An Index to the Calendar of the Deeds Enrolled Within the County of Devon in pursuance of the Statute, 27 Henry VIII, 1536-1673
Compiled by John C Tingey, M.A., F.S.A., 1930.
Transcribed by Debbie Kennett
The Tingey volumes of Devon deeds are held at the Devon Record Office in Exeter. Copies are also held at the West Country Studies Library. They consist of typewritten transcripts of enrolled deeds. Deeds relating to land transactions from all over England were 'enrolled' (i.e. copied into a Roll) under a law introduced by Henry the Eighth in the 27th year of his reign (hence the words in the volume title above). They were enrolled centrally either in one of the King's Courts at Westminster in London, or at County level. Enrolment involved copying the contents of the deed into a Roll before the Master of the Rolls, at Westminster, London, or else (if copied out locally in Devon) before two Justices of the Peace for the County, and the Clerk of Peace for the County. The original enrolled deeds are on long rolls (parchment membranes rolled up) in the Devon County Quarter Sessions records at the Devon Record Office. Some particular types of deeds (fines and recoveries) recording land transactions were only enrolled at Westminster and these rolls are held in the National Archives. Some types of land transactions (conveyance by lease and release) were not enrolled at all. It should be remembered that the enrolled deeds are copies of the originals. The clerks who did the copying did not necessarily recognise all of the personal names and place names, so these could sometimes be wrongly interpreted and thus mis-spelt or wrongly copied out into the rolls.
Membranes 165-167 Deed 1891
2 October, 14 Chas. I. 1638
WINKLEIGH &c. - Bargain and sale by George Broughton of Studley, gentleman, George his son and heir apparent, and John Giffard of Brightley, esq. to Thomas Lethbridge of Jacobstowe, gentleman, of the barton and mannor and the borough and hundred of Winckleigh Keynes with the members and all messuages, mylles, houses, barnes, stables, dovehouses, orchards, lands, pasturs, woods, moores, marishes, commons, waters, fishings, rents, reversions, services, court leetes, veiwes of franck pledge, wayfs, strayers, free warrens, goods of felons, of fugitives and outlawes, fee farmes, knights fees, wards, escheats, releifes, fynes etc. in the feilds, parishes etc. of Winckleigh, alias Winckley Tracy, alias Winckleigh Keynes, Colrudge, Nymett Rowland, Brushford, Monkenzeale, alias Zeale Monachorum, Lapford and Bundleigh or elsewhere in Devon belonging to the mannor etc. and the reversion, the high rents, suittes (and) services of the free tenants mentioned in a schedule annexed, and all proffits reserved upon leases; Excepting a mesuage or tenement called Collacott in the tenure of James Hernaman, gentleman, sold to George Bicley. Subject to a lease for yeares determinable upon the deaths of three persons, made by George sen. and Hugh Broughton his father deceased to John Giffard, esq. deceased, grandfather of the said John, dated 28 June, 18 Jas. (1620).
Giffard will discharge the premises of all incumbrances suffered by him or his grandfather, or by his brother George Giffard, and the title shall be delivered at the barton house of Winckleigh.
