57 Warry, John 57 Webber, Henry 123 White, James 133 White, Thomas 133 William, King 15 de Widworthy, Sir Hugh 28 de Widewurth, Sir William 27 William the Usher (hostiarius) 16,18 Wodeforde, John 121 de Wodeforde, Richarde 121 Wotton, John 131 Wulfin 16, 17 Wykes family 30 Yeatman, Reverend Harry Farr 61 Yonge family 131, 132 |