The Schedule
THE HIGH RENTS:- The Yearely Rentes of: 3s.10d. out of Rich Marshe neere Towbridge; 4s.3d. out of Higher Penson in the tenure of James Hernaman, gentleman; 4s.3d. out of The Other Penson in the tenure of Mr. Bartholomewe Gidley; 7s.1d. out of Nether Penson, alias Luxton, in the tenure of Scipio Heywood; 2s.6d. out of twoe (sic) in the tenure of Mr. Bartholomew Gidley and Daniel Heywood; 8s out of East Brandsgrove in the tenure of Samuel Luxton; 5s. out of Mr. Slade his land in Aishley lately purchased by him; 5s out of Saro Barne there in the tenure of Edward Bartlett; 2s. out of Wistland in the tenure of Dennys Rolle. esq. and Hannibal Cruse; 6d. out of Mr. Rolls his land in Aishly; 3s. out of Lord Chechester's land in the tenure of Mr. Scipio Luxton; 2s. out of lands in the tenure of Mr. Scipio Luxton late Mr. Sweets; 3s. 7d.out of halfe of Meresland in the tenure of the said Mr. Luxton; 3s 7d. from the other part of Meeresland in the tenure of [? ] of Towton; one pound of commyn seed out of the same Meeresland in their tenure (sic); 3s. out of Mr. Scipio's house and tenement in towne; 8s. 4d. out of Bishopsland in the tenure of Mr. Gidley and others (repeated); 2s.4d. out of Westcotts land in the tenure of Mr. Bartholomewe Gidley;6d. out of Kingfords House in the tenure of Mr. Scipio Luxton; 6d. out of Mr. Culme's land in the tenure of Mr. Bartholomewe Gidley; 1s.6d. out of Meere Will in the tenure of Richard Bowdon; 6d from the heirs of Hugh Marten for a burgage in Winckleigh Towne; 4s.1d. out of lands and tenements in mannor and borough in the tenure of Thomas Jeffry; 3s. 4d. out of Bowers Lands and part of Indicotts Land in the tenure of Barnard Luxton; 10 1/2d. out of Buckinghams Land, [?] Tucker lately purchased it; 6d. out of a house neere the South Church Style in Winckleigh being the lands of [?] Potter; 5d. out of a burgage in the tenure of John Belled; 6d. for (sic) the heirs of Humfry Letheryn for an Inne House by the North Church Stile; 6d. for The Wester Church House; 1s.6d. for the lands and burgages of Thomas Callard, esq. now Mr. Barbyes; 5s. out of divers lands in the borough and hundred of Winckleigh in the tenure of Mr. John Lethoron; 4d. out of a burgage in the tenure of [?] Brocke; 4d. out of a house in the middle of the street; 1s. 4d. out of Goodly Downe, sometyme the lands of Christofer Stuckley, gentleman, in the tenure of Barnard Luxton sen.
INDENTURES OF LEASES:- One dated 1 January, 11 Jas. (1614), made by the said George Broughton sen. to Barnard, son of Phillip Luxton of land called The Corner Close in Winckleigh for ninety nine yeares, if Barnard lyve so long, upon which all trees of oke, aishe and elme are excepted and the yearely rent of 2s.4d. is reserved, and for an heriott 20s. and suite of court.
Another dated 1 May, 12 Jas. (1614), made by the same to John Reynell of a messuage and tenement, twoe gardens, a parcell of ground called Bilhooks and twoe closes of land, meadowe and pasture called The Furse Closes there for ninety nine yeares, if John and Grace his wife or Mary their daughter lyve so long, under the yearely rent of 6s.8d. 10s. for a heriott, and suit of court.
Another dated 2 September, 32 Eliz. (1590), made by Hugh Broughton to John Tanner, alias Martymer, and Anne his wife and Agnes their daughter of a tenement called Keynesland for their lives, whereon is reserved the yearely rent of 28s.4d. and five pound of good wax and a capon, and for the heriott their best beast or 40s.
Another dated 20 [?] August, 7 Chas. (1631), made by the said John Giffard and George Broughton sen. to Arther Broughton, George's son, of the last and of all meadowes and feildes thereto belonging - all okes and aishes excepted - for ninety nine yeares, if Arther and Johane Broughton his sister lyve so long, under the like rents etc. To begin after the determination of the estate of John Tanner since deceased and of Anne and Agnes yet tenants (sic) thereof.
Another dated 28 June, 18 Jas. (1620), made by the said George and Hugh Broughton his father to John Giffard, esq. grandfather of the said John, of the capitall mesuage, barton and demeasnes of Winckleigh Keynes for ninety nine yeares, if Arthur Lewes or Thomas Giffard, grandchildren of the said John Giffard deceased, live so long.
Enrolment 22 March, 1639
The transcriber wishes to thank Elizabeth Glover Howard who kindly provided photocopies of the pages to enable this transcription to be prepared.